Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 718 The Bidding Begins

Su Nuannuan tightened her lips, every word of Secretary Xia deeply stimulated her.

The tingling pain from the lips constantly reminded Su Nuannuan to calm down no matter what.For her own sake and for Bo Lingqing's sake, she had to keep pretending to have amnesia until the opportunity to completely defeat Li Xiaoyun appeared.

"Secretary Xia, you really know how to joke."

Su Nuannuan turned her head, the corners of her mouth curled up, revealing a smile.

"I don't remember it for a long time. Even if they are really my children, so what?"

Su Nuannuan said it didn't matter, but her heart seemed to be bleeding.

"For me, they are my enemies now. For Fengtian Group, I will not treat them as children."

Secretary Xia shrugged boredly. She had expected Su Nuannuan to show a painful expression, but it seemed that she had miscalculated.Su Nuannuan is more heartless than she imagined.

"Okay, let's stop here for the digression."

Li Xiaoyue's heart is very frivolous, when Su Nuannuan said these words, she must have felt so much pain in her heart.Knowing that she was just holding on, in order to prevent exposure, Li Xiaoyue quickly changed the topic.

"The bidding is about to start, let's prepare first."

Hearing this, Secretary Xia closed his mouth.She opened the briefcase and carefully checked the various documents inside.

With a brisk music, the bidding will finally officially start.The auctioneer stepped onto the stage and bowed slightly to the audience.

"First of all, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in this bidding. You should already know the bidding rules, so I won't go into details here."

The auctioneer held the microphone in his hand, and even though everyone's eyes were on him, he remained calm and composed.

"Then I announce that the bidding has officially started now. The base price is 50 yuan, and the minimum price increase is 5 yuan."

As soon as the auctioneer's voice fell, there was a real price increase from the audience.The original reserve price of 50 was quickly raised to 200 million.However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that these people are just raising prices casually to join in the fun. With Bo and Fengtian around, they have no chance of competing.

"Vice President Su, just increase it to 1000 million."

Seeing that no one in the venue continued to increase the price for the time being, Secretary Xia made a suggestion to Su Nuannuan.

"In this way, no one should continue to increase the price."

Su Nuannuan curled her lips, Secretary Xia really had a good plan.It is really greedy to buy a piece of hot land if you want 1000 million.

But I have to say that Secretary Xia's suggestion is indeed very reasonable.Now that Bo Lingqing was not present, they only need to raise the price all at once and reveal their identities to everyone, then no one will intentionally raise the price again.

"Fengtian Group, bid 1000 million."

Su Nuannuan had no choice but to follow Secretary Xia's suggestion and directly raise the price to 1000 million.If she refuses at this time, I am afraid that the fact that she has not lost her memory will be exposed all at once.

"Vice President Su, you've done a great job. Now, I think we can go back to work soon."

Secretary Xia stretched. From her point of view, as long as Bo Lingqing was not around, there would be no suspense in this bidding at all.She won the bidding with only 1000 million yuan, and she was already thinking about how much bonus Li Xiaoyun would give her when she went back.

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