
The mobile phones of everyone around them rang. Su Yu unlocked the mobile phone, clicked on the message bar of the WeChat group, and found that it was a message sent by a mysterious person.

"You children, you are really not good. I told you clearly, don't try to find the truth. Why do you have to be so bad? This time, I just give you a little warning. If you , The next time you are still trying to find or find my clues, then the price will be far more than this."

"Please remember, if I want you to disappear in this world, I don't even need to move my fingers, you will disappear in this world, and no one will notice your disappearance."

"So, don't be smart and think that I can't notice anything, please remember, I've been watching you all the time, no matter where you go, no matter where you are, I will know everything you do, So, don't hide anything from me, play your game well, understand, as long as you are obedient, naturally there will be nothing else."

Obviously, this sentence is a warning to Su Yu and the others. He is warning them not to try to find out who he is, otherwise, what happens next will be unpredictable for everyone.

"Is he already this rampant now?"

One of the boys said.

"emmmmm, he seems to have always been so rampant."

Another child's answer brought the atmosphere into a stalemate for a while.

Su Yu was silent, he let out a long sigh and said:
"It's all my fault. I didn't expect his current power to affect the world outside the school. I thought, with his speed, it wouldn't be so fast, but I didn't expect, hey, after all I killed Zhang Rui's parents, it was me, I was too underestimating the enemy, too self-righteous."

After going through this incident, Su Yu's confidence dropped for a while. He actually didn't want to care about them at all. He didn't want to pay attention to everything in this world, and he didn't want to have anything to do with it. He felt a sense of abandonment, although he didn't want to admit it. , but it is true.

Because, he felt that this game seemed to have no chance of winning. Their victory was in the foreseeable future. The chance of winning was already in the hands of the mysterious person, and they were powerless.

"But that's not what you said before. You said before that you would protect us."

"Yes, are you just giving up like this? Don't you want to struggle again?"

"Should we just be his pets and keep playing his so-called games to keep him entertained?"

The words of the classmates kept echoing in Su Yu's ears, which made Su Yu a little upset. This time, he no longer wanted to listen to their words. This time, he really didn't seem to have much confidence. The opponent was too strong, and he With his strength, there is always no way to compare him.

What happened this time destroyed all his self-confidence, and pushed his spirit to the cusp of the storm. It turned out that everything they did, they thought they could hide the mystery from that mysterious person, but in the end it was nothing more than It's just doing things under the nose of others.

They are like a jumping clown, playing around in front of them ridiculously, because he doesn't know, but he knows everything, from the beginning, the boss of the real estate company to Zhang Rui's mother to Zhang Rui's father Going to prison, all of this is just a warning he gave them. This is really ridiculous. I thought I could be the savior, but I was completely capsized in this world.

"I'm sorry, I'm useless, but this time, I really don't know what to do. I'm really sorry."

Su Yu's voice was choked with sobs. He looked at those children, and saw that their originally bright eyes gradually dimmed. He was a little sad. He wanted their eyes to be filled with light, but there was really nothing he could do. They bowed one by one and said this sentence with tears in their eyes.

"I don't believe it. You have been doing very well. You protected us from the beginning. I don't believe you will give up."

"Yeah, yeah, we don't believe it either, why did we do so much, why did it happen like this."

"Please keep going, even if it's just for yourself, for us to go out alive, for this school, for other classes, for the outside world, please keep working hard, please!"

The students don't want Su Yu to give up, they want him to muster up the courage to continue to find the truth, even if there are many difficulties in the process, even if they will die on this road, they don't want to give up, after all, the current situation is not only It is about the life and death of their class, but it is about the life and death of the whole school and even the whole world.

Of course Su Yu knew that if he didn't resist, this world would fall. After all, this was the second time he had entered this world.

Su Yu wanted to cheer up, but he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, which made him sink unconsciously. He was really tired, and after all his efforts, he was easily seen through.

And his self-conceived perfect plan caused Zhang Rui's parents to die, and those who went to jail, and caused other students to die in the checkpoints one after another. He was useless. He thought he could, but it was ridiculous. Unfortunately, this is just what he thought.

"When you were faced with my choice, what did you do?"

Su Yu was in a trance, and fell into a hallucination again. When he opened his eyes, he saw a dark place on all sides in front of him. There was a puddle of water under his feet, like a river extending to the entire space.

There was a person standing in the distance, that was another self, he smiled and watched Su Yu's arrival.

"You have appeared, I really don't know what to do now, all the efforts I have made are just a very ridiculous and useless move, and it has caused others to sacrifice their lives for it, I really can't, I have already I tried my best, but I don’t know why things always go in a bad direction, maybe I’m really not suitable to be a savior.”

Su Yu looked at himself in front of him and broke down crying. These words, these words that he could not usually say to Mr. System, at this moment, he said all to the other self in his heart.

The other Su Yu didn't say anything after hearing what he said, but walked up to him, gave him a hug and said:
"Please give yourself confidence, please, believe in yourself, I believe you will make a choice, and, I believe you will do better than me, and you will not suddenly wake up when you come to my step, please give How about a little confidence and time for yourself?"

The other Su Yu said softly, he hugged Su Yu and patted his head while talking.

"But, there is no time, and I'm really tired. I don't understand why I have made myself into the current situation. Obviously, they have nothing to do with me. Obviously, all of this has nothing to do with me. I have nothing to do with it, why should I do this?"

Su Yu spoke frantically, as if he was yelling at others and at the same time he seemed to be talking about himself.

"This, isn't this for yourself, remember, when you were a child, you always wanted to protect others when you were in the orphanage, and you wanted to be a hero, because you were the one who was always protected, remember her ?"


Su Yu said the word, and he seemed to remember something in a trance.

"Yeah, don't you always want to be the most grateful person, now. It's not like this. When you were young, you were weak and were always called the target of bullying. Sometimes you couldn't even eat enough. It was my sister who saved you."

"Every time you are robbed of food by others and you are hungry, she always takes out her own share. When you are beaten by others, she always stands very strong in front of you and takes care of you. Being beaten, she is obviously so thin. But she is working hard to protect the weak you."

"In the end, in order for you to go to a university, she married someone else. Although it hurt you for that man in the end, this does not deny everything she did for us."

"People who are born strong will involuntarily protect weak people, whether they are men or women, do you think that Ultraman still wants to protect human beings, although they have also been questioned by human beings in the process, but they I never doubted myself."

"So, please have the courage. In this world, you are the only one who can lead them out of this cycle. If you fail again this time, they will have no chance again, and this world, too. will fall into eternal darkness and evil."

"At that time, this world will be full of all kinds of evil spirits. They will brutally kill the original human beings. Will you let them do this?"

The other Su Yu spoke word by word, and every word he said deeply pierced Su Yu's heart.

"But, but can I really do it? I obviously, I obviously can't do anything. I have always been useless. I was useless when I was a child. I will be protected when I grow up. I thought I could protect her, but , but she hurt me because of that man, in fact, I don't hate her, and then I met Mr. System, he always protects me."

"Sometimes, I really feel that I am very lucky. Without her, I might not even be able to survive in the orphanage. If there is no System Lord when I grow up, I might have died in the daily mission."

"I've always been a drag on others. If it wasn't for me, Mr. System would have been promoted and raised a long time ago, and it wouldn't be possible for me to hang out with me now."

"Besides, because of my arrogance and incompetence, I killed so many people. They should trust me a lot. They completely trusted me to protect them before they died. Died one by one in front of me, but I can't do anything, this feeling is too painful, I really don't want to bear it anymore."

Su Yu's words became more and more pessimistic. This time, he seemed to really give up.

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