Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 676 We Really Met

"Why does Bo Lingqing seem to have not attended the show prepared by Su Nuannuan's studio, tsk tsk... Your news is really far behind! Boss Boss has already gone in, so it's not your turn to be judged by you!"

"That's right! Why are you meddling so much in the affairs of your own husband and wife? Boss Bo and his wife are not big stars, so they deserve your attention!"

The more you scroll down the comment area, the more Su Nuannuan has the urge to smile.

She felt more and more familiar with this style of painting.

Realizing this, Su Nuan couldn't help but frowned, and her brain couldn't help but start to run quickly.

The right hand refreshed subconsciously, and was angered one after another in a short period of time. The person who posted the article finally couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"Then what about you guys, why do you say it so firmly, as if you witnessed it with your own eyes, and it's not all just echoing what others say!"

"I at least went to watch it at the scene. I'm afraid you can only watch the videos circulating on the Internet to barely satisfy your curiosity!"

It's okay if you don't comment. As soon as this person responded, there was an uproar in the comment area.

Su Nuannuan had sharp eyes, and instantly found the answer she wanted among many inquiries——

"We've seen each other before, what's the matter, aren't you convinced?"

"President Bo and his wife came to the company together this morning. They were talking and laughing, but it's much better than what you described in this article!"

"Don't try to sow discord, we are all 'one gang'! If you don't believe it, look at this as evidence."

There are several pictures immediately below this one, and Su Nuannuan couldn't help but start to observe carefully, and was shocked to realize that it was the scene where she and Bo Lingqing were eating together in the cafeteria at noon.

The person who took the photo was very skillful, revealing the "flirting" between the two to the fullest, and even thoughtfully coded the children around.

There are not many people who can take this photo. Now, the identities of this group of people who speak for Su Nuannuan on the Internet are naturally revealed.

Unexpectedly, the person who was still serious when we met just now seems to be a different person on the Internet. Once thinking of this, the corners of Su Nuannuan's lips raised up intentionally or unintentionally.

So this is what Zhenzhen wanted to inform her just now?No wonder her tone is so weird, a little worried, but also a little calm...

Bo Lingqing quietly stood aside, taking in all the vivid emotions on Su Nuannuan's face with ease, and couldn't help feeling a little bit puzzled in his heart.

"Did they say something again?"

Suddenly, Bo Lingqing frowned and asked, his tone full of concern for Su Nuannuan's mood at the moment.

As soon as he thought of this possibility, he subconsciously sat up straight, and the next second he leaned forward, separated from Su Nuannuan, and carefully checked where her eyes fell.

"Mr. Bo, I didn't realize until today that your image in the eyes of the employees of the group is actually so high!"

Su Nuannuan turned her head suddenly, and said to Bo Lingqing with a smile.

Su Nuannuan's sudden emotion made Bo Lingqing feel puzzled.

After he read the whole content at a glance, he finally understood the meaning of Su Nuannuan's words.

"These guys...really!"

After realizing the fact that the employees of the Bo Group spontaneously united to defend Su Nuannuan on the Internet, Bo Lingqing's mood became brighter and brighter, and the corners of his lips raised unconsciously.

Su Nuannuan also forced herself to hold back her smile, and secretly observed Bo Lingqing's every move, immediately taking his little expression into her eyes.

Bo Lingqing raised his brows, and opened his mouth slowly under Su Nuannuan's steadfast gaze.

"It seems that the cohesion of the group has been very good recently, and it's time to consider raising wages."

After Bo Lingqing finished his review in a serious manner, he was caught off guard and rushed to Su Nuannuan.

The moment their eyes met, Su Nuannuan subconsciously stopped breathing for a few seconds.

The man's eyes were deep, especially when she was stared at intently, Su Nuannuan felt as if her whole body was seen through by Bo Lingqing, and she couldn't help pursing her lips nervously.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" She involuntarily drooped her eyes and closed her eyelashes, trying to avoid Bo Lingqing's gaze, so as to relieve the excessive tension in her heart.

"They maintain Nuannuan so well, they should be rewarded, but..."

Bo Lingqing deliberately prolonged his tone, his voice was full of thought-provoking meaning, which instantly aroused Su Nuannuan's curious sideways glance.

The man didn't intend to keep showing off, he directly stated his purpose.

"They worked so hard, let me be responsible for thanking Nuan Nuan! Is it just me?"

Bo Lingqing's head drooped a little more, and the eyes of the two of them got closer again. Su Nuannuan could even clearly perceive the clean and clear breath emanating from Bo Lingqing's body.

"How can Nuan Nuan reward me?"

As soon as Bo Lingqing finished speaking, Su Nuannuan subconsciously held her breath.

For a moment, there was no other sound in the room, except for the increasingly obvious and rapid breathing of the two.

Seeing the man's cheeks enlarged step by step, Su Nuannuan's brain seemed to have completely stopped thinking, and the whole person just stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do next.

Bo Lingqing's intentions were very obvious, Su Nuannuan was so nervous that she could even hear her own heartbeat coming from her ears.

The afternoon sun shines into the CEO's office through the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor, and the distance between the two shadows projected on the ground can be vaguely seen gradually shortening...

"Mr. Bo, I have something to talk to you—"

Suddenly, a female voice untimely broke the beautiful atmosphere.

Bo Lingqing frowned fiercely for the first time, but in the next second, he was pushed away by Su Nuannuan without hesitation.

Su Nuannuan didn't seem to notice this, she coughed a few times to cover up, and then "put" back into the screen in front of her, only her slightly red ears revealed her true emotions at the moment.

Seeing this, Bo Lingqing suddenly felt amused, but when he raised his head to look at the person coming, he returned to his former cold appearance.

"what's up?"

The man's voice suddenly sounded, and the dissatisfaction could barely be discerned.

The displeasure in Bo Lingqing's heart was clearly expressed from his words, and his sharp eyes swept undisguisedly towards the woman who suddenly opened the door not far away.

Being questioned suddenly, Li Xiaoyue suddenly felt taken aback and pursed her lips in extreme nervousness.

"Bo, Mr. Bo..."

She suddenly forgot the purpose of pushing the door and entering, and just froze in place, not knowing what to do.

The originally beautiful atmosphere was disturbed by outsiders, especially when the other party might have some ulterior motives in his heart. Realizing this, Bo Lingqing's anger seemed to have reached its peak.

"Didn't I tell you that you need to knock on the door before entering the president's office?"

An extremely cold voice sounded, and the tone of condemnation was particularly strong.

Being criticized by Bo Lingqing in front of Su Nuannuan, Li Xiaoyue couldn't help but blushed, and just stood there timidly, as if she already knew her fault.

"What are you doing here?"

Bo Lingqing really didn't want the other party to obstruct his eyes, so he simply spoke bluntly, always ready to send him away.

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyue paused, and after forcing herself to calm down for a while, the reason for coming appeared in her mind.

Just now in the cafeteria, she witnessed the picture of Su Nuannuan and Bao Lingqing's gluey love, and the unrealistic expectations in her mind were finally declared empty.

Just when Li Xiaoyue was dejectedly about to give up her secret thoughts about Bo Lingqing, the "scandal" that Su Nuannuan had spread on the Internet began to spread in the company.

This fact was like a sudden boost to her heart. She didn't believe that in this world, there was no man who would not be furious when he learned that his wife might be cheating.

Li Xiaoyue's idea at the beginning was perfect, but the plan always failed to keep up with the changes. When she opened the door in a state of extreme excitement, she did not expect to see the extremely intimate behavior of the two at all.

When she realized this, all the words that Li Xiaoyue had prepared in her heart suddenly came to nothing.

Seeing that she still refused to respond, Bo Lingqing's last trace of patience finally came to an end.

Bo Lingqing gently placed Su Nuannuan's tightly clenched hand, and when he turned his head, his face seemed expressionless.

Under Li Xiaoyue's heart-beating gaze, Bo Lingqing kept approaching her step by step, and countless charming pictures emerged one after another.

"Secretary Li." There was no emotion in the man's voice.

"This is the president's office, not a place where you can be in a daze. If you can't tell the reason for breaking in without my consent within 1 minute, I don't mind replacing you with someone more sensible." The current position."

Bo Lingqing's voice fell to the point where Li Xiaoyue's entire face turned extremely pale in an instant.

"Mr. Bo, I have something important to report to you!"

All rationality returned, Li Xiaoyue bit her lip extremely hard, her brain spinning rapidly.

When the corner of her eye came into contact with the extremely calm Su Nuannuan not far away, accompanied by a little jealousy, Li Xiaoyue couldn't help but have an idea.

"It's about Madam!"


The first time she was named, Su Nuannuan, who was still immersed in the online world, was forced to wake up, and looked over with a surprised look.

Bo Lingqing also raised his eyebrows, but in his heart he showed a calm look about what Li Xiaoyue was about to say.

The two looked at each other one after another, but this time they were aroused.

Seeing that the words she accidentally said were paid attention to, Li Xiaoyue was also silently organizing her words while feeling tense.

"When I accidentally browsed the news on the Internet just now, I saw rumors about Madam..."

Li Xiaoyue described with emotion how she found out that someone was spreading black information about Su Nuannuan wantonly on the Internet, how she felt worried, and finally decided to tell Bo Lingqing everything...

Just when she was immersed in the image of "loyalty" built by herself, Su Nuannuan shrugged helplessly.

It turned out to be this matter!It's just...she already knew it!

Bo Lingqing could see what Su Nuannuan was thinking at a glance, and his impatience instantly deepened a lot. He took a deep breath and managed to calm down his angry thoughts.


The man didn't want to continue to be surrounded by Li Xiaoyue's chatter, and interrupted her narration by hastily speaking.

Under the shocked gaze, Bo Lingqing said calmly, "We already know about this matter, if there is nothing else, you should go out first!"

After all, it was also for Su Nuannuan's consideration. Realizing this, Bo Lingqing temporarily slowed down his tone.

It's just that in Li Xiaoyue's eyes, with such an attitude from a man, Bo Lingqing was obviously angry with Su Nuannuan, and there was a flash of secret joy in his heart.

She pretended to be worried, and inadvertently took a step closer to where Bo Lingqing was.

"Mr. Bo, don't worry, I know that Madam is definitely not the kind of person written in the article, why don't you find a way to clarify it first?"

Li Xiaoyue subconsciously ignored Bo Lingqing's chasing words and expressed her own opinion.

"This group of media don't understand the truth of the matter and report it there. Should I find someone first and suppress the trending searches?"

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan's originally indifferent expression froze immediately, and glanced towards this direction with a half-smile but not a smile, without concealing the scrutiny in his eyes.

"Secretary Li."

Su Nuannuan, who had been ignored by Li Xiaoyue from the beginning to the end, suddenly spoke and interrupted the other party's chatter unexpectedly.

Li Xiaoyue, who was named, raised her eyes, and it was Su Nuannuan who was gradually approaching her with great interest.

"Ma'am, I'm also thinking about it for you. Before the impact of this incident expands further, I suggest that you try to choose to stay behind closed doors."

The meaning of Li Xiaoyue's words was extremely cryptic, but Su Nuannuan was keenly aware of what she was implying.

"So, Secretary Li is suggesting to me that this is an extraordinary period, and it's better to stay at home obediently?"

Li Xiaoyue lowered her eyes slightly, although she didn't say it clearly, her attitude seemed to express her heart to the fullest.

"You really think about me!"

Regarding Li Xiaoyue's proposal, Su Nuannuan didn't know whether it was acceptable or not, but she spoke with a somewhat sneering tone, which instantly revealed her true inner thoughts.

"It's just that, I have to seriously question Secretary Li's ability to work!"

Suddenly, Su Nuannuan changed the subject and pointed her sharp tone at Li Xiaoyue.

"At first, I thought that Ah Qing's secretary, especially being promoted to be the special assistant to the president, must have something special about her, but now it seems that she is nothing more than that!"

Li Xiaoyue, who was commented on a lot, suddenly aroused her competitive spirit, and took a step in Su Nuannuan's direction without thinking, "Madam, there is no basis for what you said! I am obviously thinking of you..."

That tone was full of grievances, and he almost cried directly to Bo Lingqing, even his eyes were pitiful, trying to get Bo Lingqing's comfort.

Seeing Li Xiaoyue blatantly seduce Bo Lingqing in front of her face without even trying to hide it, Su Nuannuan almost laughed out of anger.

"For my sake?"

After calming down, Su Nuannuan raised her brows with great interest, "I think with the ability of Secretary Li, I will definitely not know that, secretly poking and suppressing hot searches, in the eyes of others, it seems Take the initiative to claim the performance of the facts!"

As soon as Su Nuannuan finished speaking, Li Xiaoyue's expression froze for a moment, but she quickly covered it up.

"How could this be?"

Li Xiaoyue smiled, and did not intend to respond to Su Nuannuan's question directly, "After all, the popularity of Madam on the Internet is too high now. If that entry disappears from the rankings, the problem can be solved if no one continues to discuss it."

"Other people didn't find any content after searching, so of course it can be nothing in the end..."

Xu Shi realized that her words were not very convincing, so Li Xiaoyue twitched herself to smooth things over for herself.

"However, this is all just my wishful thinking. If there is anything wrong, please give me some pointers..."

"I can't talk about giving pointers."

Li Xiaoyue's words just now, "Show it with emotion, move it with reason", in the eyes of discerning people, it is entirely for Su Nuannuan's consideration, and her rebuttal can't help showing a bit of reason and not forgiving .

Thinking of this, Su Nuannuan looked over expressionlessly, and looked up and down at the woman in front of her, only then realized that compared with her simple and low-key image a few days ago, she seemed to have changed.

Some time ago, Li Xiaoyue, who was clearly wearing the shape of vermicelli in clear soup, was inconspicuous in the crowd. The changes now are truly earth-shaking.

Not only the hairstyle and dress are obviously more refined, but even the makeup is deliberately painted, as if trying to show the most perfect side of oneself in front of others.

As for what she wants to show...

Su Nuannuan's meaningful gaze followed Li Xiaoyue's gaze, and suddenly fell on Bao Lingqing who was silent at the side, the profound meaning in it was self-evident.

It seems that this is another woman who is fascinated by male sex!

Seeing this, Su Nuannuan suddenly understood that the real source of Li Xiaoyue's hostility towards her was actually because of Bo Lingqing!

Tsk tsk tsk, it's really masculine misleading!

Having figured this out, Su Nuan couldn't help shaking her head, unable to conceal her inner sigh.

Obviously, some time ago, Bo Lingqing had analyzed with her. Li Xiaoyue was the culprit who secretly betrayed the Bo Group, and she was placed by her side for the convenience of monitoring.

But it's only been a while, and his "initial heart" has been severely shaken, and he really fell in love with Bo Lingqing!

What Su Nuannuan had to admit was that she was really shocked by the dramatic turning scene in front of her.

"I suddenly discovered that Secretary Li's style seems to have changed a lot recently, and I didn't recognize him right away."

Su Nuannuan calmed down the sarcasm in her heart, and suddenly opened her mouth with a smile, pointing out Li Xiaoyue's weirdness in one sentence.

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyue bit her lips nervously and looked over tentatively.

After confirming that there was no other meaning in Su Nuannuan's scrutinizing eyes, she couldn't help but quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Su Nuannuan's observation skills are really keen!

Li Xiaoyue felt a "thump" in her heart, but she was not affected at all on the surface, maintaining a calm and composed appearance.

"Madam's words are serious, and I just want to better adapt to this current position." Li Xiaoyue exchanged a few words lightly.

"After all, the current position represents part of the Bo Group's external image, so I have to force myself to change."

She smiled and exposed Su Nuannuan's words, and the reason she used was also hard to pick any thorns from.

Bo Lingqing silently watched the conversation between Su Nuannuan and Li Xiaoyue, and when he heard this, he felt inexplicably upset.

He didn't know, when could the image of the Bo Group be represented by Li Xiaoyue?
Su Nuannuan, the justifiable hostess, hasn't talked so much here yet!
The more Bao Lingqing thought about it, the more obvious the mountain peaks between his eyebrows gathered together.


Suddenly, a man's voice sounded out of thin air, interrupting what Li Xiaoyue was about to blurt out.

"We have already grasped what you want to say. Now it's time to go to work. I think Secretary Li must have a lot of other things to deal with. Don't waste time here."

One sentence from Bo Lingqing confirmed Li Xiaoyue's actions just now.

Hearing the evaluation of her from the man's mouth, Li Xiaoyue's face could not help but change unpredictable, from blue to white.

"Mr. Bo, I really want to help!"

Li Xiaoyue still refused to give up maintaining her good image in front of Bo Lingqing, and hurriedly continued to emphasize it.

"If there is anything I can do to help you... and Madam, just ask."

After finishing speaking, Xu Shi was afraid that Bo Lingqing would speak out again to drive people away, so Li Xiaoyue nodded in a "sensible" way, and Shi Shiran left the CEO's office.

The moment the door was closed, the huge office fell into an incomparable silence.

Su Nuannuan squinted at Bo Lingqing, whose eyes and expressions did not change, and did not forget to tease during the interval of observation.

"It seems that Ah Qing's charm is still great. It's only been a few days, and he has transformed from an enemy to an admirer in an instant, tsk tsk..."

Su Nuannuan shook her head, and while speaking, she forced herself to hold back her full-hearted smile, deliberately showing a look of anger on her face.

And her "pretend" fell into Bo Lingqing's eyes, although she still had reason, but Bo Lingqing still took it very naturally.

He stretched out his right hand to helplessly caress his forehead, and he glanced at the door with an undisguised sense of disgust.

"It's just a commercial espionage. Who knows how sincere it is? Maybe it's another way to get news."

Su Nuannuan naturally easily heard the coldness in Bo Lingqing's words, while covering her mouth and sniggering, she finally stopped the idea of ​​continuing to tease.

"But she's right about one thing."

When Su Nuannuan frowned and fell into deep thought, Bo Lingqing narrated what was in his heart.

"This matter on the Internet should be resolved as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary negative effects caused by continued fermentation."

The more he went on, the man's expression became more and more serious.

The person who released the news made it clear that it was for the attention of bloggers, and had no intention of finding out the facts.

After all, in these days, black red is also a kind of red.

Hearing Bo Lingqing's words, Su Nuannuan's expression became unnatural for a moment.

Bo Lingqing was about to ask, but Su Nuannuan waved in his direction.

"I'm afraid...we don't have to do anything now."

Su Nuannuan spoke in an extremely cryptic manner, with an unconcealable smile inside and out.

Suppressing his curiosity, Bo Lingqing couldn't help but move forward, paying attention to where Su Nuannuan indicated with his finger.

It turned out to be the message from the employees of the Bo Group that I saw earlier!

Even more unbelievable is that after a noon fermentation, the sparse speeches multiplied several times in an instant, abruptly overshadowing the number of gloating comments under the original article.

After reading it carefully, Bo Lingqing raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Seeing this, Su Nuannuan didn't have the slightest intention to hide her good mood, and asked Bo Lingqing directly.

"You didn't arrange this matter, did you?"

While speaking, Su Nuannuan carefully observed the man's next reaction. When the man nodded without hesitation, her eyes widened in an instant.

"So, this is completely a behavior organized by everyone spontaneously..."

While talking, when she realized the deep meaning behind these actions, Su Nuannuan involuntarily froze.

Every word in the comments expresses the concern and protection of Su Nuannuan from the group of Bo Group employees I met in the cafeteria just now, and every word is sincere.

Bo Lingqing also thought of this, and immediately the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

"It seems that you, the president's wife, are more popular than me, the president, in everyone's eyes."

Su Nuan, who was rarely teased by a man, couldn't help but glared at him warmly, but the bright smile in his eyes couldn't be concealed no matter what.

"Mr. Bo, if you don't raise everyone's wages now, I'll be the first to stand up and rebel!"

Su Nuannuan said with a smile, "I can't be sorry to these people who care about me!"

Suddenly being forced to stand on the opposite side of Su Nuannuan and everyone else, Bo Lingqing couldn't help but feel a bit uncontrollable.

"Okay, okay, how long has it been since you just spoke for everyone, I'm not someone who only knows how to squeeze."

He shook his head helplessly, his tone full of emotion.

Su Nuannuan would not be deceived by the illusion of a man's downturn, so she uttered her plan.

"More than that, I have to think about where to order afternoon tea today, so I can reward you guys!"

She tilted her head and pondered in her memory for a long time, and finally made up her mind after Bo Lingqing's reminder.

"How about the one downstairs in our group, I remember it has a good reputation..."

Just do what you said, and the voice fell, Su Nuannuan had already dialed the store's number, "As for the fee... I have to leave it to Mr. Bo!"

Bao Lingqing looked at Su Nuannuan who was generously helping him, his eyes were full of pampering...

On the other side, the technical department.

Yang Li sat upright, staring at the screen in front of him with a serious expression.

As for the side of the office, Nannan and Beibei were surrounded by a large group of people, and the surrounding area was filled with countless snacks scavenged from different places.

"Nan Nan, don't talk to Mr. Yang. His personality is like this. He can't extricate himself from being immersed in work. When the problem is solved, he will naturally wake up."

"Yeah, the snacks here are definitely enough, you can just eat it, treat this as your own home... No, this is the Bo Group!"

"If you need anything, just call us!"

After properly explaining everything, the huge office returned to silence, replaced by the continuous sound of typing on the keyboard.

"Mr. Yang, how should we solve this matter?"

Someone recounted the things about Su Nuannuan on the Internet to Yang Li's ear, his flying fingers immediately stopped the car, and his eyes glanced in the direction of Nan Nan as if inadvertently.

Fearing that this little guy would expose his skills recklessly when he got angry, Yang Li immediately thought of a solution.

"The person who released the news is nothing more than trying to arouse his own heat by making more people share the same hatred."

With one sentence, Yang Li pointed out the other party's intention directly.

"It's said that people on the Internet will buy online search results, so let's just follow suit and edit the code of the online search engine. It doesn't take much effort to turn the tide..."

Nannan's true ability is only known to him at the moment, and it would be bad if Su Nuannuan's affairs were exposed, so Yang Li immediately thought of solving it as soon as possible.

"That's a good idea!"

The few people agreed on the final plan in a hurry, and immediately worked hard.

At this moment, Yang Li's eyes fell on Nan Nan through layers of crowds, and after confirming that he didn't have any angry and impulsive look, he let out a sigh of relief...

Time passed by every minute and a short code was completed. Nan Nan crossed her hands behind her back. At the moment she noticed it by mistake, she walked unhurriedly and walked behind Yang Li. is meaningful.

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