Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 877 I don't deserve it

"However, there is no way to do this. For the sake of Mrs. Bo, it is impossible for me to have extra time to learn the violin."

Rourou suddenly changed the subject and bit her lips tightly.No matter how much she likes the violin, she can't delay her work at Bo's for her own interest.

"Don't worry, it won't take up your working time."

While talking, Yang Li picked up the violin on the table and carried it on his shoulder skillfully.

"I will personally teach you during lunch breaks and after get off work, so it won't take up your working time."

Yang Li manipulated the bowstring and played a piece of crisp and pleasant music in the coffee shop.

Biting her lips gently, she looked at Yang Li in disbelief.

"Are you just learning the violin?"

Wen Rou still understands Yang Li's character. If he knew how to play the violin from the beginning, he must have voluntarily said it.

Hearing this, Yang Li nodded slightly.In order to let Wenrou learn the violin, Yang Li couldn't think of any other way except to teach it himself.Although it was a bit reluctant, I still went to learn the violin by myself.

"Yang Li, why did you do this?"

The gentle voice trembled slightly, and she couldn't help but feel moved by what Yang Li did.

"People like me don't deserve what you are like."

Hearing this, Yang Li couldn't help frowning.Apparently, Meek's heart is still trapped in the past and sees herself as an irredeemable sinner.

But Yang Li knew in his heart that gentleness was not the case.She would have taken the wrong path before, and it was just life forcing her to do so.

"Gentle, I like you. For you, I will do everything..."

Yang Li finally plucked up the courage to confess to Rou Rou.But before he could finish speaking, Wen Rou suddenly stood up from the chair.

"Yang Li, don't go on talking. People like me don't deserve you to treat me so well."

After all, Ruan didn't give Yang Li a chance to speak, and turned around and ran out of the coffee shop.

Yang Li hesitated for a moment, but did not go after him.He knew very well that at his own level, it was impossible to catch up with gentleness.Moreover, Wenrou is obviously still trapped in the past, and he doesn't know how to persuade her to let go.

After running out of the coffee shop, Wen Rou was walking on the street alone.At this time, her heart was in a mess, and all kinds of things from the past resurfaced in her mind.

Darkness, blood, screams.In her memory, these bad things have always been filled.

Now, although she has already washed her hands, and all the people around her take care of and care about her.However, the more this happened, the more Gentle felt a heavy sense of guilt.

"Gentle, how about it, do you think of yourself once?"

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded from behind, causing the gentle face to change suddenly.

This voice has been engraved into her DNA, and she will never hear it wrong.The cheetah suddenly disappeared inexplicably before, but unexpectedly it would show itself in front of him again.

"It's you, why, are you here to kill me?"

Gentle put away the expression on his face, and put on a posture to meet the enemy.

"Someone hired you to kill me, the traitor?"

Once an assassin has entered the business, it is extremely difficult to quit.As long as you quit, you will be branded as a traitor immediately.

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