The long-awaited event is about to become a reality, and Lin Xianyu couldn't help feeling uneasy.

Although she couldn't figure out the reason for her anxiety, seeing that Su Nuannuan was about to be reprimanded by Cheng Lao in full view, her eyes were vaguely excited.

However, on the bright side, he still has to pretend for his "friend".

"Mr. Cheng, there are so many people around now, since this matter is only related to Nuan Nuan and this...blogger, it's better to let them solve it in private."

Lin Xianyu took a step forward, blocking everyone's prying eyes with her body. At the same time, she deliberately lowered her voice, but ensured that it could be recorded by the surrounding microphones.

"Since Nuan Nuan will come to the final scene today, she must have known her mistake. Her identity is attracting attention, and she can be forgiven for making mistakes occasionally..."

Lin Xianyu paused, pulled the wrist of the blogger on the side in an approachable way, and said very affectionately, "It's better for me to talk about it now, the similarities between the two design drafts are probably nothing more than It's just a coincidence."

"In order to avoid trouble, let Nuan Nuan buy your design draft, how about it?"

Seeing that Lin Xianyu made a big promise in place of Su Nuannuan, the blogger, who was wearing a waiter uniform and obviously living a worrying life, suddenly felt embarrassed. attitude.

Also because of her words, the comments on the Internet exploded even more, accusing Su Nuannuan of bullying weak little painters because of her wealth and power.

Seeing that his reputation was about to be ruined, suddenly, an extremely forceful voice sounded like thunder from the side.

"Miss Lin, if you hadn't said that you were President Su's best friend when you introduced yourself just now, seeing now, I would start to wonder if there is a deep hatred between you two!"

Cheng Lao squinted his eyes, and Lin Xianyu's face showed some embarrassment when he said something pointed.

She reluctantly twitched the corners of her mouth, showing an embarrassing smile, "How could it be, Mr. Cheng, I think you must have misunderstood, I was just thinking about warmth..."

She was thinking of continuing to play the role of Xiao Baihua who was deceived by Su Nuannuan, but the audience watching the performance did not intend to give her this opportunity.

"Chi—" A contemptuous sneer suddenly sounded, Cheng Lao didn't bother to bicker with her like a shrew, straightened his collar and straightened his face.

"As for the plagiarism incident of competition works circulating on the Internet recently, I have already obtained sufficient evidence." Cheng Lao pointed to the two comparison works brought by the blogger, and borrowed them without hesitation.

"Since you have worked so hard to bring it here, it will save me going to get it again!"

In the next second, two design drafts that have been analyzed countless times by industry insiders appeared in front of everyone.

And his move immediately caused an uproar in the scene.

The people present more or less had the intention of making friends with Bo Lingqing and Su Nuannuan. Even if they really plagiarized, they were able to cover up their inner disdain well and showed a sincere look.

However, what Cheng Lao did now was clearly to tear off the last fig leaf completely!
Those who knew Bo Lingqing's temperament had long been unable to hold back the look on the man's face.

"Since I am one of the judges of the finals, I am naturally obliged to ensure the fairness of the competition. After days of comparison, one of the design drafts is undoubtedly plagiarized!"

The words were so loud that they could be heard clearly even in a corner far away from the venue.

The smile on the corner of Lin Xianyu's lips hadn't fully bloomed yet, and the corner of his mouth froze in the next second.

"...But the plagiarist is not Su Nuannuan, but someone else!"

how can that be!

Lin Xianyu's eyes widened suddenly, looking around, everyone showed the same appearance.

Seeing that the silent Bo Lingqing finally raised his eyes, looking coldly towards a certain corner, everyone was startled that someone accidentally asked what was in their hearts.

During the confusion, Lin Xianyu winked at someone in the audience, and the man who was hidden in the crowd suddenly spoke.

"It's just nonsense, Su Nuannuan's plagiarism has solid evidence, you must not be bribed too!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

All of a sudden, suspicious, surprised or contemptuous eyes wandered back and forth between Cheng Lao and Su Nuannuan, and the deep meaning in the eyes was self-evident.

After all, the rumors about the big business of Bo Lingqing's family didn't stop in just a couple of days.

With everyone's support, both open and covert, the blogger simply didn't want to be humble, and raised his head proudly, with a look of unwillingness to join forces with them.

"Cheng Lao, I respect you for your high morals, but you can't rely on your elders to sell your elders!" Her eyes were sharp, and her tone of questioning pointed straight ahead, "My design draft was released on the public platform before Su Nuannuan's, it's not you guys A fact that money can cover up!"

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan, who was low-key throughout the whole process, suddenly chuckled, chewing on the words with great interest.

"Being in the eyes of the public first, can it prove that you were the first to complete it? My design draft was used for the competition, and it is understandable to upload it within the time specified by the organizer."

Being robbed by Su Nuannuan, the woman's expression was very embarrassing, "You are clearly making unreasonable words, how can a small person like me have a way to get close to you? How can I get the design draft from you? ?”

The successive rebuttals were methodical, and Su Nuannuan gradually fell behind in the words.

Seeing that she finally shut up without anything to say, the woman couldn't help but smile triumphantly, "Since you have no way to refute, I won't force you either. As long as you apologize to me in public, I won't hold you accountable for embezzlement."

"What is impossible in this world?" Su Nuannuan said suddenly.

As soon as the voice fell, the screen flashed on the big screen behind everyone, as if someone was controlling it behind the scenes, and a lot of information emerged continuously.

Looking at the rather unfamiliar content above, the people present only felt that Monk Zhang Er was puzzled, so what was the trick?
Su Nuannuan smiled, but she didn't intend to whet the appetite of others, "As a designer, it's really not surprising that even the style of painting can be changed so completely."

After she explained it like this, someone saw some clues and showed a look of sudden realization.

"All the content above are works designed by you before, but I specially asked Mr. Cheng to do a comparison. The painting style of this manuscript is not from the hands of the same person at all."

"Does this imply..." Su Nuannuan smiled coldly, and said in a sharp tone, "You are nothing more than a thieves, presumably these released works are all obtained through different channels! "

The exposed facts made the bloggers who came to break the news with all their strength at a loss. Countless cold sweats were born out of thin air. They bought drawings from different people and released them. This was originally a way for her to attract popularity with her so-called "talent". .

After spending so many years with peace of mind, whoever made his wish was exposed on the spot today!
The woman was so angry that she couldn't help but leaned back, and she couldn't help looking in a certain direction with her bewildered gaze.

Suddenly, Lin Xianyu, who was stared at by her, seemed to be taken aback, avoiding the eyes of everyone looking back, full of threats, making him tremble uncontrollably.

Aware of Lin Xianyu's intentions, and thinking of the huge check that would be handed to her after the event was completed, the woman gritted her teeth and insisted, "So what! Su Nuannuan, I can see it. Are you trying to change the subject? So you can get yourself out of it?"

She snorted coldly, "You have made a wrong calculation! Could it be that you want to frame me for buying paintings from people around you? Is it because your Bo Group is bankrupt or down, and you can still let me be the one? buyer!"

"What's more, I have no grievances or enmities with you. Why do I have to wrong you for no reason?"

The words mixed with obvious sarcasm awakened the dreamer.

Looking at her attire, she doesn't seem like someone who can easily approach Su Nuannuan, let alone get such an important document from her?If it were so easy, it would be more profitable to steal the papers!
Seeing that Su Nuannuan was gradually losing ground, Lin Xianyu was about to speak up to help, but unexpectedly, Su Nuannuan gave her a sideways look, and his eyes were no longer as gentle as before.

"I'm afraid I have to ask my best friend!"

Along with the pointed words, the scene on the screen behind him also changed, showing a series of garbled characters.

Lin Xianyu's face almost changed drastically, but when he realized that there was no substantive content on the screen, he quietly let out a long breath.

"Nuannuan, what do you mean by that? Do you think I arranged all this behind the scenes just to frame you?"

As soon as the words fell, before Su Nuannuan could respond, Lin Xianyu lowered his head and began to weep miserably. This aggrieved expression did not seem to be fake, but it actually made people around him feel a little compassion for no reason. There was also a bit of blame in Su Nuannuan's eyes.

Su Nuannuan, who was in the center of the vortex, didn't seem to be affected in the slightest, she just looked away expressionlessly, "Yes or no, you can tell at a glance."

On the side, Nan Nan was sitting upright, accompanied by the continuous sound of "crackling", the expression on the face of Beibei who was sitting quietly at the side from beginning to end was also very exciting.

Xu Shi had waited too long, she supported her wrinkled face with her hands, yawned listlessly, and muttered, "Is it okay?"

The questioning tone made Nan Nan's "good brother" angry, and saw that the movements of his hands were slightly stagnant. After calming down, he accelerated the speed of beating again.
Seeing that he didn't answer, Beibei suddenly became sullen, and when she got home later, she had to make a proper complaint in front of her mother!
Just when he was depressed, the repeated exclamations came from his ears, which inadvertently attracted the little girl's attention.

As soon as Su Nuannuan uttered her decisive words, the huge screen suddenly went black.

Just when everyone thought that there was a malfunction, they were robbed of energy by the sudden appearance of the picture.

"Excuse me, is this your account?" Su Nuannuan said without hesitation, her tone full of certainty, "If you want to prove that the record of this conversation is fraudulent, just take out your phone and confront it on the spot."

After understanding the subtext of Su Nuannuan's words, the woman subconsciously stretched out her hands to cover her pockets, her face was full of panic, and her guilt was palpable.

Everyone was shocked by the changes in front of them at first, and when they saw the contents of the chat records clearly, they all showed expressions of shock or sudden realization.

"It's true that someone stole President Su's design draft, and even found someone to post it on the Internet before the final submission. If it wasn't for this chat history, I'm afraid it's hard to tell!"

"It's also thanks to the capable people under Mr. Su who were able to find these evidences. If it was replaced by someone who has no power or power, wouldn't it just be helpless to be framed?"

"Hey, just now you were bossing around to ask for justice, why don't you have anything to say now?"

Cheng Lao watched the truth come to light, and the seriousness on his face faded a little.

"Not everyone can participate in this competition. Since it has been proved that Su Nuannuan's design draft is original, she should be restored as a contestant."

Old God Cheng spoke on the ground, and the once overwhelming curses disappeared in an instant, replaced by praise from the heart to Su Nuannuan.

Seeing this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows in surprise. He originally thought that Su Nuannuan only relied on Bo Lingqing to gain her current status, but now when he saw her in person, he could detect her outstanding ability.

Cheng Lao's eyes couldn't help but fell on the two design drafts on the side. Although they came from the same source, one of them was obviously not as good as the other after the details were deliberately changed.

Realizing this, Cheng Lao's eyes showed a faint smile...

Lin Xianyu stood aside expressionlessly, seeing that the development of the matter was completely beyond his control, he immediately let out a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, the gloom dissipated, but it was replaced by joy from the bottom of his heart.

"Great, Nuan Nuan, now you are finally cleared!" Lin Xianyu blinked playfully, tilted his head and approached Su Nuan Nuan, as if they were very familiar with each other.

Su Nuannuan admired her performance expressionlessly, but she played with her in the dark, and now she naturally won't feel a little bit moved in her heart.

"Miss Lin." Su Nuannuan stopped speaking and stopped Lin Xianyu who was about to drag her to the seat, and said slowly under the surprised eyes of the other party, "I still have some doubts here, I want to ask You answer it."

Hearing this, Lin Xianyu's body stiffened slightly. Seeing the suspicious gazes from around her focus on her, she subconsciously raised her lips to try to cover it up.

"Now is not a good time to talk. Why don't we find a place to celebrate together after Mr. Cheng and the others announce the final results?"

Her words were quite malicious, and she named Su Nuannuan's arrogance in a few words.

Hearing Lin Xianyu's hidden words, Su Nuannuan was clear in her heart, and immediately couldn't help but look down.

The results of the finals have not been announced yet, so Lin Xianyu eagerly talked to himself about the celebration in public. It doesn't matter if she is not a contestant, but once Su Nuannuan really wins the award, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of interested people.

When she said this, Su Nuannuan laughed angrily. I dare to say that this person still doesn't forget to dig a hole for herself even now.

The corners of her mouth were raised, but there was no smile in her eyes. She took her arm out of Lin Xianyu's without any muddle in her movements, and her attitude of keeping a clear distance was very clear.

She was too lazy to continue to make false promises with Lin Xianyu, so she simply took this opportunity to talk things through.

"Miss Lin is amazing, she will be able to predict the outcome of the finals right now." Su Nuannuan squinted at her, with a half-smile full of meaning in her eyes.

"It's just that I still don't understand one thing, and I want to hear Miss Lin's opinion."

Hearing the deliberately alienated address, Lin Xianyu suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"I also wondered in private. This design draft has never been out of my study at all. How could it spread outside?"

This process is indeed puzzling, so when Su Nuannuan raised it, it immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

Someone couldn't help but speculate, "I guess it was a servant who was bribed to do it?"

As soon as the words fell, contemptuous eyes fell on him.

"Anyway, everyone is from the same family, and the study room is full of important materials. I don't know how it is possible to let the unknown servant come in and out casually. In my opinion, it is someone the master knows. It's more likely."

While speaking, his seemingly absent eyes moved towards Lin Xianyu's direction from time to time, which made it clear that he had doubts about her.

Lin Xianyu was out of breath, "Nuan Nuan, it's true that I went to your house before, but when I was in the study, I was with you from the beginning to the end, and I was never alone at all, so how could I have the opportunity to peek at your house?" What about your draft?"

While speaking, she gave the man who raised the topic a hard look, "Don't be misled by some people!"

Raising his head anxiously, Lin Xianyu only saw that the smile on Su Nuannuan's lips disappeared, and he didn't know whether he believed it or not.

"Crack, crack, crack." The continuous applause rang out, but it was Mr. Cheng who was inadvertently ignored.

He shook his head very slowly, paced forward at a leisurely pace, and looked at Lin Xianyu with interest and admiration in his eyes.

"Miss Lin's acting skills are really proficient, even better than the popular Xiaosheng." Suddenly, Cheng Lao changed the subject, "But how can this be explained?"

When he turned his gaze, a stack of documents was casually thrown on the table.

Lin Xianyu was in doubt, but while hesitating, some curious people stretched out their hands to look through it, and the sound of gasping for air could be heard from time to time, which was almost enough.

"Here is the record of the account transfer under your secretary's name to that blogger, and the content of the conversation between them has also been recovered." Su Nuannuan bluntly exposed everything, and her sharp eyes swept over.

"I'm afraid you are behind all this!"

Being exposed in public, in Lin Xianyu's mind, it is absolutely impossible for such a situation to happen.

She had already thought about how she would comfort Su Nuannuan after the incident happened, so as to gain her trust again, but this sudden scene made her face change instantly.

"I, I didn't do this!" Lin Xianyu stammered for a long time, seeing the suspicious look in everyone's eyes became more serious, and immediately opened his mouth to defend himself.

"It's true that this is my assistant, but he is only in charge of work, and what he does in private has nothing to do with me!"

Lin Xianyu really started to panic now, and hurriedly approached Su Nuannuan's side, "Nuannuan, you must believe me, I only knew you by fate, so why would I think so hard? want to frame you?"

Lin Xianyu's words are convincing, and these words are very reasonable in the ears of others, but Su Nuannuan has been tricked by her so many times in the dark, especially on the basis of collecting those evidences, how can she let her go? What about her rhetoric?
Until she had seen enough of this whitewashing scene, Su Nuannuan slowly raised the corners of her lips, with a sincere smile in her eyes.

At this moment, the media who were waiting quietly at the side also noticed the "accident" that happened in this corner, and picked up the microphones and cameras in their hands one after another, and pointed straight in their direction. More revelations.

The white spotlight beside him was continuously flashing, listening to the comments in the words of others, Lin Xianyu only felt that his face was severely trampled under by Su Nuannuan!
Could it be that she just admitted everything so simply, she finally changed her identity and returned to the country, if she can't achieve her wish and take revenge for everything she has endured, she will definitely be unwilling!
Thinking of this, Lin Xianyu gritted his teeth secretly, and was about to add something while the situation was still unclear, but Su Nuannuan, who was watching coldly, took the initiative to speak and interrupted what she wanted to say.

"So it's just an assistant..." Su Nuannuan said meaningfully, and as soon as the words fell, there was a little commotion in the crowd.

It turned out that not long ago, when the group of them argued, Xu Rui had already secretly led a few bodyguards into the crowd of onlookers, and captured one of them by surprise.

"What do you want to do?" The man struggled fiercely, trying to escape several times, but was restricted again.

Following the sudden commotion, everyone raised their eyes to look up, only to see that the man trapped in the middle at this time was wearing a very ordinary overalls, with a work card around his neck. He couldn't see his face clearly except that he was wearing a peaked cap. The whole person looks like a very ordinary on-site staff.

He also didn't seem to have expected Xu Rui's sudden attack, and his whole body was in a mess that was visible to the naked eye, which aroused a lot of discussion around him.

"This...what the hell is going on?" They obviously came to participate in the final awards ceremony, and they met important people by the way, so why did they make so many moths tonight.

When everyone didn't notice, Lin Xianyu recognized the rather familiar attire on the man, and couldn't help but staggered.

After realizing the commotion in front of her, the smile in Su Nuannuan's eyes deepened.

She didn't intend to leave Lin Xianyu with more things to think about countermeasures, but with a look at him, a bodyguard beside Xu Rui quickly raised his hand and knocked off the peaked cap on the man's head to conceal his appearance.

Seeing the shocked Lin Xianyu, Su Nuannuan raised her feet unhurriedly and approached him inch by inch.

"Miss Lin, just now this person took the lead in booing in the crowd. It was hard for me to let someone find his trace and arrest him. I don't know if you know this person?"

Hearing this, Lin Xianyu buried his head even lower, and he didn't even have the slightest intention to glance in that direction.

"Nuan Nuan, you, what are you talking about?"

As soon as the perfunctory words were spoken, Su Nuannuan's eyes became extremely fierce. She couldn't understand Lin Xianyu's procrastination, so she interrupted her words directly.

"Miss Lin, this person has been your assistant for a few months anyway, it's impossible for you to have such a bad memory that you can't even recognize him, right?"

As soon as Su Nuannuan's words came out of her mouth, the audience was shocked, and the direction of the bullet screen changed, and a series of "666" occupied the entire screen.

"Looking at the live broadcast just now, I thought that Lin Xianyu was a best friend who had no brains to protect Su Nuannuan, but it turns out that she is the culprit who planned all this behind the scenes?"

"Holy shit! This is too scary! On the surface, you are in harmony with you, and you consider yourself a good friend, and even stand up to speak for you, but you actually steal the design draft behind your back, and even frame it. , It's scary to think about it."

"Speaking of which, what kind of deep hatred do these two people have..."

It has to be said that from the beginning when the online comments overwhelmingly accused Su Nuannuan, until now they have been slapped in the face, it is only a moment.

However, there are still some people who have always maintained a neutral state. "Just now everyone heard that this thing was done by that man. Maybe Lin Xianyu really suffered an innocent disaster for nothing?"

However, as soon as such words appeared, they were immediately overwhelmed by a large number of rebuttals.

"Cough, cough."

In the stalemate of the atmosphere, one of the final judges who had been staying by the side as quiet as a chicken suddenly coughed a few times, shifting the focus of everyone's attention.

"It's getting late, let's start the final as soon as possible! Since Miss Su Nuannuan's design draft has been clarified as an original work, since she also enjoys the same qualification to participate in the final."

As he said that, his eyes fell to one side, and there was a flattering smile in his eyes, "Old Cheng, please come and announce the final result right now!"

Now that the organizer has spoken, it is difficult for other people to continue to watch the excitement. After some people returned to their seats, the others got up and left one after another. Except for the eyes that they projected from time to time, which showed that their hearts were not at peace at the moment. .

On the other side, Su Nuannuan looked over with interest, and Lin Xianyu immediately lost the courage to approach again.

Watching the troublemaker man being captured by the bodyguard brought by Xu Rui and then leaving without a sound, Lin Xianyu couldn't help feeling a heavy feeling in his heart.

She raised her head worriedly, and didn't know how much Su Nuannuan knew, but it was already impossible to get close to her in a short time.

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