Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 722 Deadly 1 Strike

"Gentle, then please."

Bo Lingqing didn't delay either, he knew exactly what he should do.Even if he stays, it won't be of any help to Rourou, it's better to rush to bid as soon as possible.As long as you win the bidding, you will win this time.

"Cheetah, now that no one else is bothering you, it's time for us to settle the account of last time."

Gentle took out the dagger from his arms, and held the handle tightly.She looked directly at the cheetah, and the fighting spirit in her eyes was burning.When she was on the mountain road last time, she lost to him because of weapons, and this time she will definitely win to complete her revenge.

"Hey, hey, why don't we stay peaceful? Since you've come, although you don't really want to give up the mission, but there's no other way, I just promise you that you won't chase after Bao Lingqing again."

Cheetah shrugged his shoulders. Unlike Gentleness, he didn't seem to intend to do anything at all.

"Cheetah, don't think that I will easily believe your words."

Rourou stared at the cheetah and never moved away. She knew the tricks of the cheetah very well.What he is best at is to sneak attack when the opponent puts down his guard, and then kill him with one blow.

This is why he is called the Cheetah.

Seeing that his purpose had been seen through, and Gentle didn't seem to relax at all, Cheetah couldn't help but spit.No matter whether he wins or loses, it will definitely take a long time to fight head-on and tenderly, so his mission to stop Bo Lingqing will fail no matter what.

"Since this is the case, in order to give an explanation for the failure of the mission, I can only pay for it with your life."

The smile that the cheetah had been hanging on the corner of its mouth disappeared, and a hideous and twisted face appeared on its face.If possible, he really doesn't want to fight with Rou Rou now, but he can't help it.

"If you can do it, go ahead and try."

Gentle's hand holding the dagger increased some strength, and he dared not underestimate an opponent like Cheetah.

At the same time, at the bidding site, as Su Nuannuan and Nannan's tacit understanding procrastinated, a long time has passed.

Su Nuannuan's brows became tighter and tighter, and Bo Lingqing didn't show up for a long time. If this continues, I'm afraid there will be no delay.

"Vice President Su, we can't delay any longer, we must win the bid as soon as possible."

Secretary Xia couldn't sit still anymore, and she even began to suspect that Su Nuannuan was deliberately cooperating with the other party to delay the time.Her face was tense, ready to show Su Nuannuan at any time and take over the bidding.

Su Nuannuan bit her lip, she knew very well.Secretary Xia has deep doubts about her now.If she continued to delay, she might have to take action.

"Secretary Xia, tell me how much we should bid this time, and I will bid according to what you said."

There is no way, Su Nuannuan can only give up and continue to procrastinate.Her purpose has not been answered yet, and now is not the time to formally turn against Feng Tian.

"Add directly to 8000 million. Zhang Benfan's assessment should not exceed this amount. If they still want to increase the price, they must show proof on the spot."

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan could only nod helplessly.It seems that Secretary Xia has done a detailed investigation on Zhang Benfan before.

"Fengtian Group's bid is 8000 million."

As soon as Su Nuannuan's words came out, there was an uproar in the field, and no one thought that she would raise the price to such a high price all at once.

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