Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 664 Clarification

"Next, let's invite Mr. Bo Lingqing to the stage."

As soon as the introduction was finished, the applause from the audience became much more enthusiastic.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the man who came late got up from the audience, and the spotlights immediately found his trace.

The pure white light immediately set off an image of Bao Lingqing who was superior and inviolable, which was in stark contrast with the other people present.

All of a sudden, he got the attention of the audience, but Bo Lingqing didn't show the slightest panic on his face. Instead, he calmly cleaned up the corner of the suit that was slightly messy due to the movement, and walked slowly.

As the man's pace gradually approached, Su Nuannuan only felt that the beating frequency of her heart seemed to be incomparably compatible with Bo Lingqing, and her eyes followed the man's figure subconsciously.

There are also many people in the audience who have read the rumors on the Internet before, and are wondering about the relationship between the two. Now that they are finally able to witness Su Nuannuan and Bo Lingqing on the same stage together to verify the authenticity, it is naturally a secret poke Get excited.

Su Nuannuan held her breath and waited quietly for Bo Lingqing to come to her. The two stared at each other in silence, as if a long time had passed.

The people around them seemed to be aware of this special silence, and fell silent involuntarily. For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them, secretly speculating about the next development.

Just when everyone was expecting to enjoy a good show, Bo Lingqing suddenly reached out to take the microphone.

"Welcome everyone to take the time to come and participate in my wife Su Nuannuan's design show."

The man's cold and deep words reached everyone's ears immediately, and the cello-like mellow voice brought people endless enjoyment.

"I noticed that during the previous period, there seemed to be a lot of bad speculation about the relationship between the two of us on the Internet—"

Speaking of this, Bo Lingqing suddenly chuckled, and instantly caught everyone's curiosity.

"Since I am grateful to everyone for their concern, I have to respond and clarify one by one in public, lest everyone continue to misunderstand."

"Because of a sudden accident, I did temporarily lose my sight, but Nuan Nuan did not empathize with others as rumored, but instead took care of me from beginning to end."

Speaking of this, Bo Lingqing's words suddenly paused for a moment, the man turned his head and looked at Su Nuannuan, his eyes showed the deep affection that only each other could feel.

"Under her careful care, coupled with some coincidences, I quickly returned to normal, but at that time I thought about living a life of two people, and I simply didn't take over the company anymore. Here I want to ask My dad said thanks."

Bo Lingqing's words caused everyone's attention to shift to Bo's father and Yayoi who were sitting in the audience, and their scrutinizing eyes continued to linger on them.

But Bo's father's temperament was much better than the rumors said, no matter how many people probed him, he remained steadfast.

The relationship between the father and son is clearly very harmonious, and it is not at all like what was written in the article that they have reached the point where fire and water are incompatible!

All of a sudden, people with bright minds showed suddenly enlightened expressions.

Markets are like battlefields.

In order to compare competitors, various methods in the market emerge in endlessly.

Maybe those rumors were fabricated by someone to take this opportunity to separate the father and son of the Bo family, but who knows, they were taken as true by others, and even had the idea of ​​replacing them.

Realizing this, the people who secretly planned to deal with the Bo family after hearing the news all regretted their past, and were somewhat thankful that they did not fall into the trap of others, and those secret thoughts in their hearts were not implemented in time.

Just when the people below had different thoughts, Bo Lingqing's speech on the stage continued.

"As for the rumors about Nuan Nuan that are rumored's even more nonsense."

Suddenly, Bo Lingqing smiled lightly, and spoke with a deep meaning, stopping the doubts that suddenly emerged in many people's hearts.

"I know all the people in the photo. Except for our mutual friends, they are the partners of the studio. Taking a step back, don't women have the freedom to make friends when they get married?"

Bo Lingqing was not in a hurry, but he refuted the remarks on the Internet one by one in an orderly manner.

As soon as the astute person heard this, he knew that he made a special trip to support Su Nuannuan today, and the attitude towards Su Nuannuan in his heart suddenly changed drastically, even the sight of her was a little more respectful out of thin air. , the previous contempt was swept away.

"I know that you may not believe it, but it just happened to be such a coincidence that I was there when those photos were taken, but this 'good-hearted person' who spread the news behind his back took great pains to conceal my whereabouts and even took my There is no mention of the appearance of..."

The meaning in Bo Lingqing's words immediately caused many conspiracies to emerge in the minds of others.

"Since there are so many friends from the media present today, I would like to ask, who exactly did you hear the false news from?"

Bo Lingqing's question was so loud that it immediately tightened the hearts of the other people present, and the sharp look in his eyes caused everyone to droop their eyes and remain silent.

They all just witnessed the scene where the female reporter was surrounded by the lawyers of the Bo Group and couldn't even utter a word of defense, which was in stark contrast to the aggressiveness at the beginning.

If he didn't want to suffer the same fate as her, he would naturally keep silent right now, not daring to pluck the hair on the tiger's head.

Seeing that all the discussions in the audience had stopped, Bo Lingqing looked around with satisfaction.

"Since all these have become past tense, there is no need to bring up the old things again."

Under the nervous gaze of everyone, Bo Lingqing smiled, instantly relieving the tense situation.

"Today is the day when the 'Zhi Wen' studio exhibition was successfully held. Of course, all the friends who came to participate are my friends, welcome."

This is the meaning of not pursuing it. Realizing this, everyone let out a foul breath in unison.

After finishing speaking, Bo Lingqing casually took the champagne handed over by the waiter, cupped his hands at the people in front of him, and immediately drank it down.

The man's words made the guests and the host happy. Perhaps the only ones who should get nervous are those aristocratic families who had promised well in advance, but found various reasons to avoid attending the show.

Su Nuannuan still stared at Bo Lingqing's every move with good eyes, and her eyes were full of deep affection that didn't need to be said.

What Bo Lingqing saw in a blink of an eye was her little girl's gaze, and he immediately smiled silently with his lips drawn together.

"Why, are you dumbfounded?"

The man's heart suddenly felt a little teasing, and he couldn't help joking about Su Nuannuan in public.

Fortunately, the host had put the microphone back just now, so what Bo Lingqing said did not reach the ears of everyone in the audience.

Realizing this, Su Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief just now, but when she recovered, she couldn't help but glared at the man fiercely.

"Now is the time to say these words!"

Unfortunately, the "ruthless" expression on Su Nuannuan's face did not make Bo Lingqing feel the slightest bit of fear.

The man raised his eyebrows, leaned down and approached her ear, deliberately misinterpreting Su Nuannuan's intentions.

"Nuannuan means, as long as it's not in public, can it be said..."

Su Nuannuan: "!"

Seeing the flickering panic in the little woman's eyes, Bo Lingqing's mood improved a lot, and even the upward curve of the corner of his mouth became bigger visibly.

Zhao Zhenzhen at the side looked helplessly at this "little couple in love" flirting, and it took a lot of effort to restrain her urge to roll her eyes all the time.

"If you have anything to say, let's go back and talk about it. I can guarantee that if you and Mr. Bo continue to fight on this stage, tomorrow you will definitely be on the headlines of all the media in Lingang City..."

After being reminded by Zhao Zhenzhen, Su Nuannuan realized her current situation. As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw a few acquaintances staring at her not far away.

Headed by the old lady Bo who was covering her mouth and giggling, everyone seemed to be very happy to see their loving appearance.


After the show, there was a thank-you reception at the studio.

Except for a very small number of media and guests who were invited to participate, all other people's inquiring eyes were blocked outside.

"Miss Nuan Nuan!"

Suddenly, Xiao Li ran up to Su Nuannuan out of breath, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face.

"Speak slowly, don't worry, what happened?"

Accompanied by Bo Lingqing, Su Nuannuan has changed from her previous stage attire. A slim light green dress perfectly modifies her figure, and even her skin looks white and moist.

In just a few minutes, many people around have already caused their eyes to fall on her from time to time.

Being soothed by her gentle voice, Xiao Li's agitated and nervous mood was immediately relieved.

She patted her chest in shock, and couldn't help but point to the entrance outside.

"Just, a lot of people came suddenly just now, holding invitations in their hands and insisting on entering the reception..."

Su Nuannuan frowned, unable to imagine the reason why the other party would do this.

"Then they are going to force their way in now? Who are they?"

Su Nuannuan's heart suddenly rose high.

A wave of unrest has arisen again. Could it be that there is another accident?
Su Nuannuan's startled tone immediately attracted Bo Lingqing's attention. The man held the wine glass in his hand, and approached her position without haste.

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