Looking at the strange woman in front of her, Jiang Yuan's eyes were obviously curious, and it was hard to hide the surprise when they first met.

Children don't understand so many twists and turns, and they candidly express their true inner thoughts in front of several people.

"Sister, you are so beautiful! Are you a fairy in the sky?"

Su Nuannuan's gloomy mood was suddenly amused by the little guy.

The little girl I saw was wearing a pink dress, she looked about the same age as Nannan Beibei.

I don't know if I haven't seen each other in the past few days, are the two little guys making a fuss at home!

She smiled and touched the other person's head, and there was a furry feeling under her palm.

The emotions of longing in my heart are even more rampant.

Before she could open her mouth, Jiang Yuan seemed to realize something suddenly, and her eyes flashed with surprise.

"I see, you must be the fairy sister that my mother said to save my uncle!"

Jiang Yuan quickly became extremely intimate, and hugged Su Nuannuan's arm without any notice.

"Sister, Mom said Uncle is still single, so we have to name the puppy Zhao Taohua!"

Jiang Yuan enthusiastically explained the origin of the special name Golden Retriever, as if as long as Su Nuannuan agreed, she would immediately take someone home.

Su Nuannuan looked at the beautiful little girl in front of her dumbfoundedly, thinking that she was a child's talker with no taboos.

"My sister is already married, and she has two children, who are about your age!"

At this moment, the maternal love accumulated for a long time had a channel to "vent", and Su Nuannuan laughed out loud.

"Do you live near here too? If you have a chance in the future, you can play together~"

All three little ones are adorable and sure to make great companions.

After being rejected, Jiang Yuan's face was full of disappointment, she pouted, trying to overcome her sadness.

"It's not me, it's my uncle who lives in that villa."

The little guy stretched out his hand and pointed casually, Su Nuannuan saw it clearly, and couldn't hide his surprise.

It's right next to their villa!
How could there be such a coincidence in the world!
The shock on Su Nuannuan's face naturally couldn't be hidden from the fine Jiang Zaiting.

He looked at the two of them, and in just a moment, he deduced the reason why they would meet in Ci.

Looking at Bao Lingqing who had been putting on a cold face since they met, Jiang Zaiting smiled heartily.

"Su Nuannuan, Su Nuannuan, let me tell you that the two of us are really destined! Not only have I saved you several times, but now I'm even a neighbor!"

His critical gaze wandered around Bo Lingqing's body, and there was a bit of provocation in his words.

"Why don't you just stay with me like Yuanyuan said?"

Although he was joking with Su Nuannuan, Jiang Zaiting never left Bo Lingqing's peripheral vision from the beginning to the end, as if he was waiting for the other party to get angry.

"Boss Jiang was joking."

Bo Lingqing spoke expressionlessly, and took a step forward, instantly separating Su Nuannuan and Jiang Zaiting, full of possessiveness.

"Nuan Nuan is my wife. This is a well-known fact in Lingang City. I'm afraid you... came too late."

"What's more, business is talking about business." He added calmly, "The most taboo thing in a business person's life is poaching. Mr. Jiang will not 'knowingly commit crimes', right?"

Seeing the sudden and inexplicable confrontation between the two men gave Su Nuan a headache.

Now that the purpose of this trip has been achieved, she simply hugged Jiang Yuan, led Zhao Taohua, and walked back to her villa.

"Go, my sister will take you to visit my house!"

If they want to talk, let the two men stay here and stare at each other!

Looking at Jiang Yuan's slightly thin clothes, Su Nuannuan made a decision immediately.

She doesn't have the time to spend outside blowing the cold wind with them!

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan immediately covered her mouth and laughed.

"Peach Blossom, quickly follow!"

The golden retriever with a pink bow followed the little master away.

After the backs of one big and one disappeared, the atmosphere between Bo Lingqing and Jiang Zaiting was not as tense as Su Nuannuan imagined, but each of them looked calm.

"Mr. Jiang, I haven't had time to thank you with Nuan Nuan for what happened last time."

Between Bo Lingqing's words, the difference between inside and outside has already been distinguished.

"Mr. Bo is polite, Nuan Nuan is also my friend. I just happened to drive by and witnessed her being robbed."

"It seems..." Jiang Zaiting raised his eyes, and said with a deep meaning, "There are still places in the entire Lingang City that Mr. Bo's forces can't cover!"

"President Jiang is serious."

Bringing up the old incident again, there was no smile in Bo Lingqing's eyes, nor was he in a good mood.

"Thanks to you showing up in time to save Nuan Nuan, if there is something useful for someone in the future, just ask."

Hearing this, Jiang Zaiting chuckled, as if he didn't take this conversation to heart.

"Have you found out the origin of those two groups of people?"

Regarding Jiang Zaiting's investigation, Bo Lingqing slightly frowned.

But the other party was the benefactor who saved Su Nuannuan, so he still told the truth.

"It is indeed as you said, a member of the Dark Wing Hall."

This is an existence that only the underground forces in Lingang City know about. Apart from knowing that it is specially training killers to complete tasks, Bo Lingqing doesn't know much about it.

All this was learned from the mouths of the two men who were arrested.

Seeing that Bo Lingqing clicked and stopped, Jiang Zaiting felt a little more tentative.

"Then do you know...the head of the so-called Dark Wing Hall was actually Han Aotian's subordinate from the beginning."

Cold proud day!
Bo Lingqing's face changed slightly, and his sharp, probing eyes fell on Jiang Zaiting.

"how do you know?"

If what Jiang Zaiting said is what Han Aotian said, then the opponent's minions came earlier than he imagined.

It's just... how did Jiang Zaiting know about this?And why did you tell him?
Bo Lingqing secretly thought about the other party's purpose, but Jiang Zaiting just smiled lightly and didn't take his precautions to heart.

"When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman wins. Boss Bo should have kept this sentence in his heart long ago, right? Jiang is not talented, but he is very interested in the forces under Han Aotian's hands!"

Jiang Zaiting laughed heartily, but his frankness caught Bo Lingqing by surprise.

Even though he knew that the other party was deliberately causing a fight between him and Han Aotian in order to gain huge benefits, Bo Lingqing still willingly jumped into the muddy water.

There was a sharp edge hidden in the man's eyes.

In the end, it will be the winner, but it is not certain now!

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