
Early in the morning, there were many demonstrations with banners, and in big red characters were written "Su Nuannuan, give back my daughter's life" and other insulting words.

If the hotel manager hadn't come to the door, Su Nuannuan would not have known that such a ridiculous thing happened.

"Manager, you don't have to worry, just call the police for such a thing."

The manager looked puzzled, he understood the truth, but those who watched the theater didn't understand, and even spread the word, the more it spread, the more outrageous it was, which would also have a bad impact on their hotel.

"So you're planning to let me go now?" Su Nuannuan frowned.

"No, no, no, I just want to ask Boss Boss for help."

Knowing that the manager is also having a hard time working, Su Nuannuan had no intention of embarrassing her, so she nodded and agreed, "But you should call the police first, so as not to let these people block the traffic."

"Okay, sorry for your trouble." The manager nodded and left.

Su Nuannuan went to the outside of the balcony, looked down, and saw a lot of people protesting and demonstrating, and felt very strange in her heart. Could it be that Duan Zhenghua spent money to invite them to make trouble?
Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao would be there, Su Nuannuan suddenly saw the door of a BMW not far away open, and Duan Zhenghua came out from inside, followed by a group of reporters.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

After connecting, there was a man's roar, "Su Nuannuan! Get out! If you don't give me an explanation today, I'll go to Bo's house to seek justice!"

Su Nuannuan snorted coldly, "Since Mr. Duan wants to seek justice, I will accompany you naturally."

After hanging up the phone, Su Nuannuan went down with the bodyguards.

As soon as Duan Zhenghua saw her show up, Duan Zhenghua exploded, "Su Nuannuan! You vicious woman! You wronged my daughter and sent her to prison, but you even killed her! You pay for my daughter's life!"

The bodyguards stopped the troublemakers and formed a protective circle around Su Nuannuan.

Su Nuannuan took out a stack of materials, "This is the result of the public trial file! Duan Xueqing confessed to killing someone! I still have the surveillance of the crime scene in my hand! Mr. Duan, even if you want to incite public opinion, you have to stand Be on the side of justice! However, judging by your character now, it is not surprising that your daughter can wantonly kill other people's lives!"

Duan Zhenghua's eyes darkened, "My daughter is kind by nature, it's impossible for her to do such a thing! You wronged her! You are jealous of her getting close to Bo Lingqing and framed my daughter!"

clap clap clap!
Suddenly there was applause, and a man was seen walking from the crowd surrounded by bodyguards.

Bo Lingqing entered the encirclement and stood beside Su Nuannuan.

"My Bo Lingqing's wife needs to be jealous of your daughter? Boss Duan is not afraid of slipping his tongue when he says this."

There were low laughter from around, Duan Zhenghua was also a little embarrassed, he didn't expect Bo Lingqing to appear.

"Of course women's jealousy should not be underestimated." He insisted.

"If Mr. Duan feels that my wife's words are not true, then the black history about Ms. Duan Xueqing on the Internet may prove that you were blinded by your father's love."

Duan Zhenghua was stunned. The secretary next to him turned on the phone and panicked when he saw the word "explosive".

After clicking in, he handed it to Duan Zhenghua tremblingly.

"Hit and run, take care of little fresh meat, fight..."

Big and small series of scandals have all been exposed, and there are all kinds of illegal and immoral things.

Even the Duan family was attacked by the whole people.

Someone even picked him up, and various insulting words floated in front of his eyes.

Netizen A: She is a scum with a father but no father!Can money be used to recklessly disregard human lives? !

Netizen B: Justice is never late!Duan Xueqing and her daughter have been black all their lives!

Netizen C: Suggest that Mr. Bo expel this scum as soon as possible!Don't spoil a pot of porridge just because of a rat droppings!


Duan Zhenghua's eyes darkened.

Bo Lingqing said coldly, "Mr. Duan, don't get dizzy in such a hurry, your position should be vacated, and in view of the huge losses you have brought to the company, the company will send you a lawyer's letter, please check it hard."

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