Su Yu was still denying himself over and over again in his heart, he still had no way to ignite his confidence, ignite that exhausted heart, and he acted like he was passing by.

His behavior gave Mr. System, who was worried that he had mental problems, some headaches. Su Yu hadn't slept well these days, often waking up from his dreams, and then couldn't sleep anymore.

In addition, Zhang Rui had a high fever for the past few days, and Su Yu was busy taking care of him, giving him medicine and so on, so he didn't have much time to rest.

During this period, the news came out again on TV, and it was found out that Zhang Rui's father had indeed killed someone, and the court had sent him to death, which was to be executed immediately.

Zhang Rui's father died, which was expected by Su Yu but also unexpected.

When Liu Yang heard the news, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and then it quickly turned into something else.

Two days later, Ching Ming Festival.

There are many rains in the Qingming season, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls.

This Ching Ming Festival, the sky has been gloomy for a long time, and it is raining lightly. The passers-by on the road have no laughter, only bursts of sadness. Everyone is wearing black clothes, and they come to the cemetery to mourn and miss their former family members .

Liu Yang was also wearing a black dress, standing at the door of his house, looking at Su Yu's house all the time, but no one came out of Su Yu's house.

Liu Yang stood for a while, as if he had thought of something, then a smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, and he opened the door and entered the room.

After three days of rest, they finally returned to this school and the battlefield again, but today, it seemed a little different.

They still came to the school at 8:00 in the morning as usual, but when they entered the school gate, there was no one in the campus playground.

The students who walked into the campus every day, as well as those who played on the basketball court and those who ran, but today, no one seemed to have left the classroom. The entire playground was empty and eerily quiet.

The whole school was also empty, which made them frown a little. The whole school became very depressing, and today's weather was also cloudy, and it was drowsy outside. They walked into the teaching building, and each class None were noisy.Some classes listen carefully and can still hear faint crying.

"What's the matter?"

one of the students asked.

"I don't know. It's like this in the morning, and there's no one outside today. It's so strange."

Another classmate answered.

"Yes, yes, I also found out, and all the teachers and students are staying together today, but why are they crying? Isn't Qingming Festival already over?"

Everyone in Class A of the second year of high school was thinking about this incident, and Su Yu also felt that this incident was unusual, so he couldn't help frowning.

Su Yu thought of a possibility, but he didn't dare to think about it. He had to wait for everything, and everything would be known when the mysterious man spoke.

When Liu Yang came to the classroom, he also noticed the strange atmosphere in the school. He couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and glanced at the red envelope group on the mobile phone. Hundreds of people appeared in the group again. Liu Yang thought of something and revealed it again. a smile.

"Hello, students, how have you been these three days? Have you played to your heart's content? Today, we finally ushered in the long-awaited game."

"This is the end of all games, the end of all games, the end of all games. I call him the ultimate test. I believe that as long as you listen to this game, you will find it very interesting."

"However, before that, I want to tell everyone that this game is different from the previous ones. There is no way. The students in your class have let me down so much. All the things you have done have made me feel Disappointed with you."

"I was the most optimistic about you, but there are only a few left in your class, and there is no way to bring me a little interest, so I decided to have a carnival for the whole school."

""This time it's not just your class, other classes.I will also join this game, are you happy? This can be regarded as a small punishment for your class. Aren’t you going to stop this, so I will give it to you now hahahahaha! "

"It's so interesting, this is really very interesting, since this is the last game, so I want to tell you a news, a terrible news, only one of you can live, and this time My game is called, Death Rumble."

"In a while, I will set up an enchantment in the whole school. Don't worry, there will be no other people joining in, it will only be you. What you do is just kill other people to ensure your own survival. Class A of the second year of high school Classmates, you have gone through so many trials, I believe that you should have become very powerful, and I believe that you will survive to the end."

"Okay, it's useless to say more, then, the game will officially start, remember you only have one day."

After the mysterious man finished speaking, the bell of the whole school rang, as if it was counting down, and then there was a pain and scream outside Class [-], Grade [-], fleeing and chasing, everything outside was chaotic, there were screams , there was crying.

At this time, the outside is no longer just a school, it is simply hell, a hell full of evil spirits.

After hearing the voice, the students in class one of the second year of high school lay down in front of their windows and looked at the playground downstairs. Some students were crying and cutting at their former classmates. Blood, everyone held the murder weapon in their hands, and each of them watched the person they liked or hated the most waved the knife in their hands towards them.

"Hahahahaha, I already knew you were having an affair with her, you scumbag, you're still lying to me, you've been lying to me all this time."

A girl with short hair laughed maniacally while crying, and then stabbed the pen in the opposite man's heart fiercely. The man died with his eyes wide open, and after the girl killed the boy opposite, He rushed to the next one.

Crazy, crazy, all this is crazy, there is chaos outside, their bodies are covered with blood, they are simply evil spirits, but their class is indifferent.

Suddenly, a boy who looked out of the window suddenly seemed to see something frightening, with his eyes wide open, he desperately wanted to move his body back from the window, but he seemed to be caught by something. , was quickly dragged downstairs by something, and fell on the playground.

The boy's scream attracted the attention of the entire Class A of the second year of high school. When they were surprised, a bloody thing slowly climbed up the floor.

His limbs have been smashed to pieces, and there is still blood on his face. He hideously, little by little, climbed upstairs with his crippled limbs. Finally, he climbed on the window. He was wearing an old-fashioned school uniform. , smiling ferociously at them.

The students were terrified by this scene, and quickly hid in the corner, but then they seemed to think of something, one by one, they lined up and looked at each other vigilantly.

However, this is far from enough.

Soon, the man who jumped from the building was like a signal, and his appearance also attracted other people, no, a ghost.

In the middle of the classroom, a girl appeared. The girl's head was scattered in a corner of the class, and her body was also in a very strange state. Suddenly, the corpse moved.

There was a crackling sound, the sound of bones, and the girl stood up in an extremely weird but difficult posture.

Afterwards, she twisted her body, found his head under a desk not far away, and pressed it on, but it was obvious that she put it upside down. She didn't put her head on her front, but put it on to the back.

After the students saw the girl's face clearly, everyone shouted:
"It's Zhou Yue, Zhou Yue, she, isn't she dead? Why, why does she still appear here? It's unscientific. What's going on here?"

Immediately afterwards, not far from Zhouyue, another person appeared on the podium. The man was covered in blood, and his body was stabbed several times. At this time, his blood was still flowing out, and the blood flowed from the podium. Continuously flowing to the white ground, the blood is so red.

"Lin Kai, why is Lin Kai here? What's going on? Why did they show up, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, crazy, crazy, everything is crazy."

The appearance of these three people is a bad omen.

Just when they were wondering, their mobile phones rang again.

"Students, surprise, do you like the gift I prepared for you? As I said, this is a game for everyone in the school."

"So, this is a game for everyone, not just for living people. Otherwise, it would be so boring. Look at your former classmates and good friends. Are you excited to see them again? Remember, don't get too excited, after all, the purpose of their resurrection is to kill you, come on!"

Just as the mysterious man finished speaking, suddenly those dead classmates started to move, and they rushed towards them desperately, like zombies.

However, the actions of these people are very slow, and the current Senior Second Class A is no longer the previous Senior Second Class A. After all, they have experienced many death games, and they have grown a lot compared to other students. After a calm analysis, they decided that it was not acceptable to be in the class, and they had to run out.

Seeing this scene, Su Yu didn't know why, his body didn't want to move, he just wanted to die under the hands of these things, and then quietly returned to his reality, and continued to do the ridiculous things in his novels. supporting role.

He didn't want to stay here at all, not even for a moment, he really had enough, so he didn't want to resist, but he seemed to forget that if he failed again this time, then what was waiting for him would be eternal death.

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