Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 5 Let's Get Engaged!

Su Jin didn't know what was going on, and she was always restless today. She couldn't wait any longer, and said anxiously, "We have been together for five years, but we haven't confirmed the relationship. Everyone in the company treats me in name The "President's wife" flatters her publicly, but says everything behind her back, I don't want to continue like this anymore."

"Ah Qing, let's get engaged!"

She landed on the ground with a thunder.

Bo Lingqing didn't know why, but subconsciously refused, "Sorry, I'm not ready to get engaged at the moment."

She knew it would be this result.

But Su Jin was not afraid, she had a reason for him not to refuse, she immediately said aggrieved: "Don't forget, you took my body, you bullied me that night five years ago, shouldn't you be responsible for me? "

The air is momentarily low in pressure.

Bo Lingqing frowned, and then he looked up at Su Jin seriously.

Su Jin suddenly became nervous, her eyes dodged.

Su Jin has a particularly coquettish face, which is different from Su Nuannuan's troublesome and charming face. She looks more mature, revealing a kind of charm in her bones.

With a strange look and a strange feeling, Bo Lingqing wanted to ask several times, is she really the woman he bullied in the presidential suite of Lingang City five years ago when he was drugged and walked into the wrong room?
Bo Lingqing closed his eyes.

Obviously, he could still remember her weak crying voice, which was obviously different from her voice, but the bodyguard said that she was indeed the only woman who appeared in the presidential suite.

"A Qing?"

Forget it.

He should take the responsibility.

Bo Lingqing frowned, "Just do as you say!"

Su Jin was overjoyed, she clenched her fists and suppressed her joy, "Then I'll go back to the day when I got engaged with my aunt. You know, my aunt always wants us to have a child of our own."

If they get engaged and add a child, she will be the veritable wife of the president of the Bo Group by then!God knows how flustered she was when Bo Lingqing didn't touch her for five years. If she had a child, even if he found out the truth later, he wouldn't drive her away again, would he?

He hates children the most.

Bo Lingqing still remembers the scene of being pissed on the face by that stinky boy, and his teeth are still itchy with hatred. When Su Jin walked out of the office contentedly again, Bo Lingqing immediately ordered the secretary to help him investigate Su Nan Che's whereabouts.

Xu Rui felt worried, "Boss, can't it be?"

Bao Lingqing snorted coldly, "Why not? That kid did that on purpose, and he also ruined my reputation. I have no enemies, but I don't know where this kid came from. I have to know who he is. who!"

Bo Lingqing didn't say anything, he clearly saw the word 'revenge' in the eyes of the five-year-old child.

He was even more puzzled, when did he offend a five-year-old child?

Five years old, five years...

Bo Lingqing frowned, feeling that there was something he had overlooked here.

Xu Rui was helpless, "Okay!"

night after a week.

Su Nuannuan coaxed the two children to sleep as usual, and sang while dozing off, "Good boy, sleep, the moon is sleeping behind the clouds... why are you still not sleeping?!"

Daily coaxing baby to sleep failed get!

The two children looked at her with wide eyes, Su Nuannuan was going to be mentally weak and going crazy, but Su Xiaobei was interested in talking, very enthusiastically.

"Mommy, do we have a dad?"

Su Nuannuan was stunned, the word 'father' was always something Su Nuannuan didn't want to mention, but she didn't want to deceive the two children, so she said.

"Your father, he's dead."

Two children, "..."

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