Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 929 Misunderstanding

In Nan Nan's room, Lin Xiangchong sat in front of the computer, assisting Nan Nan to develop new programs attentively.

"Uncle Yang, what did he do? Without him, the progress of research and development will be greatly reduced."

Lin Xiangchong couldn't help complaining.Since Yang Li was transferred by Bo Lingqing to look for Mu Xiaofu, all the work that should have been done by Yang Li was put on Lin Xiangchong, which made him a little overwhelmed.

"I don't know either. It should be that Dad has other work for him to do."

Nan Nan was also so busy that she didn't care about what Yang Li was sent by Bo Lingqing to do.

Just as the two of them were chatting one after another, Lin Xiangchong's cell phone rang suddenly.

Looking at the actual call records on the screen, Lin Xiangchong couldn't help but startled, and then stopped the movements of his hands.

"What's the matter, who called?"

Nan Nan was very curious and couldn't help asking.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be my mother calling."

After a moment of silence, Lin Xiangchong spoke slowly.

"She used to be like this. She always used the public phone to call me."

Hearing this, Nan Nan hurriedly urged.

"Then what are you waiting for, answer the phone quickly. Tell her to come over as soon as possible, so as not to be discovered by that guy Cheetah."

Lin Xiangchong nodded lightly. Mu Xiaofu was away all year round, and it was difficult for even his son to see each other.After receiving a call from his mother after a long absence, Lin Xiangchong was a little nervous for a while.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xiangchong pressed the answer button.

"Xiao Chong, are you alright?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Mu Xiaofu's gentle voice like water made Lin Xiangchong's eyes feel moist for no reason.

"Mom, I didn't expect it was really you. I'm fine, don't worry."

Hearing this, Nan Nan on the side coughed lightly.Remind Lin Xiangchong not to forget, ask Mu Xiaofu to come to the villa too.

"By the way, mom, you should know about Bo Lingqing's villa. I'm here now, you should come here too."

Hearing this, the other end of the phone fell silent.Before Lin Xiangchong could speak, the phone was hung up.

"What's going on here, why did mom hang up the phone suddenly?"

Lin Xiangchong gripped the phone vigorously, feeling very uneasy in his heart.

"Could it be found by the cheetah, what should I do?"

Seeing Lin Xiangchong flustered, Nan Nan hurriedly comforted him.

"Don't worry, I don't think your mother will be found by the cheetah, otherwise you will be able to hear something on the phone."

Nan Nan rested her chin on one hand and began to think carefully.

"From my point of view, I'm afraid you didn't make it clear. She didn't know that you were protected by us, and she probably misunderstood that we arrested you."

Hearing this, Lin Xiangchong realized that what he said just now was indeed vague and easy to cause misunderstanding.

"No, you have to call back quickly and explain clearly to your mother."

After finishing speaking, Lin Xiangchong quickly dug out the call records and dialed back.

However, this time it was not Mu Xiaofu who answered the phone, but a stranger.

"The person who called just now has left."

Lin Xiangchong hung up the phone with trembling fingers, the matter was very difficult now.Mu Xiaofu probably misunderstood, and Mrs. Bo controlled him.If she doesn't explain clearly in time, it's really impossible to tell what she will do.

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