While the two were talking, Li Xiaoyun's cell phone rang suddenly.He picked it up and saw the words "Secretary Xia" displayed on the screen, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but smile.

Secretary Xia called at this time, he must have successfully won the bidding and was going to congratulate him.

"It seems that our Fengtian has successfully won the bidding."

Li Xiaoyun looked at Yang Li complacently, and kept mocking him.

"Yang Li, you should be very clear about what it means for us to win the bid, right? You Boss will never turn around again."

Yang Li bit his lip tightly, unable to say a word.He also knew very well in his heart what the consequences would be if Fengtian Group won the bidding.

"How about it, I can give you another chance to join our Fengtian."

Li Xiaoyun would not let go of this opportunity, and tried his best to mock Yang Li.

"However, I can't give you the position of vice president this time. I just need someone to serve tea and water, why don't you think about it?"

Yang Li glared at Li Xiaoyun viciously, even if he took the position of vice president now, he would never betray Bo Lingqing.

"Li Xiaoyun, don't be too happy. Even if you win the bidding, it doesn't mean you won everything."

Yang Li still kept his mouth stubborn, but he also knew very well in his heart that if he lost the bidding, there would be almost no chance for the Bo family to come back.

"If you want to be tough, now is the time. Let's wait and see, sooner or later you will cry and beg me."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaoyun ignored Yang Li and answered the call from Secretary Xia.

"Secretary Xia, how is it? Did you successfully win the bidding?"

Li Xiaoyun is full of confidence, and in his opinion, winning the bidding is a matter of course.

"How much money was spent in total, shouldn't exceed 5000 million?"

Hearing Li Xiaoyun's words, Secretary Xia couldn't speak for a while.

"Mr. Li, I'm really sorry, something happened right now."

Gritting her teeth hard, although it was difficult to speak, Secretary Xia knew very well that it was impossible not to say it now.

"Bo Lingqing has just arrived, and he bid [-] million, should we continue to increase the price?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyun's whole body froze, and he even began to doubt his ears.

"What do you say, you say it again!"

Secretary Xia had no choice but to bite the bullet and repeat it.

"Secretary Xia, how did this happen? Bo Lingqing just rushed over, so why haven't you won the bidding after such a long time?"

Li Xiaoyun was a little frustrated, his plan could already be called very successful, and he delayed Bo Lingqing for an entire hour.He really couldn't imagine that without Bo's participation, in the name of Fengtian Group, it would be impossible to win a bid within an hour.

"President Li, it's all about Su Nuannuan..."

Secretary Xia wanted to put all the responsibility on Su Nuannuan, but before she could finish speaking, Li Xiaoyun coldly interrupted her.

"Secretary Xia, what is the task I entrusted to you? If you find something wrong with her, you should accept the bid in time. Why does this happen?"

Li Xiaoyun had already thought of the possibility that something might go wrong with Su Nuannuan, so he sent Secretary Xia over there, which was a layer of insurance.But unexpectedly, there was still a problem with the bidding.

"President Li, I'm sorry."

Apart from apologizing, Secretary Xia couldn't think of anything else to say.

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