Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 175 Father and Son Plan

Su Nuannuan, who was desperately looking for the child, suddenly stopped, looked not far away, felt as if she heard someone calling Nannan and Beibei, and hurriedly ran towards that direction.

"Nuannuan, slow down!" Bo Lingqing was really worried that Su Nuannuan would fall, this is a gravel road, and it hurts to fall.

But Su Nuannuan only had a child in her heart, and ran over desperately, but saw nothing, only a taxi driving past her.

For some reason, she just watched the taxi go away.

And write down the license plate number.

"Nannan, Beibei..."

The aunt who was selling sweet potatoes happened to hear it and asked quickly, "Who are you from those two children just now? You were just dragged into a taxi by a man who claimed to be grandpa..."

taxi! ?

Is it...

"Ah Qing, it's that taxi just now!!" Su Nuannuan hurried to find Bo Lingqing, and when he turned around, he was right behind him, anxious, "It's that taxi, I remember the license plate number!"

"Okay, okay, don't worry, tell me, I'll have someone stop the car immediately." Bo Lingqing took out his mobile phone, and at the same time Su Nuannuan said, he asked Xu Rui to send someone to intercept the car and contact the taxi company .

Su Mu, who didn't know the danger was coming, heaved a sigh of relief, "You two are really naughty, how can you bully Aunt Su Jin like that?"

"We didn't. It's because she doesn't look at the road." Nan Nan shook her head and denied it. Her innocent appearance made people have to believe it.

Su Mu thinks so too, two little kids, only 10 years old together, how could they tease an adult, but how did Su Jin get into such a miserable state?

Forget it, these are not the point, the point is to quickly transfer the child to another place, and then negotiate with Su Nuannuan.

"Please drive faster, driver."

But as soon as he finished speaking, the driver slowly parked the car on the side of the road, glanced at Su Mu in the rearview mirror, then at the two children, swallowed his saliva, "I'm sorry, the car seems to be malfunctioning, I have to check."

"What, it happened at this time? How long will it take?" Su Mu was quite impatient.

"Probably... 5 or 6 minutes." The driver said guilty.

Thinking that it is not easy to take a taxi here, Su Mu urged the driver to hurry up and not delay his work.

Nan Nan was very shrewd to see the driver's every move, so he deliberately chatted with Su Mu to divert his attention from the car window to him.

Sure enough, when he was surrounded, Su Mu didn't even know what was going on.

"It's Mommy!!" Beibei leaned on the car window and shouted excitedly, but the next second her eyes turned red with grievance, and her whole face was pressed against the car window, trying to squeeze out.

Nan Nan quickly pulled her back and comforted her, "Don't worry, we can be hugged by Mommy later."

"This, this..." Su Mu panicked, and subconsciously grabbed Nan Nan's hand to prevent them from escaping. Otherwise, he would have been caught without a fight!
Su Nuannuan got out of the car, and the moment she saw Nannan and Beibei, she rushed forward.

"do not come!!"

Su Mu took the taxi's intercom and was able to amplify the voice and spread it out, "None of you are allowed to come over, now the child is in my hands!"

Bo Lingqing was afraid that Su Nuannuan would hurt the child if he pushed Su Mu into a hurry, so he quickly pulled her back.

"Calm down, don't be impulsive."

"I..." Su Nuannuan could only stop, and reached out to the child, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Mommy is here, I won't let the bad guys take you away."

Su Mu took the opportunity to negotiate with Su Nuannuan, asking her to give up inheriting her grandfather's inheritance.

Su Nuannuan wanted to nod, but was stopped by Bo Lingqing, and said in a deep voice, "Look at the current situation, no matter what, Su Mu is hard to fly, don't fall into his tricks."

His words made Su Nuannuan look around, all of them were Bo Lingqing's people.

So he breathed a sigh of relief, but how to get Su Mu to let the child go?It can't be deadlocked forever.

Bo Lingqing took out a black electronic watch and pressed something.

After receiving the information, Che Linannan calmly negotiated with Su Mu, "President Su, look outside, you will never be able to leave now, are you willing to be trapped here and watch the Su Corporation go bankrupt?"

"What do you mean?"

Nan Nan's composure and calmness made Su Mu look at him with admiration, thinking that this is the intelligence that a 5-year-old child should have, he is almost like a demon!

"I have a way to let you leave safely without getting into any lawsuits..." Nan Nan's eyes were confident, and his eyebrows and eyes looked very much like his father.

After a 10-minute stalemate, the door of the taxi was opened. Su Mu led the two children out of the car, and said with a smile, "What are you doing? I took the children out to play, so it seems like I stole the children away." Like."

Fortunately, the two children were intact, otherwise his statement would not be valid.

"Nannan, Beibei!" Su Nuannuan hurried forward, staring at Su Mu, "Since this is the case, it's okay for me to pick up the child?"

Just now, Bo Lingqing had told Su Nuannuan about their father and son's plan, so she could continue calmly.

There was no other way, Su Mu could only hand the child back to Su Nuannuan, feeling rather annoyed that the fat that had already reached his mouth was about to fly away.

"Mommy!!" Beibei hugged Mommy tightly in fear, and burst into tears of grievance.

Bo Lingqing patted Nan Nan on the shoulder and praised him, "You really deserve to be my son."

Then squatted down, hugged him in his arms, and patted his back lightly, "If you want to cry, just cry, Daddy is here."

After all, it was a 5-year-old child, feeling safe, Nan Nan let his emotions go and started crying.

At that time, he was really scared, especially what he would do if he couldn't protect his sister!
Fortunately, their daddy and mommy have rushed over, it's really great!

Seeing that the situation would not go away, but he couldn't go away, Su Mu ran away quickly.

Someone wanted to stop him, but Xu Rui shook his head. It was useless to stop him. After all, there was no evidence to prove that Su Mu had done too much to the child. In addition, Su Mu was the child's grandfather, so it was understandable to say that he took the child out to play. .

The key now is how the child got out of Bo's house.

Facing the questioning from Mummy and Daddy, Nan Nan lowered her head, not wanting to say the reason.

Su Nuannuan sighed, "Forget it, take my sister back to sleep, you should be tired."

After all, she knew her son's personality, and she would never play his temper casually, let alone leave the Bo family for no reason, there must be a reason.

As for the reason for this, I will ask later, and there is no rush.

And now there are more important things, that is how to teach Su Mu a good lesson, how dare to attack the two children, it is like a beast!

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