Gazing at the young man in front of him who exuded an aura of calmness and prestige, Qi Chen was full of doubts.All large-scale business groups, no matter what kind of enterprise, will generate a ranking list based on the strength of the group once they become bigger.The highest corporate strength is the top [-] companies, which are Qi's, Mo's, Ding's, and Lu's.The lowest is the top [-], and Lu's did not attend the reception today, so the biggest remaining ranks are only myself, Weiwei and Ding's mother and daughter.But the man in front of him was not afraid of his identity and status at all. To be precise, he didn't take it seriously at all.Any group that has entered the top [-] is considered to have a deep status.Now he has caused the upper management of the top [-] companies to be afraid. Could it be that there is a group higher than the top [-]?But why had he never heard of this person?
(Do not.)
Soon Qi Chen denied his conjecture just now. As far as he knows, the ranking list of enterprise groups is the only criterion for determining the status of major business people.And the limitation of this standard is that there are only three levels of one, two, and five, and there will never be a number greater than one.Then, the only possibility is that the strength and identity of the mysterious man in front of him is definitely not on the business side, but a greater authority besides business!

Qi Chen waited quietly, the strength of this man should not be underestimated. 
Mo Liangwei doesn't like to study business mysteries very much, and only knows a little bit about them.She guessed that the strength of the man might also be one of the top [-], but it was a little higher.

Thinking back to what the man said to her about his skill, Mo Liangwei was puzzled.


Although Cheng Tezhu was dissatisfied with Shangmo Liangwei's eye signal, he still looked at her.

(Why?) There was doubt in his eyes.

"What did your boss say just now that you have good skills?"

She raised her hand to cover her mouth, tilted her head and lowered her voice as much as possible.

"Praise you. Are you satisfied?"

When Cheng Tezhu rolled her eyes, she stared back not to be outdone.A row of teeth marks on Assistant Cheng's arm caught her attention.

"Hey, your teeth prints are quite individual, but they are a little small."

"But it's quite realistic. If you didn't know it, you really thought you were bitten."

No matter how much Mo Liangwei looked at it, she couldn't find any flaws in this tattoo.

Caressing his arm and staring at Mo Liangwei in a strange manner, Cheng Tezhu's eyes became more and more resentful.

"Hey, can you tell me which tattoo shop it is?"

The sincere gaze appeared in Mo Liangwei's eyes, this skill is really good, she thought to herself that one day she would also get tattoos.


Qi Chen, who had heard the exchange between the two clearly, buried his head and couldn't help sniggering. Two beams of cold light shot straight at him, and he immediately regained his composure.

"I should ask you this!"

Seeing Cheng Tezhu's bulging cheeks, Mo Liangwei frowned and pouted.

"Oh, the little assistant is so angry."

Mo Liangwei's unexpected Shanghai accent made Qi Chen, who had managed to hold back his laughter, uncontrollable, and when he smiled, his white teeth were exposed between his thin lips.

Looking at Qi Chen who was laughing so much that his eyes were almost gone, Mo Liangwei gave him a sharp look like a knife, this guy must know something.

The golden high-heeled shoes stepped on the toes of the shiny black leather shoes: "What are you laughing at! You're brainless!"

Xue Siyuan stared at Gu Hancheng's thin lips that could not help but look at Mo Liangwei with meaningful eyes.

As the reception drew to a close, Mo Liangwei thought it was time to go home.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

After greeting Qi Chen, Mo Liangwei got up and went downstairs.

The venue of this guild hall is too large, and after looking around for a week, I didn't see the sign of the restroom.A waitress just happened to pass by with a fruit plate.

"Waiter, where is the restroom?"

"Go straight ahead and turn left."

Mo Liangwei, who thanked her, walked in the direction pointed by the waiter.After walking for a while, I saw the sign for the restroom in front of me.

She was facing straight ahead, her eyes pretended to inadvertently cast a glance to the lower right where there was a slight movement just now, a chill flashed in her transparent and clear Danfeng eyes.

Mo Liangwei hastened her pace on purpose, and the sound of her high-heeled shoes became clearer and quicker in the quiet aisle.She walked into the corner of the bathroom very quickly, and in the next second her figure sprang out quickly, holding the waiter following her against the corner with her left hand, and pinching a vital acupuncture point between the waiter's neck with her right hand.

"Follow me what to do?"

Mo Liangwei's sharp eyes locked on the waitress who was pointing the way just now, her words were full of coldness, as long as she exerted a little force on her hand, the waitress would be killed immediately.

"I just wanted to remind you that something was dropped"

Mo Liangwei stared suspiciously at the timid waitress, and glanced at her outstretched palm, which was indeed a plush mobile phone ornament that she had dropped at some point.But she always felt that something was wrong.

"No, throw it away."

For safety's sake, Mo Liangwei didn't reach out to take it.The backhand directly knocked off the waitress's hand in front of her face, and the plush pendant fell to the white floor.

"Feel sorry."

Mo Liangwei looked at the waitress who was timidly walking away, and relaxed her vigilance. She wondered if she was too sensitive. Suddenly, she felt that her strength was weakening, and the words "toilet" on the green sign began to change. It's blurry.

(Not good! Ornaments!)
It was only then that Mo Liangwei realized that she had been tricked, and the pendant was sprayed with fragrance!Reason told her to call Qi Chen.Quickly took out the mobile phone from her bag, her vision became more and more blurred, she shook her head feebly, trying to stay awake, but she couldn't see the screen of the mobile phone clearly.Weakly staggering back to the walk, feeling light all over, staggered a few steps and leaned against the wall and collapsed on the ground.She vaguely saw a figure walking towards her, the fragrance in the air was a little stronger, and the mobile phone dropped on the ground was picked up by someone, and her eyes fell into darkness...

After waiting for more than ten minutes and not seeing Mo Liangwei come back, Qi Chen began to feel uneasy.Seeing him running quickly towards the bathroom, Gu Hancheng's black and golden icy eyes flashed a sharpness that was fleeting.

Picking up the pink pendant on the aisle, Qi Chen strode anxiously towards the women's bathroom.

"Sir, this is the women's bathroom, you can't go in."

"Step aside!"

Shaking off the cleaning staff who stopped his hand, Qi Chen was furious and searched every bathroom, but he still didn't see Mo Liangwei.Realizing that something had happened to Mo Liangwei, he grabbed one of the cleaning staff's arms and questioned loudly.

"What about people!"

"I...I don't know..."

Frightened by Qi Chen's anger, the cleaner trembled.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off, please try again later. Sorry, The subscriber..."

"Sorry, you..."

The shutdown reminder on the phone made him even more anxious, and he looked down at the time on the watch, which indicated past ten o'clock.

(Ten minutes have passed, it is impossible for those people to leave the hall so quickly in such a short time) He strode out of the bathroom anxiously.

Ding Yawen's gentle voice sounded again in the hall.

"Time flies so fast. Our reception will be over in a blink of an eye. Thank you very much for coming to our reception. There must be many people who have heard of it. The little girl Xue Siyuan and Mr. Gu Hancheng are currently dating. Here, I, Ding, want to tell everyone a piece of good news."

Ding Yawen's sly eyes lit up.

"The good news is that our Mr. Gu Hancheng and our daughter will hold an engagement ceremony next month!"

Hundreds of guests in the guild hall were dumbfounded, and discussions arose in an uproar.


"President Gu and Miss Xue are getting engaged?!"

"I heard that the two are in a relationship, but I didn't expect to decide on a lifelong event so soon. Is this true?!"


At the same time, not only these guests were shocked, but Special Assistant Cheng was no exception.

"Boss, are you getting engaged?!"

Covering his mouth to prevent him from exclaiming, Special Assistant Cheng had a look of disbelief.The boss didn't mention such a big thing.

The man didn't answer, he stood up and turned to look at Xue Siyuan who was smiling at the guests.The icy eyes, as black as a deep pool, repel people for thousands of miles, and there is a cold light in the corner of the eyes, as sharp as a dagger.Obviously, Gu Hancheng himself just found out that he was engaged.

"I thought you knew."

Facing the ruthless eyes of the man who watched the eagle and looked at the wolf, Xue Siyuan panicked, but she pretended to be relaxed, holding the man's arm contentedly, chatting and laughing at all the guests who were congratulating in advance.

"Gu Hancheng, you better not embarrass me."

Beside her ear was Xue Siyuan's soft voice of vigilance under her sweet smile.

Looking at the figure of Qi Chen walking like flying in the venue, desperately looking for someone, Gu Hancheng resolutely pulled away Xue Siyuan's holding his hand, turned around and walked away.

Xue Siyuan didn't expect that Gu Hancheng would do this in front of so many people, staring at the figure of the man without turning his head, she froze in place at a loss for a moment.

"Hey, how did Mr. Gu leave?"

"Did Mr. Gu just leave Miss Xue alone?"

The situation in the guild hall was in distress.

Ding Yawen didn't expect such a scene either, she pretended to be calm, picked up the microphone with a smile and put it to her mouth.

"Mr. Gu has some personal matters to deal with at the moment, so this is the end of tonight's reception. I am really grateful. There will be desserts for everyone later, and you can enjoy them to your heart's content."

The guests came to their senses and congratulated Ding Yawen with wine glasses.The embarrassing situation was quickly resolved.

After returning to the box, Xue Siyuan angrily smashed the expensive messenger bag on the floor.

"Gu Hancheng didn't know about the engagement, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

The originally good-looking facial features became distorted because of anger, and the slender and high eyebrows were tightly knit together.

Facing Xue Siyuan's roar, Ding Yawen Fu Fen Shi Zhu showed no expression on her face, she picked up the bag on the ground and put it on the sofa, walked over to put her hands on Xue Siyuan's icy shoulders and signaled her to sit down.

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