Beibei patted her chest vigorously and assured Nan Nan.

"Brother, don't worry, leave it to Beibei. Although I don't know if that guy will turn back, Beibei will do his best to persuade him."

Hearing this, the corners of Nannan's mouth curled up, and he gently rubbed Beibei's hair.

"In that case, I'll leave it to Beibei. As long as you work hard, you don't need to blame yourself even if you don't succeed."

Nan Nan knew very well that if Yang Li really betrayed, the possibility of turning back was almost zero.If Beibei blames himself for failure, it will not be worth the candle.

While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door of the villa.Soon, the butler brought Yang Li in.

"Uncle Housekeeper, go get busy first, we have something to talk to Uncle Yang alone."

After dismissing the butler, Nan Nan looked directly at Yang Li with serious eyes.After all, he used to take good care of himself and Beibei, but now he had to tear himself apart, and he didn't know where to start.

"Uncle Yang, Beibei and brother both know about you."

Seeing that Nannan hadn't spoken for a long time, Beibei stood up.

"Really, I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

Yang Li's performance was calmer than he imagined. Based on his years of getting along with his brother and sister, it would be strange if they didn't find out.

"Then what are you going to do, plan to tell other people and kick me out of the company?"

Beibei curled her lips, although she had indeed planned to do so before.However, the only way to restore the situation now is to rely on him, and he can only be patient.

"That's not the case. I called you here this time. Beibei and brother want to persuade you to turn around."

Beibei shook his head gently and explained his purpose to him.

"If you are willing to turn around, we promise you that the betrayal will be treated as if it never happened. Even after Dad comes back, we won't tell him about it."

Although Beibei is young, she is well versed in negotiation.First of all, Yang Li's worries must be eliminated. If he can't do this, it is absolutely impossible for him to turn back.

"It's really beyond my expectation. Fortunately, I have a high opinion of you. I didn't expect to be so naive."

Yang Li walked up to Bei Bei and gently rubbed her head.But what came out of his mouth was full of cruel words.

"Hey, you are not allowed to touch Beibei's head. Unless you promise to turn back, Beibei will regard you as an enemy."

Beibei dodged his hand with a displeased expression on her face, she had no interest in getting close to the traitor.

"Don't worry, it was just a habit just now."

Yang Li stood still again, with a serious look on his face, as if what happened just now had never happened.

"Take it as if you are touching a kitten or puppy. After all, when I see cute things, I can't help but want to touch them."

Hearing this, Beibei glared at him angrily.It turned out that in this guy's eyes, he had always treated himself as a cute little animal.

"Beibei won't be playing around anymore, can you turn back? If you are willing to turn back, then you are still Beibei's uncle."

After hesitating for a moment, Beibei's face flushed with blush.

"If you want, Beibei's head can be touched by you."

Yang Li raised one hand and patted his forehead vigorously.He really didn't expect that Beibei would propose such a condition.If Bo Lingqing knew about this, he would have to eat him alive.

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Li's offer is obviously more attractive than your offer."

Yang Li quickly regained his composure, sneered and shook his head, expressing his refusal.

"What conditions did he offer you, we can also give you the same."

In order to restore the situation, Yang Li must be brought back.Since it is irreparable emotionally, Beibei can only negotiate terms with him.

"It's okay to tell you, I'm the vice president of Fengtian Group now. Why, you can let me be the vice president of Bo Corporation?"

Hearing this, Beibei was silent.She never expected that Li Xiaoyun would pay such a huge cost to win over Yang Li, and directly made him Fengtian's vice president.

Now, she can't guarantee that Yang Li will become Bo's vice president.After all, except for Bo Lingqing, the top managers in the company, neither she nor Nan Nan can make such a decision on behalf of Bo Lingqing.

"It seems that you can't do anything, it's really a pity."

Yang Li spread out his hands, showing a look of pity.

"That's the end of the negotiation. Don't worry, I will leave the company. After all, I have got what I want."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nan Nan's expression changed suddenly.Bei Bei didn't seem to have reacted yet, but he understood what Yang Li meant.

"Wait a minute, you already bought the shares from the shareholders?"

Nan Nan saw through Yang Li's plan. He intentionally created confusion among the shareholders, and he must be rushing to buy Bo's shares.As for the person who came forward to acquire, there is no more suitable candidate than him.

"As expected of Nannan, you hit the spot."

Yang Li didn't hide anything, and confessed to Nan Nan.

"For all the shareholders who have thought of selling, their shares have all been transferred to me. Although there are still some people who firmly believe that Bo can survive, no matter what I say, they will not sell their shares. However, such There are not many people."

Nannan's face became more and more ugly, and the meaning of Yang Li's words was very clear. Except for more than half of the shares held by Bo Lingqing, almost all the rest fell into the hands of Fengtian Group.For them, this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

"Uncle Yang, you have worked with your father in Bo's for so many years, do you really have the heart to be so cruel to the company?"

Nan Nan pointed a finger at Yang Li, his shoulders trembled slightly, obviously very excited.

"What's so reluctant? I've been with Bo Lingqing for so many years, but he has kept me in the technical department. Do you know how unwilling I am?"

Yang Li looked directly at Nan Nan, and his voice became colder and colder.

"Now that I finally have a chance to succeed, how can I give up? Even if I want to step on Mrs. Bo, I have to go to a higher place."

Nan Nan was silent. He stood where he was, looking at Yang Li with doubts in his eyes.

"You are so bad, Beibei should have seen through your wolf ambition long ago!"

Nannan didn't speak, but Beibei couldn't bear it anymore.

"Fortunately, Dad had the foresight to not let you be promoted."

Yang Li shrugged his shoulders indifferently, he raised one arm and waved.

"Anyway, I've got what I want. After messing around with you for so long, it's time to break up."

While speaking, Yang Li turned around and walked out of the villa.

Seeing Yang Li's leaving back, Beibei was about to explode, but she couldn't help him.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Seeing that Nan Nan lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking, Bei Bei couldn't help asking.

"That guy has already got the shares. If this continues, even if Dad comes back, he will be passive."

Nan Nan didn't raise her head, she still kept thinking, as if she didn't hear Bei Bei's words at all.

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Beibei stretched out her hand and shook Nannan's shoulder vigorously.She was very puzzled, the company is now facing an unprecedented crisis, and he still has time to think about other things.

"Beibei, tell me, did Yang Li really betray him?"

Nan Nan raised his head and said something inexplicable.

"Brother, what are you thinking? You heard what he said, and now even the shares have been taken away. If this is not betrayal, then what is betrayal?"

Beibei raised her hand and knocked Nan Nan hard on the head.Now is the moment of crisis, why did Nan Nan suddenly ask such a stupid question like a short circuit.

"But, Uncle Yang, he clearly said it before."

Nan Nan frowned, thinking about the past carefully.

"The reason why he has been in the technology department is because he loves the Internet. Dad wanted to give him a promotion before, but he himself asked to stay in the technology department."

Hearing this, Beibei couldn't help being startled.Yang Liming said just now that the reason why he betrayed was entirely because he had not been promoted.If Nan Nan's memory is correct, this is a contradiction.

"Brother, don't you remember wrongly? Someone else said those words, right?"

Bei Bei looked at Nan Nan suspiciously. After all, he was still young when he heard this, so it is very possible that he may have misremembered it.

"Impossible, I have confidence, absolutely not wrong."

Nan Nan was very resolute, convinced that her memory was fine.

"The reason why I am interested in the Internet is precisely because of Uncle Yang's words. I am sure that this sentence is definitely said by him."

This time, Beibei's expression became even more puzzled.Since Yang Liming said such things clearly, why did he betray the company on the grounds that he could not get a promotion?
"I figured it out, he must have regretted it!"

Beibei suddenly had an idea and said loudly.

"After all, I said that before, I'm sorry to raise the matter with my father. I have been patient until now, and finally saw the opportunity, so I betrayed."

The corner of Nan Nan's mouth raised a wry smile, and he shook his head lightly.Although he couldn't explain the reason clearly, he was certain in his heart that things were definitely not as Bei Bei said.

"Uncle Yang is not that kind of person. Although he is really afraid of negotiating conditions with Dad. But if he really wants it, he will offer it even if he is afraid."

Nan Nan bit her finger lightly, and began to analyze seriously.

"Just like before, even though he knew that he might be scolded, he also helped you ask Dad about playing with An'an."

Beibei was taken aback, and after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed a matter not long ago.

"That's right..."

The more she thought about the past, the angrier Bei Bei became, and the more unable to forgive Yang Li's betrayal.

"It's a fact that that guy betrayed anyway, no matter what, I won't let him go!"

In the hotel room, Yang Li and Li Xiaoyue met as usual.

"Yang Li, didn't we just meet each other not long ago, why are you looking for me all of a sudden?"

Li Xiaoyue showed doubts, although Li Xiaoyun has been monitoring Yang Li's every move through his mobile phone, but he will not tell these things to himself.

"It's nothing, I've been exposed."

Yang Li shrugged lightly, and replied lightly.

"I'm going to officially join Fengtian now. According to Mr. Li's previous instructions, the position of your vice president is mine."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyue let out a long sigh of relief.She was forced by Li Xiaoyun to temporarily serve as Fengtian's vice president.In her heart, she wished that Yang Li could take over as soon as possible, so that she could escape smoothly and stay away from these right and wrong.

"In that case, let's report to Mr. Li right away, and the rest is just the handover of work."

If Yang Li hadn't been monitored all the time, she really wanted to say thank you loudly to him.After all, the sooner he takes over, the sooner she can be freed.

"Aren't you too impatient?"

Yang Li did not act in a hurry, but stared at Li Xiaoyue with strange eyes.

"You don't even ask how my task is done, and you plan to just quit?"

Li Xiaoyue pouted, she didn't care about Yang Li's mission at all.She doesn't have any feelings for Fengtian, and after leaving, what Fengtian will become has nothing to do with her.

"Anyway, you have a bugging and listening device on your mobile phone. Mr. Li can grasp your every move. Do I still need to ask?"

Li Xiaoyue knew very well that she was just Li Xiaoyun's puppet.He made himself responsible for contacting Yang Li, but it was just a formality.

"That's fine, I can't wait to get the position of vice president."

Hearing this, Yang Li did not persevere.After they put on their coats, they left the hotel together and headed towards the building of Fengtian Group.

In Li Xiaoyun's office, he and Yang Li were sitting opposite each other.But Li Xiaoyue stood aside, her mission had been completed, so it was no longer useful for Li Xiaoyun, and she didn't even bother to talk to her anymore.

However, she didn't care at all in her heart.For her, it was better this way.If Li Xiaoyun loses interest in her, then her escape plan will become smoother.

"Yang Li, although I have already found out about it through eavesdropping and listening, I still want to hear from you personally."

Li Xiaoyun's face was expressionless, and no emotion could be heard in his voice, just like a robot.

Yang Li frowned subconsciously. He had been in the workplace for many years, so he naturally knew Li Xiaoyun's intentions.Using such an attitude to put pressure on himself can be regarded as a blow to him.

"Ming, I understand."

Yang Li stumbled on purpose, pretending to be frightened.Although he has never met, he has heard about Li Xiaoyun's personality for a long time.

This guy has been using his subordinates as puppets.For him, his subordinates don't need to think for themselves at all, as long as they can complete the assigned tasks.

That being the case, then he could do as he wished.Being a little cowardly on purpose can also gain his greatest trust.

Yang Li recounted the incident in detail, and emphasized that he was dissatisfied with Bo's because he had not been promoted.

"That's it, the shares in the hands of most shareholders are already in my hands."

After hearing Yang Li's explanation, Li Xiaoyun nodded in satisfaction.

Yang Li's description was not wrong with what he could eavesdrop or overhear. It seemed that he really wanted to join Fengtian for his status.

"Then sign the contract now and transfer the Bo shares you received to me."

While speaking, Li Xiaoyun took out the pre-drawn contract from the drawer and put it in front of Yang Li.

"Mr. Li, please think about this matter again."

Before Yang Li finished speaking, Li Xiaoyun's eyes became sharp.What he hates most is that the puppet has its own thoughts, which is exactly what Yang Li is doing now.

"Bo Lingqing has long expected this to happen, so there is a special rule in the contract signed with Bo's shareholders."

Yang Li ignored Li Xiaoyun's dissatisfaction and continued.

"All those who bought Bo's shares are not allowed to resell within one month. Otherwise, the contract will be invalidated, and Bo has the right to return the money and take back the shares."

Yang Li's hands hidden under the table were clenched tightly. This rule was made up by him, for fear that Li Xiaoyun would see through it.But even so, there are reasons why he absolutely cannot hand over the shares to Li Xiaoyun for the time being.

"Well, let's put aside the signing of the contract first."

Li Xiaoyun's face softened, and he agreed with Yang Li's words.

"Anyway, Bo's shares will be mine sooner or later, and I'm not in a hurry."

He didn't insist any longer, and he wasn't afraid that Yang Li would seize the shares by himself.After all, the money for the shares he acquired was paid by Fengtian Group.

Unless he can pay for the shares, he can have them at any time.Of course, it was impossible for Yang Li to spend that much money.For a company as huge as Bo's, the value of even a small amount of shares is astronomical. Even Fengtian had to apply for a large loan from the bank to barely make up the capital.

"Go and handover with my sister, you will be Fengtian's vice president in the future, do it well."

Li Xiaoyun waved his hand casually, he was quite satisfied with Yang Li's performance.At least, it looks like an obedient puppet.

Yang Li nodded and followed Li Xiaoyue out of the office.Just now, Li Xiaoyun had removed the listening device from his cell phone, as if he already trusted him.

"Leaving Bo's and becoming a vice president in this kind of place, you really have no pursuit."

After the bugging and listening devices were removed, Li Xiaoyue lost her scruples and spoke freely.

"What do you mean? In your eyes, being the vice president of Fengtian Group is better than staying in Bo's nest in the small technical department?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyue's mouth twitched into a sneer, as if she was very disdainful of his words.

"You will gradually understand. Here in Fengtian, the so-called vice president is just a puppet with a slightly higher status. You'd better not try to raise your opinion with that guy. Otherwise, don't blame me for not reminding you .”

Yang Li was speechless, he had naturally heard about Li Xiaoyun.But unexpectedly, even his sister Li Xiaoyue said that, which shows that Fengtian has accumulated a lot of resentment.

"Don't worry, I won't do stupid things."

Yang Li smiled and didn't seem to care.

"For me, getting the position of vice president is enough. As for whether I am a puppet or not, it doesn't matter at all."

While speaking, the handover of work has been completed.

"Then I wish you good luck, and I hope you won't run away crying."

Yang Li's betrayal has become a fact, and it has already been reported by major news media.

"Brother, what should we do now, should we announce Yang Li's betrayal to the employees of the company?"

The smile on Beibei's face has long since disappeared. Now that Yang Li has betrayed, many shares have been controlled by Feng Tian, ​​and the matter has reached an irreversible point.

Nannan's eyebrows were tightly frowned, thinking hard about the countermeasures.Yang Li is the veteran of the Bo family. Once the news of his betrayal is confirmed, the company is likely to fall into panic.What's more serious, other employees may also follow suit and switch to other companies one after another.

However, now that the news of Yang Li's betrayal has spread throughout the city, if he continues to conceal it without making an official announcement, it may be considered that the Bo family is at the end of its strength and can only rely on concealment to hold on.In this case, even other companies may give up continuing to cooperate with Bo.

"At this point, it has to be made public."

Nan Nan gritted his teeth tightly. After weighing it, he decided to announce the news of Yang Li's betrayal.

Beibei nodded slightly, she couldn't think of any other way, and now she could only trust Nan Nan.

As soon as the news was announced, the entire Bo family panicked.There were even rumors that Bo Lingqing had been killed.

At this time, Nan Nan was in Bo Lingqing's office, sitting in front of the desk he usually used to work.

"Dad, if it were you, what would you do now?"

Nan Nan lay tiredly on the table, muttering to himself.Bo's current predicament is too heavy for him at such a young age, and he is almost out of breath under the pressure.

In front of others, including Beibei, as Bo Lingqing's eldest son, no matter what happens, he must grit his teeth and persevere.But in this deserted office, his weakness was fully revealed.

Suddenly, Nan Nan's cell phone rang.He quickly picked it up and looked at it, and his face couldn't help becoming dignified.

It was Zhang Benfan who called. Although he didn't know what happened to him, Nan Nan already had a bad premonition in his heart.

After all, Zhang Benfan is also in a state of desperation. If there is no important matter, he will definitely not call him.

"Uncle Zhang, what happened?"

The moment the phone was connected, composure returned to Nan Nan's face.He is very clear that he must not show his weak side in front of others, especially in front of Zhang Benfan, an important partner of cooperation.

"Nannan, something is wrong. I just heard the news that the Fengtian Group suddenly sent a large number of people to contact other companies. It seems that Li Xiaoyun is going to set a big banner."

Hearing this, Nan Nan bit her lips tightly, and could only say that this was a surprising thing, but she could have expected it a long time ago.

Now that the Bo Corporation is in an unprecedented weak state, this is undoubtedly the best opportunity to seize the market.Although Li Xiaoyun is treacherous, his methods and brains are obvious to all. Even Bo Lingqing dare not underestimate him.

"Uncle Zhang, I see, we will find a way to deal with it."

Nan Nan gritted her teeth and made a promise to Zhang Benfan.

"Then I'll leave it to you, I will keep an eye on Fengtian's every move, and will notify you as soon as there is any new news."

After hanging up the phone, the strength on Nan Nan's face disappeared, and she let out a helpless sigh.

Nannan is very clear about Bo's current situation.With Bo Lingqing's absence and Yang Li's betrayal, the entire company has no leader.

It can be said that the current Bo Group is just following the previous track and barely maintaining the mechanized operation.Even the slightest change is difficult to deal with now.

Nan Nan clenched his fists tightly. He knew that he couldn't just give up like this.Since Li Xiaoyun had already made the first move, how could he be defeated without a fight.

Nannan immediately summoned the company's executives to discuss the solution.

However, things were worse than he imagined.Although he gave the order to assemble, there were only a handful of people who came.

Nan Nan's face was ugly and frightening. The external difficulties had made him burnt out, but the internal problems were even more serious.

Although he was Bo Lingqing's son, he was still a child after all. Many executives didn't take him seriously at all, and even called his various countermeasures a game of playing tricks.

"Brother, Bei Bei, go and call the others over."

Seeing the pitifully few people gathered, Beibei pouted and said angrily.

"If there are disobedient people, all of them will be fired."

"Bebe, wait a minute."

Hearing this, Nannan quickly stretched out her hand to grab Beibei.If it is in normal times, someone will be expelled directly if they keep ordering, there is nothing to say.

But it's different now, the entire Bo Corporation is in a mess, casually dismissing the company's executives at this juncture will only exacerbate the panic.

"It's fine if they don't attend the meeting, and then we pass on the conclusions we discussed to them, and it's enough for them to implement it."

Nannan took a deep breath and chose the most stable approach.With fewer people discussing, the number of solutions that can be thought of will naturally decrease accordingly.But in order to maintain the stability of the company, it can't take care of that much now.

"Brother, they didn't even attend the meeting, and you still expect them to listen to you and implement our strategy?"

Bei Bei's words stunned Nan Nan in place.As he said, those guys who didn't come, since they dared not even attend the meeting, naturally they also had the guts not to carry out other orders.

Thinking of this, Nan Nan had a gloomy face, clenched his hands into fists, and his shoulders kept trembling.

At this moment, his heart was extremely angry, and only he himself knew how much pressure he was under now.In this situation, he still actively contended with Fengtian, trying to find a way to break through the predicament.However, these so-called own people have become the biggest problem.

Even if he came up with the best countermeasures, it would be useless if other people under his command refused to implement them.

"Bebe, let's go find them now."

Driven by anger, Nannan decided to follow Beibei's advice and immediately go to other people to negotiate.Anyone who dares to disobey the order will be fired from the company directly.

It is important to maintain the stability of the company, but it is no longer possible to take care of so much.In this urgent moment, the company must be integrated from top to bottom, and there must be no flaws in any point.

"Master, please wait a moment, this is really inappropriate."

Seeing this, Cao Anmin, the head of the personnel department, immediately stood up and stopped the siblings.

"The company's top management is almost determined by Boss himself. Even you can't get past him and fire anyone."

As the Minister of Personnel, Cao Anmin can be said to be Bo Lingqing's most trusted confidant.Because Nan Nan is Bo Lingqing's son, he will buy Nan Nan's face.

But because of this, he absolutely couldn't tolerate Nan Nan going over Bo Lingqing and dismissing the executives he personally appointed.Otherwise, after Bo Lingqing came back, he would have no way to explain it to him.

"Minister Cao, for employees who don't obey orders, besides firing, are there other options?"

Beibei glared at Cao Anmin angrily. She managed to make Nan Nan wake up, but she didn't expect this guy to stand up and make trouble again.

"Miss, there is nothing wrong with what you said. Employees who do not obey orders should indeed be fired."

Cao Anmin bowed slightly to Beibei. He has always paid attention to etiquette, and he respected Bo Lingqing and his sons as if they were superiors.

"But after all, Mr. Bo personally selected these people. Even if they want to be fired, we have to wait for Mr. Bo to come back."

Beibei put her hands on her hips, her mouth pouting higher and higher.

"You old stubborn, you will be expelled sooner or later anyway, so what does it matter if it is earlier?"

Cao Anmin was not angry because of this, he just shook his head lightly, expressing his position.

Seeing this scene, Nan Nan sighed helplessly.Cao Anmin is the kind of person who sticks to the rules. Although he is usually reliable, sometimes things will be ruined because of his stubbornness.

Even Beibei couldn't convince him, so it seemed that they could only tell the secret they had been hiding all along.

"Minister Cao, before Yang Li's betrayal, we got in touch with Dad once."

As soon as these words came out, the whole office was boiling.To Bo's employees, Bo Lingqing is like an omniscient and omnipotent god.Even in their view, as long as Bo Lingqing can come back, no matter how big the difficulties are, they can be easily solved.

Nan Nan knew that it was no longer possible to hide it anymore.If Cao Anmin's trust and support can be obtained, there may be a chance to turn the tide.

Thinking of this, Nan Nan told everyone what happened in detail.

"Father handed over everything about the company to me and Beibei, and asked Yang Li to help us with all his strength. But unfortunately, Yang Li betrayed him, so I hope you can replace Yang Li and help me make the company over Get over this difficulty."

Hearing this, Cao Anmin stood where he was, frowning tightly.

"Master, what you said is true, Mr. Bo really handed over all the company's affairs to you and the eldest lady?"

Nan Nan nodded solemnly and assured Cao Anmin.

"Okay, since it's Mr. Bo's order, please let me, an old bone, do my best to assist you."

Cao Anmin seemed to have made up his mind, and he made a promise.

"Master, leave it to me to persuade other people. I assure you that everyone will be allowed to attend the meeting."

Nan Nan showed surprise on his face. He had no relationship with Cao Anmin and didn't know him well.But judging from his confident appearance, this guy may have a lot of status in the company.

This way things might turn around, as long as Cao Anmin can make other people listen to him, then there is no need to fire anyone.In this way, not only can the company become a whole, but also maintain the stability of the company, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Minister Cao, please take care of everything."

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