Su Nuannuan clenched her lips tightly, she never expected that Li Xiaoyun wanted to use her as a bet to make a big bet with Bo Lingqing.

She sneered in her heart, Li Xiaoyun really had a good plan.To Li Xiaoyun, she was just a tool to take revenge on Bo Lingqing, and now she was using it as a bet, even if she failed, it would not do him any harm.

But what Bo Lingqing paid was the land that he had just bid for at a price of [-] million yuan. Once he lost it, it would be a heavy blow to the Bo family.

"So that's it. I have no objection. Just do what you want."

Su Nuannuan knew very well that even if she refused, it would be of no use at all, instead she would tear herself apart with Li Xiaoyun.That being the case, then simply agree to him, so that at least some initiative can be gained.

"Nuan Nuan, so you agree?"

Li Xiaoyun looked at Su Nuannuan in surprise, he had already planned to tear his skin apart, even if he used force, he would make her submit.Now that she took the initiative to agree, it would be great.

"Xiaoyun, just like you said, this is for my future, a sacrifice I must make."

Su Nuannuan resisted nausea, trying to gain Li Xiaoyun's trust as much as possible.In this case, maybe Li Xiaoyun will give her enough power to control the situation.

"Okay, I'm glad you have this awareness."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyun rolled his eyes.In Su Nuannuan, he saw more value.That being the case, it is natural to work harder to squeeze out all her value.

"I've made an appointment with Bo Lingqing, you will come with me later."

Su Nuannuan was startled, and froze in place.What she was most afraid of was finally about to happen, Li Xiaoyun finally planned to take her to see Bo Lingqing.

She is very clear about Li Xiaoyun's plan, the reason why he has been showing all kinds of tenderness to her is waiting for this day.

"Why, are you not happy?"

Li Xiaoyun narrowed his eyes, and stared at Su Nuannuan with two deep pupils.Even now, he has been on guard against Su Nuannuan, fearing that her amnesia is faking.

"Of course I'm not happy. That guy is the culprit who broke us up. If possible, I don't want to see him again in my life."

Su Nuannuan said something against her will in an extremely natural tone.In order to dispel Li Xiaoyun's suspicion, these words are necessary.

"Nuannuan, don't pay too much attention to it. Since you hate him, let's show some love in front of him and let her see how happy you are now."

Li Xiaoyun's expression was gentle, but he had already sneered in his heart.Not only did he want to take away everything Bo Lingqing had, but he also wanted to deal him a devastating blow mentally.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Su Nuannuan had no other choice but gritted her teeth and nodded in agreement.She looked at Li Xiaoyun, trying to find out his purpose as much as possible.

"However, what do you want to bet with him?"

The corners of Li Xiaoyun's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a mysterious smile.

"Nuan Nuan, don't worry, you will know when the time comes. Don't worry, I will never fail."

Li Xiaoyun didn't do what she wanted, and didn't mention anything about the gambling.

Su Nuannuan bit her lips tightly, although she was not reconciled, there was nothing she could do.Since Li Xiaoyun didn't want to speak, he couldn't force him to speak out.

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