The sudden stupefaction was only for a moment.

Bai Yan quickly came to his senses, and stretched out his hand to push him away without hesitation.


During the movement, the girl's peaked cap fell to the ground, and her long hair was raised loosely in the air, revealing a delicate little face. Although she had no makeup, she was still more beautiful than ordinary people visible to the naked eye.

The fall just now was not light, and the pain from her body caused the girl to bite her lip subconsciously, and the color of her lips became pale as a result, but this did not affect her appearance at all.

Bai Yan could even hear the exclamations of the people around when they saw her true face, and a sense of irritability rose from the bottom of his heart for no reason.

He couldn't help but want to apologize, but he didn't expect to say it in a cold tone.

"Miss." Bai Yan said coldly, not as approachable as in front of Su Nuannuan and others, "Please respect yourself."

Originally thought that the girl would relentlessly entangle her, but unexpectedly, she just raised her eyes to look at Bai Yan, the deer-like clear eyes seemed to be able to penetrate a person's heart at a glance.

There was a strange noise around, and Bai Yan's attention was diverted, and when he regained his senses, the little girl who fell on the ground in front of him had disappeared.

In the next second, a group of burly men hurried to the vicinity, watching the pedestrians coming and going with vigilance.

"Where is the person? Where did he go?"

"He was still here just now..."

"Keep chasing!"

A small conversation fell into Bai Yan's ears. With a thought, he immediately understood the key point. So it was really just an accident?
Bai Yan thought about it for a moment, then saw the old lady Bai looking back suspiciously not far away, and immediately quickened his pace.

On the other side, when Bo Lingqing and Su Nuannuan got off the plane, they saw Nannan and Beibei waiting at the gate of the airport.

They had just entered elementary school recently, so they returned to Lingang City ahead of schedule.

"Mom!" Beibei was full of surprise, and trotted all the way to Su Nuannuan.

Seeing that a pounce was about to come, the little guy braked the car very sensiblely.

"You clearly said you would be back soon." Beibei pouted, full of reluctance.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Su Nuannuan's heart suddenly softened into a puddle of water.

Without waiting for Bo Lingqing's help, she leaned forward slightly, and messed up the soft hair on the top of Beibei's head, "Didn't Mom come back? I will stay with Beibei from now on and not go anywhere, okay?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Beibei's uncontrollable joy.

Seeing that it was inconvenient for her to bend down, Bo Lingqing simply hugged Beibei high. Seeing this, Su Nuannuan held Nan Nan and smiled.

This time, they finally reunited in Lingang City.

Before the gratified expression on her face disappeared completely, Beibei's immature voice sounded in her ears.

"Hey, isn't that Uncle Jiang? He just came back by plane..."

Uncle Jiang?
Su Nuannuan frowned, and a long-lost figure gradually appeared in her mind.

Could it be Jiang Zaicheng?
Following the direction Beibei was pointing at, Su Nuannuan just settled her gaze when she saw Jiang Zaiting hurriedly getting into the black car.

The man had an extremely serious expression on his face, obviously he was preoccupied. He was not far from them, but he still didn't notice their existence.

During the time when Su Nuannuan was in Yuecheng, Beibei asked Nannan to take her to the next door to find Jiang Yuan to play with when she had time. After going back and forth, the little guys established a deep friendship.

Therefore, Beibei immediately recognized Jiang Zaiting, who was often seen at Jiang's house, and couldn't help but say it in surprise.

Seeing the old man suddenly, but not having time to say hello, Su Nuannuan felt suspicious, and couldn't help but stare at the other person's figure, "Why did he appear here?"

Since she left the studio, her contact with Jiang Zaiting has gradually decreased.

Just as he was thinking, a clear voice rang in his ears, carrying a somewhat unknown meaning.

"Haven't seen enough yet?"

As soon as he turned his head, there was Bo Lingqing with an expressionless face. Seeing her eyes shifted, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Is other men so good-looking?"

Being interrupted by him like this, Su Nuannuan immediately withdrew her thoughts, and glared angrily at Bo Lingqing who was starting to get jealous.


Su Nuannuan couldn't help laughing, looking at the gloomy expression on the man's face, but didn't feel scared at all, "Ah Qing's jealous look is so cute..."

Because of these words, Bo Lingqing's mood improved obviously.

On the side, Nan Nan held back the black lines on his face, and Beibei tilted his head to look at Bao Lingqing, his eyes were full of innocent curiosity.

Bo family villa.

Not long after the car drove into the villa area, Su Nuannuan raised her head inadvertently, and caught a glimpse of a black shadow entangled with the guard at the entrance.

Because of the slight discomfort in the lower abdomen, Su Nuannuan didn't take it to heart, but when she looked closely, she recognized the identity of the person who came.

"That's... Lin Yun?"

The identity of the visitor was very clear, but different from the aloofness in the past, the Lin Yun he saw now was a little bit embarrassed, and he was not dressed as before.

Following her hesitant words, Bo Lingqing's gaze followed the trend, without any emotion on his face, he just said calmly, "Let's go."

The driver stepped in.

However, the moment the iron gate was opened, the commotion caught Lin Yun's attention.

She turned her head subconsciously, and saw Bo Lingqing's expressionless side face through the car window.

Before he had time to think about it, Lin Yun swooped down and immediately stopped in front of the car.

The driver of the car didn't expect her to appear suddenly at all, so he slammed on the brakes without noticing it.

"Ah Qing!" Lin Yun trotted all the way to the back seat in a hurry, leaned on the car window and poked his head over, the embarrassment on his face was obvious.

"How could you treat me like this, I'm your mother!" There was a bit of hysteria in the tone.

Seeing this, Bo Lingqing lowered his eyes slightly, his calm eyes didn't show any ups and downs, "Really? But how can I remember that you had separated me when something happened to the Bo Group?"

As he spoke, the man sneered abruptly, and there was no warmth in his appraising eyes.

"I don't care about that matter, but it doesn't mean that you can use your so-called status to deal with my wife and family."

"So it's because of Su Nuannuan again!" Lin Yun's sharp voice sounded, "I should have tried my best to stop you when you got married!"

Seeing that she still didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt when she arrived, Bo Lingqing didn't want to pester her too much, so he turned his eyes away and ordered coldly: "Drive."

At the same time, the sleeve on the other side of the man was grabbed tightly.

### Chapter 836 Going to the hospital

I don't know when, a faint smell of blood gradually filled the air.

Bo Lingqing originally only put all his thoughts on dealing with Lin Yun, and didn't think much about it, but when the car windows were completely closed, he realized something was wrong.

Su Nuannuan's actions were completely subconsciously asking for help, and Bo Lingqing turned his head abruptly, the sharpness in his eyes was undisguised.

"Ah Qing..." Su Nuannuan bit her lip, and couldn't help but tightly clutched the thin piece of clothing in her palm, her face turned extremely pale, "I'm in so much pain..."

Su Nuannuan couldn't help feeling a premonition in her heart. When she braked suddenly just now, the severe pain in her lower abdomen was out of control.

She lowered her head subconsciously, but only a trace of bright red slowly flowed down her pure white calf.

Bo Lingqing, who had always been calm and reserved, seemed to be frightened by this sudden scene, and stayed there in a daze, not knowing what to do.

"I, I may... I'm about to give birth."

This sentence was like a switch, and Bo Lingqing came back to his senses quickly.

The man suddenly raised his head, and was shocked to realize that Su Nuannuan's forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

"Turn around and go to the hospital!"


Lingang First Hospital.

The old lady Bo who received the news came in such a hurry that she didn't even have time to change her clothes, with an obvious worried look on her face.

She leaned on crutches, and her steps accelerated significantly. When she saw Bao Lingqing in front of the operating room with her head bowed and her expression unclear, she finally settled down as if she had seen the backbone, "Ah Qing!"

Mrs. Bo was supported to take a few steps forward, her anxious eyes fell on the red light at the door of the operating room, "How is Nuan Nuan now?"

At this moment, Bo Lingqing's brain was unprecedentedly chaotic, and also unprecedentedly calm. Hearing this question suddenly, a cold voice rang out.

"The doctor said that it was a premature birth caused by stress and stimulation."

After getting the exact answer, the old lady Bo's mind couldn't help but fell to the same place along the way.

She stretched out her hand to wipe off her sweat, and then asked out the doubts that filled her heart along the way.

"It's so good, how could it be premature?" Mrs. Bo hurried over from home after getting the news. "During the examination two days ago, didn't the doctor say that the expected date of delivery would be some time away?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Bo Lingqing seemed to hear something suddenly, his calm face suddenly turned cold, and the coldness in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

"It's Lin Yun." The man's low voice sounded, with indistinguishable emotions, "She's guarding the door of the villa, waiting for me to give her an explanation!"

Suddenly, Bo Lingqing sneered, "Because I had someone stop sending money to her account every month after the press conference, they stopped our car on the way."

In a few words, the scene that happened not long ago was narrated in Bo Lingqing's mouth.

"Bastard!" The crutches hit the ground heavily. The old lady Bo didn't expect such a reason at all, and she was already panicking, "Where is she now? She didn't know what happened to her, and said to Nuan Nuan Are you sorry?"

However, Bao Lingqing just sneered, looked around, and did not see Lin Yun at all, "I'm afraid I know I made a mistake, and I've already gone somewhere to hide right now!"

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