Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 661 Why Didn't Appear

One word stirred up a thousand waves.

A small guess aroused everyone's eagerness to move in an instant, and there was an obvious look of contempt in the eyes looking at Su Nuannuan.

After these news spread outside, Su Nuannuan seemed to have become a woman who was destined to be abandoned by the wealthy. The deliberate compliments and flattery she had given to her disappeared without a trace, and everyone even wanted to rush forward to step on her. Step up.

"Miss Su."

Suddenly, at the moment when the big guys only dared to discuss in a low voice, a strange female voice sounded from the crowd, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.


Su Nuannuan observed the other party's attire calmly, and when she noticed the undisguised jealousy and malicious intentions in the woman's eyes, she vaguely began to prepare for the challenge in her heart, "Please speak up if you have something to say."

The woman was one of the group of uninvited media reporters who rushed here from home in a hurry because of a temporary order from her superiors for hot news.

Seeing Su Nuannuan, whose makeup and demeanor were obviously much superior to hers, the sourness in her tone was almost ready to come out.

"I'm a reporter from xx Daily. If I remember correctly, your show tonight should have invited many upper-class families from Lingang City, right?"

While speaking, the woman's eyes flickered, and when she saw a few lonely star models on the red carpet not far away, there was no one else, and a trace of complacency suddenly flowed slowly through her eyes.

While thinking about it, Su Nuannuan raised the corners of her lips, just as she was about to respond gently, the woman's voice of questioning came out step by step.

"Thanks to you today, we are lucky enough to have an eye-opener! It's just..." The woman suddenly looked around, and even frowned suspiciously.

She raised her hand to look at the time on the watch, and said pretentiously, "Now the time for admission is almost over, why didn't any of them show up?"

This question was very straightforward, and as soon as the words fell, the surroundings burst into laughter.It is clear that she has already known the embarrassing situation Su Nuannuan is facing now.

"Oh, don't continue to sprinkle salt on Miss Su's wounds, my son is afraid that she is in a state of distress right now!"

The man on the side was deliberately "consoling", but in fact, he turned the volume up to a well-known level with malicious intentions.

"I've already asked my acquaintances. Most of the aristocratic families that Ms. Su invited tonight don't have time to attend this show! I'm afraid it's just a bad time!"

Hearing this, the woman covered her mouth without any shyness and laughed until her flowers trembled.

"As far as I know, these aristocratic families are busy people, and they have to make decisions that affect thousands of people every minute. Those invitations that are not up to the mark will naturally be rejected..."

The woman glanced over with smiling eyes, and when she came into contact with Su Nuannuan's gloomy face, she suddenly exclaimed and showed a look of panic.

"Miss Su, what I just said were those unknown people, I definitely didn't mean you. You are the wife of the president of the Bo Group and a well-known designer, so everyone will cheer for you!"

The meaningful words in the woman's mouth immediately made Su Nuannuan's current situation extremely embarrassing.

If no one showed up later, it would really be what she called the "unnamed" people.

"Miss Su, is what you say makes sense?"

The woman raised the microphone in her hand high, wishing she could poke it in front of Su Nuannuan immediately, her bad behavior was in stark contrast to the "honorary title" in her words.

"The guests invited tonight are all the guests of the studio. Of course, we welcome them very much, but if there are customers who really can't be there, naturally we can't force them."

She responded coldly, and she couldn't even bring up a smile in front of the reporter who didn't know how to restrain herself and had an aggressive attitude.

However, in the eyes of others, her forbearance was obviously a sign of guilt. For a moment, everyone seemed to have sensed some important secret, and immediately looked at each other excitedly.

"So you mean, tonight's show is about to open?"

Reporters who heard the news flocked to the show. After all, the scale of the show tonight is not small. If all the aristocratic families can't be there, most of the seats will be vacant!

The show held by the former president's wife of the Bo Group was forced to open the skylight, and Su Nuannuan's recent reputation will definitely attract a lot of heat.

Aware of this possibility, all the reporters present stretched their arms and necks, trying to get first-hand news from Su Nuannuan. Taking a step back, even if she is irritated, it will definitely be a very serious situation. Brilliant scene.

"Miss Su, there are only 10 minutes left before the opening time, but it seems that most of the clients you invited have not come. How are you going to deal with it?"

"When the 'Zhiwen' studio was publicized earlier, it was full of hype, and countless people came to help out at the opening scene, but now these people have chosen to stay behind closed doors. Is it true that they just borrowed money from the beginning? The power of the group?"

"You're going to hold a show tonight, and neither your husband nor the Bo family showed up. Does this mean that the rumors about you and Bao Lingqing's deadlock are true?"

Facing the aggressive attitude of the crowd, Su Nuannuan took a deep breath silently, and was about to leave with a perfunctory sentence, when a cold voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Who said Nuan Nuan has no support?"

Accompanied by the sound of crutches, an extremely steady voice suddenly sounded from behind everyone, and everyone couldn't help but turn their heads in the direction of the sound, only to see Chu Mingfeng and his wife appearing calmly.

The sharp eyes looked around, and lightly swept over everyone present. The person who was caught by the eyes immediately lowered their heads guiltyly, but the thoughts inside were full of twists and turns.

Hey, this Chu Mingfeng is also one of the well-known businessmen in Lingang City, and it is said that he and his wife have chosen to retire behind the scenes for many years. How could he appear here again today, and he looks very warm with Su? Familiar look? "

Doubts kept emerging from the bottom of my heart, and in the next second, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chu Mingfeng and his wife walked up to Su Nuannuan slowly, and Su Nuannuan subconsciously greeted her with a smile.

"Godfather, godmother, you are here."

As soon as these words were uttered, the audience immediately caused an uproar, and everyone glanced back and forth between Su Nuannuan and Chu Mingfeng with unbelievable eyes.

Are Chu Mingfeng and his wife Su Nuannuan's godfather and godmother?How can this be!

All of a sudden, this idea appeared in the minds of everyone.

She had already thought of the huge wealth behind Chu Mingfeng and his wife, and hastily changed to another attitude towards Su Nuannuan.

"Miss Su, why didn't you say the whole thing just now? It turns out that you are the goddaughter of Mr. Chu Mingfeng. This really hides us badly. It seems that this show is absolutely fine..."

The person who spoke was thinking a thousand times, and he had secretly put the Chu family and the Bo family together and made countless comparisons in his heart.

"Hmph! But there's only one family here. You know, the Bo family has the most say in Lingang City. If you offend them, how can you continue to hang around in this place?"

The woman who spoke provocatively at the beginning was still a little resentful, and her disdainful eyes were about to roll to the sky.

However, Su Nuannuan had no time to care about other people's remarks for the time being, and smiled heartfeltly at the two old people.

"Nuannuan, we are not late, I was still partying with your uncles and aunts just now, so I didn't come here until now..."

Ji Yun stretched out her hand to help Su Nuannuan to help the scattered hair on both sides of her cheeks, and a distressed emotion flashed unconsciously on her face.

Su Nuannuan was aware of the concern hidden under her dignified face, and smiled movedly upon hearing this.

"Godmother, it's just in time for you to come! The show is about to start, let's go in first."

While talking, Su Nuannuan smiled and took Ji Yun's arm, and when she was about to lead her the way, she saw the other party shook her head with a light smile.

"Wait a minute, some friends haven't arrived yet."

As soon as Ji Yun said this, the image of "good sisters dancing square dance" instantly appeared in Su Nuannuan's mind.

Thinking of a group of amiable "old ladies" about to appear, Su Nuannuan couldn't help laughing immediately.

Just when Su Nuannuan was thinking about it, Ji Yun beside her suddenly became a little excited, and walked a few steps in the direction she came from.

"They're here! But let me wait..."

"Okay, I'll let someone arrange a seat..."

Following Ji Yun's words, the surrounding area fell silent for a moment.

Su Nuannuan didn't notice this subtle change, and she agreed with a smile, but when Kankan raised her eyes, she saw a few well-dressed women approaching not far away...

Zhao Zhenzhen, who just arrived beside her, subconsciously covered up the exclamation that was about to blurt out with her hands. Although she deliberately lowered the volume, she still couldn't stop the shock in her voice.

"This, isn't this the famous 'Rich Wives Group' in Lingang City..."

Su Nuannuan had never heard such a joke before, and asked her friend with an inexplicable expression.

"The rich wives?"

Seeing that Su Nuannuan seemed puzzled, Zhao Zhenzhen explained it patiently.

"Aren't you ignorant of these things?"

Zhao Zhenzhen suddenly came in mysteriously, leaned over and whispered in Su Nuannuan's ear.

"Almost everyone who appeared in front of me is a famous lady of the previous generation in Lingang City, but now they and their husbands have quit the company's management and are concentrating on spending their days at home. It is said that they are all luxury goods. Regular customer of the brand…”

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