Overbearing president is a zombie

Chapter 92: The police are also missing

I only heard the host in the news continue to report, and Mu Yunrong began to watch the report seriously, but Mu Yunshu didn't care, and when the report was over, he deliberately yelled, Mu Yunrong was so frightened that her face turned pale!

"Mu Yunshu! You did it on purpose!" Mu Yunrong regained her composure and clenched her hands into fists, then turned to Mu Yunshu, gritted her teeth and said with staring eyes, wishing that the demon in front of her could be executed on the spot!

And Mu Yunshu was still holding a sandwich in his hand, and when Mu Yunrong's hand came across, he immediately pushed the sandwich out, just blocking Mu Yunrong's hand.

"Hey, you scratch me! Come and scratch me!" Mu Yunshu said with a smile, and immediately stood up from his chair, took a few steps back, shook his buttocks and continued to whisper: "You hit me!" Don't care about me hehehe, come here!"

Mu Yunrong was so angry that her face turned red and white: If I can't fight, then I won't fight. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!Let's see how I deal with you in the future!
"If you have the ability, you stand still and let me beat you! Back off like a big bastard!" She deliberately provoked Mu Yunshu and said, seeing that Mu Yunshu was still looking proud, she didn't go to chase after him , and walked away directly in front of him.

She deliberately left Mu Yunshu to play by himself, so that the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and finally turned into an awkward and boring group.

The TV news just ended, but the boring Mu Yunshu was still staring at the TV in a daze: It is impossible for a passer-by to report the crime by himself and go to the police. If he knew in advance that there was surveillance there to investigate, then the "two "Individual" is obviously lying when he says "a person"!
If it is not intentional, this clue can only show that a supernatural event has been staged!
Thinking of this, Mu Yunshu's expression became serious, and there was more worry in his brows and eyes.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, dialed a number, and explained to the person on the mobile phone in detail: "Shi Qing, there is a piece of news titled The Thrilling Disappearance Case, did you see it? I want you to hurry before the police Investigate this matter, but be careful, there are thousands of eyes on this case now!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and then he didn't know what to do for a while, he just felt bored.

Suddenly he thought of something again, pulled his mouth lightly with his hand, and a smile appeared on his face immediately, then he bit the deformed sandwich he was caught, and walked towards the restaurant cheerfully.

His mouth was full, and his speech became slurred: "My baby, I'm here to look for you again! Hehehe..."

He danced while walking, making various funny movements and expressions with his hands, half of the sandwich in his mouth was still exposed...

And at this time, Mu Yunrong, who was sitting in the dining room having breakfast, saw him like this, couldn't help but burst out laughing at the milk she just drank.

Moreover, it was sprayed on some boring corpse!
Not only was Mu Yunshu not angry when he was sprayed with milk, but he also looked at his bad body, then pretended to be very nervous and joked with Mu Yunrong, "Wow, baby, why are you still spitting up milk?"

"What!" Mu Yunrong was embarrassed by his question, and quickly responded, then raised her fist and frowned at him, threatening him fiercely: "If you dare to provoke me again, don't Don't want me to beat you every minute!"

"Oh, I'm so scared!" Mu Yunshu replied pretending to be very pitiful, then backed away, and then continued to smile and said to Mu Yunrong: "Hehehe, why don't you come to beat your little fist?" His chest?"

"Mu Yunshu! You are really full and looking for trouble. Okay, I'll come right now, you stand there for me and don't move! If you dare to run away, you are a big bastard!" Mu Yunrong rushed to Mu Yun aggressively while speaking The book ran over.

"Come on, come on, I'm right here, don't run away." Mu Yunshu responded with a smile.

Unexpectedly, when Mu Yunrong raised her fist and was about to hit her, she was caught by Mu Yunshu, and he hugged her with a twist!

Mu Yunshu smiled triumphantly, and lowered his head close to Mu Yunrong's face, sniffed her neck with his nose, and said softly and delicately, "Rong'er, it really smells like you."

Mu Yunrong was hugged by him obediently, and she didn't feel disgusted at all, but when he said this, Mu Yunrong suddenly felt nauseous, and she didn't know where the strength came from, so she pushed him away at once , and then run away quickly!
She ran out of the restaurant and shouted: "Pervert!"

"Hahahaha..." After being pushed away, Mu Yunshu stood still before raising his head, looking at Mu Yunrong who was running away again, and couldn't help laughing again!

That night, the moon and the stars still did not know where to hide, and there were only thick clouds in the sky, which were blown by the wind and scattered.

The dark night can't stop the brave heart!A group of policemen, all dressed in civilian clothes, were scattered and ambushed at every fork in that area, waiting to find any useful information.

That night, Liu Shiqing also came out to investigate the case in his beloved car.

There was a very high DJ in the car, he kept singing along, and drove along the various entrances and exits of the road. The eyes of the policemen who went around were drooping.

"What the hell is this car trying to do? It's been driven back and forth several times. Is it trying to hypnotize us?" A policeman who was stationed there said impatiently while holding his hand, looking at the car Liu Shiqing drove away again. , His eyelids kept struggling.

After a while, the policeman just wanted to complain that his partner didn't respond to him, but when he turned his head, what he saw was a squatting dozing boy!
Finally, the policeman couldn't help but wanted to stop the car. He just woke up his partner softly, but Liu Shiqing stopped the car first, and pretended to be asleep in the car, snoring loudly !

The two policemen walked over on tiptoe, holding their pistols carefully, for fear that the car in front of them might be a trap.

When they got close to Liu Shiqing's car, they could only hear the whirring sound inside. Since they could not see well at night and the windows of Liu Shiqing's car were closed, they had no choice but to knock on the windows and call for the people in the car to come out.

When they called Liu Shiqing out of the car, they pointed a gun at his head, looked at him seriously and said loudly: "Don't move! Raise your hands! Tell me, who are you, why are you wandering around here all the time? Park the car in the What are you doing here?"

"Ah? Then who are you guys? What are you doing? Is it alright if I rest here? You asked me so many questions all at once and I can't remember how to answer them?" Liu Shiqing replied, half-closed his eyes and pretended not to be able to open them. He opened it, and rubbed it with his hands, making the two policemen think that he was really sleepy, and finally raised his hands lazily.

"We are the police!" One of the policemen immediately showed his ID card to Liu Shiqing and said.

"Oh! Police, what? You are the police!" Liu Shiqing pretended to be panicked and shouted, "Hello, Uncle Police, I have never done anything bad, why are you looking for me?"

Seeing his cowardly appearance, the two policemen couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't worry, we won't arrest innocent people randomly. Just make it clear and show your ID card or something to prove your identity."

"Hey, okay, I'm..." Liu Shiqing replied submissively, and showed his ID as required.

Just as they were doing things in order, their earphones made a sound: "Attention all teams! Attention all teams! The target appears. On the so-and-so highway, two people are walking, hurry up and check!"

"Got it! Officer Li, we are registering the suspicious person who was driving, but we don't have any special information." A policeman standing next to Liu Shiqing replied through the intercom.

What they didn't notice was that Liu Shiqing was standing there just eavesdropping on their conversation with their superiors!

"Hehehe, Uncle Policeman, there's nothing else I can do, right?" Liu Shiqing said with a smile.

"Well, it's not safe here, you'd better not wander around here by yourself, and report to the police if you encounter anything strange." The policeman returned Liu Shiqing's ID to him, and said concerned about his appearance.

"Okay, okay, I'm causing trouble to the police uncle, I'm leaving now." Liu Shiqing said politely, and quickly bowed to the two policemen, then hurried back to the car and drove away .

In fact, he slipped away in such a hurry because he wanted to see the two walking people on the so-and-so highway!
But he wasn't very surprised by the result: just two ordinary passers-by!
Immediately afterwards, the gang of police officers stayed on site for several days without gaining anything, and there were no missing persons in those days.

The police thought that the enemy was in the dark and they were in the light. No matter when they dispatched, they couldn't find a single person. As long as they hid in the police station, there would be missing persons passing by on those roads!

Finally, one night, when they returned to the police station after their stay, they found that two of their companions were missing from their team!And it was still missing at the place where it was squatting!

"Trash! A bunch of trash! The enemy's claws have reached into our barracks. What are you all doing? You can even lose your comrades?" At this time, in the police station, a leader held a meeting all night, swearing at the top of his voice His gang.

But this time, Liu Shiqing finally saw clearly that the two missing policemen were the places where he left and squatted inexplicably!

The police stationed in groups of two, and one of them said he needed to find a place to relieve himself first, while his partner stayed where he was and guarded.

After a while, the policeman who was going to relieve himself was still wearing his pants in the grove, and suddenly heard his partner calling his name, he agreed casually, and then turned his head when he was done: Huh?strangeness!You obviously called me just now, where did you go?

At this moment, his eyes were blurred and he heard his partner calling his name. He followed the shout and walked step by step until he entered the mountain...

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