Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 570 Shifting Chapter Titles

With Bo Lingqing's certainty, Jiang Zaiting let go of his worries. He raised his eyes deeply, "I don't know where his hole cards are right now. This time, we still can't let our guard down."

Hearing this, Bo Lingqing nodded slightly, it was rare for him to maintain a friendly attitude with Jiang Zaiting.

This time, it was rare for the two to reach an agreement, and they discussed without reservation a plan to deal with He Gong.

"What are you talking about? Why are you so serious?"

A sudden female voice interrupted their conversation.

Before turning their heads, Bo Lingqing and Jiang Zaiting put away the icy chill on their faces.

"Isn't it the place you booked? How come you are late?"

Su Nuannuan was about to take a seat on the chair that Bao Lingqing had pulled out, when she heard this, her movements paused slightly.

She hooked her lips and smiled softly, without changing the expression on her face, "I encountered some delays when I was going out."

Jiang Zaiting couldn't help raising his eyebrows after hearing this, and cast a thoughtful glance at Bo Lingqing, "Nuan Nuan is not working in the Bo Group now, besides President Bo, there are other people who can tie him down." The person who lives with you?"

Even Bo Lingqing himself was very surprised, as if realizing something, he frowned and asked, "A lot of things were thrown at you?"

Su Nuannuan couldn't help laughing at the attitude of the two of them, and immediately shook her head slightly, "It's just some small problems, and they've all been resolved now."

Seeing her unwillingness to say more, Bo Lingqing and Jiang Zaiting, who had "ghosts" in their hearts, looked at each other and swallowed their doubts subconsciously.

As soon as she sat down, Su Nuannuan remembered the doubts in her heart before, and turned her head to observe the expressions of the two men beside her and across from her.

"What were you talking about just now? I just looked at you with unhappy faces from afar, and the people around you were looking at you intentionally or unintentionally..."

Su Nuannuan couldn't help but look up and down suspiciously, could it be that there was another quarrel?It doesn't look like much, however.

"Maybe you misunderstood it." Jiang Zaiting said with an extremely serious expression, and poured a full cup of tea for her at the same time, "We just discussed work matters."

As soon as Jiang Zaiting said this, Su Nuannuan believed it a little bit. If it was Bo Lingqing, she might have doubts.

"By the way, is there any news about Yayoi recently?"

Su Nuannuan became a bit interested, after all, it was rare to meet Jiang Zaiting when he was free, so he had to ask him carefully.

Seeing that she was no longer obsessed with the previous topic, Jiang Zaiting quietly let out a long breath, thinking of Yayoi's current state, his mood is much better than before.

"The doctor in the nursing home has already done a whole body examination for her, and initially determined the treatment plan. There is a great hope for a cure." As soon as he said this, a heavy burden in Jiang Zaiting's heart suddenly fell into place, "Speaking of it again , I have to thank you very much."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Zaiting raised his wine glass without hesitation, and nodded in Su Nuannuan's direction.

"This is really great!" Su Nuannuan's eyes flickered with excitement, "I'll visit her with you when I stabilize after a while."

The two of them discussed back and forth for a while, and suddenly decided on the time for the next meeting, which made Bo Lingqing's face darken for a while.

The time of chatting quickly ended, and after this incident, Bo Lingqing and Jiang Zaiting finally reconciled, and even under Su Nuannuan's coercion and lure, they were forced to successfully "shake hands and make peace".

It's just that Jiang Zaiting was careful and didn't immediately agree when he discussed about getting married with his future children and relatives.

Bo family villa.

Su Nuannuan in the passenger seat was listening to Bo Lingqing's oblique complaints about Jiang Zaiting's actions all the way. The two little people behind were tired from playing, and they had already slept with their heads tilted.

As soon as he entered the villa area, he was stopped by the security guard at the door.

"Mr. Bo, here is a letter from you, which requires you to sign for it personally..."

Hearing this, Bo Lingqing rolled down the window of the car, and took it over with full of doubts. Seeing this, Su Nuannuan was also puzzled, "Who sent it, why did it all come home?"

The two lowered their heads and carefully looked at the mysterious letter in their hands.

The envelope was the most common one, and the words "Bo Lingqing's personal letter" were written on it, and the rest of the address and phone number were all absent, which made people unconsciously surprised at the source of the letter.

This is not a letter that can be sent normally at all. I am afraid that someone sent it here specially, but it was stopped by the access control system.

As soon as he heard the question, the security guard scratched his head hesitantly, "I don't know who sent it here. I just finished my shift in the afternoon and when I got back to the security room, I saw this letter on the table. gone."

Bo Lingqing frowned slightly, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, as if he sensed something was wrong.

There are not many people who know where they live. If there is something important, they can be notified in one phone call. Why is there any need to send another letter?
Seeing Su Nuannuan trying to reach out to take it, he hastily stopped her and explained a few words calmly.

"It should be a partner in the mall. I accidentally mentioned his home address to him before. I must have sent it here because I am not familiar with it."

After all, Bo Lingqing took it casually and threw it aside, stepped on the accelerator and drove the car in.

A clear attitude made Su Nuannuan calm down a little nervous, and turned around to look after Nannan and Beibei who were sleeping soundly.

Not long after, the car stopped abruptly at the gate of the villa.

Bo Lingqing and Su Nuannuan hugged each other, and walked steadily towards the upstairs room. At this moment, the sky outside had turned slightly gloomy.

After Nannan and Beibei who were asleep were settled down, Bo Lingqing had time to deal with the letters.

Just now he found an excuse to leave Su Nuannuan upstairs, and picked up the obviously thick envelope, Bo Lingqing narrowed his eyes dangerously.

If he guessed correctly, this letter should be——

With the movements of his hands, the contents of the envelope gradually appeared in front of Bo Lingqing.

A trace of fishy smell came out confidently from the sealed mouth, the tip of the man's nose trembled slightly, and he keenly sensed something was wrong, his expression turned serious.

In the next second, he pulled out the thing without hesitation, and a piece of blood-stained letter paper fell to the ground profusely. The word "Kill" written in blood covered the entire paper, which was enough to see the heart of the person who wrote it. monstrous hatred.

"He Gong..." Bo Lingqing murmured.

As his words fell, the letter stained with bright red blood was crumpled into a ball and thrown into the wastebasket aside.

Bo Lingqing, who turned to leave, paused, then took it out again and walked to the kitchen.

Seeing the gradually rising flames devouring the paper, the man's face finally calmed down, but the raging anger brewing in his eyes was slowly devouring his reason.

He gritted his teeth and silently recited the name he had already heard by heart, and a sharp cold light flashed through his eyes.

"He, Gong."

After a long while of silence, Bo Lingqing returned to the study, took out his mobile phone and made a call...

The next day.

Su Nuannuan went downstairs to have breakfast as usual, there were many people in the villa, and many servants came and went.

Just as she was about to go downstairs, she paused, her gaze swept across the strange figures downstairs one by one, she turned her head subconsciously, and asked Bo Lingqing, "Are these people new here?" Why did you invite me so suddenly? How many servants?

Hearing this, Bo Lingqing nodded as usual and explained, "Recently, you are also going to work in the Bo Group. I was afraid that my family would not be able to take care of me, so I asked Xu Rui to find some servants to come over."

While talking, Bo Lingqing paused, "By the way, I even hired a driver for you and Nannan. If you go out alone in the future, just contact him."

Following Bo Lingqing's gesture, Su Nuannuan met a man in a neat suit in a blink of an eye.

"Ma'am." The man on the opposite side nodded slightly, the expression on his face did not change at all, the coldness in his eyes seemed to see through Su Nuannuan at a glance.

Seeing the other party's burly figure, Su Nuannuan raised her eyebrows in surprise, "With this figure, come to be a driver?" I'm afraid he is the best bodyguard, and no one will doubt it!
Bo Lingqing didn't answer her question, but took the initiative to walk outside.

Walking all the way to the yard, the weird feeling in Su Nuannuan's heart became more and more intense, and there were many servants in casual clothes around, but even a gardener with a watering can to water the flowers seemed to be full of determination.

"Is there something you are hiding from me?" Su Nuannuan stood still on the spot, as if she would not leave unless Bao Lingqing made it clear.

Bo Lingqing was tangled in his heart for a moment, after all, the surrounding changes were too obvious, and he was trying to find a reason to deal with it, but unexpectedly, Su Nuannu took him out of his mind.

"Could it be that you brought back a group of mercenaries from abroad?" She carefully recalled the physiques of those people just now, and at first glance they looked like a trainee, "If you do something illegal, Better to admit it."

Hearing this, Bo Lingqing suddenly felt a bit dumbfounded, "I'm a good citizen who abides by the law. Where did you go? It just so happens that Lingang City is not very peaceful during this time, so I just asked a few people to come back and take care of me."

"I have also arranged for Nannan and Beibei. If there is nothing important, just go home after get off work."

He didn't intend to elaborate on He Gong's matter, but simply mentioned it, but this sentence was enough to make Su Nuannuan feel vigilant.

Su Nuannuan subconsciously bit her lip, clearly feeling the importance Bo Lingqing attached to this matter in her heart, her suspicions subsided, but her desire to explore did not diminish in the slightest.

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