Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 673 You Will Take Over

Not to mention anything else, just the invisible coercion emanating from Bo Lingqing's body was enough for her to bear, not to mention that when the man's eyes fell on Li Xiaoyue inadvertently, she couldn't move for a long time.

However, as soon as Bo Lingqing came back today, the head of the technology department couldn't wait to come up to visit in person. Could it be that there is something wrong with the group's system?
Unknowingly, Li Xiaoyue was in a trance, secretly thinking about some possibilities.

"How long have you been with the group?"

Suddenly, Bo Lingqing's voice sounded out of thin air, interrupting Li Xiaoyue's thoughts instantly.

She seemed to be taken aback by the sudden words, and she quickly regained her senses.

"I joined the Bo Group last year, and I started working in the secretariat as soon as I came..."

Li Xiaoyue had no idea of ​​Bo Lingqing's purpose when she asked this question, so her answer also had a somewhat tentative tone.

"President, are you asking this... do you want to know something?"

Hearing Li Xiaoyue's question, Bo Lingqing didn't know whether it was true or not, but raised his eyebrows rather mysteriously.

"Being able to directly enter the secretariat of the group, I think you must have many advantages."

Bo Lingqing opened his mouth as if casually, and at the same time, Li Xiaoyue's heart was raised high.

Sure enough, in the next second, Bo Lingqing's order blurted out.

"In this case, during this period of time, you will take over the work of Assistant Hutt for the time being."

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiaoyue's eyes could be seen with a bit of obvious joy.

Unexpected luck fell on her head, Li Xiaoyue didn't know how to respond at all.

When she finally calmed down, it took almost all of her body's strength to restrain the urge to exclaim, and nodded slightly at Bao Lingqing with extreme restraint.

"Mr. Bo, don't worry, I will never let down your trust in me."

Before going out, Su Nuannuan happened to push the door in from the outside, and she saw the great surprise in Li Xiaoyue's eyes with just one glance.

She bowed to Su Nuannuan without hesitation, her words of gratitude were speechless.

Seeing the back of the person disappearing quickly, Su Nuannuan, who had figured out the ins and outs, immediately raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Why did our Boss change his temper today? There are still people who can walk out of your office with a smile."

Just now, Su Nuannuan just walked around casually, but when passing the tea room or the office, she had inadvertently heard a nickname for Bo Lingqing from many people - "tyrant".

In such a comparison, Li Xiaoyue is really different in Bo Lingqing's eyes.

Xu Shi could hear the teasing meaning in Su Nuannuan's words, and Bo Lingqing smiled abruptly.

"Why, could it be that something happened during the time of serving tea and water that I don't know?" Su Nuannuan asked directly.

"You called me in, why is it mine now?"

Bo Lingqing couldn't help smiling wryly, trying to prove his "innocence".

"Since Madam was able to pick her out of so many secretaries, there must be something special about this person. I might as well give her a chance to test..."

Hearing Bo Lingqing's high-sounding explanation, Su Nuannuan immediately gave him a hard look without thinking about it.

"I don't know you yet?"

Su Nuannuan mercilessly exposed Bo Lingqing's disguise. Men have never been the kind of people who are interested in sex, let alone arbitrarily assigning each other's positions just based on their eyes.

The reason why he suddenly said that just now is clearly because of his intentions.

Xu could hear the clarity in Su Nuannuan's words, and finally Bo Lingqing couldn't help laughing out loud.

"I really can't hide anything from you."

Bo Lingqing clicked his tongue, and said with emotion, "If I guessed correctly, the woman just now is the spy that Han Yu buried in the Bo Group."

As soon as the words fell, the surprised person turned into Su Nuannuan.

"It turns out that besides me, Hanyu has bought other people and made two-handed preparations?"

"Otherwise?" Bo Lingqing raised his eyebrows and asked back, "She didn't get much information from you at the beginning, but every time she was able to grasp the big trends of the Bo Group in a timely manner, and even learned that I had a 'quarrel' with you things..."

Bo Lingqing's hint was obvious enough, and Su Nuannuan understood the root cause after thinking about it.

"But how did you decide on the candidate?"

Su Nuannuan uttered her inner curiosity, "After Hanyu's accident, she didn't show it. It can't be that she was so stupid that she showed her feet in the company, right?"

Hearing this, Bo Lingqing shook his head mysteriously.

"Of course not." He paused, seeing that he had successfully attracted Su Nuannuan's attention, and then he opened his mouth to explain the ins and outs of the matter without haste.

"I asked Xu Rui to investigate the living habits of the people in the secretariat in private. Except for her, the others have not changed much compared to usual. As for this Li Xiaoyue..."

"Since I left the Bo Group due to blindness, she has changed her habit of spending money in the past and gradually became extravagant. Xu Rui sensed something was wrong, and continued to follow this clue to find out about her account. Large sums of money of unknown origin."

"Maybe, this is the price Han Yu paid for buying her."

With such an explanation, Su Nuannuan also showed a look of sudden realization.

"Since we have the evidence, why don't we arrest her or fire her? If she stays in the company, or even replaces Xu Rui's position, I don't know how much inside information will be revealed!"

Speaking of this, Su Nuan couldn't help but widen her eyes, she really couldn't understand the decision Bo Lingqing just made.

"The duties of a special assistant and a secretary are not the same. If she comes into contact with more secrets of the group, she may have to reveal how much..."

Su Nuannuan's worries were all seen by Bo Lingqing.

In the next second, the man paced out from behind the desk, walked up to Su Nuannuan and looked at her.

"Don't worry, I know all of this."

Bo Lingqing paused, and simply narrated his inner thoughts.

"Placing someone else's spy around isn't necessarily all bad."

Bo Lingqing smiled lightly, "I have investigated other people by the way, at least there is no need to worry too much about their loyalty to the company."

"In this way, she is the only one who can make a breakthrough by my side. Instead of staying with someone with a deeper thought, it's better to be in control now."

"At least you can know everything, can't you?"

Hearing what Bo Lingqing knew so well, the last trace of worry in Su Nuannuan's heart disappeared without a trace.

"You don't think you're thinking of continuing to play tricks on others through her?"

After reacting, Su Nuannuan subconsciously speculated that after all, according to Bo Lingqing's character, he was not a man who would do useless work.

Hearing this, Bo Lingqing's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling fell on Su Nuannuan, "Madam still understands me."

Seeing him admit it without hesitation, Su Nuannuan felt a little sympathy in his heart, but it was only aimed at Li Xiaoyue.

I hope she can figure it out for herself and stop making mistakes again and again for money.

After discussing irrelevant people, Bo Lingqing's work at hand also came to an end.

Looking up at Su Nuannuan who was whispering and laughing with Beibei alone, Bo Lingqing's eyes were full of clear smiles.

"Just now, Yang Li has settled down Nan Nan?"

It was rare for Bo Lingqing to care about his eldest son.

Mentioning this, Su Nuannuan couldn't help but laugh.

"Isn't that right, when I sent them out, Yang Li didn't need to hold your son in his arms all the way, just like watching a giant panda..."

It can be described as "holding it in the hand for fear of falling, holding it in the mouth for fear of melting".

After hearing Su Nuannuan's description, Bo Lingqing shook his head in a good mood.

"Yang Li has always had such a personality. He only focuses on his profession. As long as there is someone who is better than him, no matter what the other party's identity or background is, he can win his respect."

Therefore, Bo Lingqing was not at all worried about Nan Nan's safety after he left with him.

"Brother is amazing!"

An An on the side didn't know when he listened, and suddenly opened his mouth and inserted into the conversation between the two.

Su Nuannuan couldn't help laughing, but Bo Lingqing, looking at his innocent and ignorant face, wanted to be angry but couldn't arouse any interest.

"You little guy, you were born against me!"

Bo Lingqing resisted the urge to poke An An's face, and opened his mouth with a displeased expression.

"Obviously I pretended not to speak when I was teaching you, how can even my brother shout so clearly now? Could it be that I have to sneak up in the middle of the night to contact each other?"

As soon as Bo Lingqing's guess of "bad intentions" was finished, he immediately received the contemptuous eyes of Su Nuannuan and Beibei.

"Dad, you are so old, why do you still have to care about An An?"

"How old is he! Even our teacher said that a child must learn to speak step by step. You can't force him, otherwise, it will become 'too young to grow'..."

"Bebe is right!"

Su Nuannuan held back her heartfelt smile, and pretended to agree seriously.

"So, our An'an didn't mean not to call him Dad, right? It's just that we haven't learned it yet..."

While speaking, Su Nuannuan involuntarily squatted down and looked at An'an, the smile in his eyes gradually took on a deep meaning.

I don't know if it's Su Nuannuan's dazzled eyes. I always feel that An An, who is forced to look at her, suddenly has a guilty conscience in his eyes. Su Nuannuan is keenly aware of something wrong, but after all, there is nothing Think more.

In the next second, in order to ease the atmosphere between the father and son, Su Nuannuan opened her mouth to defend An An with a smile.

"How old is he now, what else can he know? It's impossible to tease you on purpose, right?"

"You still have to be patient and teach him more at ordinary times."

Seemingly aware of Su Nuannuan's inner and outer protection, An An involuntarily stretched out her hand to hug her, and at the same time, from time to time, she faltered and murmured.

Seeing the mother and son standing on the same front with Beibei and uniting to "deal with" him, Bo Lingqing, who has always been invincible in the mall, lost his mind for a moment and could only obediently admit defeat.

At this time, Bo Lingqing glanced at the sky outside.

"It's getting late, I'll send some lunch over."

While speaking, Bo Lingqing reached out to pick up the landline on the table, and was about to call the secretariat, but was stopped by Su Nuannuan.

"and many more."

She looked back at Bei Bei who had been sitting obediently in the office for most of the day, feeling somewhat unbearable in her heart.

"I heard that the canteen of the Bo Group has always been called one of the benefits for employees. I wonder if we have the honor to enjoy it here today?"

The hints in Su Nuannuan's words were very obvious, and Bo Lingqing naturally understood what she meant right away.

In the next second, the man reached out and picked up the suit jacket on the seat very naturally, walked up to Su Nuannuan and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

"It just so happens that Nannan's side is about to end, we walked all the way, just in time to visit him..."

Beibei and An An seemed to know their parents' idea, and they all showed joyful expressions.

On the other side, Li Xiaoyue was constantly receiving congratulations from colleagues around her.

"Xiaoyue, I just said that with your ability, you will definitely be able to do it. Now, the CEO is in his eyes, and you will be able to replace Xu Tezhu's position in a short while, which shows that he values ​​you very much!"

"Yes, yes, I just said in the morning that I want to choose someone. I didn't expect you to go in and deliver a tea, and this position fell to you. You are really a lucky person!"

Although the colleagues in the secretariat were envious, they still expressed their best wishes very generously.

"So, what happened to you in there just now, how did Mr. Bo notice you all of a sudden?"

It's not that they look down on Li Xiaoyue's appearance, because with Su Nuannuan as a contrast, no matter how beautiful her appearance is, she is only reduced to her foil.

"I don't know either."

Li Xiaoyue blinked her eyes innocently, as if feeling at a loss for this sudden luck.

However, when she heard her colleagues casually discussing her and Su Nuannuan's looks, a sharp gaze flashed across her eyes.

It doesn't matter how good-looking she is, a woman has no ability, and can only be reduced to a vase-like existence in the end!

All of a sudden, Li Xiaoyue's mind kept showing the scene of Su Nuannuan accompanying the child and taking care of Bo Lingqing silently, the corners of her mouth raised for no reason, revealing a very cold smile.

Just as they were discussing, suddenly, there was a slight noise from the president's office not far away.

"President Bo is out!"

Among the crowd, who was the first to discover this fact, the next second, everyone immediately scattered.

When he noticed the movement outside, Bo Lingqing already understood everyone's inner thoughts, but it was all harmless to him, so he smiled casually, and never took it to heart.

As the figures of several people disappeared completely on the top floor, the crowd who had been quiet for a moment suddenly burst into noise.

"Did Mr. Bo look in our direction just now? He seems to be smiling. He seems to be in a good mood!"

"Yes, yes, I saw it too! Could it be that the group has some happy events recently?"

While everyone was discussing, the male colleague who always liked to joke suddenly came up with a bold guess.

"Say, Boss must have noticed someone among us! He was attracted by her beauty or something... The CEO and the female secretary have always been the best roles for the breeding of love!"

"Fuck you!" Someone reached out and hit the man on the head without hesitation.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How is this possible? Didn't you see that the wife of the president was there just now? Ask yourself, in terms of looks alone, who among us do you think can compare to Nuannuan with a finger?"

The man who had endured the scolding couldn't help sticking out his tongue.

"I'm just joking. If I had a girlfriend like our president's wife, I would definitely not have two hearts!"

"Tch! What are you kidding! You have to be liked by others!"

After some usual laughter and cursing, several people dispersed one after another, never paying attention to the scene that happened not long ago.

Only Li Xiaoyue, who didn't say a word the whole time, couldn't help but burst into countless excited pink bubbles.

Just now she also noticed Bo Lingqing's eyes, probably looking at her...

In addition, the man picked him out of the crowd without hesitation, does this mean that he is different in Bo Lingqing's eyes?
Although this idea is a bit absurd, Li Xiaoyue, who is already ready to move in her heart, can't hold back the idea that is growing wildly in her heart...

In the elevator, Su Nuannuan chatted with Bo Lingqing as usual.

"What were you looking at just now?"

Bao Lingqing recalled the people in the secretariat he had followed Su Nuannuan's gaze just now, and asked abruptly.

"I'm just curious." Su Nuannuan responded naturally, "I don't think Li Xiaoyue is very old, and she is a newcomer who has only been in the company for a year. She has a bright future, so how could she be willing to do such a thing? Woolen cloth?"

This idea has been lingering in Su Nuannuan's mind for a long time, and has never been answered.

Hearing this, Bo Lingqing didn't show much surprise on his face.

"At her age, it was the time when she faced the most temptations. Xu was aware of her incompatibility with the people around her before, and then felt the status improvement brought about by money, so she naturally fell deeper and deeper..."

"You have only come here not long ago, and you may not know these people in the secretariat. Except for Li Xiaoyue, who else is the so-called elite in the eyes of others? But when they heard my decision in the morning, they didn't reveal the slightest clue. "

"Did she do it on purpose?"

Su Nuannuan seemed to have heard what Bo Lingqing meant, her eyes enlarged inadvertently, and she couldn't believe it.

"But it was only a temporary decision when I went out to find someone just now. I never expected to meet her halfway."

Bo Lingqing has long been used to all kinds of tricks, and he would never believe such a "coincidence" in his heart, so he straightforwardly pointed out Li Xiaoyue's scheming, "Maybe, she has been secretly observing."


It's been a long time since Su Nuannuan has experienced such intrigue. Ever since she got together with Bo Lingqing, she has been better and better protected in this regard.

Therefore, in her opinion, Li Xiaoyue's slightly outstanding behavior was nothing more than carelessness. Who knew there were other purposes hidden behind it?

Being exposed by Bao Lingqing, Su Nuannuan's last trace of sympathy for Li Xiaoyue disappeared without a trace.

She shook her head vigorously, until the figure of the other person was eliminated from her mind.

"Let's not talk about her, since some people are determined to hit the south wall, I'm afraid I will be misunderstood by her if I want to stop it!"

After finishing speaking, Su Nuannuan changed the subject without hesitation.

"Mr. Bo, if you have time, give me a good introduction to the latest menu in the cafeteria! I haven't been to the group for a long time, and I feel very unfamiliar!"

Su Nuannuan looked around pretending to be a stranger, Bo Lingqing couldn't help laughing at the "exquisite" acting skills.

"That's natural."

As the elevator stopped, Bo Lingqing stretched out his hand in a very gentlemanly manner to guide it up.

"Miss Su, please go this way."

Bei Bei was taken aback by the sudden flirtation between the two, and a lot of doubts arose in her little mind, why did the address between her parents suddenly become so strange?
But before she could figure out the result of this question, Su Nuannuan led her out of the elevator. The crowds of people around her immediately aroused Beibei's curiosity, and she didn't practice to continue thinking about this question for the time being. the answer.

Wherever Bo Lingqing went, people looked sideways, especially with Su Nuannuan and a few children beside the man, which aroused their curiosity about the president even more.

After all, there were many rumors about these two in Lingang City before!

After Bo Lingqing settled down Su Nuannuan and the others, he didn't have time to talk to the bosses of several departments who came to show their hospitality, so he nodded and walked towards the destination without stopping.

Many people came too late, and the focus of attention naturally fell on Bo Lingqing, who didn't notice Su Nuannuan's existence for a while.

"Quick, look! That's Mr. Bo! He actually came back to work in the group today, and even came to the cafeteria to eat in person!"

Whispering from the side kept ringing out. Although Bo Lingqing had heard it, he didn't take it to heart.

"Wow, it really is exactly the same as the rumors! Not only is he capable, but he is also so handsome. If my boyfriend is so good, he will laugh out loud in a dream!"

As soon as the woman's voice fell, it immediately aroused the ridicule of others.

"Although you don't look very good, you think beautifully!" The teaser pointed at the table in the corner, smiled and shook his head.

"See, that is our president's wife. In terms of appearance, you don't know how many levels there are between you, let alone your ability is quite strong. I opened a studio outside. This is not just after the show show!"

The speaker knew Su Nuannuan's movements very well, so he finished the introduction in a few words.

As soon as these words came out, the woman who was teasing herself and Bo Lingqing at first fell silent, and left the place with a disheveled face.

After all, when you look at Su Nuannuan's appearance, you know that you are absolutely inferior, not to mention that others are better than you and work harder than you.

Su Nuannuan, who was sitting beside her, was naturally unaware of the turbulent atmosphere around her, and when she was lowering her head to take care of An'an, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.


Su Nuannuan looked up, and it was Nan Nan standing in front of him with a calm face, and Yang Li was beside him. For some reason, Su Nuannuan always felt that there was a faint excitement on his face.

"came back?"

Su Nuannuan greeted her very naturally, and the next second, Nan Nan took the initiative to sit down obediently, with a polite and sensible appearance.

However, among the surrounding crowd, only Yang Li, who knew all the inside stories, felt infinitely excited.

"Miss Su, you don't know..."

Yang Li didn't know how to use words to describe his current mood, and the expression on his face was even more complicated.

Noticing the glances of people around him from time to time, Yang Li hastily lowered his voice, but the corners of his mouth were still raised.

"Great God just now——Nan Nan stayed in the technical department for a while just now, and in such a short period of time, he helped us solve many technical problems in the past!"

Speaking of his major, Yang Li's eyes were sparkling, full of excitement.

"It's good that I didn't cause you any trouble."

Su Nuannuan secretly gave Nan Nan an encouraging look, and immediately raised her head to exchange greetings with Yang Li.

"Where is the trouble! I like it too late!"

Yang Li shook his head with emotion, if Nannan could be like this every day, then their technical department would be invincible!

Realizing this, Yang Li hurriedly changed the subject and talked about his reason for coming.

"I want to ask, will Nan Nan come to the group again?"

Xu was afraid that others would hear the clue, so Yang Li lowered the volume with a wink.

"I don't mean to ask him to come every day, as long as he takes an hour from time to time to give us some pointers at the right time. I promise that he will never reveal his identity!"

Yang Li said with a face of swearing, Zhijiao Su Nuannuan's eyes widened in surprise, and the unbelievable eyes wandered back and forth between Nan Nan and Yang Li.

When Bo Lingqing introduced him just now, he made a special trip to emphasize Yang Li's education and ability. How could he praise Nan Nan in every possible way in just a few hours?

Although she was full of doubts in her heart, Su Nuannuan didn't show it, and simply pointed her finger in the direction of Jiannan.

"Nannan's affairs have always been decided by himself. Since Mr. Yang wants his help, it's better to speak to him in person..."

As soon as the words fell, Yang Li's eyes lit up in an instant.

"That's a good thing! Nan Nan has already agreed to me just now, hahaha..."

Yang Li's undisguised laughter naturally fell into the ears of others, attracting people who were already extremely curious to look around.

The colleagues from the technical department who came down with him didn't know why, and after noticing his behavior, they all surrounded him.

"Brother Yang, what are you laughing at?"

The young male colleague scratched his hair involuntarily, showing a confused expression.

Inadvertently, the man's eyes fell on Su Nuannuan who was quietly smiling at the side, his brain hadn't reacted yet, but his eyes opened wide subconsciously.

"Who is this……"

The curious gaze couldn't move away from Su Nuannuan's body at all.

Yang Li understood the confusion in the man's heart. Many of the people under his command were workaholics who spent their days in the office unkempt, so they naturally didn't know much about what happened outside.

Not to mention that Su Nuannuan doesn't often appear in the Bo Group, and it's very natural not to recognize her identity.

The words were on the verge of his mouth, but Yang Li had an idea, and it was rare to have a hint of teasing the other party.

"You don't even know this one?"

Yang Li didn't explain, and simply stared at the man in surprise, deliberately arousing the man's unbearable curiosity.

"I... how could I know each other!"

The man was annoyed, and his face blushed involuntarily, and he didn't even dare to look in the direction of Su Nuannuan.

Seeing his extremely embarrassed appearance, Yang Lifang burst out laughing.

I saw him shaking his head helplessly, forced himself to endure the bursting smile and said, "Just now you were having a good time with someone's son, why did you become so restrained when you saw the parents now?" What does it look like?"

The young man didn't turn the corner at first, and his expression showed an extremely dazed state in an instant.

However, in the next second, he finally understood what Yang Li said.

"What? She turned out to be Nan Nan's mother?"

All of a sudden, all the charming atmosphere disappeared, replaced by the unbelief in the man's eyes.

Surprised eyes fell on Su Nuannuan without any concealment. She knew the character of the group of people in front of her, so naturally she would not show annoyed expressions, but let the other party "observe" very naturally.

"It's really beyond my expectation. I didn't expect Nan Nan's mother to be so young..."

She even looked like a young girl at first glance, not like a mother with a child at all.

And when I was upstairs just now, I almost called Nan Nan brothers and sisters, recalling this, full of shame slowly rose from the secret place in my heart.

In an instant, the shyness that filled his head just now involuntarily appeared in the man's mind, and he immediately became more and more embarrassed, and he was even more afraid to look at Su Nuannuan.

Yang Li watched the carefree subordinate at his side suddenly change his personality. He saw all this in his eyes, but he was extremely "understanding" and never opened his mouth to tease.

"But, why did you come to the Bo Group? Do you have relatives working here?"

After calming down, the young man began to chat very naturally, and at the same time he did not forget to chat with Nan Nan, looking like a good brother.

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