Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 356 Avenge Your Husband!

"Nuan Nuan, I swear I have never seen her... well, she came to my company the night before yesterday, but I asked the security to drive her away. If you don't believe me, you can ask Su Qi and the others. " Bo Lingqing endured his exhaustion and tried his best to explain to Su Nuannuan.

"Then where did you get this bracelet?"

"The person I arranged in Han's house before, he took the opportunity to help me get it back." Bo Lingqing swore again.

It was all too coincidental.

But Su Nuannuan believed him.

However, he still didn't want to let him go easily.

Take out your phone, turn on the video, "Look for yourself!"

After watching the video, Bo Lingqing smiled, hugged the little girl into his arms, and whispered a few words in her ear.

After hearing this, Su Nuannuan burst out laughing.

"You are so bad!"

"I've been busy these days, so I forgot to tell you. Next time you meet her, slap her in the face to death! Avenge my husband! Who made her covet me!"

"Hahaha, satisfy you!"

The next day, Su Nuannuan took Zhao Zhenzhen out, and of course there were a bunch of bodyguards behind her.

"What a coincidence, isn't this Mrs. Bo? Why are you in the mood to go shopping? I heard that Mr. Bo has been in trouble recently, so why don't you help him find a solution?"

Su Nuannuan: Hehe, unfortunately, I just came to meet you by chance.

Han Yu blocked Su Nuannuan's way, looked at Su Nuannuan disdainfully, and said mockingly, "That's right, women, it's better to be a husband and a child at home, how can you understand things in the mall?"

Many reporters followed.

When they saw the two people getting together, they immediately picked up the camera and didn't miss any regular scenes.

"So you understand?" Su Nuannuan asked coldly.

Hanyu's face darkened, and she deliberately raised her hand to brush her hair so that Su Nuannuan could see the bracelet clearly, and lowered her voice, "If you want it, please ask me, maybe I'll give it back to you when I'm in a good mood."

"Oh really? You'd better keep it for yourself." Su Nuannuan also raised her hand so that everyone could see the bracelet on her wrist clearly.

Hanyu was taken aback again, no wonder this woman was not nervous and wanted to return the bracelet, but she still had one more!
"This is the genuine version. It's not like some people. The crystals on it are all fake, and they dare to wear them to show off. They really think we are all blind!" Zhao Zhenzhen stood up quickly, and the volume was loud enough for the reporters around to hear clear.

Being questioned about wearing a fake product, Hanyu couldn't swallow this breath, and immediately went to the nearby jewelry store to verify it.

"It can't be fake."

At least with Bo Lingqing's financial resources and love for Su Nuannuan, it's impossible to give her fake products.

But in the next second, Hanyu was slapped in the face, and the clerk of the jewelry store proved that the crystal on the bracelet was a fake, "You can buy it at a roadside stall for about 30 yuan."

"No, it's impossible!"

Han Yu's face suddenly turned pale, she turned her head abruptly, and pointed at Su Nuannuan's bracelet, "If mine is fake, then hers must be fake too!"

"True gold is not afraid of fire." Su Nuannuan took off the bracelet with a calm expression, and handed it to the clerk, "Please help me to test it."

While everyone waited with bated breath, the clerk gave the result.

"This crystal is real."

This heavy blow made Han Yuqi's lungs explode, which is totally unacceptable, why hers is fake, Su Nuannuan's is real! ?

"It seems that Mr. Bo doesn't love Miss Han enough." A reporter boldly teased, but then Su Nuannuan glanced at him coldly, and immediately shut his mouth.

"I think it is necessary to clarify what this reporter friend said just now. Please see clearly now that what I am wearing is almost the same as what Miss Han is wearing. Why is that?"

Everyone shook their heads in confusion.

Han Yu gritted her teeth and stared at Su Nuannuan, warning her to shut up.

"Of course it's because..."

"Wait a moment!"

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