Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 690 Temporary Trust

"Minister Cao, you don't need to worry about this. Since I came here to hold a shareholders' meeting, I naturally have a solution."

Cao Anmin narrowed his eyes and stared at Yang Li coldly.In his impression, Yang Li is a talented hacker who is obsessed with the Internet.But I didn't expect that he would have such a sinister and cunning side.

"By the way, Minister Cao, I have one more thing. Mr. Li from Fengtian will also attend as a special guest. I hope you can agree."

Hearing this, Cao Anmin clenched his fists and roared loudly.

"Impossible, don't dream. No matter what, I will not allow a guy like him to participate in our Bo's shareholder meeting."

Yang Li scratched his head, showing a troubled expression.

"Then let me put it another way. On the day of the shareholders' meeting, Li Xiaoyun will accompany me as my assistant. I remember that the regulations say that every participating shareholder can bring an assistant, right?"

Cao Anmin was speechless for a while, Yang Li obviously had conducted a thorough investigation of the rules of the Bo's shareholder meeting, and had already made a plan.Every one of the things he proposed was unacceptable, but all of them were in line with the regulations.

"Yang Li, after Mr. Bo returns, none of you can escape, and you will definitely suffer retribution."

Yang Li raised his hand and waved it casually a few times.

"Minister Cao, I advise you not to be so superstitious. Talk about retribution is only spoken by grandparents."

After finishing speaking, Yang Li and Li Xiaoyun got into the car together, and walked away under the angry eyes of everyone.

"Yang Li, I never expected that you are so familiar with the rules of the shareholder meeting."

Li Xiaoyun looked at Yang Li and asked tentatively.He was just an ordinary employee of Bo's technology department before, and he had no reason to know the rules of the shareholder meeting.

"It's not a big deal, I just did my research before."

While driving the car, Yang Li dealt with it lightly.

"After all, I've wanted to leave Bo's for a long time. In order to find a better way out in the future, it's natural to investigate this information that can be used carefully."

Li Xiaoyun frowned slightly. Although Yang Li's words were correct, he felt a little weird.If you really want to take advantage of it, some Bo's technical secrets are better, and there is no need to investigate the rules of the shareholders' meeting.

Thinking about it this way, it was as if he had expected such a thing to happen a long time ago and had made preparations in advance.

"Mr. Li, you don't doubt me until now, do you?"

Seemingly seeing through Li Xiaoyun's suspicion, Yang Li said slowly.

"I can't guarantee anything else, but I have one heart with you when it comes to dealing with Mrs. Bo."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyun bowed his head and pondered.Indeed, no matter what Yang Li's intentions are, he should be sincere in dealing with the Bo family.After all, he has become a traitor now, if he doesn't bring down the Bo family, then he won't be able to sleep peacefully.

"Then I'll trust you for the time being. However, this trust will only last until the Bo family collapses."

For Li Xiaoyun, the Bo family is also the current number one enemy.In order to bring down Mr. Bo, he had no choice but to let go of his doubts and trust Yang Li for the time being.

"Thank you so much. Mr. Li, there is nothing more pleasing than working with a smart person like you."

In the office, Cao Anmin told Nannan and Beibei about Yang Li's proposal of initiating a shareholders' meeting.

"Brother, what should we do now? I really didn't expect that damned traitor Yang Li would want to use the shareholder meeting to play tricks."

Beibei's face no longer had the usual smile. Since Bo Lingqing went abroad, bad things happened one after another, crushing her little shoulders little by little.

"Miss, don't worry too much. Although we can't prevent him from holding a shareholders' meeting, any proposal he makes needs to be voted by other shareholders, and more than half of the votes must be passed."

Cao Anmin reminded Beibei that he didn't want Beibei to bear too much pressure.

"Minister Cao, since Yang Li proposed to hold a shareholders' meeting on his own initiative, he may have already thought of a countermeasure."

Nan Nan's mind was extremely calm, analyzing Yang Li's various behaviors.

"Since he can acquire a large number of shares from shareholders, he also has a way to get the remaining shareholders to vote for themselves at the shareholders' meeting."

Hearing this, Cao Anmin's face suddenly changed.As Nan Nan said, when Yang Li purchased the shares, he probably deliberately asked several shareholders to stay, promised them more benefits, and asked them to vote for him at the shareholders' meeting.

"No, this situation must not be allowed to happen. Young master, I will immediately go to the shareholders to negotiate, and I must not allow Yang Li's proposal to pass."

Nan Nan bit her lip hard, shook her head to stop him.

"It's useless. Since they have made up their minds to sell their stocks, it means they have completely given up on us, Bo Corporation, and will no longer trade with us."

Cao Anmin was speechless and could only clenched his fists unwillingly.Yang Li was more thoughtful than he imagined, and he actually set up such a big situation step by step.

"Damn it, I really didn't see it before, that guy actually hides such a huge ambition. After getting along for a few years, I didn't even see the slightest clue."

At this moment, Cao Anmin could only blame himself.If he could see Yang Li's evil intentions earlier, he wouldn't have fallen into the passive situation he is now.

"Minister Cao, you don't have to blame yourself. It's not just you, we also didn't notice any signs. Even Dad couldn't see it."

While Nan Nan was comforting Cao Anmin, the expression on his face suddenly became a little strange.It's not surprising that they didn't see Yang Li's plan, but how could Bo Lingqing not see it.Yang Li was cultivated by him alone, and with his ability to recognize people, he definitely wouldn't misjudge people.

Moreover, based on what he knew when he got along with Yang Li, he is definitely not a person who is good at scheming.Why did they suddenly come up with an interlocking, almost impeccable conspiracy? This is really unreasonable.

"Brother, you should hurry up and find a way, otherwise the company will be taken away by him."

Seeing Nannan's unhurried appearance, Beibei stomped her feet impatiently.No matter what, Fengtian can't let the company that father entrusted them to manage be taken away by Fengtian.

"We don't need to do anything, just let Yang Li do whatever he wants."

Nan Nan clenched her fists hard and made a decision that made everyone's mouths open.

"Master, please wait a moment, I don't understand what you mean."

"Brother, what are you thinking, are you going to hand over Dad's company?"

Cao Anmin and Beibei showed incredible expressions at the same time. No matter how difficult the situation is, at least they must struggle.What does Nan Nan mean by giving up directly.

"Please believe me, as long as this is the case, we must be the final victors."

A flash of firmness flashed across Nan Nan's eyes, and he patted his chest vigorously, assuring the two of them.

"Master, please forgive me for being rude, I absolutely cannot accept this."

Cao Anmin looked at Nan Nan with obvious disappointment in his eyes. He never expected that Nan Nan would give up in the face of difficulties.

"Next, I will try my best to stop Yang Li in my own way, so please wait here for my good news, young master."

After speaking, Cao Anmin turned around and left.But before he could take a step, his arm was tightly held by a small hand.

"Miss, what do you mean?"

Seeing that the person who stopped him was not Nannan but Beibei, Cao Anmin's eyes showed a hint of confusion.

"Don't you also think that doing nothing right now and letting Yang Li do whatever he wants is the best choice?"

Beibei shook her head lightly, but there was an extremely serious expression on her small face.

"Minister Cao, please trust my brother. Beibei knows that my brother doesn't want to give up. He must have his own plan for doing so."

As she spoke, Beibei glanced at Nan Nan at the side.As a younger sister, seeing Nan Nan's eyes, she already understood.He definitely doesn't want to give up.

Hearing this, Cao Anmin hesitated.After all, Nannan and Beibei are brothers and sisters. It can be said that the one who knows Nannan best is Beibei who is his younger sister.It's just that it's a bit far-fetched to let him do nothing based on this alone.

"Master, please allow me to ask again, you really didn't give up and made such a decision?"

Nan Nan stared at Cao Anmin closely, and nodded vigorously.

"Minister Cao, please trust me and Dad. If I'm not wrong, everything that happens here is under Dad's control."

When Bo Lingqing was mentioned, Cao Anmin fell silent.In his eyes, Bo Lingqing is an all-knowing and omnipotent god who can predict any situation in advance.Perhaps, as Nannan said, everything that happened to Bo's now is actually within Bo Lingqing's calculations.

"Master, I believe in you."

Cao Anmin gritted his teeth hard, convincing himself to choose to trust Nannan.

Nan Nan breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily he succeeded in persuading Cao Anmin to trust him.Otherwise, I don't know what action he will take, and it may destroy this carefully designed layout by someone.

"Bebe, thank you."

Nan Nan looked at Bei Bei with grateful eyes, and she definitely contributed a lot to her success in persuading Cao Anmin.

"Brother, if you really thank Beibei, just tell us what you think, and stop making us worry."

Beibei pouted, complaining to Nannan dissatisfied.Although she chose to believe in Nan Nan, he refused to disclose any information, which really made people feel uncertain.

"Beibei, when the shareholders' meeting is held, everything will naturally come to light. Before that, please let me keep it a secret."

The corner of Nan Nan's mouth curled up, revealing a sly smile.

"You don't know anything, so that you can better cooperate with me and complete this wonderful curtain call performance. Otherwise, the performance may be flawed."

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed, and finally it was the day when the shareholders' meeting was officially held.

"Bebe, get ready, we're also going to the shareholders' meeting."

Hearing this, there was a ray of doubt in Beibei's eyes.

"Brother, we are not shareholders, and we have no right to attend the shareholders' meeting."

The corners of Nannan's mouth raised slightly, and he said while handing the coat to Beibei.

"You don't have to worry about this. I have already asked Minister Cao to contact the two veteran-level shareholders in advance. We can participate with them as assistants."

Beibei grimaced at Nannan in dissatisfaction. She tried various methods in the past few days, trying to get some news from him, but all failed.

"Beibei didn't want to go. Seeing Yang Li's traitorous face, Beibei wanted to punch him hard."

Nannan sighed helplessly, he knew very well that what Beibei said was definitely not angry words.With her temper, if she really had the chance, she would definitely not be relentless.

"Beibei, just treat it as being with me, can you join in too?"

There was no other way, Nannan could only try to coax Beibei as before.

"Also, you must promise me. You can treat Yang Li with a bad attitude, but you must not do anything."

Beibei grumbled Lao Gao, and nodded reluctantly.Although she may be a little self-willed at ordinary times, she never plays petty temper in big matters.

Bo Group, in the meeting room.

Except for Yang Li, all shareholders have arrived.As assistants, Nan Nan and Bei Bei stood behind the two veteran shareholders, waiting for the formal start of the meeting.

Suddenly, the door of the conference room was pushed open.Yang Li put on a rare suit and walked in with his head held high.

Behind him, Li Xiaoyun followed defiantly.Although his nominal identity was Yang Li's assistant, he didn't take this identity seriously at all.

"I kept everyone waiting for a long time. Now that everyone is here, let's officially start the shareholders' meeting."

Yang Li calmly walked to the center of the conference room, announcing the formal start of the shareholder meeting.

"Yang Li, you shameless traitor who betrayed the company, you still have the face to hold a shareholders' meeting."

Some shareholders loyal to the Bo family stood up and criticized Yang Li.But more people remained silent, acquiescing to Yang Li's status as a shareholder.

Bei Bei pouted and glared at Yang Li viciously.If Nan Nante hadn't warned him before coming here, she would have rushed to argue with him long ago.

"Please pay attention to your own words. I am now a shareholder of the Bo Group just like you. I hope that your words and deeds can be in line with your own status."

Seeing Yang Li's haughty look, Beibei finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up.

"Yang Li, how can a person be as shameless as you. When Dad comes back, Beibei must tell him to teach you a lesson."

Before Yang Li could speak, Li Xiaoyun on the side laughed.

"Little sister, don't you think that your father can come back?"

Hearing this, all the people present except Yang Li showed shocked expressions.The meaning of Li Xiaoyun's words was already very obvious, he had already sent people abroad to deal with Bo Lingqing.

"You guy, did you hire a killer?"

Cao Anmin had blue veins on his forehead, and he glared at Li Xiaoyun angrily.If it wasn't for the people around him to stop him, he would have jumped on him.

"Sir, I warn you not to talk nonsense."

Li Xiaoyun curled his mouth and looked at Cao Anmin with a sneer.Naturally, he would not admit to the public about hiring a killer.

"I was just joking with my little sister. Of course, if I accidentally hit the mark, I can only say sorry."

Seeing Li Xiaoyun's arrogant appearance, although everyone was angry, they had nothing to do with him.

"Brother, father and mother..."

Beibei gently tugged on Nannan's sleeve with one hand, tears in her eyes.If something really happened to Bo Lingqing and Su Nuannuan, it would undoubtedly be a catastrophe for the young Beibei.

"Beibei, don't worry, father and mother are not so easy to deal with."

Nan Nan patted Beibei's shoulder vigorously, trying to comfort her sister as much as possible.As an older brother, he must not panic at such a time.What's more, he believed in his heart that his father and mother did not encounter any accidents.

"Okay, let's stop playing around here."

Yang Li clapped his hands vigorously, drawing everyone's attention back again.

"I propose to abolish the previous proposal proposed by Bo Lingqing. Shareholders cannot interfere with the company's management. This kind of regulation is simply unreasonable."

Standing in front of people, Yang Li gave a passionate speech.

"Our shareholders have invested a lot of money in the company. How can we hand over our fate to others? My philosophy of life is that we must firmly control our destiny in our own hands. For this reason, we must get back the rights that belong to our shareholders. At least, the general direction of the company's development must be controlled by us!"

Listening to Yang Li's eloquent talk, Beibei's little face became paler and paler.I have to admit that the appeal of Yang Li's words is too strong, even those shareholders who hold a neutral attitude will probably stand by his side.

"Wait a minute, I have to refute what you said."

Suddenly, Nan Nan stood up from behind the following shareholders.

"Shut up, this is the shareholders' meeting, and your assistant has no right to express opinions."

Li Xiaoyun didn't want to give Nan Nanshi a chance to speak at all, so he choked on it without waiting for others to speak.

"I will return this sentence to you intact. Whether I can express my opinion is not up to you."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyun's expression darkened.He is the president of the Fengtian Group, how has anyone ever said that.

"Mr. Li, please stay calm and don't be impatient. Leave the matter here to me."

Just when Li Xiaoyun was about to attack, Yang Li suddenly spoke up and stopped him.

"Hmph, just do as you say. But don't let me down."

Yang Li nodded, patted his chest and assured.

"President Li, don't worry, I have my own way to pass the bill."

After finishing speaking, Yang Li turned his eyes back to Nan Nan, with an unpredictable smile on his lips.

"No matter what your status is now, you are Boss's son after all, so I still want to give you some face."

With that said, Yang Li made a gesture of please.

"Then let us hear, as Mr. Bo's son, what can you say."

Nan Nan and Yang Li looked at each other, he nodded vigorously and started his performance.

"Dear shareholders, especially those who have supported the Bo Corporation since the establishment of the company, I would like to ask you a question."

Nan Nan paused for a while, took a deep breath, and then roared out with his loudest voice.

"So far, Boss has made you lose even a penny?"

That short sentence caused all the shareholders present to fall into silence.

Since the establishment of Bo's, under the leadership of Bo Lingqing, the company can be said to be thriving.These shareholders also made a lot of money.

"Please trust Mr. Bo and every employee of the Bo Corporation. As long as this belief continues, the Bo Corporation will definitely give you the best rewards."

At the same time Nan Nan's words ended, Yang Li suddenly clapped his hands.

"As expected of Mr. Bo's son, what you said is indeed true. Under Mr. Bo's leadership, the shareholders have been making profits."

Suddenly, Yang Li changed his subject.

"However, there is a premise that Mr. Bo must be present. Now, regardless of whether Mr. Bo has encountered an accident, at least he is not in China."

Yang Li paused for a moment, and glanced at the shareholders present, as if making eye contact with them.

"The current situation of Mr. Bo must be very clear to all of you. The child in front of you is in charge of all the affairs of the company. Although he is Mr. Bo's son, he is still young after all. You are really willing to entrust your destiny to him. ?”

As soon as Yang Li's voice fell, the conference room immediately became noisy.As Yang Li said, no matter what, Nan Nan's is still a child, so I'm afraid it's not enough to take on this responsibility.

"Wait a minute, I have a condition."

Suddenly, the assistant who brought Nan Nan in stood up from his chair and turned his gaze to Yang Li.

"I can vote for you, but this is to negate the proposal made by Mr. Bo himself. I don't want to take such a risk for nothing."

Hearing this, the rest of the shareholders also stood up one after another, and at the same time looked at Yang Li with persuasive eyes.

"Then everyone, let me hear your conditions."

Yang Li's expression was calm, as if everything was within his expectations.

"Please give me [-]% of Fengtian Group's shares. If you agree, I will vote for you."

"It's the same for us. We don't want to offend Bo Lingqing if there is no benefit."

Yang Li turned his head and looked at Li Xiaoyun.Although he is in charge of this negotiation, Fengtian is Li Xiaoyun's company after all.It is up to him to decide whether to give shares or not.

Li Xiaoyun frowned tightly. There were exactly ten shareholders who expressed their views. As long as they voted in favor, Yang Li's proposal could be passed.

However, he has to pay the price of [-]% of the shares, and these shares will naturally be deducted from the shares he personally holds.

Li Xiaoyun rolled his eyes, thinking about gains and losses in his heart.

Although [-]% of the shares are worth a lot of money, the deal is not a loss for a chance to defeat the Bo family.As long as the Bo family collapses, the Fengtian Group can occupy all the markets, and the benefits it can obtain are immeasurable.

The only thing he has to worry about now is that his shareholding ratio will decrease, and whether there will be problems within the company.

Li Xiaoyun is also a controlling shareholder in Fengtian, and like most companies, he personally accounts for 51%.Besides him, the largest shareholder accounted for only 32%, even if he gave up some shares, he still couldn't surpass him.

"Okay, you can agree to them. You can sign the contract now. As long as they vote in favor, they can get 1% of Fengtian's shares."

There are not many opportunities to defeat the Bo family. If you miss this time, you may not have another chance in the future.For this reason, he decided to fight.

Anyway, he still holds the most shares, and the company is still under his control.After that, as long as you find a way to recover some shares, you can be all right.

Soon, under the auspices of Yang Li, the contract was signed.

Watching this scene, Beibei wanted to stand up and stop him several times, but Nannan stopped him.

"Brother, it's definitely a foul for them to do this! No, they must be stopped."

Beibei stomped her feet vigorously while reprimanding Yang Li for his shameless behavior.

"Beibei, this is their personal matter, and we have no right to interfere."

Nannan held Beibei's arm tightly, for fear that she would rush up and make trouble.

"Okay, let's start voting."

Beibei gritted her silver teeth tightly, and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth.

"It's all like this, why do you still vote. Beibei really misjudged, you are a shameless villain."

Yang Li didn't care about Beibei's scolding, and urged everyone to vote.

Soon, the results of the vote were counted.It was no surprise that Yang Li led by a small number of votes, and his proposal was passed.

"Hey, Yang Li. Hurry up and announce that the Bo family will give up competition in the future, as long as they stick to the results."

Li Xiaoyun couldn't wait, this was the opportunity he had been waiting for for more than ten years.Seeing that the great wish of defeating the Bo family is about to be achieved, how could he not be excited.

Yang Li shrugged and nodded helplessly.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's vote again. Since Mr. Li is happy, then we should cooperate more."

Yang Li's tone suddenly changed, and he announced in a teasing tone.

"Our Bo family gave up all the business to Fengtian, and if we meet Fengtian's people in the future, we must stay away."

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at Li Xiaoyun with disdain in his eyes.

"Mr. Li, how about this proposal? Are you very satisfied?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyun was completely stunned.This kind of proposal is simply impossible to pass.Even if it is passed, such an obviously unreasonable proposal will have no legal effect.

"Okay, voting is too troublesome, why don't we vote with a show of hands."

As soon as the words fell, the shareholders raised their hands one after another, and unexpectedly passed this nonsense motion unanimously.

"Mr. Li, how are you? Are you satisfied now?"

Yang Li mocked Li Xiaoyun with a teasing tone.

"Yang Li, what do you mean? Or are you planning to betray me again?"

The corner of Yang Li's mouth raised a sneer, and he shook his head lightly.

"Mr. Li, you misunderstood. I never intended to betray you. After all, my heart has never left Bo's."

As soon as Yang Li finished speaking, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a slender figure walked in.

"Li Xiaoyun, we meet again. But the location is really delicate. I didn't expect the dignified president of Fengtian Group to attend our Bo's shareholder meeting as an assistant."

Seeing the person coming, the expression on Li Xiaoyun's face changed completely.His ever-shrinking pupils were filled with shock and fear.

"Bo Lingqing, it's you."

Li Xiaoyun gritted her teeth.At this point, he naturally understood that everything was arranged by Bo Lingqing.

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