Overbearing president is a zombie

Chapter 43: Do you want to watch the sunrise?

When Xi Song heard that Mu Yunrong had not died, but had gone back to his hometown by herself, his mood suddenly improved.He had to admit that he already cared about that girl.

Although he knew that Mu Yunrong was out of danger, he didn't inform himself immediately, but as long as she was safe and sound, Xi Song, who felt that there was no danger, was still very happy at this time.

He quickly ran to the side of the car and jumped into the car, started the car and waved to Lin Xi who was standing at the gate, then turned around and galloped away.

You should ask him what he likes about Mu Yunrong...

He just graduated and came out to work. He needs to be good-looking and capable, and he looks so innocent and sweet, which happens to be the type he likes in his age group!
"Hum, ho, ho..." a bald crow flew over the top of an old dead tree.The strange thing is... In the eyes of that old crow, the places it flew over were all deserted.

Not only that, but the sky there seems to be shrouded in a bloody smell that is still lingering!

"Yuuuuuuu..." The crow quickly left that place and flew into a dark cave.

And the cave itself was pitch black, and suddenly there was a "boom", and a raging flame appeared.

"Yuya, welcome to Lord Fire Ghost." The bald-haired crow spoke.

"Old bald, is there anything important to call me?" The flame also spoke.

With a whoosh, the old crow turned into a row of human beings, and turned into a little old man with a hunched back and a bald head.Its hands and feet were trembling constantly, and its body was also shaking.

"Old bald, I am going to reward you with a wheelchair. Look at you with old arms and legs. Didn't they say that old people need calcium tablets? Let's learn from others and eat more bones."

The fire looked at the old crow unhurriedly and said, the old crow smiled and bowed to the flame and said: "Master Huogui, don't make fun of me, hehe."

"Well... I really envy you. You can still live like a human being when you are old. Unlike me, who is living like this, I don't know when I will be tall." The group of fire said that the arrogance became bigger.

"Master Huogui, it's not that the old man said you, you still have a flesh and blood, don't you, no matter what happens to it now, it still exists in this world after all, although you have paid a terrible price for it, but there are gains and losses , will find it in the future..."

"Hahahaha, you old crow still understands me," the old crow was interrupted by the fire before he finished speaking, and the fire became slightly smaller.

"That's enough, that's enough, I won't say much else, tell me, what's the matter with looking for me in such a hurry? Don't take a good rest, if you have something to say, let your subordinates pass it on." The flame said in a gentle tone. said.

"Reporting to my lord, Lao Crow, I just discovered a few places in the dense forest where blood gathers, it is dim, and the bottom is also lifeless and desolate. I came here to report to my lord, and I ask you to make a decision."

The old crow bent down as he spoke, waiting respectfully for the fire ghost to reply.

"Blood energy... dead silence, I understand, you go back and have a good rest first, let your subordinates come over, if there is anything I can let them do."

After the fire ghost finished speaking, he disappeared, and the old crow got up and changed back to its original form, flapping its wings and flying away "dumbly".

On a moving train, all kinds of people are lying, sitting or standing in it.

For example, Mu Yunrong, who is frowning tightly, pouting her mouth, and staring at two big eyeballs, has been staring fiercely at one place in a daze.

Another example is Mu Yunshu whose mouth is raised sharply and whose eyes are full of tenderness.

Standing handsomely beside Mu Yunrong, he kept looking at her. Unknowingly, he attracted the envious eyes of many women for Mu Yunrong, and at the same time attracted the small eyes of many men who were envious and jealous of him.

It's not because of anything else, it's just that they are husband and wife, lovers, and the woman is not her object in the eyes of the woman, but this strange man who is white, domineering, gentle and considerate!

But at this time, Xi Song, who was driving a sports car on the highway, was desperate, and felt that the places he drove could be smoked and caught fire.

He was happily singing and laughing to the rhythm of the music while driving... Before this, he also thought about it. Mu Yunrong returned safely after the accident but did not contact him immediately. Maybe she really has something other important things.

The thought that frightened him the most was: Mu Yunrong had an accident because of the car he was driving. Even if there was no danger, she would be so angry that she didn't want to see him or talk to him.

But these are not problems, as long as he can see that Mu Yunrong is safe and sound, know what she is doing now, and find a suitable time to chat with her, these problems will naturally be resolved.

After Xi Song and Lin Xi got Mu Yunrong's address, they went through all these things from beginning to end. He imagined all the possible situations from the best to the worst. Only now can he be so carefree and concentrate on it. drive.

After a long time, Mu Yunrong and the others finally got off the bus at the stop, and she realized the thrill just now: "My God, am I following a celebrity?"

"Hey, am I handsome? They're all looking at me!" Mu Yunshu smiled happily at her.

As for Mu Yunrong, she gave Mu Yunshu a disdainful glance, took her luggage by herself, returned to him, smirked twice and then looked back at him.

"Are you handsome? They are looking at me, maybe they are afraid that there will be perverts around me, and they are all sweating for me..." Mu Yunrong nodded as she said.

And these words made Mu Yunshu so angry that his blood pressure soared, and it wasn't a problem!He stared straight at her, not knowing what to say in response to her.

"Mu Yunrong, don't think that the previous matter is over. You bumped into the president and ran out without apologizing. I can only punish you as absenteeism." Mu Yunshu remembered something soon , and then said bluntly.

"I...you said I didn't apologize?" Hearing what he said, Mu Yunrong immediately thought of "a shrew scolding the street", and she endured it a little longer and continued, "Mr. President, I remember I apologized to you at that time, right?"

"Did you apologize?" Mu Yunshu curled his lips and said, then changed the subject instantly: "Oh, look, today..."

In fact, he also thought he was in the wrong. He didn't know what to do, and because of his status as the president, he only thought about how to skip this topic and get along with her peacefully.

He paused while speaking, raised his head and looked at the sky, which was not bad, just in time for the sunrise.

"Today...hehe, we should be able to see the sunrise together, do you want to watch the sunrise with me?" Mu Yunshu said cheekily in front of Mu Yunrong with a playful smile.

"Hehe! You can see for yourself, I'm tired and want to go back to sleep." Mu Yunrong replied with a sneer.

She really admired Mu Yunshu's ability to change the subject in an instant, and he could find such a romantic topic, but it's a pity that the time and place of talking were not romantic at all!

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