Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 256 When You Beg Me!

"Hmm..." For fear of making a strange noise, Su Nuannuan quickly covered her mouth, but her little face was reddened to the base of her ears, and her watery eyes stared at Bao Lingqing, "There are people all around, please pay attention." ? This Mister Wolf."

Knowing that the occasion was not right, Bo Lingqing could only accept it as soon as it was good.


Su Nuannuan woke up comfortably, and after saying goodbye to Jiang Xueyao at the airport, she followed Bao Lingqing into the car.

"Ah Qing, if you want to go back to the company later, just leave me in the hospital. I want to go and see how Qin Cheng is doing."

Bo Lingqing nodded and asked the driver to take Su Nuannuan to the hospital first.

At the same time, he specially sent Su Nuannuan up, chatted politely with Qin Cheng, kissed Su Nuannuan goodbye, and said thoughtfully, "I'll come pick you up after get off work, call me if you need anything."

"Okay, goodbye." Su Nuannuan walked to the door and watched Bo Lingqing walk into the elevator, then turned back and took out the medicinal wine bought for Qin Cheng in country M, "This is what I visited when I was in country M." An old Chinese doctor, you usually apply more, it should be good for the nerves in your hands."

Qin Cheng smiled, apart from gentleness between his brows and eyes, there was also a hint of sadness hidden.

"Thank you, I believe it will be useful."

Then Qin Cheng said that he planned to be discharged from the hospital.

"Actually, the content of rehabilitation is very simple. I can do it myself at home, as long as I come back regularly for re-examination."

Su Nuannuan also knew that being in the hospital was uncomfortable, and Qin Cheng also had her own ideas, so she couldn't object.


On the first night after returning home, lying on the familiar soft big bed, breathing in the man's pleasant smell, Su Nuannuan fell asleep in almost five seconds, and slept deeply.

This caused her to forget to take her medicine!

When she woke up, it was almost noon.

On the head of the bed was a post-it note left by Bo Lingqing. The handwriting was strong and powerful, as if it was printed out beautifully.

'Little lazy pig, good morning, get up and eat quickly, everything is ready for you. '

There is also a heart shape in the lower right corner.

Every stroke is serious.

Su Nuannuan sweetly put the post-it notes into the small box on the dressing table. After washing, she heard a noise coming from downstairs, and looked out of the window out of curiosity.

I saw a few movers carrying sofas, tables and other things to the house next door to her.

Only then did she recall that not long ago, the house next door seemed to have moved away.

I have a new neighbor, what kind of person will it be?
Hope it's a nice person to get along with.

"Ding dong!"

The downstairs doorbell rang.

Su Nuannuan brushed her hair casually, and went downstairs to answer the door, but she didn't expect that it was Qin Cheng who came!
"I'll be a neighbor in the future, please give me advice."

Now Su Nuannuan was even more surprised, "It turns out that you are the one who moved in next door!"

After entering the room, Su Nuannuan made tea for Qin Cheng.

"When you were discharged from the hospital, did the doctor tell you what to pay attention to, such as what not to eat?"

Qin Cheng shook his head, "He didn't say anything, so I didn't ask."

"How can this work?" Su Nuannuan hurriedly called Qin Cheng's attending physician and asked carefully, which made Qin Cheng feel warm in his heart.

It brought back memories of the past.

A trace of helplessness flashed across his eyes, and Qin Cheng smiled wryly at himself.

After chatting with the doctor, just as Su Nuannuan hung up the phone, someone came to ring the doorbell again. Qin Cheng also looked over curiously, opened the door, and there was a woman standing outside.

It's Su Jin.

Su Nuannuan recognized it intuitively.

Today Su Jin was wrapped like a mummy, leaving only a pair of eyes.

"Is something wrong?"

"Who told you not to answer my phone, then I can only come over in person." Su Jin kept looking into the room, and vaguely saw a figure of a man.

She was sure that it was definitely not Bo Lingqing, it seemed to be Qin Cheng.

Spotting Su Jin's sight, Su Nuannuan deliberately blocked it with her body, and said impatiently, "What's the matter, if you still talk nonsense that day, please leave, otherwise I will call security."

"Of course I'm here on business." Su Jin arrogantly took out a piece of paper from her handbag and threw it at Su Nuannuan!

"When you beg me!"

Then he sneered and turned to leave.

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