Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 492 Could It Be Your Husband?

"I asked Xu Rui to tell him that all the dishes on the table are suitable for pregnant women, but don't let your husband's kindness go to waste."

How cheeky!
Su Nuannuan quickly turned off the screen of the mobile phone, looking at the delicately cooked food, she suddenly had the idea of ​​feasting again.

She was still wondering just now, why the dishes cooked in this hotel happen to be her favorite flavors. Now it seems that this is not a coincidence, it is clearly intentional.

Although the face and the tone just now were full of dislike for Bo Lingqing's behavior, the man's thoughtfulness still moved Su Nuannuan.

This is her husband's painstaking efforts, even if the person opposite is not to her liking, it can't be wasted!
Thinking of this, Su Nuannuan looked at the crowd who still did not intend to disperse, and simply ate happily alone!

In a blink of an eye, Bo Lingqing who didn't get a response sent another text message.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you, if you want to go back, just call me."

To this, Su Nuannuan just responded with a habit, and didn't notice any clues about what Bo Lingqing said.

"Nuannuan, how's it going? Is today's food to your liking?" Ji Ruyun still couldn't let go of showing off, after a round of pleasantries, she appeared in front of Su Nuannuan, shaking a red wine glass.

Su Nuannuan didn't raise her head, and she didn't even want to pretend on the surface.

The smile on Ji Ruyun's face froze immediately, and he walked forward with unfriendly eyes, "Eat slowly, these dishes are hard to eat in normal times, but if you like it, we will come back later .”

The meaning of irony inside and outside the words is obvious.

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan stopped her movements and raised her head, the carelessness in her eyes made Ji Ruyun's heart tremble.

"I can't tell, you really have a lot of ministers under your skirt."

The people around subconsciously fell silent.

Although Su Nuannuan didn't say it clearly, the contempt in his eyes made Ji Ruyun angry.


Su Nuannuan immediately hit on her guilty conscience, and Ji Ruyun gritted her teeth in anger, but at the same time, there was a bit of vigilance in her eyes.

Fortunately, the colleagues on the side made a timely rescue, which avoided the embarrassing situation.

After a while, the wine ended.

A group of people walked back and forth to the hotel lobby. Su Nuannuan just took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Bo Lingqing, but a shadow shrouded her in front of her.

Looking up, he met Ji Ruyun's thoughtful gaze again.

Fortunately, this time she didn't intend to show off, "Nuan Nuan, we're going to sing later, do you want to come together?"

Su Nuannuan shook her head, as if she didn't see it at all, she grabbed her hand very intimately, "Oh, don't be so ignorant, it's getting dark now son, it's not safe for you to take a taxi as a girl , why don't you go out with us and let Qi Ming take you home later."

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan didn't move at all, she withdrew her hand slightly, her expression remained unchanged.

"No, someone from my family is here to pick you up."

The phone vibrated a few times, but Su Nuannuan couldn't take the time to read the news because he was restrained by Ji Ruyun in front of him.

Ji Ruyun, who was only interested for a while at first, heard this, his eyes lit up, and he guessed with a volume that everyone could hear, "Ah! The person who picked you up must be your husband!"

She seemed to mention this incident by accident, and immediately covered her mouth with her hand, and said "whispering" with Su Nuannuan with a face full of concealment.

"You've been in the studio for so long, but we haven't seen your husband in real life yet! It must be very good to make you marry him willingly!"

The stronger the foreshadowing is now, the more miserable the face slap will be when the real person appears later.

Ji Ruyun was secretly proud, but she saw Su Nuannuan send the text message with her own eyes, so she deliberately said those words.

Everyone must be on their way here, even if Su Nuannuan wants to repent at this moment, it may be too late!

While speaking, there was a loud commotion in the innermost part of the hall. Everyone, together with Ji Ruyun, glanced at that place inadvertently.

"That's—" the sharp-eyed person recognized the identity of the man walking at the front of the crowd, and immediately couldn't help exclaiming, "Isn't that the president of the Bo Group——Bo Lingqing!"

Why is he here?

Even Ji Ruyun, who is always paying attention to Su Nuannuan and preventing her from contacting others, couldn't help but look away. When he saw a tall and handsome man who seemed to be walking towards them not far away, how could he? Can't take my eyes off of it.

"So he is Bo Lingqing?" Ji Ruyun stared at the front bewilderedly, muttering to himself, as if he was already in the mood of surprise.

To be able to meet such a man is simply a surprise for her!

According to the rumors, Bo Lingqing was extremely cold and always kept strangers away, and he would not easily accept other people's banquets. Therefore, apart from the Bo Group's home stadium, it was very easy to meet him in person.

If it wasn't for Ji Ruyun's "intent" to pay attention, I'm afraid he couldn't resist his identity.

But isn't this a coincidence!

Today happened to be her birthday, and even Ji Ruyun couldn't help guessing silently, could the man in front of her be a birthday gift arranged by heaven for her?

She was overjoyed, and hurriedly arranged her clothes through the glass that was so bright that it could reflect the portrait.

A few colleagues at the side couldn't help curling their lips when they saw it, but they didn't say anything in the end.

After all, in their eyes, today's Ji Ruyun didn't know what kind of luck he had, but he was really in the limelight. If he had this luck and got into the eyes of the president of the Bo Group, he couldn't tell.

For a moment, after losing the suffocating gaze behind her, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Sister Wang on the side was getting older, and she was no longer the kind of girl who would have a spring heart, so she naturally took into account the reactions of everyone present.

However, looking at Su Nuannuan's indifferent face, I couldn't help feeling a little bit puzzled.

Could it be that Nuan Nuan and her husband are really so affectionate, that even such an excellent man can hardly make her look sideways?
Thoughts paused for a moment, Sister Wang immediately and quickly denied this, shaking her head with a smile, how could this be possible.

However, this does not prevent her from teasing others secretly with the little girl.

Sister Wang moved lightly, and in a blink of an eye, she walked to Su Nuannuan's side, pouted at the direction where the eyes of the crowd were focused.

"Look at Ruyun quickly, I'm afraid I won't be able to move my eyes away at this time!"

The joking joke fell into Su Nuannuan's ears, and she slowly raised her head.

Just now, she only cared about begging Ji Ruyun's entanglement, but she didn't pay much attention to the movement not far away.

However, being reminded by Sister Wang, Kankan raised his head, and a very familiar figure came into his eyes.

Su Nuannuan was startled, only to realize the mobile phone information that had been ignored by the most taboo.

"I'm in the hotel lobby, come down."

It turned out that Bo Lingqing actually meant that, he was also in this hotel!

After realizing this, Su Nuannuan's eyes burst out with surprise, and she was about to step forward, but the movement around her made her hesitate involuntarily.

In a daze, Bo Lingqing was the first to notice Su Nuannuan's existence, and after greeting the people around him, he kept approaching the location where his colleagues in the studio were.

There was a sound of gasping for air one after another, accompanied by whispers that could not be concealed.

"No way! Is it possible that the president of the Bo Group really has a crush on Ji Ruyun?"

One word stirred up a thousand layers of waves. Looking at it this way, the sentence just now really made sense.

After all, they were in the corner of the hall, some distance away from the hotel gate, and there was no one else around. Bo Lingqing's footsteps were extremely determined, and he was clearly coming towards them!
Could it be that we have known each other for a long time?It can't be love at first sight for Ji Ruyun, right?

Many intricate guesses kept appearing in his mind, and his thoughtful eyes also gathered on Ji Ruyun at the same time.

Ji Ruyun's face still showed incomparable confidence and arrogance, especially when he noticed that the distance between the man was getting closer.

After waiting for too long, everyone watched Bo Lingqing stride towards Ji Ruyun...Su Nuannuan was next to him.

The expressions of astonishment appeared one by one.

Even the group of people who appeared with Bo Lingqing at the beginning subconsciously stood still when they noticed his actions.

Xu Rui had long been used to the strangeness. Seeing the partner's curious eyes glance over, he immediately raised his hand to touch the tip of his nose, and said haha: "Family, family..."

However, other people don't know the relationship between the two, especially Ji Ruyun. What happened in front of her was completely unexpected, causing her, who has always been eloquent, to just stand there blankly at this moment. On the ground, looking at Su Nuannuan with resentful eyes.

Why is this woman so powerful? She's already married, but seducing Jiang Zaiting doesn't count, and now she has to compete with her for the chance to get to know Bao Lingqing?
It's just that when Ji Ruyun saw her calm face, no matter how unconvinced, Ji Ruyun could only curse secretly in his heart at this moment.

Thinking of this, Ji Ruyun took a step forward abruptly, and blocked Bo Lingqing's way openly.

"Hello, Mr. Bo." Ji Ruyun smiled, with an extremely demure look on her face, without any regret at all for stopping Bo Lingqing on the way.

"I..." Before even saying hello, Ji Ruyun just watched the man in front of him frown, and then spoke in a cold tone.

"who are you?"

The atmosphere became extremely stiff in an instant, and the smile in Ji Ruyun's eyes froze immediately.

I don't know from which corner the person couldn't hold back first, and after a while, "Puchi" laughter rang out endlessly.

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