Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 595 How is Mr. Bo's injury?

As soon as the words fell, the people over there gave up and continued to target at the same time, leaving the messy scene and leaving without looking back.

Han Yuyuan had an expression of resentment, but when he realized that the enemy was strong and we were weak, he was still surprised by the strong unwillingness in his heart, and left behind He Cheng without looking back.

After witnessing all this, Su Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief, but the joy in her heart hadn't reached her eyes yet, but Bao Lingqing's head in her arms fell straight to the side.

"A Qing!"

Su Nuannuan gasped for air, and a scream escaped unconsciously from her mouth.

Xu Rui observed the situation here, before he had time to catch his breath, he raised his foot and ran into the hospital behind him.

"Where is the doctor! Where is the doctor?"

After being made such a fuss by him, almost everyone in the hospital noticed the fierce conflict that happened in the corner not long ago.

Especially when he realized Bo Lingqing's identity, he even alarmed the high-level people.

A moment later, the red light on the top of the operating room door came on, and authoritative doctors rushed in.

Su Nuannuan's hands were still stained with the blood left on Bo Lingqing's body, but right now she had no time to take care of this at all, she just stared blankly at the ground in front of her, on which she could faintly see hurried and messy footsteps.

"Ah Qing, why are you so stupid..."

Su Nuannuan is not stupid, and after thinking about it, she understood the reason why Bo Lingqing acted like this.

It was nothing more than buying more time for her to escape, but at the cost of his own safety.

Su Nuannuan suddenly had an unprecedented depressing thought in his heart.

Bo Lingqing was in this position, facing many hidden dangers around him, but she always held him back at such times...

"Ma'am, are you alright?"

Xu Rui stood still in front of Su Nuannuan, and after dealing with a series of matters related to Bo Lingqing's surgery, he just noticed Su Nuannuan who was in a daze beside him.

"Wipe it first." Xu Rui couldn't bear it, and handed the tissue to Su Nuannuan's eyes, "Mr. Bo, he is a lucky man, he will be fine, so don't worry."

Su Nuannuan nodded with a dazed expression, not sure if he had listened to his comforting words in his heart.

Time passed by every minute, and people in white coats came in and out of the operating room from time to time, muttering something in their mouths.

Xu Rui stepped forward several times, with a look of hesitation, but finally suppressed the idea of ​​asking, and stood by the wall without saying a word.

The sky outside the hospital gradually became gloomy, and even the temperature in the corridor dropped a lot.

However, no matter how many times Xu Rui persuaded her, Su Nuannuan stayed at the door of the operating room from the beginning to the end, and refused to leave easily.

I don't know how long it took, but when everyone around was drowsy, the light on the top of the operating room door suddenly went out.

Su Nuannuan immediately noticed the movement, stood up suddenly from her seat, and rushed straight to the front.

The long wait made her legs sore and limp, but it was such a clear pain that Su Nuannuan seemed unaware of it, and only focused all her attention on being pushed out of the operating room door. on the awake man.

"Doctor, how is Mr. Bo's injury?"

In a daze, only Xu Rui's voice sounded from the side.

The moment Xu Rui's voice sounded at the door of the operating room, Su Nuannuan stared intently at the person who came out in a white coat, and subconsciously held her breath.

"Are you Mrs. Bo?"

After finding out Su Nuannuan's identity, the doctor didn't answer the question directly, but approached quietly.

He looked up and down at Su Nuannuan, who was stunned, her hands and body were still covered with messy marks.

It can be seen from the appearance that after several hours of operation, Su Nuannuan has been guarding the door and has never left.

He put away the emotion that he couldn't help but regained his calm and self-possessed look on his face.

"Just now we have operated on Mr. Bo. Most of his injuries were skin trauma, but he was hit on the head once, which is why he is now in a coma."

Su Nuannuan felt a "thump" in her heart, and then said tentatively, "Does that mean that my husband is fine?"

Under her anxious gaze, the doctor neither shook his head nor nodded.

"It's hard to say what's going on right now. I just checked Mr. Bo. Because of the impact, he had blood clots in his brain. That part is very special, and surgery can't remove it for the time being, so..."

"We have to wait for him to wake up completely before we can further observe whether there are any sequelae."

Su Nuannuan gritted her teeth, forced the corners of her mouth to thank the doctor for her help, "Then when will Ah Qing wake up?"

"If my deduction is not wrong, Mr. Bo consumed too much energy just now, and he will naturally wake up after he completes the cultivation of various body functions."

The doctor raised his foot and was about to leave, but from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Su Nuannuan's messy appearance, so he stopped and spoke kindly.

"It won't be so fast in a while, Mrs. Bo, I think you are also injured, so hurry up and deal with it!"

Su Nuannuan agreed, but after the doctor left, she still followed Bo Lingqing's bed all the way to the ward very persistently.

The whole ward was very quiet, Xu Rui went out to go through the hospitalization procedures, while Su Nuannuan volunteered to stay and take care of Bao Lingqing.

It was very different from the high-spirited state of the past. At this moment, Bo Lingqing closed his eyes tightly, his lips showed extremely pale traces, and his whole body seemed to have lost vitality and vitality.

Thinking that it was because of him that he suffered such a serious injury, Su Nuannuan suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of guilt.

Her gaze followed the motion from the motionless man all the way to Bao Lingqing's dry lips.

Su Nuannuan got up suddenly, holding a water glass in her hand, dipped a cotton swab in the water, and then dabbed it on the man's lips bit by bit.

After her hard work, Bo Lingqing's spirit has visibly recovered a lot with the naked eye.

Only in this way, Su Nuannuan looked more and more haggard.

Xu Rui, who was about to push the door open, saw this scene through the glass on the door, and his admiration for Su Nuannuan came from the bottom of his heart.

However...if Su Nuannuan is left to take care of her, I'm afraid that Boss Boss will find himself to settle accounts after waking up!

When Su Nuannuan heard the movement of pushing the door and looked back, Xu Rui quickly recovered his normal expression, and walked into the ward very naturally.

Seeing that Bo Lingqing, who used to be all-powerful, was lying lifeless on the hospital bed at this moment, not responding to the outside world at all, Xu Rui couldn't react for a while, and stood there for a while before walking closer.

"Madam, I have completed the hospitalization procedures for Boss."

With Su Nuannuan's eyes on him, he said vaguely, "The doctor also said that Mr. Bo is fine for the time being. If he wakes up and sees you like this, he will definitely be worried."

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan frowned without saying a word, but the expression in her eyes was clearly full of rejection.

Xu Rui had no choice but to change his words in a flash of inspiration.

He looked embarrassed and spread his hands straight to Su Nuannuan.

"President Bo's luggage has to be packed and brought here." Having said this, Xu Rui's face was a little more embarrassed, "I'm afraid only you know what he wears and uses. gone."

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan finally showed signs of wavering.

Xu Rui saw that there were some faint signs, and immediately made persistent efforts.

"Besides, Mrs. Bo doesn't know what's going on right now. If she accidentally learns some clues from others, she doesn't know how to be anxious. Someone has to go back and tell her..."

The rest of the words are kept silent, who is the right one to speak, no one thinks about it except Su Nuannuan.

"Then I'll go home first."

His hesitant eyes fell on Bo Lingqing who was sleeping peacefully beside him, at this time Xu Rui's words came in at the right time, "I will take good care of Boss during this time, if he wakes up, I will call you immediately .”

After speaking, Su Nuannuan had a solution to what she was worried about.

She nodded slightly, and finally left the ward with three steps.

The sky outside was bright, and Su Nuannuan, who had spent the whole night in the hospital, was suddenly exposed to the glare of the sun, and she couldn't help but stretch out her hand to cover her eyes, showing her fragile posture.

The bodyguard who followed her noticed that something was wrong with her, and hesitated to express her concern.

"Ma'am, are you alright?"

"It's okay, let's go." Su Nuannuan put down her hands and spoke calmly, without any weirdness.

However, while sitting in the car speeding back to Bo's house, Su Nuannuan's pretended strength collapsed in an instant.

She covered her face with her hands in annoyance, the situation that happened yesterday was repeated in front of her eyes over and over again.

Bo Lingqing, why are you so stupid?
Not long after, the car stopped at the door of Bo's house. The old lady Bo, who had just received the news not long ago, was wandering anxiously at the door.

"Nuan Nuan, what's going on here? Why did Ah Qing go to the hospital? And An An, why didn't she come back all night?"

The old lady Bo was already in a hurry, and many questions escaped from her mouth like a cannonball.

Su Nuannuan hurriedly took her hand and walked all the way into the living room to sit down. She was still depressed just now and forced out a stiff smile.

"Grandma, don't worry, let me explain to you carefully..."

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