Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 762 The Incompatible Villa

In the bustling city center, there are office buildings and shopping streets everywhere, only one building is out of place.

It was a small villa. Although the house was small, it had a wide courtyard and garden.People can't help but wonder about the identity of the owner, who is the one who built such a unique mansion for himself in this city center where every inch of land is expensive.

In the garden, a 30-year-old woman is holding a watering can, carefully watering each blooming flower.Judging from the elegant and noble clothes she wore, no one would associate her with the job of gardener.

"Miss, let me do these tasks, how can you do it yourself?"

A middle-aged man wearing a straw hat kept persuading, but the woman didn't stop at all.

"Mr. Gardener, when I was a child, I had a garden like this at home. At that time, I also watered the flowers for my mother as I do now."

The woman's voice is as gentle as water, and flowers are reflected in her eyes, immersed in her own warm memories.

Su Nuannuan walked with heavy steps on the streets of the city alone.

After finally coping with Li Xiaoyun's cross-examination, she immediately contacted Shen Junyan and asked for a meeting.

Shen Junyan seemed very interested in Su Nuannuan, and he agreed without even asking why.The two made an appointment to meet in a coffee shop in the city center.

And now, Su Nuannuan is on the way to the coffee shop.Since it was too early to go out, she decided to go on foot.

The sun was high in the sky, and it was a bit hot at noon.Su Nuannuan gently brushed her forehead with her sleeve, leaving some water stains on the sleeve.

"I knew this earlier, so I came here by car."

Su Nuannuan complained regretfully, she wanted to take a walk but didn't consider the weather, it was indeed her miscalculation.

Glancing at the time, he had already traveled a long way, but there was still a long way to go before the time agreed with Shen Junyan.Anyway, there is still plenty of time, so it is better to find a place to rest first.

As soon as this idea came out, Su Nuannuan kept looking around, trying to find a shop where she could take a break.Of course, it would be great if there is a cold and delicious juice.

At the thought of fruit juice, Su Nuannuan secreted saliva from her mouth. She seemed to be able to taste the sweetness of watermelon juice and the slightly sourness of green plum juice.

However, the reality is very cruel. Because of the high rent in the city center, there are very few beverage shops here.Surrounded by some clothing stores and department stores, there is no place for her to rest.

Suddenly, an out of place villa came into her sight.She has been to the city center many times, and this is not the first time she has seen this villa.Every time, she would be curious about who would build this rural villa in the city center.

"It's probably an old man with a lot of money and no place to spend it. He uses this out of place building to sensationalize and show his own taste."

Su Nuannuan had some evil speculations in her heart, although her guesses may not be all correct, but at least the owner of the villa is rich, there is no doubt about it.

Subconsciously, she walked towards the villa. Anyway, she still had a lot of time, so she wanted to make sure what exactly was in this villa.Maybe, you can still meet the owner of the villa.See if, as she guessed, it was an old man.

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