Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 312 Is Someone Short of Money?

Bo family.

Beibei got up early, put on the princess dress that grandma bought her, sat on a chair, swayed her two calves, and waited for the breakfast to be delivered.

Xiaozui sang happily, "La la la, I'm the newspaper seller~"

But when she saw Mrs. Bo appear, she immediately shut her mouth and looked towards the living room anxiously, hoping that her brother would come and rescue her soon!
"Why don't you say good morning when you meet people!"

Seeing Beibei's little face that looked like Su Nuannuan, Mrs. Bo became angry, especially when she stared at her with a look of defense!

Why, I don't like her as my own grandma, but I like that bitch Yayoi so much!

Beibei was frightened, her eyes were red, and she pursed her mouth, "Good morning, grandma."

Then jumped off the chair and ran away.

"Woooo brother!"

"Hey little girl, those who don't know think I'm bullying you!" Mrs. Bo cursed, and was about to sit down when she was 'invited' by the servant to go to Mrs. Bo's place.

Looking over, the little girl was sobbing in the arms of Mrs. Bo!

"Oh, my little darling, don't cry, don't cry." The old lady Bo's distressed face was wrinkled together, and she raised her eyes and reprimanded Mrs. Bo, "Why are you so narrow-minded, Beibei is only five years old, you Is it necessary to treat her harshly?"

Mrs. Bo never expected that this Beibei was calling her brother, but she was the old lady who came to look for her!
If she knew, she would have stopped him long ago!

She will confuse people at a young age, just like her mother!

"I, I don't have a mother..."

"Can you cry so badly without her? Don't think that I don't know the twists and turns in your heart. If there is another time, I will never forgive you!" Mrs. Bo didn't listen to any explanation, so she drove Mrs. Bo away. Go, continue to coax Beibei.

Mrs. Bo held her stomach full of sulking, but when she came out, she thought, where is the other brat?

"Ma'am, your bird's nest is ready." The servant said.

Mrs. Bo must eat a bowl of bird's nest in the morning. This is an iron rule and it will not change. She sat down and began to taste the bird's nest gracefully. Then she heard the servant outside coming in, as if Yayoi had already arrived at the door.

This bastard is still here!
After eating the bird's nest in twos and twos, Mrs. Bo got up first and went out, showing the posture of a hostess.

"Yo, someone is short of money?"

Facing the cynicism, Yayoi just smiled and didn't care at all, just patiently waiting for Mrs. Bo to come out.

"No matter what purpose you have, it's useless, it's already too late, because I'm already the hostess of the Bo family, and this will never change!"

As soon as Madam Bo blurted out these words, she suddenly made an indecent sound. It was the sound of farting, which made Madam Bo's face turn pale instantly.

This kind of thing is natural, so Yayoi didn't show any expression, but the smell made her frown slightly and retreated a little.

This action is undoubtedly a slap on Madam Bo's face!

She blushed with shame.

But before she could figure out what was going on, her stomach was rumbling, which made her rush in to have diarrhea in a panic.

Looking at this scene, the expression on Yayoi's face has not changed much, but her heart is broken and messy.

The small figure hiding aside managed to twitch the corner of his mouth.

Hmph, let you bully my sister and mommy!


Mrs. Bo came out after having diarrhea, and when she heard laughter and laughter coming from the lawn of Bo's house, her face turned completely dark.

"This damn bitch! And that old woman! I will never let you succeed!"

She was so upset that Mrs. Bo finally left the house angrily.

In the evening, when Su Nuannuan came home, Yayoi had already left, but Mrs. Bo hadn't come back yet, so the whole family had a comfortable meal together.

On weekends, Su Nuannuan lived in Bo's house with her children as usual.

Before falling asleep, Su Nuannuan was thinking about going downstairs to drink a glass of water, when she happened to hear movement from the gate.

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