"Of course it's not your fault." Su Nuannuan pursed her lips, and kindly comforted the man who seemed depressed, "In the future, get in touch with An An more, maybe he will get acquainted with you."

"What's more, even if we don't talk about them, we haven't seen each other for a long time..."

Su Nuannuan's voice was extremely low, but it still reached Bao Lingqing's ears very clearly, without saying a single word.

Hearing this, I saw the man's ears quivering slightly, and when he looked up, his eyes were full of smiles.

Under the dim yellow light, Bo Lingqing, who was talking and laughing at Yanyan, looked extraordinarily refined and refined, Su Nuannuan unconsciously stared blankly, all kinds of thoughts stopped completely at this moment.

In the silent night, everything around is silent, only the soft "rustling" sound of the evening wind blowing through the treetops, like a low-pitched whisper of a lover.

In a certain bedroom on the second floor, the lights were turned off silently...

The next day.

Villa with sea view.

It wasn't until the sun was high that Su Nuannuan woke up completely from a deep sleep.

The clear sunlight sprinkled leisurely on her cheeks, and the warm colors enveloped her whole body in it, revealing a warm atmosphere silently.

The temperature of the bed beside him was already slightly cool, and only the inconspicuous folds revealed the traces that someone had been lying on it.

While in a daze, there was an extremely slight sound from the cloakroom separated by a wall.

Su Nuannuan propped her body up with her hands and got off the bed, and walked in the direction of the sound source, and happened to witness Bo Lingqing buttoning the last button.

"It came just fine."

Under the sun, the man slightly raised the corners of his lips, and his clear eyes were full of smiles, "Help me choose a tie."

While speaking, Bo Lingqing pulled Su Nuannuan closer to his side with very familiar movements, and at the same time, he did not forget to signal the other party with his eyes.

Under Bo Lingqing's inexplicable insistence, Su Nuannuan had no choice but to suppress her doubts, and chose the one she thought was most suitable according to the man's outfit today.

As soon as she raised her head and saw the smile pouring out of the man's eyes, she understood what she needed to do next.

"You're such an old man, you don't even want to tie a tie by yourself. If I'm not here, is it possible that you really don't want to do it yourself?"

Subtle murmurs came into Bo Lingqing's ears, "Right now, even Nannan and Beibei know how to dress and eat by themselves, but a certain person really becomes more childlike as he lives."

Bo Lingqing never missed the deliberate ridicule in Su Nuannuan's words.

Although Su Nuannuan was still complaining, the movements in her hands were unprecedentedly proficient, as if she had contacted her hundreds of times before.

"Who else is used to this?"

Bo Lingqing laughed lightly, and continued to supplement what Su Nuannuan had said.

"With Madam here, I naturally believe in your vision."

The "flattery" in the man's tone was obvious, and Su Nuannuan couldn't help pursing her lips and smiling.

After Bo Lingqing finally uttered satisfactory words, Su Nuannuan left the cloakroom with drowsy eyes.

Looking up at the time, the whole person was shocked, and even woke up from dozing off.

What's the situation, when she just woke up, she saw that the time was still early, but the two of them unknowingly wasted so much time in the cloakroom!
Realizing this, Su Nuannuan couldn't help feeling a momentary panic in her heart.

Looking at Bo Lingqing who was following up while arranging his collar, Su Nuannuan, who was still in pajamas, couldn't help but glared at him "viciously".

"It's all your fault for procrastinating, now I'm going to be late for the studio again, alas..."

Obviously she is the one who should lead by example, but because of Bo Lingqing, she has been late for countless times. Now that I think about it, Xiao Li and Xiao Zhen should be used to it too!
Thinking of this, Su Nuannuan shook her head melancholy.

Bo Lingqing, who was forced to take the blame, didn't dare to take a breath, for fear that if he said something wrong for a while, it would arouse Su Nuannuan's more intense anger.

Just when Su Nuannuan was secretly suppressing her excitement, the mobile phone that was ignored by both of them suddenly rang loudly.

Who will the son come to look for her now?

Su Nuannuan looked sideways in surprise, and didn't care about continuing to "teach and blame" Bo Lingqing. She stepped forward and picked up the phone after seeing the number displayed on the top of the screen clearly.

"Hello, Li?"

The number is the studio's landline.

"Sister Nuan Nuan, have you come to the studio from home yet?"

On the phone, Xiao Li's voice was obviously anxious, and Su Nuannuan subconsciously thought of a strange thought.

Could it be because she saw that she was late, so she called to urge her?

"Not yet, we're leaving soon."

While saying this, Su Nuannuan obviously felt a little lack of confidence, after all, she was still talking to someone in her pajamas right now!
It's just that on the other side, Xiao Li's mind seemed to be largely focused on other things, and he never noticed what was wrong with Su Nuannuan.

Hearing her answer at the first glance, Xiao Li suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good, sister Nuannuan, why don't you come here today..."

Xiao Li hesitated to speak, his tone full of indescribable meaning.

Su Nuannuan heard the deep meaning in her words, and immediately sensed something was wrong, "What's wrong?"

"As soon as the studio opened early this morning, a bunch of people flocked here. They all said they came to visit you specially. No matter how I explain, they refused to leave. Right now, they are sitting in the reception room drinking tea!"

"What's even more exaggerated is that there are still quite a few media who have heard these gossips from who knows where, and they are waiting downstairs in our company to wait for you to appear! Many colleagues have been stopped for interviews when they come in and out... ..."

what's going on!
An unconcealable look of astonishment flashed across Su Nuannuan's mind for the first time, "Come to visit me? But I didn't make an appointment with anyone before..."

Xu Shi noticed Su Nuannuan's confusion, and Xiao Li, who had figured out the ins and outs of the matter, explained it simply and clearly.

"It was the group of people who put our pigeons on yesterday's show. They kept saying that they came here specially to apologize to you. I just observed it specially. Everyone still held a valuable gift in their hands. Look at it. It looks like you won’t let it go until you’re done!”

"It's just that the scene is too chaotic right now, I'm afraid that as soon as you appear, they should rush to please you..."

While opening his mouth to describe, Xiao Li stared at the people not far away who had already been fighting secretly.

"Sister Nuannuan, I think it will be difficult to alleviate this situation for a while. Before you go out, why don't you just give yourself a day off today! You don't have to go to the studio and accept so many people. The 'harassment' of..."

"you're right."

Just listening to Xiao Li's description, Su Nuannuan seemed to see such a chaotic scene in front of her eyes, she couldn't wait to shake her head, and cleared her disturbed thoughts.

"It's just that, they will definitely pester you and Xiao Zhen and the others...can you?"

Su Nuannuan's question was extremely tactful. I'm afraid that the group of people had no way to find Bo Lingqing, or they didn't have the guts to find Bo's Group, so they all thought of starting from her by coincidence!

Xu heard the worried tone in Su Nuannuan's words, and Xiao Li smiled nervously.

"It's okay, you were the person they were looking for, and if you don't show up, they don't dare to make too much trouble."

However, small complaints are probably inevitable. Regarding this point, Xiao Li has long been mentally prepared.

In order to appease Su Nuannuan's worried mood, she hurriedly continued to add a few words.

"I secretly listened to their conversation just now, and now it seems that this group of people will not give up until they achieve their goals. According to my judgment, I'm afraid they will stay here for a few days, and they have to wait until you show up!"


Hearing this, Su Nuannuan couldn't help but turn pale with shock. Bo Lingqing, who was patiently waiting for her, heard the sudden movement, and immediately raised his eyelids to look over, only asking the ins and outs of the matter with silent eyes.

However, Su Nuannuan didn't have the time to talk to the man at all, so she spoke out her worries.

"Then what should I do, I can't avoid them all the time, can I?" It's not a problem to delay like this!
Hearing Su Nuannuan's words, Xiao Li seemed much calmer after thinking about it.

"They came here because of you. I'm afraid they have something to ask for from you or Mr. Bo. As long as we keep saying that you are too busy, they won't be bothered for so long..."

At this point, Xiao Li's tone paused for a moment, and he changed the subject to talk about his thoughts.

"Sister Xiaozhen and I have already discussed this point. It just so happens that you haven't had a good rest for more than half a month in order to prepare for the show in the studio. Take a little vacation by yourself."

"I have already told Miss Xiaozhen about this matter just now. We have so many outstanding people in our studio, are you afraid of any accidents? If there is something that cannot be resolved, we will definitely contact you in time related."

Su Nuannuan was about to say something, but she heard Xiao Li's sniggering on the other end of the phone.

"What's more, hasn't Mr. Bo been on a business trip all this time? Now that you and your husband have finally reunited, you might as well take advantage of this time to get in touch with each other. We have work matters! You don't have to worry... ..."

In a few words, Xiao Li arranged the next thing properly, and his consideration was very comprehensive.

Hearing this, although Su Nuannuan had all kinds of words in her heart, she couldn't say it at the moment, so she simply stopped speaking.

"You guys are very thoughtful, so let's do this."

After thinking about it for a while, Su Nuannuan also figured out a lot, and her originally tense emotions were greatly relieved in a moment.

In the next second, she smiled gratefully at Xiao Li on the other end of the phone, "It's just that, I have to trouble you and Xiao Zhen to pay more attention to the affairs of the studio. I'm powerless..."

As soon as Su Nuannuan's voice fell, Xiao Li pouted.

"Sister Nuannuan, you're out of touch now, aren't you?" She "blamed" very familiarly.

"When I was in the Bo Group, if it weren't for your kindness to help me, I'm afraid I would have been dismissed by people, and if you weren't for pushing me forward, I wouldn't be where I am today Achievement?"

Xiao Li's words are full of smiles inside and out, as if he is happy with this job.

Hearing this, the corners of Su Nuannuan's mouth gradually rose unconsciously.

The two continued to exchange a few words, and after finally explaining the next plan of the studio and hanging up the phone, Su Nuannuan immediately noticed Bo Lingqing's extremely resentful eyes.

"Why don't you even look at me?"

Bo Lingqing spoke very coldly, accusing Su Nuannuan of the "ruthlessness" that he had just shown.

"Forget it, don't talk about that."

Observing the expression on Su Nuannuan's face, Bo Lingqing took the initiative to change the topic, and a little speculation came to his mind, "Someone came to your studio to wait for you?"

All of a sudden, he guessed the content of their phone call just now.

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan nodded without hesitation, only her tightly pursed lips showed that her heart was not at peace at this moment.

"According to Xiao Li, there should be quite a few people going there."

Full of depression and irritability with nowhere to vent, Su Nuannuan subconsciously rubbed her messy hair.

At this moment, there is no need to hurry to the studio, Su Nuannuan suddenly became much more relaxed, just standing lazily in front of the full-length mirror and thinking.

Seeing her uninterested look, a sharp dark light quickly flashed across Bao Lingqing's eyes.

However, it was only for a moment. When Su Nuannuan looked up inadvertently, the man quickly adjusted his expression and made a very positive suggestion.

"Don't bother with them. I just want to make a deal with you so that I can get more benefits from the recent projects of the Bo Group."

In this way, Bo Lingqing should know something about those people.

"Then... just let them hang out like this?"

After all, they are all possible partners of the Bo Group, Su Nuannuan was a little hard to make up his mind for a while.

Hearing this, Bo Lingqing involuntarily reached out and rubbed her hair, interrupting Su Nuannuan's usual sad look.

"There's no need to worry so much." The man paused, and then explained very patiently.

"Do you still remember the Nanshan project that Hanyu snatched from me last time?"

At that time, Hanyu even tried her best to persuade Su Nuannuan to participate in it, so she was naturally impressed.

When she first heard Bo Lingqing's question, she nodded without hesitation, "Didn't the cultural relics be dug out under that field and the development was interrupted?"

Could it be that there are other things she doesn't understand?

Bo Lingqing saw the confusion in Su Nuannuan's eyes, so he was happy to explain it to her.

"At that time, Han Yu and He Gong didn't have enough working capital. Even if they invested all of it, it would be difficult to fully develop this project. Therefore, many people participated in it at the beginning..."

The man's pointed words caused Su Nuannuan's thoughts to diverge more and more, and suddenly, a flash of light flashed in her mind.

"You mean to say that the companies that participated in the Nanshan project also suffered heavy losses?"

It's no wonder that they value Bo Lingqing's attitude so much now, and even went to the scene in person, trying to "save the country" through Su Nuannuan.

Hearing Su Nuannuan's guess, Bo Lingqing nodded in agreement without hesitation. "Right now, the rumors haven't spread completely, it's just that there are problems with the capital chain of these companies, and it's just a matter of time."

"The reason why they are so eager to see us now is nothing more than trying to win a good impression and win capital injection from the Bo Group."

Mentioning this, Bo Lingqing couldn't help feeling somewhat contemptuous.

"If they have real materials, even if they don't need to ask, the industrial department of the Bo Group will naturally agree, but what they think of every day is some heresy..."

That's all Bo Lingqing said, but Su Nuannuan still understood what the man meant.

Seeing that the atmosphere around him gradually became heavy, Bo Lingqing hurriedly changed the subject and talked about his proposal with great interest.

"Since I can't go to the studio today, and I just agreed to Beibei yesterday, why don't you go to work with me?"

Before Su Nuannuan could respond, Bo Lingqing laughed lightly and joked.

"In retrospect, Madam hasn't been to Bo's Group for a long time. In order to prevent the newly recruited employees from the group from being unfamiliar, it's time to visit."

As soon as the words fell, Su Nuannuan couldn't help laughing.

"Look at what you said. I'm not a big shot, so I'm not worth the trouble of others. Besides, I can't help you there, so I don't want to make trouble for you."

Bo Lingqing is ready to return to the Bo Group and take up his post. Now it is a busy time, Su Nuannuan thinks about it, and the idea of ​​not causing trouble to others still prevails in the end.

It was her kindness of "being considerate of others" that directly hit Bo Lingqing's pain point, and the man's complexion suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy.

"Who said you were going to make trouble for me?"

When he said this, Bo Lingqing had a righteous expression on his face.

Seeing Su Nuannuan's surprised gaze cast over him, Bo Lingqing simply cleared his throat, and began to explain in a leisurely manner.

"Recalling carefully, we haven't seen each other for nearly a month. If you are not afraid that I will keep thinking about you during working hours, then you should just stay at home with Beibei and the others!"

Mentioning a few little guys, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Bo Lingqing's mind, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

"By the way, if Beibei starts crying with you at home, you have to remember to explain to her well, it's not that Dad doesn't want to take her to work together..."

Bo Lingqing paused for a moment, with obvious frustration, "It seems that she can say that I 'broke my promise and gained weight' again..."

Bo Lingqing's lonely and gloomy image naturally fell into Su Nuannuan's eyes, and she was immediately annoyed and funny.

What makes Bo Lingqing angry is what she said. Almost everything is on the point of her concern. What's funny is that the dignified president of the Bo Group would actually "preoccupied" because of these trivial matters.

Su Nuannuan lost her mind, and the idea that she had insisted on was shaken in an instant.

"Stop talking, I'll just go."

Su Nuannuan forced herself to resist the urge to cover her mouth and snigger, and glanced at Bo Lingqing, who was secretly raising his eyebrows after getting an affirmative answer not far away.

I really don't know how the group of employees under him will feel when they see this scene of laughing and cursing.

"Then I'll go downstairs and talk to the kids."

Bo Lingqing spoke calmly, unaware that Su Nuannuan had already seen through his true emotions.

Watching the back of the man leaving the room, until the moment the door closed, the corners of Su Nuannuan's mouth finally couldn't help but rise high.

Bo Lingqing thought he was covering it up very well, but through many details, Su Nuannuan could see through the man's true thoughts at once.

Hearing Beibei's exclamation vaguely from the next door, Su Nuannuan couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and the corner of his mouth never turned down since it was raised.

Su Nuannuan shook her head, subconsciously speeding up her movements...

Three poles in the sun.

It has been a long time since Bo Lingqing's normal working hours have passed, but it is very different from the past, Bo Lingqing didn't feel the slightest anxiety, instead he sat at the dining table leisurely, supervising the little ones himself.

"This is a breakfast specially prepared for you. Mom specifically told you to eat all of it and not leave anything behind."

Bo Lingqing spoke without pretense, changing from his previous refined and kind appearance in front of the children.

"Dad, I really don't like drinking milk~"

Beibei's small face was wrinkled, revealing a lovely expression, and she acted like a baby with Bo Lingqing.

Seeing such a scene, Bo Lingqing, who was telling them to eat breakfast with a straight face, suddenly found it difficult to maintain his expression.

He subconsciously observed Nan Nan, who didn't change his expression as if he had never heard Bei Bei's words, and An An, who looked confused, and gradually he felt relieved.

In the next second, Bo Lingqing slowly covered his mouth with his hand and coughed a few times, hurriedly covering up the embarrassment on his face.

"If you don't like it, don't force yourself..."

The moment the man's low voice resounded in the air, Nan Nan couldn't help but froze, and looked up at the "duplicate" Bo Lingqing with great interest, and there seemed to be obvious questioning in his eyes.

As if aware of Nan Nan's probing eyes, Bo Lingqing showed a "sounding" expression without thinking about it.

"However, the height is largely related to the genes of the parents." Bo Lingqing restrained himself not to show a guilty look, "Your mother and I are not short, so it doesn't matter if you don't drink for a day..."

Bo Lingqing hesitated to speak, but the clever Beibei guessed what he meant earlier, and quickly agreed.

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