Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 489 Make Your Own Career

After talking, Su Nuannuan only felt that the burden that had been suppressed on her from the beginning to the end disappeared invisible.

Behind him, the familiar cold aura from Bo Lingqing's body faintly spread into Su Nuannuan's nose. Compared with the previous period, the uneasiness and uneasiness in his heart when getting along with Bo Lingqing disappeared, replaced by a full of peace of mind.

Su Nuannuan lowered her head subconsciously, Nannan and Beibei were sleeping at the moment thinking about what kind of dream they had, and couldn't help but smirk happily...

Early the next morning, after sending the two children out to school, the matter of Su Nuannuan's going to school was thoroughly put on the table for discussion.

The old lady Bo sat on the main seat and looked over with an extremely disapproving expression.

"Nuan Nuan, right now you are pregnant with a child and your pregnancy is not stable, and your job is usually so busy and tiring, why don't you just take a break?"

After a night of deliberation, the old lady Bo looked at Su Nuannuan's cautious look, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"What's more, your colleagues are just a few young people, how do they know how to be considerate of pregnant women?"

It's not that Mrs. Bo has never experienced the intrigue when working outside the workplace. She has never seen any kind of turmoil in her life, but now that the choice falls on the junior she likes, she suddenly feels a little bit tied up.

What's more, since accepting this job, Su Nuannuan has gone out early and returned late every day, and every time she returns home, she is always extremely exhausted.

The old lady Bo felt distressed when she saw it.

Now that I think about it carefully, Su Nuannuan didn't even know that she was pregnant with a child at that time!I guess they were lucky too.

"Don't worry, if Ah Qing looks down on you because of this, I will definitely be the first to let him go!"

Regarding Su Nuannuan's thoughts, the old lady Bo speculated more or less in her heart. There have been vague rumors from the outside world, saying that the wife of the president of the Bo Group is not worthy of virtue, and sooner or later she will be divorced and kicked out. The end of the walk.

The old lady Bo was furious when she heard that, but unfortunately she couldn't find out the source of the news, so she kept pushing the culprit onto Bo Lingqing.

As a result, the man suffered an "indiscriminate disaster". He frowned slightly, but he just accepted it obediently and helplessly, without any hint of rebuttal.

Su Nuannuan secretly laughed at this look of wishing to make a wish.

As for what the old lady Bo said, Su Nuannuan also understood in her heart that the old man was only worried about her health, but——

"Grandma, that's not why I wanted to work in a studio." Su Nuannuan nodded understandingly, but still insisted on her original idea. Do your own business."

Su Nuannuan has always been aware of Bo Lingqing's excellence. If he wants to become a person who can match him, he will naturally need to put in more effort behind it.

No matter before or after amnesia, Su Nuannuan is not the kind of dodder flower that only clings to men.

Seeing the obvious hesitation in the old lady's eyes, Su Nuannuan stepped forward without hesitation, and sat down beside the old lady Bo very intimately.

"Grandma, don't worry, I will take good care of myself."

While saying this, Su Nuannuan lowered her eyes slightly. Previously, she only thought that it was the physical discomfort caused by too much work, but now that she knew it was because of pregnancy, Su Nuannuan's focus would naturally shift.

"Besides, if you let me stay at home all day, wouldn't I be bored?" Su Nuannuan acted like a baby to the old lady very familiarly, "Going out to work regularly every day is considered exercise. It is also very beneficial.”

Su Nuannuan winked at the old lady Bo very playfully, and the vivid colors in her eyes flashed past.

The old lady Bo smiled.

"Since you have already made a decision, I will naturally not respond." The old lady Bo looked around the young couple in front of her eyes, and she was extremely keenly aware of the close connection between the two, which was different from the past, and she couldn't help it immediately. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"It's just... I have a request." The old lady Bo curled her lips slyly, and Su Nuannuan was immediately curious.

"First of all, Nuannuan must take good care of your body. Put your body first in everything, but don't tire yourself out because of other things." Mrs. Bo patted the back of Su Nuannuan's hand, and said earnestly. The words of concern immediately made Su Nuannuan's eyes moist.

"This is the second..." The old lady elongated her tone, "You are gradually getting heavier, and you must not go out alone in the future to squeeze the bus or subway, I think, just let Ah Qing pick you up every day Only when I go to and from get off work can I agree to your request!"

As soon as the words were finished, Bo Lingqing glanced at the place where grandma was, and saw through her intentions at a glance.

This is clearly creating time for them to be alone together!
A trace of hesitation flashed across Su Nuannuan's face, and he hesitated to speak under the watchful eyes of the two.

"Ah Qing has been so busy with work recently, how can I pick me up every day? Why don't I trouble Uncle Wang to pick me up..."

Before she finished her proposal, she immediately encountered opposition from two people.

"He's busy?" Old Madam Bo said abruptly, "Ah Qing is busy earning money to spend for our mother and daughter. If he can't even take care of people, then what's the use of being so busy?"

In the eyes of Mrs. Bo, what she just said just now seemed to be Bo Lingqing's hesitation, but now her eyes are not eyes, and her nose is not her nose at her grandson.

Bo Lingqing reached out and touched the tip of his nose, his eyes felt a little helpless, and the thunderous spirit in front of his subordinates was gone.

Su Nuannuan keenly sensed the man's approach, she turned to one side, and Bao Lingqing's breath was already within reach.

The deep and magnetic voice sounded in the ear, with bits and pieces of demagogic meaning.

"Nuan Nuan, have you forgotten our relationship now?"

What is their relationship now?
Su Nuannuan was obviously taken aback, and in the next second, in the eyes of the man with a clear smile, all the memories of last night came back, and she couldn't help but blush immediately.

In the next second, Su Nuannuan couldn't help but glared at the other party "viciously".

The old lady Bo had never heard the exchange between the two, and seeing that they suddenly looked at each other and forgot to speak, she couldn't help but asked suspiciously.

Su Nuannuan woke up suddenly, coughed a few times in a disguised manner, and then stopped talking without hesitation...

On the street not far from the entrance of the studio.

An extremely low-key ordinary car stopped, Su Nuannuan cautiously glanced at the man's expression, feeling a little uncertain in her heart.

Having said that, she didn't want Bo Lingqing to appear in front of her colleagues in the studio, especially Ji Ruyun, who had paid too much attention to her on weekdays. Su Nuannuan always had an intuition that if she found out Bo Lingqing's identity, the next day , but really can only be described as "uneasy life".

In the quiet carriage, Bo Lingqing looked back expressionlessly.

After seeing enough of the apprehension in Su Nuannuan's eyes, Bo Lingqing finally opened his mouth, "Is that how I make you feel shameful?"

I don't know if it was Su Nuannuan's illusion, but she could hear a bit of grievance from what Bo Lingqing said.

It's just that such a dangerous idea must be avoided!
Su Nuannuan waved her hands again and again at the first moment, and her head shook like a rattle.

"Of course not! I, I..." I couldn't think of a suitable reason to explain it for a long time. In desperation, Su Nuannuan blurted out, "Aren't I afraid that you are too good to be missed by others!"

Where there is shame, it is clear that as soon as Bo Lingqing appears on the stage, all women will be attracted unconsciously, and even their eyes will always be around men.

As soon as these words came out, Bao Lingqing, who was just thinking of teasing Su Nuannuan, couldn't help but choked.

He didn't expect that, he didn't notice for a while, but was molested by Su Nuannuan in turn.

A half-smile look lingered on Su Nuannuan's self-possessed calm face, "It turns out that Nuannuan actually values ​​me so much..."

Seeing that she could hardly escape the fate of being "ridiculed", Su Nuannuan didn't know where the courage came from, she quickly closed her eyes, leaned forward without thinking, and her thin lips gently touched the man's cheek Swipe across, and fell silent for an instant.

"Hey, it's getting late, I'm leaving first!"

Someone who has done something bad runs away the first time.

Tuliu Bo Lingqing was stunned for a moment in the carriage, then suddenly looked at the hands touching his cheeks, and burst out laughing.

"Liar liar!"


As soon as she got near the studio, Su Nuannuan was stopped by the oncoming Qi Ming.

The other party had a calm expression on his face, but he didn't look like someone who would send himself such text messages in private to poach someone.

It's a pity that Su Nuannuan, who has already seen through his true face, has no idea of ​​getting along with him anymore.

She raised her foot to leave, but Qi Ming stepped forward and blocked her way.

"Nuannuan, I saw you get out of a car just now, is the person sitting in the driver's seat your husband?"

The probing eyes looked straight at the emotion in Su Nuannuan's eyes, trying to find the flaws in it.

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan's heart suddenly "thumped", and she had a bad premonition.

She took all precautions, but she didn't expect to be noticed, and she didn't know how much Qi Ming saw.

However, she looked at the expression of the man in front of her, and she probably failed to recognize Bo Lingqing's real identity.

Left and right are not just too afraid of trouble, even if someone witnessed it with their own eyes, Su Nuannuan had nothing to worry about, so she just responded casually.

It's just that as soon as the words were spoken, Qi Ming's expression on the other side changed instantly, with a hint of complacency.

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