"I came here to express condolences. My employees' wives and children. After all, we are masters and servants. Now that he is not here, I must help. Otherwise, wouldn't it make people feel sad?" Su Mu said as it should be. He also signaled the assistant to take in all the gifts he brought.

Xu Rui smiled, "If there are reporters present, they will definitely be more curious. The relationship between Mr. Su and his wife, father and daughter is not as good as that of employees who have only worked for half a month."

After all, after following Bo Lingqing for so many years, Xu Rui has also learned to speak venomously.

Su Mu's face froze, and he forced a smile, "This is my family business, you don't need to gossip too much."

"Naturally." Xu Rui elegantly tapped his chin, and asked people to bring the purchased things into the house one by one, "Clean the inside and outside of the house well."

After a while, the two-story building, which was originally a bit simple, took on a new look.

The driver Li Daqing's wife kept thanking Xu Rui.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Su Mu couldn't understand, and asked Li Daqing's wife and children to follow him back to the Su family, "Living in a big bungalow is much better than here, after all, Daqing is a very good person." , I should treat you mother and son well."

Li Daqing's wife looked away, a little afraid of Su Mu.

"As the saying goes, a gold nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own kennel. What's more, it's hard to live under the fence of others. Besides, Sister Li, mother and son don't want to live on the streets, so why don't they live in their own house?" Xu Rui stood up, Speaking for Sister Li, Su Mu was so blocked that he had nothing to say.

In the end, Su Mu could only quietly threaten Sister Li, "Don't say what you shouldn't, otherwise, I can't guarantee whether your mother and child can live safely."

Sister Li's face was instantly pale with fright.

After Su Mu left, Xu Rui was also driven away. She is a rural woman. Now that her husband is dead, if her only son has an accident, she will not survive.

Bo Lingqing was not surprised that this was the result, "It's okay, just keep an eye on it, Su Mu will definitely go to them again."

Then he hurried home. Recently, Su Nuannuan is always prone to headaches. Psychologists say that Su Nuannuan may be due to depression. They suggest that Su Nuannuan go on a trip to relax and relax.

"Travel? Do you want to go at this time?" Su Nuannuan didn't feel very well. Recently, Qin Cheng's rehabilitation has had a good effect, so she planned to continue to encourage Qin Cheng to get well soon.

She pillowed on Bo Lingqing like a koala, and listening to his even heartbeat, she acted coquettishly, "Why don't we go later, and Nannan and Beibei will be on summer vacation for more than a month."

"Family outing, what a joy!"

But this time, Bo Lingqing absolutely disagreed, and pinched Su Nuannuan's nose, "I just want to take advantage of the fact that the two children are not on vacation, and we have been to the world of two."

By the way, he went over to inspect and prepare to develop the resort.

Kill two birds with one stone.

In the end, Su Nuannuan naturally couldn't say no to Bo Lingqing, so she agreed to go on a trip with him.

On the day the two left, Mrs. Bo brought her two children to see them off. She was very relieved to see that the two got along so well, and handed over a piece of red paper with a date written in lower characters.

"It's next month. It's a good day to get the certificate."

"Thank you, grandma." Bo Lingqing took the red paper properly and put it in his wallet, just in time for Su Nuannuan to see the photo he put on the mezzanine, which turned out to be an 'ugly photo' of her sleeping!
From that point of view, it should be the little girl Beibei who secretly photographed her!

This made Su Nuannuan quite embarrassed. After getting on the plane, she put on a small face for the first time, and spread a small hand towards the man beside her who was making snacks for her.

"I'm hungry, here it is." Bo Lingqing pretended not to get what she meant, and told her solemnly not to eat too much, or she would get angry easily.

"...You know that's not what I'm talking about, bring it here." That's what Su Nuannuan said, but Su Nuannuan still opened the snack bag and took a bite.

That puffy and cute appearance looks like a irascible little tiger.

"This?" Bo Lingqing took her delicate little hand, kissed it, and leaned closer to her round earlobe, the evil curve of the corner of his mouth became wider and wider, "Or, what you want needs a private space? How about Try the bathroom on the plane, it should be exciting."

Then, he licked her small earlobe with the tip of his tongue maliciously, making Su Nuannuan tremble all over.

Quickly pushed Bo Lingqing, "You, don't play hooligans here, quickly take out your wallet, this is what I want!"

Su Nuannuan was afraid that Bo Lingqing would really drag her to the bathroom to do something shameful.

"Wallet?" Bo Lingqing intentionally dragged out the end, with a smile, "Well, that's right, the wife is always in charge of the husband's wallet."

Being ridiculed by Bo Lingqing again, Su Nuannuan gave her an angry look, "Hurry up."

Finally, Bo Lingqing handed over his black wallet.

Su Nuannuan wanted to take away her 'ugly photo', but was stopped by Bo Lingqing, "Don't take it."

"No, I have so many beautiful photos, why do I have to take this one? It's too ugly!" Su Nuannuan hugged Bao Lingqing's arm obediently and acted like a baby, "OK, change it, change it, change it!"

"Don't call yourself ugly." Bo Lingqing said seriously, with a teasing smile on his handsome and angular face.

Su Nuannuan looked at him accusingly with watery eyes, "I'm talking about photos!"

"No, I think it's very good. Maybe it's beauty in the eye of the beholder." After saying that, Bo Lingqing kissed the photo to prove that he wasn't lying.

"If someone sees it, they will definitely say..." Su Nuannuan paused, imitating those gossip women, and frowned, "Oh, Boss, is this your wife? She is too unworthy of you Come on, change it now!"

Su Nuannuan's expression was vivid and changeable, and her acting was flexible and quick, which made the man relax and laugh out loud.

But he is still unwilling to change.

"First, I have the final say on whether you deserve it or not; second, no one else will see this photo except you and your child."

In the end, Su Nuannuan was naturally persuaded by Bo Lingqing's words. After all, it was too reasonable for her to refute.

After arriving at the hotel, Bo Lingqing pushed the suitcase, while Su Nuannuan took his arm.

The two looked no different from other young couples.

And this is what Bo Lingqing wanted, besides work, he didn't want a third person to disturb their world of two.

Bo Lingqing needed to go out for a while, so he left his wallet for Su Nuannuan, "Take a break, and go to the nearby shopping mall to relieve boredom, and I will be back soon."

"Remember, you can buy whatever you want, don't save me."

"Because the more a woman spends, the more capable her man is."

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