Overbearing president is a zombie

Chapter 73: Where is the escaped CEO?

Seeing Mu Yunrong turning his head away with flushed cheeks, Mu Yunshu was also quite embarrassed, so he turned his face sideways and said fiercely to Liu Shiqing: "Kneel down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Yunrong beside him burst out laughing!
With her inexplicable smile, Mu Yunshu suddenly didn't know what to say next, but his finger was still pointing in mid-air, as if he didn't know what to do next, he waved it around in the air and put it down embarrassingly. up.

But at this time, Mu Yunrong couldn't help laughing after watching his every move: "Hahaha...President, why do you become more and more stupid the more you look at him, hahaha..."

"I..." Mu Yunshu choked suddenly, not knowing how to answer his Rong'er.

At this time, Liu Shiqing, who was kneeling on the ground, opened his mouth to look at the two of them again, but, considering the situation just now, he held back and dared not speak.

After a while, Mu Yunrong finally stopped laughing and said, "So..."


At the moment when she was speaking, Mu Yunshu just said these two words!
At exactly the same time and in the same tone, the two of them said the same words face to face, and now they stopped at the same time!

Just like that, they looked at each other quietly, waiting for the other to speak again.

"So what happened to your hand?" Mu Yunrong quickly asked nervously.

Hearing she finally spoke again, Mu Yunshu secretly smiled, covered his mouth with one hand and coughed, "It's just... I was scalded a little by boiling water, it's okay, I can't die, I won't delay you get paid..."

"What! Is it okay to boil the water? Mu Yunshu, are you really stupid? Do you really have to wait until your life is in danger?" Mu Yunrong immediately cried out anxiously.

This time, she is really serious!

Seeing that she was worried that she was still so nervous, Mu Yunshu also felt distressed and felt sorry, and responded with a grin: "Hey, don't worry, it's really okay, it's just a little hurt."

"That's all? Let's go, I'll accompany you to the hospital!" Mu Yunrong said angrily, staring at him with wide eyes.

Hearing that he was going to the hospital, Mu Yunshu's body immediately sounded an alarm!

He gritted his teeth and shouted nervously: "No! I won't go to the hospital!"

"Why are you acting like a child? You've been scalded by boiling water and it hurts like this... I really don't know what to say to you, should you go? If you don't go to the hospital, then go to the family doctor!" Mu Yunrong acted like a vicious child. Mom said the same.

"No need!" Mu Yunshu licked his tongue and replied with an awkward smile.

"Are you afraid of injections? Or are you afraid of taking medicine?" Mu Yunrong asked again. At this moment, her face seemed to say: You can see if I prick you or not!
"No! It's just a little dizzy." Mu Yunshu finally couldn't help but found a good excuse.

"That's okay, let's go...

It seems that he was wrong!This woman is really not simple! 36 plan, walk is the best plan, slip away...

"Shi Qing, help me stop her..."

Mu Yunshu yelled, and ran away before his Rong'er could react.

Seeing him running out of the room, Mu Yunrong came over in a daze, pointed at his back with raised brows and shouted: "Stop! Follow me to the hospital..."

She shouted and wanted to rush out immediately, but immediately afterward, she was hugged tightly by Liu Shiqing from behind.

Liu Shiqing pretended to be pitiful and begged: "Grandma! Please, take pity on me! I can't lose this job..."

Yes, in the end, she still couldn't beat these two treacherous and cunning big male corpses!And it's been more than half a month!
Ever since they escaped from Mu Yunrong's sight, the two corpses, Mu Yunshu and Liu Shiqing, have been acting recklessly outside...

One night, Mu Yunrong had just come out of the bathroom. She was wiping her wet hair and was about to get her mobile phone, but she always felt rustling outside the window.

She gradually stopped her busy hands, walked to the window with slow and hesitant steps, and suddenly felt that the voice just now was still.

"Strange... Strange?" Mu Yunrong sighed, continued to brush her hair and wanted to walk back to the bed leisurely, but just after walking a few steps, the slight noise just started again.

"Hey... I have a bad temper!" Mu Yunrong said, she threw down the towel in her hand and ran to the window, and then instantly opened the curtain that blocked her eyes——

The moment she opened it, Mu Yunrong was stunned!
I saw a big hand lying in the air outside the screen window, and looking at it carefully, it was actually a roll of leaves forming the shape of a hand, and it happened to meet Mu Yunrong's line of sight!

The leaf hand seemed to be paying attention to Mu Yunrong's every move, and Mu Yunrong backed away in fright, and it also moved back, and then formed a tongue in an instant to attack, approaching the screen window in front of Mu Yunrong... …

"Ah! Help..." Mu Yunrong immediately yelled, her legs went limp in fright, and then her eyes darkened and she passed out again.

Immediately afterwards, before the "dark force" outside the window rushed into Mu Yunrong's room, it started to burn itself.

The fire burned suddenly, and the crackling sound caused Mu Yunrong to open her eyes again in a daze. Looking at the fire in front of her, she closed her eyes indifferently.

In such a short while, those horizontal leaves turned into ashes and disappeared!
And this day, even these few days, Mu Yunshu never appeared in Mu Yunrong's sight, and he didn't come over to give Mu Yunrong a sense of security even when such an emergency happened just now.

One of the reasons is that he is afraid of being dragged to see a doctor by Mu Yunrong. After all, he is a zombie, and a place with a lot of people and blood in a hospital is not suitable for him to go, except for the follow-up consultation with Ronger who accompanied him some time ago...

Another reason is: since Mu Yunshu got hurt when he met Xi Song that night, he has been planning to test him again recently.

Not to mention anything else, just aim at the ferocious lethality of that person!

On this day, in fact, he could come back to save his Rong'er, but the mud bodhisattva crossed the river, and he couldn't protect himself...

It just so happened that on this day, because Xi Song was worried about his grandfather's health, he got off work early and took Lin Wen home to show his filial piety.

On the way, their car broke down suddenly, but since they were going home from the factory and couldn't go to the village or shop, Xi Song waved his hand and said helplessly to Lin Wen, "No way, let's call a car."

"Call a car now? Can I get a car in this ghost place? I'd better call my dad's driver to pick me up." Lin Wen looked at Mu Yunshu in disgust and said.

But Mu Yunshu didn't care too much, if he wasn't anxious to go back to see his grandfather who didn't have much time!

He put his hands in his trouser pockets, sat in the front of the car and said with erratic eyes: "It's up to you!"

"Hmph!" Feeling neglected, Lin Wen responded coldly, then walked aside to make a phone call.

While she was on the phone, a masked man in black suddenly appeared and stood on the roof of their car, staring at Xi Song dully.

When Xi Song had nothing to do to look around, he suddenly caught sight of the figure of the man in black, and he suddenly became uneasy!
Xi Song stood up in a panic, turned sideways and stared closely at the man in black.

I saw that person suddenly stretched out his hands and jumped up, then descended from the sky again, thrusting his hands straight towards Xi Song, without giving him any time.

Xi Song froze completely!
But when that person flew over, as soon as his hands touched Xi Song, he immediately bounced back and flew a few meters away.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen who was calling back was stunned.

"Lin Wen, get back in the car first and don't run around. I'll go over there and have a look!" Xi Song said, leaving Lin Wen behind and ran in the direction where the man in black was flying.


The man in black flew a few meters away and fell directly to the ground. He struggled to get up and spit out a mouthful of plasma, then stood up with all his strength, jumped and disappeared into the grass.

Xi Song followed in a panic, and didn't see half a figure, but found a thick spot!
In his eyes, the thick green paste was blackened, and there was a strong rancid smell in the distance!
Moreover, looking for this pile of thick slurry, Xi Song found a few drops of slurry not far away, and it also smelled so bad!

Xi Song followed the traces of the slurry and walked over. After a long time, he finally found the man in black in a dark grass. He walked cautiously, just wanting to see the real face of the man, but he didn't want to, the man in black The man in clothes suddenly turned around in panic...

At this moment, Xi Song saw the man's face covered with blood and blood, and looked at him with fangs!
The two of them looked at each other, and Xi Song had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with him.

However, what is that person still holding in his hand?The large and small intestines are bloody exposed...

The man in black felt as if the secret was about to be discovered, and immediately dropped the flesh and blood in his hands in a panic and ran away.

"Who are you? Stop and don't run!"

Xi Song yelled at the top of his voice, and hurriedly chased after him, but the man was nowhere to be seen, and his foot happened to step on the lump of flesh and blood!
"Ah! Damn it!" Xi Song slipped on the ground and yelled unwillingly, only to feel his hands sticky.

When he raised his hand to take a look, the man finally couldn't hold it anymore, and suddenly vomited a few times in such a mess, maybe even his stomach acid came out!

At this time, his hands were just stained with the green slurry left by the man in black. Not only was it sticky and smelly, it was barely visible from a distance, but now it was really on his hands!
Just after vomiting, he quickly pressed his hands on the ground and dawdled, desperately trying to get rid of the disgusting feeling, but his eyes accidentally glanced at the bloody thing again.

"Wow..." Poor Xi Song started to vomit again after being pregnant for three months!

When he held back, he gritted his teeth and shook his hands, trying to pick up the lump for a closer look, but finally retreated in a panic.

Raw rabbits!Still with teeth and claws!

It's just... why is that look so familiar?It seems that I have seen it recently!

Xi Song thought for a long time before standing up in panic: "No! Rong is in danger!"

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