In an instant, Su Nuannuan already understood the reason why she might fall in love with Bo Lingqing before she lost her memory.

Confident enough, strong enough, what I have to admit is that at this moment, Bo Lingqing almost makes it difficult for Su Nuannuan to look away for a moment.

Back to the Bo's villa, Su Nuannuan still has a lot of things she doesn't understand.

In order for her to adapt as soon as possible, for the whole afternoon, Bo Lingqing turned down all the meetings and group affairs. Instead, he idly wandered by Su Nuannuan's side, and began to reacquaint himself with every corner of the sea view villa.

"What is this place?"

When Bo Lingqing led someone to open a certain room on the third floor again, Su Nuannuan's eyes were full of surprise.

In front of him is a professional design room. Fashionable and novel design drafts are neatly stacked on the table, which is enough to show its importance. In addition, many paints, drawing papers and other equipment are so complete that they can be seen everywhere.

It is enough to imagine how devoted the owner of the room was to his work.

"This is your studio specially arranged at home."

Bo Lingqing opened his mouth to explain. While speaking, the man seemed to think of something, and a look of sadness flashed across his eyes.

When Su Nuannuan was pregnant for the second time, due to Bo Lingqing's restrictions, she had limited working hours in the group, so she secretly vacated a room in the villa, and purchased and furnished one by one according to her own preferences.

If Bo Lingqing hadn't come back early to thwart her plan one time, the man would still be kept in the dark.

Bo Lingqing's eyes were flickering, and he lowered his eyes silently. This is a world created by Su Nuannuan bit by bit. Perhaps in this place, she can feel a sense of belonging.

Su Nuannuan was surprised by Bo Lingqing's understanding of her.

The surprise in her eyes was shown without any concealment, and before she even had time to respond to Bo Lingqing, Su Nuannuan couldn't help but took a step forward, her fingertips lightly brushing over everything in the room.

As soon as she touched the paintbrush, Su Nuannuan suddenly became inspired, and a vivid picture appeared in her mind that was still blank.

On a whim, Su Nuannuan simply picked up a pen and paper, and began to trace seriously...


When the paintbrush fell from her trembling hands, Su Nuannuan was tongue-tied and didn't know how to react. She just felt empty inside, as if she had suddenly lost a large piece.

Bo Lingqing witnessed the whole process of her hands becoming weak, and his expression immediately became extremely nervous.

"The reason Madam has such a situation should be one of the sequelae of brain injury." Bo's personal doctor gave a conclusion after diagnosis.

"The brainstem that controls body coordination is located in the cerebellum, and I've seen the bruises on the ray diagram, and it's right around there."

More professional explanations are completely beyond Su Nuannuan's comprehension, but at this time she listened very carefully.

"Is there a cure for it?"

Even Su Nuannuan herself didn't realize that there was a sense of urgency in her tone.

Although she has no impression of the studio in front of her at all, there is always a voice in Su Nuannuan's heart, constantly reminding him of the importance of the ability to paint.

At the moment when the paintbrush fell, she only felt that the world was about to slip away from her hands.

"It's not impossible at all." The family doctor paused, and organized the words in his brain, "If Madam wants to recover this skill, I'm afraid I have to study hard every day like I learned painting before. .”

"When the current body adapts to this kind of activity intensity, things like just now will naturally not happen again."

All in all, the current Su Nuannuan is too weak.

In the unprecedented silence, there was a slight movement at the door.

Nan Nan pushed the door calmly and walked in, followed by Beibei who was shaking his head as usual.

"I have a way."

As soon as these words were spoken, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Under many complicated gazes, Nan Nan didn't show any signs of stage fright.

"Let mom learn painting with us!"

Follow...two six-year-olds to learn together?
If it wasn't for the good self-cultivation, Su Nuannuan was so shocked that she seemed to lose her mind in an instant.

It's not that I don't like Nannan and Beibei's painting skills, it's just that Su Nuannuan can't help but stroke her forehead when she thinks of such a scene.

"Mom, I contacted Teacher Yayoi not long ago, and she told me that she is going to return to China soon! By then, she can be the painting teacher for Beibei and me, and it should be easy for her to teach you by the way."

Under the unbelievable eyes of several adults, Nan Nan made the plan "perfect" as quickly as possible.

All Su Nuannuan's words of refusal were blocked in her throat. Looking at Nan Nan's extremely sincere face, she suddenly lost her voice...

But after hesitating for a moment, this matter was actually confirmed like this!

Su Nuannuan had to be shocked by Bo Lingqing's efficiency.

Looking at the woman with red eyes in front of her, who was their teacher Yayoi, Su Nuannuan felt very familiar for no reason.

Ever since Yayoi learned what happened to Su Nuannuan, she fell into the current state, holding Su Nuannuan's hands with distressed face and comforting her repeatedly.

"Nuan Nuan, why did such a thing happen to you?" Yayoi looked distressed and shook her head involuntarily, "I must have suffered a lot back then."

Su Nuannuan, who was cared about, touched the back of her head in embarrassment, "Actually... I don't remember anything that happened at that time."

Therefore, nature also forgot the original pain.

Naturally, Yayoi understood what she meant, and only kept on sighing slightly, and it took a long time before finally uncovering this chapter.

"It doesn't matter if we don't mention it, we still say that the business is important..."

But in such a warm atmosphere, there is a small world that is always out of place.

Bo Lingqing looked at the uninvited man with an unfriendly expression, his questioning tone was obvious.

"Mr. Jiang, no one invited you here today, right? We have other things to do, so we won't waste your time."

Just as he was about to order the housekeeper to see off the guests, Jiang Zaicheng's words were beyond Bo Lingqing's expectation.

"As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Hall, the reason why I came here is naturally my reason."

Jiang Zaicheng joked wantonly, but refused to tell the real reason.

On the contrary, Yayoi at the side was the first to be unable to bear it any longer.

"If you want to keep bickering, don't stay in this room!"

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