Su Nuannuan's eyes curled up, "I'm eating vinegar again, this is what I plan to give to Master Yayoi."

Speaking of this, Su Nuannuan took the phone and found that Yayoi hadn't responded to the message that she would meet tomorrow, making her wonder whether she should go to the studio to look for it tomorrow.

Hearing Yayoi's name, Bo Lingqing's eyes sank a little, and he didn't ask any more questions.

Su Nuannuan didn't notice Bo Lingqing's strangeness, and sent another message to Yayoi, and then went to tell the two children a bedtime story.

The story is half told.

The naive Beibei suddenly said sadly, "Mommy, Auntie Yayoi can no longer teach me how to draw, why, where is she going?"

Su Nuannuan was stunned, "Who told you this?"

"It was that day... I forgot what day it was, Auntie Yayoi suddenly called my small cell phone and told me."

Only then did Nan Nan nod, "But I also forgot the date, but Aunt Yayoi said she would call you."

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan suspected that something bad might have happened to Yayoi.

Just at this time, Bo Lingqing came over after taking a shower, Su Nuannuan gave him the task of telling the story, and then she went to call Yayoi.

After calling several times, I finally got through.

"Nuannuan, I was drawing just now, and the phone was muted."

Su Nuannuan let out a long sigh of relief, "I heard Beibei say..."

Before she could finish speaking, Yayoi interrupted, "Yes, I have to deal with some things abroad, sorry, I can't continue teaching Beibei..."

"It's ok……"

Although she felt a little regretful, Su Nuannuan chose to respect it.

The two made an appointment the next day, and Su Nuannuan gave Yayoi a gift.

"The next time you go back to China, remember to contact me and I will pick you up. When you are abroad alone, remember to take care and don't stay up late to draw..."

Yayoi smiled and said, "Okay, you can chatter like this."

Su Nuannuan smiled embarrassedly.

Yayoi held back her tears and pretended to say goodbye with ease. After turning around, her eyes were full of bitterness.

Two days later, Su Nuannuan officially returned to the foundation and started working normally.

at the meeting.

Manager Huang said flatteringly, "Boss Su, the vice president went to Yuecheng to discuss the project and is not in the company for the time being. You may be required to attend the annual partner negotiation dinner."

Su Nuannuan sneered in her heart.

As a young diplomat, Yang Shan would give up such a good opportunity?Knowing that there will be an important banquet tonight, you still go to Yuecheng to discuss unimportant business?
Why is she so unbelievable?

"Okay, just look at the arrangement, send me the time and place, and I will attend."

A gleam flashed in Manager Huang's eyes, and he quickly responded.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Su Nuannuan reported to Bo Lingqing and arrived at the designated place.

The fifth floor of Shengde Hotel.

In the huge presidential box, a table of wealthy businessmen sat on a crystal table near the window.

She wants to see what kind of trick Yang Shan is going to play for her.

When a group of wealthy businessmen saw the person coming, their eyes lit up.

Only the young man sitting on the main seat didn't raise his eyebrows.

Su Nuannuan couldn't help taking a few extra glances.

Jiang Zaiting, a bigwig in the financial circle, has dabbled in real estate, emerging technology, entertainment, e-sports and other industries in recent years, with a rapid development momentum, and is committed to charity.

Although he is young, his reputation is very good, and the Jiang family has also risen all the way.

But... this person's background is not very clean.

"Hello everyone, I am Su Nuannuan, the president of the K Charity Foundation. Although I have taken over the company not long ago, I have a basic understanding of the company's affairs. Regarding cooperation matters, please feel free to ask if you have any ideas or questions."

"Hehe." The old man sitting next to Jiang Zaiting, also real estate tycoon Zhong Tong, had a frivolous smile on his face.

"President Su, it seems that President Yang didn't make it clear to you. The dinner will not discuss work, but drink. Besides, President Su, you were late for half an hour. Shouldn't you express your apology first?"

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