Gentle pressed her lips hard, watching the cheetah's eyes become more and more cold.

"Cheetah, no matter what your plan is, I will definitely stop you, even if it costs my life."

The cheetah shrugged slightly, as if it had no intention of fighting Gentleman at all.

"If you really have that ability, then you can do whatever you want. However, I must remind you. This time I am very serious. If you want to stop it, then prepare to be killed by me."

After all, the cheetah got into the car and turned back.After being stopped by Wenrou, Su Nuannuan has already gone far, and it is meaningless to catch up now.

At the same time, Su Nuannuan rushed to the coffee shop.And Shen Junyan had already waited there in advance, he didn't enter the door, but stood at the door.

"Why don't you go in first, aren't you tired just standing at the door like this?"

Su Nuannuan was at a loss, it was the noon of summer, and it was the hottest time.Just standing in the sun will make you sweat, why didn't Shen Junyan go into the coffee shop to turn on the air conditioner, instead he had to wait for himself on the street.

"Miss Su, this is not the place to talk. I just want to meet a friend, why don't you come with me. "

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan hesitated in her heart.Shen Junyan is going to meet a friend, is it really okay for her to go with her?Since he is the president and reporter of the newspaper, most of the friends he wants to meet are also people who work in news.If this photo of her and Shen Junyan together was captured by someone with a heart, wouldn't it be another scandal?
Now the rumors surrounding her have already troubled Su Nuannuan very much.If there is another gossip target added, it is unknown what kind of vicious attack it will suffer.

"Why don't you just forget it. If you're in a hurry, just talk to me next time."

Shen Junyan looked at Su Nuannuan, and immediately guessed her scruples.

"Miss Su, don't worry, the friend I'm talking about is not a reporter. Besides, he is more professional than anyone else in keeping secrets."

Su Nuannuan couldn't help being startled, occupation related to secrecy?Shouldn't it be the Intelligence Bureau or some secret agency?
"You'll know when we meet, don't worry, he's not a bad guy."

With that said, Shen Junyan made a 'please' gesture, and brought Su Nuannuan to his car.

"He lives not far from here, and he can be there in a few minutes."

While talking, Shen Junyan opened the car door for Su Nuannuan and invited her to get in the car.

Although Su Nuannuan was puzzled, she still trusted Shen Junyan, knowing that he would not harm her.

Soon, Shen Junyan parked the car in front of an old-fashioned apartment.

"This is……"

Su Nuannuan was at a loss, Shen Junyan was from a wealthy family at first glance, and the family background of the friends he made should not be too bad, how could anyone live in such an old-fashioned apartment that could be moved at any time.

"Miss Su, this friend of mine is a bit casual in life, and the family may be chaotic."

Shen Junyan scratched his hair, and said to Su Nuannuan apologetically.

"Or you wait downstairs first, I'll go up and help him clean up, and then I'll call you up."

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan gently shook her head.Although she loves to be clean, she is not that hypocritical.If it's just messy, she doesn't mind.

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