"Hello, uncle and aunt."

Although Zhao Zhenzhen didn't know the truth of the matter, seeing Su Nuannuan's reaction, she quickly came to her senses, smiled, narrowed her eyes and called out to someone.

As soon as the words fell, Yayoi, who was about to speak, stopped her tone instantly, and only looked sideways at Zhao Zhenzhen, her eyes were slightly flushed.

Originally, Father Bo just accompanied him to investigate, but Zhao Zhenzhen's sudden address really made him raise his brows in surprise, and even his mood brightened a lot with the naked eye.

Seeing that no one spoke, Father Bo simply walked around the studio with his hands behind his back, and immediately nodded affirmatively.

"The arrangement here is not bad. Although the scale is not very large, the internal organs are very complete."

After being affirmed, Su Nuannuan agreed with a smile.

"Of course, this is also thanks to everyone's brainstorming. The studio will officially open to the public in two days. If Dad is free, please remember to come and visit again."

It was just a polite remark, but Bo's father actually took it seriously, and immediately showed a thoughtful expression.

"So fast?" He covered Wu's chin in surprise, "I'm afraid I haven't had time to send the invitation yet?"

Seeing Su Nuannuan nodding, Father Bo came up with an idea slowly.

"It just so happens that your second uncle knows a lot of people, so you can leave some more invitations for me. I'll talk to him in person tomorrow and ask him to invite a few more people to join us."

Su Nuannuan didn't expect Bo's father to intervene at all, her eyes widened in surprise when she heard this, and she didn't recover for a long time, "Huh?"

Just a second before Bo's father looked over, Zhao Zhenzhen quickly came to his senses, and pushed Su Nuannuan's body with his elbow, "Thank you, Uncle Bo!"

Zhao Zhenzhen responded with a smile and Yanyan, and kept signaling Su Nuannuan with her eyes, "With your blessing, I believe our studio will flourish!"

Seeing this, Su Nuannuan and Yayoi couldn't help but look at each other, and a very faint smile flashed across their eyes.Unexpectedly, for such a serious person as Father Bo, Zhao Zhenzhen would catch his eyes, it is really very rare.


the other side.

Han Yu hung up the phone resentfully, with an inexplicable expression on her face.

"Anna is really unreliable this week. She disappeared without a word! There is no further text, I really don't know what to do!"

The subordinates sitting on the side sensed something was wrong, and asked tentatively, "Then what about her kidnapping of Bo An'an? Could it be that Bo's family has already noticed?"

Otherwise, how could Bo Lingqing still sit still and not contact them proactively?
Hearing this, a hint of ferocity flashed across Han Yu's eyes.

"Probably not." She recalled carefully, "I let people watch every move of Bo's family. Those who sent out to look for them clearly haven't returned yet."

"Since Zhou Anna was able to go abroad smoothly, they must not know the real whereabouts of Bo An'an!"

"Don't worry about that."

He Gong, who was silent at the side, suddenly said, "Call Bo Lingqing directly, and let them think that Bo An'an is in our hands. I want to see how much they value this child!"

Hearing this, Han Yu's face showed hesitation, a faint feeling of uneasiness arose in her heart, her brows were slightly frowned, but when she looked up and saw He Gong's gloomy expression, she immediately fell silent again.

Bo's old house.

Several members of the Bo family finished their dinner according to their usual habits, and Bo's father and Bo Lingqing went into the study again to discuss the cooperation project of the Bo Group for the next period of time.

Just as he was talking about the crucial point, Father Bo's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

Bo Lingqing raised his eyebrows in surprise, stopped talking involuntarily, and made a "comfortable" gesture towards Bo's father.

A series of unfamiliar phone numbers were displayed on the screen of the phone. Bo's father wanted to hang up, but after seeing Bo Lingqing's actions, he connected slowly.


A questioning tone sounded, but the person on the other end of the phone did not make a sound, only a few faint breaths could be heard.

Father Bo frowned tightly, and his eyes showed dissatisfaction at being fooled.

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, the silent person on the other end of the phone suddenly chuckled.

"Boss Boss, let's stay safe!"

The familiar tone made Bo Lingqing look sideways, his ears moved slightly, and his whole body quietly approached where Bo's father was.

Father Bo's breathing stopped suddenly, and there was a clear certainty in his suspicion.

"He Gong, it's you."

The two are about the same age, and they even fought against each other a few times before Bo's father had an accident, so they are no strangers to each other.

When his identity was revealed, He Gong was not panicked, instead he took the lead in laughing.

"Bo Yuntian, Bo Yuntian, we really haven't seen each other for a long time!" He Gong's tone was unusually familiar. If the identities of the two were ignored, it sounded like two old friends reminiscing about the old days.

"What are you calling for?"

Father Bo blurted out subconsciously, and Bo Lingqing seemed to sense it, raised his hand silently, and slowly wrote the word "An" on the table.

Seeing this, Bo's father quickly understood the meaning of Bo Lingqing's reminder.

After the "greetings", He Gong quickly revealed his true colors, and immediately began to sneer.

"Since Mr. Bo returned to power, the Bo Group has made a lot of noise in Lingang City. It is both buying land and developing projects. It is really embarrassing."

Mr. He knew all the projects of the Bo Group like the back of his hand, and explained them one by one like a few treasures.

At the end, his tone suddenly changed, "However, Mr. Bo is usually too busy, so he forgot one thing?"

He Gong didn't pretend to be a joke, and he took the initiative to say without waiting for Bo's father to say more, "My subordinates picked up a young child somewhere, it seems to be called An, and he keeps crying every day, probably Missing my family!"

Hearing this, not to mention Bo Lingqing, even Bo's father couldn't help but clenched his fist and slammed the table hard.

Although they already knew An An's whereabouts like the back of their hands, when they heard that He Gong used this reason to threaten them, countless anger suddenly arose in their hearts out of thin air.

"What do you want to do to An An?"

As if discerning the anger hidden in Father Bo's tone, He Gong smiled happily.

"It's not that bad. It's just to tease him. Children of this age are not afraid of strangers. If they get along for a long time, who will be closer to them at that time?"

"It's okay for Mr. Bo to take him back if he wants, but we've taken care of you for such a long period of time. Isn't it too much to make up for it?"

Under Bo Lingqing's hint, Bo's father said ambiguously, "Whatever you want, just ask for it, as long as it doesn't hurt An'an."

He Gong thought he had grasped the weakness of the Bo family, so he spoke with extra confidence.

"The stakes I want are not high, as long as the Bo family returns all the property they took away from Han Aotian, and my brother He Cheng, you have to find a way to release him, and when the time comes, you will pay the money with one hand and others with the other." .”

As soon as he finished speaking, He Gong waited confidently for Bo's father's response, but after waiting for a long time, he couldn't hear any other movement except for more and more heavy breathing.

He Gong vaguely sensed something was wrong in his heart, and felt a little anxious for no reason.

"Do you disagree?" He snorted lightly, "It seems that the status of this child in your heart is really inferior to those cold powers!"

"I wonder if your son and daughter-in-law will turn against you if they find out about your decision?"

Because of He Gong's provocation again and again, Bo's father took a deep breath, "I want to listen to An An's voice first, and then decide how to act after making sure he is in your hands."

He Gong's breath paused inaudibly, and a sneer sounded immediately.

"It seems that Mr. Bo really has no sincerity in changing people! But yes, you already have a grandson. If this little one disappears into this world without a sound, it's probably harmless!"

"I'll give you one last period of time to think about it carefully!"

After finishing speaking, He Gong hung up the phone with a "snap", leaving no room for Bo's father to react at all.

"Uncle He, can this be done?"

Han Yu frowned, gritted her teeth and looked at He Gong, with a look of distrust in her eyes.

"Whether he believes it or not, right now he can only take one step at a time! Bo Yuntian is indeed an old fox, no matter how provocative I am, he won't be fooled!"

He Gong supported his head with his hands, buried his head in meditation for a while, and then slowly raised his head, showing a thoughtful expression.

"For the current plan, I'm afraid we still have to start with different people..."

Hanyu seemed to understand, but followed his instructions and walked closer...

"He wants to make mistakes and make mistakes, and he plans to blame us?"

Father Bo's astonishment was almost ready to come out, and he was even more enraged by He Gongcai's actions.

"What a whimsical person! With this IQ, he still wants to be a white wolf!"

Bo Lingqing turned his head in the direction of Bo's father, and then said lightly, "But it's because of him that I became what I am now."

Amid Bo's father's dignified expression, Bo Lingqing had a half-smile on his face.

"Sometimes it's better not to underestimate the enemy. What I want is to make the enemy disappear completely, and there will be no more waves."

As soon as Bo's father heard it, he knew that Bo Lingqing had an idea, and he immediately became very interested. He sat up straight and asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"

In the next second, Bo Lingqing laughed softly, "The initiative is in our hands right now, it's nothing more than four words, let's wait for work."

Father Bo withdrew his gaze thoughtfully, and various thoughts kept intertwining in his mind.

"Don't worry, when He Gong is pushed into a hurry, he will naturally show his flaws."

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