Overbearing president is a zombie

Chapter 40: Just Friends

Seeing Mu Yunshu's curious expression, Mu Yunrong just smiled and said nothing, deliberately making him anxious.

After a while, they arrived at the door of Mu Yunrong's house. After getting out of the car, Mu Yunrong knocked on the door again. This time it was a middle-aged man who opened the door.

When he opened the door and saw Mu Yunrong, he had a happy expression on his face, but when he saw the young man with a big bag behind him, his expression became unnatural.

Not knowing whether to laugh or be serious, Mu Yun's father coughed a few times to conceal his nervousness, and then spoke.

He looked at Mu Yunrong and asked in a low voice with a grin: "Eh...Rong'er, who is that person behind you? Boyfriend?"

Hearing that her father misidentified people, Mu Yunrong jumped up anxiously, and immediately firmly denied, "He is not!"

When Mu Yunshu heard that he was Mu Yunrong's boyfriend, he smiled happily and didn't say anything.But seeing his Rong'er's reaction, he smiled unhappily.

Mu Yunrong's father saw the behavior of the two of them. He happily slapped Mu Yunrong on the head and said, "Silly girl, father understands, isn't she a boyfriend, hahahaha."

"Oh...Dad, what do you know? He is really not my boyfriend, but just a friend." Mu Yunrong pouted and said unhappily.

"What? Are we friends?" Mu Yunshu was not happy now.He was very wronged when he heard his Rong'er introduce himself like this, but he couldn't object.

He stood up from behind Mu Yunrong, looked at Mu Yunrong's father with a smile, then bowed politely and said, "Dad, no, uncle, Rong'er and I are really just friends, hehe. "

As the saying goes: It's nothing if you don't explain it, but it's even more serious when you explain it!

Mu Yunrong's father nodded happily, then opened the door and invited Mu Yunshu in.

But Mu Yunrong still stood there blankly and muttered: "Why! Dad, we are really not friends... Oh, I was wrong, Dad, we are friends, you wait for me..." I have to admit, At this moment, she was so angry that she didn't know what to say, and hurriedly chased after her.

As soon as she left the house, Mu Yunrong's mother greeted her, smiled curiously and asked Mu Yunrong, "Girl, who is he?"

Having learned from the past, Mu Yunrong simply stopped talking, and stood aside with her mouth pouted and eyes wide open.

"Hello, Auntie, I'm really just Rong'er's friend!" Mu Yunshu replied with a smile.It is not difficult to hear from the wording of this sentence: the two young people really want to cover up some facts!
"I don't know if you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid. Can my parents believe you when you say that? A three-year-old child can tell that there is something wrong with what you just said." Mu Yunrong finally couldn't help it anymore, she stared at Mu Yun Book said fiercely.

The scene at this time should be very embarrassing, but Mu Yunshu was so happy and silly, Mu Yunrong's parents gave Mu Yunrong a stare, and then laughed happily.

"Look at you... it's fine if someone comes, what gift do you bring?" Mu Yunrong's mother said with a smile, then walked up to take the things in Mu Yunshu's hand, and couldn't help but open it to have a look ...

"Um...Mom, I bought those from the supermarket. I just happened to meet your daughter on the road, and then I stopped by to visit you at home. I haven't had time to prepare gifts." Mu Yunrong explained embarrassingly.

In fact, it can be heard from her words that she still wants to maintain Mu Yunshu's image as much as possible. After all, he is a high-ranking president and asked her to help take him in for a night.

Mu Yunshu was very happy when he heard Mu Yunrong say this. Although his Ronger denied him being a boyfriend in front of his parents, he still maintained his image. It was better not to make him look ugly.

"It's really just friends? Well then, you guys talk to me and I'll cook first." Mu Yunrong's mother walked into the kitchen with those things as she said that.

She was still walking and muttering in a low voice: "What kind of friend, you thought you were giving something good, wasting my time..."

Mu Yunrong's father's attitude didn't change much, he just served as an ordinary guest, making tea and treating them to sit down and chat with each other.

"Rong girl, come here." Mu Yunrong's mother yelled in the kitchen, and Mu Yunrong whispered something in Mu Yunshu's ear, and then left him to drink tea with her father and leave by herself Into the kitchen.

"Mom, what's the matter, do you need my help?" Mu Yunrong walked into the kitchen, bypassed her mother, picked up a slice of freshly cut cucumber, put it in her mouth, and stretched out her hand to hit her.

"Oh, mom, what are you doing, it hurts!" She covered her hands and frowned and said to her mother.

"Does it hurt? If you still eat and eat, you know that you don't know how to help, and you dare to bring an outsider back. Do you know what time it is?"

Mu Yunrong's mother glared at her ferociously, seeing her lowered head, she continued, "It's time for lunch now, what do you want to bring him back now?"

"Mom, I told you, he is my friend, so why not treat him to dinner?" Mu Yunrong asked not very happy.

"Okay? One meal, a tall man like him must be able to eat a lot, enough for our whole family to eat. Do you know how much a catty of rice is now..." Mu Yunrong's mother said more It got louder, as if it was intended for Mu Yunshu to hear.

But before she finished speaking, Mu Yunrong raised her head and responded unhurriedly: "Mom, there are rice that costs a few yuan a catty, and the cheap one is also worth a dollar. I bought this rice and I will pay it back." Can you not know?"

After hearing Mu Yunrong's rebuttal, the woman looked at her even more fiercely and said: "You are still born to me, don't think I don't know what you are planning in your heart, it is fine to want to marry, but that person must have money."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Mu Yunrong was completely ignited when she heard her mother say this.

She really wanted to leave here immediately, away from these money-hungry "ordinary people".

Although she is also very concerned about these things, but given the choice between bread and love, she prefers love. Maybe it's because bread has always been on and off for her and she is already bored.

"Mom, I'll put the words here now," Mu Yunrong walked out of the kitchen angrily, thought for a while and felt something was wrong, then turned back and said to her mother, "First, I don't care whether he has money or not. Second, , I really don't like him, so don't worry about it, the third and most important..."

At this time, Mu Yunshu suddenly appeared, and whispered in Mu Yunrong's ear: "Then what is the third one, so the person you like is..."

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