Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 283 What does this bitch want to do!

"Well, you can ask."

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want to see the bracelet that Mom gave you this afternoon."

She saw that the old woman gave Su Nuannuan a brocade box, and she suspected it was a family heirloom of the Bo family.

"Bracelet? What kind of bracelet?" Su Nuannuan was puzzled.

"She didn't give you the bracelet?" Mrs. Bo was stunned for a moment, but in the next second, she figured out that this damn old woman must want to give it to that bitch Yayoi!

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Bo hurried upstairs, leaving behind Su Nuannuan who was puzzled.

She thought about it, and suddenly realized that Mrs. Daqing Bo thought that grandma had given her something nice.

So gnashing her teeth at the painting she gave grandma? ! !

What is wrong with this man's mind?
The matter was soon forgotten by her.

Because Su Nuannuan is still preparing to attend the designer party.

Su Nuannuan didn't like to be present at such a lively occasion, but she came here because the party could exchange design ideas and improve each other.

When going out in the morning, Bo Lingqing had no choice but to ask Xu Rui to send Su Nuannuan to the party because he was in a rush for the meeting.

"By the way, didn't you say that the newest Jennifer will also be here tonight? I'm really curious, what does this Jennifer look like?"

"Her back is very graceful, I bet she must be a peerless beauty!"

"No matter how beautiful you are, can you live with Su Nuannuan?"


As soon as she walked into the party, Su Nuannuan couldn't help but frown when she heard such discussions. What she hates most is a group of men discussing about a woman behind her back.

So he turned around and walked towards another place, away from these people.

And Su Jin was staring at Su Nuannuan, a dark light flashed in his eyes.

Su Nuannuan felt a stern gaze staring at herself, and looked back, meeting Su Jin's eyes.

The other party quickly turned his head away as if he had a guilty conscience.

Su Jin actually came to this party. Could it be that designers with a history of plagiarism can also participate?This doesn't follow the rules.

This made Su Nuannuan very unhappy.

If she can make an exception, or go through the back door, then she doesn't need to participate.

"Miss Su, here is your drink." The waiter put down a glass of orange juice in front of Su Nuannuan.

"Thank you." Su Nuannuan replied politely.

Picking up the orange juice in his hand, when he was about to drink it, something suddenly flashed through his mind, and he immediately put down the glass.

Carefully observe both sides, they are all orange juice.

Su Jin not far away seems to be talking to other people, but in fact, she has been paying attention to Su Nuannuan from the corner of her eye.

When she found that Su Nuannuan put down the cup, she was very nervous.

drink quickly!
What are you waiting for!
This cup was prepared by Su Jin in advance, as long as Su Nuannuan drank it, she would take off her clothes in front of everyone, like a madman!
She wants to destroy the goddess in everyone's mind!

Suddenly, Su Nuannuan picked up the glass of orange juice, and walked towards Su Jin with a smile on her face. Her face was so exquisite that it was as beautiful as a portrait. When people saw it, they couldn't look away!

Her pressing step by step made Su Jin feel like she was sitting on pins and needles.

What does this bitch want!
Calm down, keep calm!

Swallowing her saliva, she forced a smile, "Nuannuan? Is there something wrong?"

Su Nuannuan smiled slightly at the man on Su Jin's right, "Can I change places?"

No one would refuse a beauty's request.

So Su Nuannuan sat down on Su Jin's right, with a quiet flash in her dark and clean eyes, she said with a half-smile, "I haven't had time to say hello to you just now."

"Greeting? I didn't expect you to want to say hello to me." Su Jin sneered mockingly.

"Don't belittle yourself like this. Although you are a plagiarized designer, you don't deserve to be greeted by everyone, but after all, we are the same scumbag."

"You!" Su Jin stood up angrily.

The chair made a violent sound, which attracted everyone to wait and see.

She looked at the eyes of the people around her and sat down quickly.

The bank is already urging her to pay back the money. If Mrs. Bo hadn't given her a large sum of money to deal with Su Nuannuan, she still didn't know how to fill this loophole.

Now, she can no longer be on the hot search!After all, there is still a batch of final payment to be repaid!She can no longer spend money on unpopular searches!
Su Nuannuan smiled, "Shall I have a drink?"

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