Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 923 Rebellion Period

Facing Nannan's threats, Beibei has no intention of compromising.Her hands held Lin Xiangchong's arm tightly, showing no intention of compromise.

Seeing this, Nan Nan sighed helplessly.Although it may make Beibei resent herself, even for Beibei's future, Su Nuannuan must be called over.

"Mom, come here, Beibei has started messing around again."

Su Nuannuan was preparing lunch in the kitchen, when she heard Nan Nan's shout, she couldn't help frowning slightly.She also felt that Beibei really liked to mess around more and more recently, and it would not be a good thing to continue like this.

Su Nuannuan put down her work and came to Nannan's room.At this moment, Beibei was still holding Lin Xiangchong's arm tightly, and she had no intention of letting go.

"Bebe, what are you doing, let Xiao Chong go quickly."

Su Nuannuan frowned, although Lin Xiangchong was an outsider who was temporarily borrowed, but after all, he was a few years older than Beibei.It's really unreasonable for her to do so.

"Mom, Beibei don't let go!"

What Su Nuannuan didn't expect was that Beibei actually showed resistance.In the past, even Beibei was messing around, but as soon as she stepped forward, she would stop immediately.

"Beibei just wants to find a playmate, there is nothing wrong with Beibei."

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan sighed secretly.Beibei was still a child after all, so it was only normal to want a playmate.However, the current situation is not optimistic. Although it is just an ordinary and simple request, Su Nuannuan has no way to satisfy her.

"Beibei, I understand how you feel. However, if you want to find a playmate, you must have the other person's willingness. Can you still call yourself a playmate if you force someone to play with you like this?"

Hearing this, Beibei stopped talking.However, she didn't let go of her hand, she was still tightly pulling Lin Xiangchong's arm.

"Beibei, listen to your mother and let go quickly."

Su Nuannuan walked up to Beibei and said slowly in a soft tone, hoping that Beibei would let go.

"Mom, you, like your brother, never cared about Beibei."

Suddenly, Beibei yelled, let go of Lin Xiangchong, and ran out of Nannan's room.

Seeing this, Su Nuannuan couldn't help but sigh.She reflected on herself in her heart, although Beibei was indeed messing around, did she usually care too little for her?
"Auntie Nuannuan, I'm sorry."

Lin Xiangchong bowed his head and apologized to Su Nuannuan.

"It's all because of me that..."

Before Lin Xiangchong could finish speaking, Su Nuannuan interrupted him.

"Xiao Chong, this matter has nothing to do with you. You did the right thing, it's Bei Bei who is too headstrong, you don't need to accommodate her."

Lin Xiangchong's lips moved a few times, but he still didn't speak in the end.

"Mom, I'm a little worried. This guy Beibei has been messing around more and more recently."

Nan Nan's expression was solemn. As an elder brother, he was very worried about Bei Bei.

"I'm worried that this will continue. I'm afraid Beibei..."

Su Nuannuan walked up to Nan Nan, stretched out her hand and gently stroked his head.

"Nannan, you have done a good job, don't blame yourself."

Su Nuannuan's voice is as gentle as water, Nan Nan's elder brother has always been very competent, and Nan Nan's waywardness has nothing to do with him.

"I'll leave it to my mother to enlighten Beibei. I believe that Beibei is a sensible child, and she will definitely understand us."

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