Overbearing president is a zombie

Chapter 38: Buying Rice

"Are you... Miss Rong?" It was the woman who spoke first, and she stared at Mu Yunrong suspiciously and asked.

Mu Yunrong smiled and replied: "It's me, I'm back Mom, don't you recognize me?"

"Why can't I recognize you? I was pregnant for ten months and gave birth through untold hardships. How can I not recognize you? Hehehe, it's been a long time since I saw you, silly girl. You are so beautiful. The girl's [-]th transformation is really good. That's right, thanks to my good genes from your mother." Mu Yunrong's mother said with a happy grin.

Hearing her mother praise herself so much, Mu Yunrong also felt weird, maybe it was because she hadn't been home for a long time.

Mu Yunrong's hometown is a remote place, and they all live in the countryside. The family relies on her father to earn some money. It seems that her mother likes to dress up, so naturally she won't save money.

She started earning extra money when she was in college, so it was no problem to support herself, and sometimes she saved some change to send home.

She knew that her mother didn't like to do things, and there was an older brother who didn't know what to do. Anyway, the family's expenses should be indispensable, and it was not easy to rely on her father alone.

Mu Yunrong is frugal, and she is not willing to spend money to buy a better mobile phone, nor is she willing to spend money to buy a bus ticket home. It is better to work another job to earn some money, so from the last time I went home to now It's been a long time, she can only call home to say hello...

Mu Yunshu saw that Mu Yunrong went home to see her mother, and the two were still chatting and laughing like this, so he naturally became happy too, but what he never expected was that the sudden change in the style of painting was a bit abnormal up...

"By the way, girl, you came back just in time. Your father was in a hurry to go out to work in the morning. There was no rice at home and he didn't buy it. Your brother and I haven't had breakfast yet, hehe..." Mu Yunrong's mother smiled clearly It's a bit over the top!

Mu Yunrong was still awkward just now, so she was waiting for her here, and she was really speechless at this moment.

She looked inside the door, and there was the person sitting in the courtyard who was shaking her legs and licking melon seeds while laughing and looking at her mobile phone. Lament life with your own face...

At this time, her mother was still looking at her cheerfully. Seeing her expression like this, her mother went up to her and said, "Girl, what's wrong with you, girl?"

Mu Yunrong thought that her mother was going to care about her, so she put down her hands and turned her head to look at her mother, "Girl, are you thirsty, why don't I go get you a bowl of water, and we'll go buy rice after drinking." Mu Yun Rong's mother smiled again.

Mu Yunrong was so angry that she opened her mouth and became completely dumb.

"Don't you want to drink? Then go and buy it first, and put the suitcase here. Don't worry, no one will steal it. You can bring it in when you come back." Mu Yunrong's mother added.

Then she happily walked in the door, and shouted to Mu Yunrong's brother: "Kun'er, your sister just came back, we don't have to go hungry today."

"She is a mother, she is a mother, I am not angry, it is only right and proper, and I cannot be angry..." Mu Yunrong kept chanting silently until she heard the response from the person inside...

"What? My sister is really back? That's great, mom, where is it?" The man looking at the phone said, eating another melon seed.

When Mu Yunrong heard that her brother was so excited to go home, she thought that her brother was going to come out to pick her up. Unexpectedly, the man spat out the melon seeds and said, "Mom, what did she bring?" Did you come back with something to eat, my stomach is almost flattened by hunger."

"That's right, I forgot to ask, then I'll go out and have a look and wait for Maha." Mu Yunrong's mother replied to her brother.

"Ah..." Mu Yunrong suddenly screamed loudly, which made her brother put his feet down in fright, and looked away from the phone with her mother.

"I really want to come back because I'm crazy. I'm not angry. It's only right and proper. I can't be angry. Is this my real mother? What brother are you liars! They're all liars!"

Mu Yunrong couldn't help but turn her back, and gritted her teeth and muttered silently.

Then, she turned back immediately, forced a smile to face them for a second, looked at her mother and brother with a forced smile, and then said softly: "Mom, brother, I'm going to buy rice now. You wait a moment."

After speaking, she really left the suitcase at the door of the house, and then left angrily!
"What's the situation? How could this family treat my Rong'er like this?" Mu Yunshu was furious as he watched from the side.

Now that the sun is rising, does he need to hide or wait and see?

But there is no feeling in the body yet, neither pain nor discomfort.Mu Yunshu thought to himself, and then continued to follow Mu Yunrong...

Mu Yunrong was very angry now, she didn't know who to talk to about her troubles, so she walked to the highway, and at this moment a bus drove over, leading to the county town.

She waved her hand to stop the car, and then got on the car like a walking dead, without telling the driver where to get off, she went directly to the innermost seat and sat down in a daze.

"It's been so long since I've been back, how come this place has become so strange, is this still the home I've lived in for so many years?" Mu Yunrong silently shed tears while thinking.

And the person hidden beside her saw her like this, and he didn't know what to do, so he also felt sad.

"Rong'er, don't cry, okay, my husband loves you very much, do you know that? If you know that you will be unhappy when you come back here, I will stop you no matter what I say, and I won't let you come back here and suffer this crime." Mu Yun Shu muttered to himself frowning.

He gently moved Mu Yunrong's messy hair with his hands, and then looked at her quietly.

Mu Yunrong could feel a little bit of breath around her, and her hair was still moving. She turned her head and looked around, but there was no one else beside her seat.

Maybe it's just the wind blowing in from the car window, she thought to herself, and then continued to be in a daze...

Soon, the bus arrived at the terminal, and Mu Yunrong came back to her senses and got off the bus. She walked step by step, not knowing exactly where she was going, or where else she could go.

Finally, she stopped at a high school and looked up to see what the school looked like.

Now it's summer vacation, neither students nor teachers have come to the school, only one security guard is still guarding his post.

Mu Yunrong didn't want to alarm the security guards, she didn't want to see anyone she might know, or she didn't want to talk to anyone at all, so she just stood at the door and took a look, then turned around and walked away.

As she walked, she looked back at the appearance of her alma mater, feeling that it was still the same as before, but it seemed that something was missing...

This reminded her of her former classmates, and she thought of discussing topics with teachers and classmates, and leaving the school together after class...

But now, things are really different...Mu Yunrong sobbed softly, she could no longer suppress her emotions, she just stood by the school and looked at the school silently, shedding tears silently.

But at this time, Mu Yunshu didn't know why his Rong'er was crying, and wanted to comfort her but didn't know what to say, and he didn't even have a reason for how to play.

He could only watch his beloved woman cry in front of his eyes, but he couldn't do anything.He was so anxious that his eyes turned red...

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