Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 684 Nannan's Victory

In the temporary work shed, Nan Nan Duan sat in front of the computer, trying his best to show off his talents.

"Little ghost, if you can't do it, give up quickly, I don't have so much time to waste on you."

Zhang Benfan tapped the table rhythmically with one finger, and the impatience on his face became more and more obvious.

"Uncle, brother can definitely do it, please wait patiently before the time is up."

Not wanting Nannan to be disturbed by Zhang Benfan, Beibei opened her hand and stood in front of him.

"If you feel bored, you can talk to Beibei. Beibei is a very good listener. No matter what it is, she will patiently listen to what uncle tells."

Looking at the serious little girl in front of him, Zhang Benfan sighed and shook his head.Let him confide in a little girl, it would be better to kill him.

"You should wait 20 years to say these words."

Hearing this, Beibei pouted and glared at Zhang Benfan angrily.

"Uncle, what do you mean? Beibei is no longer a child!"

Zhang Benfan casually took out a piece of candy from his pocket, and lightly threw it at Beibei.

"Really, children have to look like children. I really don't know how your parents educate you."

The minute hand of the wall clock on the wall turned round and round, the sun was gradually setting, and it would soon be dark.

"Really, I actually believe children's nonsense."

Zhang Benfan stood up from the chair and shook his head mockingly.

"It's time to end the game, you guys go back, and don't come to me again in the future."

Beibei bit her lips hard, time was really tight, even Nan Nan couldn't break through Fengtian Group's network defense within the stipulated time.

"Uncle, then..."

Beibei wanted to buy as much time as possible, but Zhang Benfan ruthlessly interrupted him before he could speak.

"I'll say it again for the last time, leave immediately. You are the children who killed my parents' enemies. Just showing up in front of me makes me want to tear you apart."

There was no emotion in Zhang Benfan's voice, Beibei could hear that he was trying his best to restrain the anger in his heart.

"Huh, it's finally finished."

Suddenly, Nan Nan who was sitting in front of the computer stood up.While yawning, he moved his stiff body.

"Really, even if you don't use it often, you should update the configuration anyway."

Looking at the old computer in front of him, Nan Nan couldn't help complaining.

"It takes half a day to complete something that can be done in an hour. This is a waste of life."

Zhang Benfan's body froze. He originally thought that the brother and sister were just bluffing, but he didn't expect it to be successful.

"I'm not so easy to deceive, don't just find a blueprint and fool it."

Zhang Benfan pinched his thigh hard.Impossible, for a child like Nan Nan, it is already very remarkable to be able to control a computer, how could it be possible to break through the Fengtian Group's network in just a few hours.

"The blueprint is right here, if it's true or not, don't you know if you see it for yourself?"

Nan Nan moved away, revealing the computer screen that was blocked by him.

"how can that be?"

Zhang Benfan stood there dumbfounded, what was displayed on the computer screen was indeed the design drawing drawn by himself.

"Uncle, what's the matter, should you trust us now?"

Beibei smiled and leaned over, seeing Zhang Benfan's unbelievable expression, felt very refreshed in his heart for no reason.

Zhang Benfan sighed and nodded helplessly.Although he didn't want to believe it, what he had been investigating all this time was completely wrong information.

What made him even more unacceptable was that he was actually used by his enemies and almost made a big mistake.

"Fengtian and those guys, I will definitely make them pay the price."

Zhang Benfan clenched his fists tightly, making crisp "creaking" sounds from his knuckles.

Beibei walked to his side, tried to stand on tiptoe, wanted to pat his shoulder, but still couldn't reach it.

"Uncle, it's not too late to turn around now. Trust Beibei, my brother and I will help you bring down the Fengtian Group."

Hearing this, Zhang Benfan was stunned.He who had been in the dark all this time seemed to see a light guiding him.He firmly believed that as long as he followed that light, he would be able to get out of the darkness.

Biting his lip hard, Zhang Benfan shook his head lightly.

"I will rely on my own strength to make that guy Li Xiaoyun pay the price!"

Zhang Benfan rejected the cooperation proposed by Beibei. Beibei and Nannan are still children, so they should not be allowed to see the darkness of society too early.Moreover, he almost put Bo's family in a huge crisis, how could he accept help brazenly now.

"You guys go back, I will continue to cooperate with you Bo's in the future. As long as I am still alive, this sentence will always be valid."

Zhang Benfan stretched out his hand and clasped Beibei's tiny hand together.

At the same time, in the Fengtian Group's president's office.

"Sister, is this the confidential news you brought back from Bo's?"

Li Xiaoyun's face seemed to be covered by dark clouds, and his expression was extremely ugly.

The moment Li Xiaoyue inserted the USB flash drive that Li Xiaoyue got from Yang Lina into the computer, he discovered the hidden program that Nan Nan had installed in it.

Although the power was cut off immediately, all the confidential files in the computer were still passed on.

"Brother, I..."

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiaoyue noticed Li Xiaoyun's cold gaze and quickly changed her words.

"President, I was also deceived by that guy Yang Li. I thought that Bo Lingqing wasn't here and the others were not worth mentioning at all, but I didn't expect..."

Li Xiaoyue defended desperately, she knew her brother very well.Li Xiaoyun, this guy who made his fortune by "eating people", the word ruthless seems to have been invented especially for him.

Even as an elder sister, once she did something wrong, he would punish her mercilessly.

"That's enough. I'm not interested in knowing the reason. Because of your stupidity, the company's secrets were leaked. You should know what the consequences will be?"

Looking at his cold eyes, Li Xiaoyue's body couldn't help trembling.She thought she could take this opportunity to make a fortune, but she didn't expect to be fooled by Yang Li.

"Wait, wait a minute. Although the matter of the USB drive has been calculated, the crisis of Bo's has not been resolved. As long as Zhang Benfan takes back Bo's factories and stores, we can seize a large market from them."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyun shook his head lightly.

"The leaked information also includes the truth of what happened back then. Do you think they won't go to Zhang Benfan and tell him everything?"

Li Xiaoyun is experienced, knowing that the information was leaked, he immediately realized that Zhang Benfan would betray, and instead cooperated with Bo.

"Now, it is not Bo who is driven to a corner, but us."

Li Xiaoyue had a stiff smile on her face, she had to find an excuse.Absolutely cannot admit that it was my own negligence, which caused the company to face desperation.

"We didn't keep giving Zhang Benfan wrong hints, making him think that what happened back then was all done by Bo Lingqing. Even if Yang Li showed him the leaked information, he probably wouldn't believe it."

"Should? Then if he believes it, shall we just sit here and wait to die?"

Li Xiaoyun stood up abruptly from the chair, staring at her sharply.

"This, I..."

Faced with tremendous pressure, Li Xiaoyue couldn't say a word.As he said, once Zhang Benfan betrays, the pressure that the Bo family faced before will come to them instead, and it will only get worse.

"President, I was wrong. For the sake of you and my siblings, please forgive me this time."

Seeing Li Xiaoyun's increasingly ruthless face, she couldn't think of anything but begging for mercy.

"Sister, if you do something wrong, you will be punished. Don't you know this truth?"

Li Xiaoyun approached her step by step, the corners of his mouth curled up, his smile was full of cruelty.

"Besides, we, Fengtian, don't need trash who can't do anything. Guys who can't contribute to the company don't need to exist at all."

Under the tremendous pressure, Li Xiaoyue had already shed tears all over her face unconsciously.According to Li Xiaoyun's behavior, it would not be surprising even if she was eliminated.

"Wait, wait a minute. I'm willing to persuade Yang Li. Now that Bo Lingqing is not here, he must be the person in charge of the Bo family. As long as he is willing to help us, it doesn't matter if Zhang Benfan betrays us."

Li Xiaoyun stopped, thinking about Li Xiaoyue's proposal.

"This is an interesting proposal. How sure are you that you can get Yang Li to join us?"

Seeing his attitude eased, Li Xiaoyue let out a long sigh of relief.

"I think he is interested in me, at least [-]%...No, [-]% of it, I will definitely let him betray Bo Lingqing and join us."

Feeling the aggressive look in Li Xiaoyun's eyes, she could only boast, otherwise he would not have accepted her proposal at all.

"Very well, don't forget your promise."

Only then did Li Xiaoyun nodded in satisfaction, and whispered in her ear with a devilish voice.

"As far as I know, that guy Yang Li has been following Bo Lingqing, and he is not someone who will betray for money. However, he has never given it to his girlfriend. This is a good opportunity to please him with your body. Let him become inseparable from you, only in this way will he follow me wholeheartedly."

Li Xiaoyue bit her lips hard, she couldn't imagine that Li Xiaoyun would let her sister use her body to please a man.

He is a cold-blooded devil, he doesn't see himself as a sister at all, but as a piece of fat that can be swallowed at any time.

"I, I know, I will make that guy Yang Li never leave me again."

Although she was full of reluctance, she could only bite the bullet and agree.

"Very well, I look forward to your results. Dear sister, I believe you will not disappoint my expectations."

On the crude wooden bridge made up of several planks, Bo Lingqing took a deep breath, and mustered up his courage to take that step.

His feet fell, and the wooden plank finally seemed to be unable to bear his weight, and it just fell apart.


Unsurprisingly, Bo Lingqing fell into the icy river.Although he could swim, the rushing water ruthlessly pushed him downstream as if to swallow him up.

In front of the ruthless nature, Bo Lingqing deeply realized his own insignificance and powerlessness.Even with all the strength in his body, he could only splash a little water.

"Wait, wait, don't leave me alone!"

Su Nuannuan's world collapsed in an instant, she forgot the danger and timidity.There is only one thought left in his mind, even if he dies, he must die with him.

Su Nuannuan broke free from the gentle hand without knowing where it came from.In front of the rushing and icy river, she jumped down without the slightest hesitation.


Wenrou was a step late and failed to stop Su Nuannuan in time.Watching her follow in Bo Lingqing's footsteps, being rushed downstream by the rushing river.

Su Nuannuan's water quality is very poor, although she jumped into the river with a feverish mind.But let alone saving Bo Lingqing, she was like a piece of foam falling into the water, constantly being submerged by the river, and sticking her head out of the water stubbornly.

Rourou clenched her fists tightly, she knew very well that if this continues, Su Nuannuan will undoubtedly die.

"Whether she dies or not has nothing to do with me. Completing the task is the most important thing."

Wenrou kept reminding herself in her heart that to her, Su Nuannuan was just a woman who hindered her from completing her task, and she didn't need to care about her life or death at all.

"Gentle, promise me one thing. If I really encounter an accident, even if Yong Qiang has to take Nuan Nuan back immediately, there is no need to look for me."

Suddenly, Bo Lingqing's voice echoed in her mind.

"It's not my fault, it's her own death, there's no need to care about it."

Rourou found an excuse for herself. She stopped Su Nuannuan and wanted to bring her back safely.She didn't break her promise, and she tried her best to fulfill the agreement with Bo Lingqing.It was she who wanted to die by herself, and there was no need for her to risk her life to save her.

Under the gentle gaze, the river overflowed Su Nuannuan's head again.She was no longer struggling and seemed to have lost consciousness.

"Really, don't cause trouble for others!"

He yelled, as if to release the depression in his heart.Wenrou took a deep breath, jumped into the river, and swam to Su Nuannuan as hard as she could.

As a killer, Rourou sometimes dives into the bottom of the water to carry out assassinations, for which she has developed a top-notch swimming ability.

In the turbulent river, she kept adjusting her body, and finally managed to get close to Su Nuannuan.

As she expected, Su Nuannuan had lost consciousness at this time, and was still being swayed by the water flow, constantly rushing downstream.

"Damn it, I can't swim with a person at all."

Rourou cursed in her heart, if there was only one person, she would still be able to swim back to the shore with her proficient water skills and strong body.But with Su Nuannuan, there is no such possibility at all.

Now that I have jumped down, I can only bite the bullet and stick to it until the end.

Wenrou supported Su Nuannuan with one hand, letting her head float out of the water.The other hand kept paddling the water with difficulty, avoiding the raised rocks in the river.

Biting his lips hard, the slightest pain continuously stimulated his brain, making Bo Lingqing barely able to stay awake.

He no longer knew how far he had been washed away by the river, and his body had been soaked in the icy water, and he had already become numb.

At first, he could barely avoid the raised rocks in the river bed, but in the end, he could only resign himself to fate.Give your body completely to the running water, let your body be thrown up and down by the current like a rag.

After an unknown period of time, he gradually felt that the flowing water had calmed down.His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he wanted to just sleep peacefully in the water.

Suddenly, Su Nuannuan's figure came to mind.He suddenly remembered that before he was washed away by the river, he seemed to see Su Nuannuan also jumped into the river.

"Warm, warm."

Constantly chanting her name in his heart, Bo Lingqing finally awakened his will to survive.He had to save Su Nuannuan, and now the only person who could save her was himself.

Under this belief, Bo Lingqing finally managed to swim to the shore.Although his eyelids were as heavy as lead, he still gritted his teeth and stayed awake.

If Su Nuannuan also jumped into the river with him, then she would probably be washed here by the river too.Even if she has turned into a corpse, she cannot be allowed to soak in this icy river.

Suddenly, something floating on the river caught his attention.It's human, there's nothing wrong with it.

Even though his vision was blurred, Bo Lingqing still gritted his teeth and jumped into the river again.

"This, how could this be?"

The scene in front of him stunned him. It was indeed Su Nuannuan floating in the river, but Wenrou was by her side.

Gentle and motionless, I don't know if he is still alive.However, Su Nuannuan's chest heaved slightly, obviously still alive.

Did a miracle happen, Su Nuannuan's water quality is very poor, it is almost impossible to survive.However, she was clearly still breathing, and she did not appear to be drowning.

At this time, Bo Lingqing suddenly noticed that although most of Su Nuannuan's body was submerged in the water, her head was always floating on the water.Although Wenrou has lost consciousness, one of her hands is still tightly dragging Su Nuannuan's body.

Exhausting the last of his strength, Bo Lingqing barely dragged the two of them to the shore.Looking at the motionless tenderness, his heart became conflicted.

Gentle, a killer who wanted to take his life.Both she and Su Nuannuan are unconscious, and now as long as she is thrown back into the river, he and Su Nuannuan can survive together.After that, as long as you find a way to leave here, you can pretend that nothing happened and continue to live happily and happily.

Putting her back in the river is the best solution so far.

He had already put his hands on Wen Rou, but he still couldn't make it to the next step.

It is a fact that she wanted to kill herself, but she also saved Su Nuannuan.If it wasn't for her, Su Nuannuan would have drowned long ago.

Biting his lips hard, Bo Lingqing roared angrily, and let go of Gentle's hand.

If you kill Wenrou like this, even if Su Nuannuan doesn't know it, then he will live in self-blame and guilt for the rest of his life.

Finally, Bo Lingqing made a difficult decision.Even if he will be killed by the gentleness that wakes up, he can't do it here.

Bo Lingqing's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally he could no longer maintain consciousness, and fell beside Su Nuannuan, and fell into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, when Bo Lingqing opened his eyes again, the sky was already filled with bright stars.

He struggled to get up, and seeing Su Nuannuan breathing steadily beside him, he finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

Wait a minute, what about gentleness?
Bo Lingqing's heart tightened, and he quickly looked around, but there was no sign of tenderness at all.

Clenching his fists tightly, he looked around vigilantly.Although she has been soaked in water, Gentle should no longer be able to use the pistol.But she is a well-trained killer after all, and there is more than one way to kill them.

Taking a deep breath, Bo Lingqing tried his best to calm himself down.Right now, he has to find tenderness before Su Nuannuan wakes up.

To save Su Nuannuan, she must let Wenrou kill herself quietly as before.In that case, she should still let Su Nuannuan go.If she wakes up, that tenderness may kill them together.

"Gentle, I know you're here, so don't hide."

While paying attention to Su Nuannuan, Bao Lingqing tried to keep his voice so as not to wake her up.

"Let's talk about it, as before, as long as you keep Nuan Nuan safe, I can..."

Bo Lingqing's voice stopped abruptly, because Wenrou walked over from a distance just like that.

"If you have the strength to yell, come and help."

Wenrou was holding a bunch of dry branches and limping over.

Bo Lingqing was startled, and subconsciously ran over to help.

"What happened to your leg, it hurt when it was swept away by the river?"

Gentle and not concealed, he nodded slightly to admit it.

"I was careless at the last moment. I was about to go downstream, but I hit a raised rock."

Although she tried her best to keep calm, she still couldn't help frowning from time to time. Obviously, the injury on her leg was very serious.

"If I had been careful, you would have sunk to the bottom of the river by now."

Bo Lingqing gave a wry smile, it seemed that she still hadn't given up on killing herself.However, now that he had lost his pistol and had a serious leg wound, he might be able to fight.

"Hey, don't look at me like that."

Noticing his vigilant eyes, Gentle put down the branch in her hand and sat on the ground.

"Now I don't need to do anything at all. You will die here sooner or later. Of course, I am the same."

Bo Lingqing's face changed, it didn't matter if he died, but Su Nuannuan couldn't, she had to live no matter what.

"what do you mean?"

Gentle grinned, revealing a sad smile.

"There was no food, no water, and no way of finding directions. What's more, there were no tools to be found except stones and twigs."

Gentlely tilted her head, and said the most desperate words in a flat tone.

"How many days do you think we can survive in this wilderness?"

Bo Lingqing was speechless, just as Wen Rou said.Now they don't have any props to survive.

As for rescue outside, there is no hope.Not to mention whether they can be found in such a vast no-man's land, I am afraid that no one even knows that they died.

"You seem to have figured out the situation, so I don't need to do anything anymore."

Gritting his teeth hard, even though he knew the current situation, Bo Lingqing still couldn't give up.

In any case, let Su Nuannuan live, this is his only motivation to persevere.

"Gentle, I don't want to give up yet, we must get out of here alive for Nuan Nuan."

Bo Lingqing's deep eyes shone with a light called hope, how could he stop here, wouldn't all the previous efforts be in vain.

"For this, I need your help. Gentle, help us survive, and then walk out of this wilderness together."

He was gentle and silent, looking at Bo Lingqing with confusion, as if he didn't understand his proposal.

"You mean, let me help you escape?"

Bo Lingqing nodded vigorously, but he didn't speak again, but just watched her closely with firm eyes.

"I really can't figure out what you are thinking. I am the killer who came to kill you. How could I help you?"

Biting her lips tightly, she found that she couldn't understand Bo Lingqing more and more.With his temperament, even if she saved Su Nuannuan, he would not save her logically.As long as she is allowed to drown in the water, there is a possibility for him to survive.

But he didn't play his cards according to common sense, not only rescued her from the shore, but even asked her to help.

"In this situation, even you can't get out of here alone, can you?"

Bo Lingqing raised the corners of his mouth, based on his years of experience in reading people, he could see that Wenrou's heart had been shaken.

"Even if you can complete the mission, but you can't go back alive, what's the point?"

Gentle and tightly clenched her fists, Bo Lingqing's words penetrated into the depths of her heart with precision.Given the choice, who wouldn't want to live a peaceful life.Who would suppress the guilt in his heart to do things that take people's lives.

All she wanted was to survive.Losing one's life for a mission is completely putting the cart before the horse.

"Okay, I can help. But..."

The gentle words were only half spoken before being interrupted by Bo Lingqing.

"After escaping from here, you will still try to take my life, right? No problem, as long as you can guarantee Nuan Nuan's safety, it doesn't matter if I give you this life."

Bo Lingqing acted calmly, as if he was talking about other people's affairs.

Gently pursing his lips, he neither nodded nor denied.

"What are you doing, speaking of which, where are we?"

Suddenly, Su Nuannuan's voice sounded.Among the three, she was the best in both physical and mental state, yet she was the last to wake up.

"Nuan Nuan, you're awake."

Bo Lingqing walked to her side, stretched out the back of his hand and pressed it tightly on her forehead, worried that she would get sick because of the river water.

"We were swept downstream by the river, the compass and map were lost, there was no way of determining where we were now."

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan scratched her head in confusion.She had just woken up, and her mind was still a little bit overwhelmed.

"By the way, when you were on the bridge, what happened to you and Sister Wenrou?"

Suddenly recalling what happened on the bridge, Su Nuannuan's expression became serious.

For a while, Bo Lingqing didn't know how to answer this question.You can't tell her that Wenrou is the killer who came here to take his life, right?

For him, it is best for Su Nuannuan to know nothing like before.If Wen Wen's identity is told to her, then Wen Wen will probably get rid of her together in order to keep the secret.

"Don't try to lie to me, just tell me the truth."

Facing Su Nuannuan's questioning, Bo Lingqing scratched his head in embarrassment, and turned his gaze to the tenderness aside.

He couldn't think of a suitable reason, so he could only turn to Wen Rou for help, hoping that she could help perfunctory.

"Nuan Nuan, it's because you think too much, we have nothing to do with each other."

Wenrou doesn't seem to be good at lying, and she wants to evade it, but says words that are easily misunderstood.

Bo Lingqing patted his forehead heavily with one hand. He originally thought that Wenrou, as a killer, would definitely be able to come up with a suitable excuse. If he had known this earlier, he might as well have explained it himself.

"Nuannuan, let's put aside the previous things for now. Now we must find a way to survive, otherwise it may be difficult to survive in such a wilderness."

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan realized the current situation.The tools and food prepared before coming here are all gone. If you don't come up with a solution as soon as possible, I'm afraid you will die here soon.

"First of all, we have to secure a source of water. You can survive for a few days without food, but you can't do without water.

Realizing the crisis, Su Nuannuan didn't have the heart to entangle the relationship between Bo Lingqing and Wenrou.If you want to survive, you must first find drinking water.

Successfully changing the subject, Wen Rou secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Water and food are not difficult. When I went to collect firewood just now, I found that there are many wild fruits in the nearby forest. Although long-term consumption is not good for your health, it is no problem to satisfy your hunger and quench your thirst."

Bo Lingqing glanced at her approvingly, she was indeed an excellent killer, even if she suddenly came to an unfamiliar environment, she could immediately figure out the surrounding situation.

"Food and water are settled, now it's time for us to make a choice."

Unexpectedly, Su Nuannuan was calmer than usual, showing a faint momentum to lead the team.

"We have to preserve our strength, try our best to survive here, and wait for rescue from outside. We should venture through the forest and break through the predicament with our own strength."

Hearing this, Bo Lingqing and Wen Rou fell into deep thought at the same time.As Su Nuannuan said, right now they are facing a positive choice, if they choose the wrong answer, all that awaits them is death.

Staying where you are and saving your energy as much as possible is undoubtedly the safest way.With enough wild fruit around, they should hold up for a while.But there are also disadvantages, that is, you have to hand over your own destiny to other people.After all, others don't even know that they were killed, and I'm afraid there won't be any rescuers coming here to search.If you choose to stay, you can only hope that other adventurers will pass by by chance and take them out of here.

Another option is to cross this no-man's land regardless of everything.Likewise, this choice is very risky.

They have no equipment, and can only guess the direction based on the plants and the sun, so it is not surprising even if they get lost in the forest.Also, there is no guarantee that there will be enough food and water elsewhere to keep them alive.

"No matter which path you choose, it seems that it will be difficult to save."

Bo Lingqing gave a wry smile. Given their current situation, no matter which path they choose, the probability of being successfully rescued is not high.

"Then leave it to the two of you to decide. For me, it doesn't matter which path I choose."

After saying something softly, Wenrou stopped participating in the discussion and started fiddling with the firewood piled on the ground.

"Nuan Nuan, it's up to you to make the decision. Whether you leave or stay, I will support you."

Bao Lingqing gave Su Nuannuan the right to choose. For him, as long as she could be saved, it was enough.No matter which path you choose, there is no guarantee that you will be able to go back safely. It is better to leave it to Su Nuannuan and let her choose her own destiny.

After a moment of hesitation, Su Nuannuan made her own choice.

"Let's go, the probability of being rescued is very low, and staying is just waiting to die. Moreover, I would rather die on the road of pursuing hope than waiting to die."

Hearing this, Bo Lingqing and Gentle's mouth filled with smiles at the same time.Although the two gave Su Nuannuan the right to choose, the choice she made coincided with what they thought in their hearts.

"Before you go, you have to make all the preparations."

Rou Rou took out two stones from his pocket, which seemed to be brought back together when he was just picking up firewood.

"Sir, dry your clothes by fire. If you wear wet clothes all the time, you will get sick. Then prepare more food. After all, you don't know if you can find food after you leave here, so you must prepare in advance."

While speaking, Gentle successfully lit the bonfire with stones.The ignited fire dispelled the darkness, and the bursts of warmth dispelled the coldness of the bodies of the three of them little by little.

"Everyone is hungry. I'll go pick some wild fruits and fill my stomach first."

Gentle took off her coat, leaving only one piece of underwear on her upper body.Her body doesn't look like a woman at all, with slender curves matched with muscles, giving people a wonderful sense of coordination.

"Let me go. While you're resting, you'd better treat the injury on your leg as much as possible. I don't want to have a burden that I have to help when I set off."

Bo Lingqing stood up and stopped Wen Rou.Although she was very strong, it could be seen that her leg was seriously injured.

"Sister Wenrou, are you hurt?"

Su Nuannuan just woke up, and she didn't know that Wenrou's leg was injured.She quickly ran to Rourou and checked her injuries.

"You don't have to worry about me, I've already dealt with it, it's okay."

Gentle hands pressed her trouser legs tightly, as if she didn't want Su Nuannuan to see her injured leg.

"Sister Wenrou, although I'm not a doctor, I still have a lot of experience in dealing with some simple trauma. Let me take a look, even a small wound can develop into a serious illness if it is not treated in time."

Su Nuannuan was extraordinarily strong, ignoring Gentle's obstruction, and forcibly rolled up her trouser legs.

The gentle calf was swollen high, and there was still a shocking wound on it.Although it didn't bleed a lot, bright red oozes out from the surroundings visible to the naked eye.

"Sister Wenrou, why did you make it like this?"

Su Nuannuan's face was very solemn, the injury on Wenrou's leg was very serious, even a slight movement would definitely be accompanied by severe pain.If it were an ordinary person, it would have been screaming in pain, but Wenrou can barely walk.

"It's nothing, I accidentally bumped into a rock."

Gentle and perfunctory, if you tell her that the injury was done to protect her, then she will definitely blame herself very much.

"No, the wound must be cleaned first, otherwise it will be infected."

Su Nuannuan had a tough attitude, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to treat the wound for Gentle.

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