Through the hands-free phone, He Cheng's slightly gloomy tone successfully reached the ears of everyone present.

Although she had already expected someone in her heart, Su Nuannuan's heart still tightened for no reason at the moment she heard it.

She didn't ask Bo Lingqing's plan, but subconsciously looked at Nan Nan, with the last glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Nannan, can I find the location of my uncle's phone call just now?"

This was almost their last hope, even Bo Lingqing couldn't help casting his gaze over after hearing this.

If they could find out the location of Bai Yan in time, they wouldn't have to be controlled by others like they are now.

However, under the expectant or nervous gaze of the crowd, Nan Nan exhaled deeply, slowly but clearly shook his head in denial.

"Not enough time." Nan Nan's wrinkled face was full of seriousness.

"Although I have tracked down some slight signals, I can almost be sure that the person who kidnapped my uncle is in Yuecheng, but the place here is too big, and more time is needed to track it down further."

As soon as he said this, Bo Lingqing already had a conclusion in his heart.

After all, in the phone call just now, He Cheng only gave them 5 minutes to make a decision. Seeing that the car stopped not far away showed signs of starting again and was about to disappear from sight, I'm afraid there would be no further delay.

Under Su Nuannuan's eyes that hesitated to speak, Bo Lingqing stretched out his hand without hesitation, stopping the words she was about to blurt out.

"It seems that I have to go this trip." The man's face was calm, and there was no trace of panic.

Seeing through the determination in Bo Lingqing's eyes, Su Nuan couldn't help but pause, and when she spoke again, she seemed to change the topic.

"You can't go alone." Su Nuannuan hurriedly added, "We can all see that this time, He Cheng set a trap specifically for you, and you won't be able to escape so easily."

She was panicked by the speculation in her words, and subconsciously let out a long breath, "No matter what, we still have to follow you, at most a little distance, so that He Cheng can't find out."

Now that the matter has come to a conclusion, no matter how much she opposes it, it will not help. It is better to find a way to avoid a greater crisis.

Seeing that Bo Lingqing still wanted to refute, Xu Rui couldn't care less about his usual dignity, "Mr. Bo, don't worry, we will be careful."

Seeing this, Bo Lingqing sighed helplessly, and finally agreed to their proposal.

Just when he raised his feet and was about to go to the separate vehicle, Nan Nan who was watching the whole process suddenly stopped him.

"and many more."

Su Nuannuan thought that he was worried about Bo Lingqing's safety, and was about to say something to comfort him, but saw the little guy pursed his lips and took out something from the small bag he was carrying.

Faced with the shocked gazes of the adults around, Nan Nan spoke very calmly.

"This is a tracker that I try to make by myself on weekdays, Dad, you remember to put him in the car later..."

Everyone present has experienced Nan Nan's technology, so they naturally know his ability.

Upon hearing the news at first, Xu Rui blurted out subconsciously: "That's great! In this way, we won't be afraid that He Cheng will try to get rid of us!"

Taking advantage of the inattention of the subordinates sent by He Cheng to monitor, Bo Lingqing secretly got into the car with Nannan's self-made tracker, and chased He Cheng's car alone.

It wasn't until there was not even a trace of afterimages left that those who were sent to monitor were ready to go, packed their things and left the sight of Su Nuannuan and others.

Seeing all this, Xu Rui secretly gritted his teeth in hatred.

"He Cheng is really insidious and cunning. In this way, the possibility of us following up in a short time is eliminated."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Rui changed his voice and looked at Nan Nan with an indescribable admiration.

Su Nuannuan also looked at the child solemnly, watching his slender fingers dance across the keyboard, playing a dazzling rhythm.

"Nannan, how are you? Can you see where your father has gone?"

Nan Nan was silent for a moment, and at the same time as their breathing gradually became heavy, the little guy finally relaxed his shoulders in relief.

"They're heading north."

Hearing this, Xu Rui started the car they were in very tacitly, and at the same time arranged for people to follow them not too far away.

The little red dot in the picture circles continuously along the outskirts of Yuecheng, wearing away one's patience bit by bit invisibly.

However, Nannan remained tense all the time, constantly tracking down the location of the signal from Bai Yan's phone call just now.

The intermittent traffic gradually came to a standstill. Su Nuannuan, who was observing Nannan's actions, felt something was wrong, and raised her head subconsciously to observe her surroundings.

Unknowingly, their people were all stuck in a traffic jam, and there were inexplicably more foreign vehicles around them, blocking their sight.

"No, He Cheng and Mr. Bo left us alone!"

Xu Rui's exclamation sounded, but they were in the middle of the stagnant traffic, and even if they wanted to pursue them with all their strength, they were powerless at the moment, and could only helplessly lose their tracks again.

When the people sent by Xu Rui forcibly maintained the order of the scene, a group of people rushed in the direction directed by Nan Nan in a panic.

Because of the heavy thoughts lingering in his heart, the small carriage was full of silence, except for the sound of Nan Nan's continuous typing on the keyboard.

"Something's wrong." Nan Nan frowned suddenly, breaking the quiet atmosphere in front of her with words.

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan's heart was instantly tightened. Now that her two most important relatives are in danger, she really can't bear more bad news.

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Nan Nan turned the computer screen without any hesitation, and dense signal points appeared in front of Su Nuannuan.

Among them, two small dots, one red and one green in different directions, are particularly eye-catching.

"What does it mean?"

Looking at this scene, Su Nuannuan's heart tightened inexplicably. She knew that the moving red was where Bo Lingqing was right now, but what about the motionless green?
Before she was worried for too long, Nan Nan explained to the two of them.

"Green is the location where my uncle called just now. If I guessed correctly, He Cheng is going in a completely different direction now..."

The sound of gasping for cold air sounded, and Xu Rui suddenly came back to his senses.

"So, all this is a trap set by He Cheng?"

"The reason why he made such a big circle is to catch Mr. Bo!" The nervousness on Xu Rui's face was undisguised, and this was the first time that the special assistant to the president showed such a helpless look.

"He Cheng must have also learned about the personnel changes in the Bai Group in the past two days. I'm afraid he will give all the 'credit' to Mr. Bo!"

"This is a serial plan." Su Nuannuan responded. "Once Ah Qing is caught by them, not to mention the Bai Group, I'm afraid the Bo Group can easily turn against them!"

"But in order to pass the search by He Cheng's subordinates, Mr. Bo didn't even bring a mobile phone!" After realizing this, Xu Rui couldn't hide his annoyance, and they completely lost the last chance to report the news.

Both sides are close relatives who are in dire straits, and suddenly, Su Nuannuan calms down unprecedentedly.

She stood against the two small dots on the screen expressionlessly, and thought for a moment without saying a word. After a while, she quickly made a decision in her mind. Divide Bo Lingqing's true biography.

"Can I know the exact location of Xiaojiu and Aqing now?" Su Nuannuan forced herself to maintain her composure, and began to analyze clearly.

According to her request, Nan Nan methodically began to sort out one by one, constantly describing the current situation in her mouth.

"Father is about to get off the highway now. As for my uncle..." Nan Nan narrowed his eyes, and the frustration flashed away, "I can only determine the approximate location. There is a complex roadway there. I’m afraid I have to go to the scene and observe it with my own eyes to be able to tell.”

"Okay." Su Nuannuan nodded clearly, turned to Xu Rui, and ordered in a non-argumentative tone, "We divide into two groups, you take people to stop Ah Qing, and the rest Follow me and Nan Nan to find my uncle!"

A momentary struggle flashed across Xu Rui's face, this was to make Su Nuannuan and Nannan also unstable!Thinking of the furious Bo Lingqing he might face in the future, Xu Rui couldn't make a decision.

However, after much deliberation, there was no better way at the moment. He drooped his eyes and closed his eyelashes. For the first time in his life, he felt a little disobedient to Bo Lingqing, and immediately agreed.

At the time of parting, regardless of Xu Rui's objection, Su Nuannuan decided to hand over most of the staff to Xu Rui's hands.

"He Cheng's place is an obvious trap. In order to trap Ah Qing, he will definitely bring a lot of people to stop you. As for Xiaojiu's place, they must think that we can't find it now, but they will relax their vigilance."

Seeing that Xu Rui still wanted to speak, Su Nuannuan waved her hand incredulously, "Let's arrange it like this! It's a big deal, after you have accepted Ah Qing, come quickly and help us."

In order to appease Xu Rui's mind, even Nan Nan couldn't help but speak up.

"Uncle Xu, my mother and I are just looking for traces of my uncle first. After we find their base, we will contact you as soon as possible, and we will never act rashly."

Xu Rui nodded solemnly, looking at Su Nuannuan with obvious awe.

The mother and son looked at each other, and it was easy to see through the determination in each other's heart.

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