Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 161 Complete Disappointment

After hearing Jiang Xueyao's 'truth', Su Nuannuan frowned even tighter. She thought that Xiao Jing was taking the initiative to admit her mistake to Jiang Xueyao, so she could choose to forgive her.

But how could she even make up a set of stories to deceive Jiang Xueyao, which is really disappointing.

"Xiaojing, come in." Jiang Xueyao pressed the internal number, thinking about making Xiaojing apologize to Su Nuannuan. After all, Xiaojing, as a qualified assistant, must ensure that the dress is handed over to Su Nuannuan. is intact.

Xiaojing came in with anxiety, she didn't dare to look at Su Nuannuan, so she just stood there with her head down.

"It's okay, Xiao Jing, I've already told Nuan Nuan that since you didn't do it on purpose, then apologize to Nuan Nuan, and the matter will be over, after all, we are all colleagues." Jiang Xueyao said.

Su Nuannuan was curious and wanted to see how she apologized.

Facing her, eyes full of frost.

When Xiaojing raised her head, she was startled by Su Nuannuan's eyes in an instant, she took a step back instinctively, then quickly lowered her head, and said weakly, "Sister Xueyao... I really didn't mean it, at that time I I was in a hurry to go to the toilet, but I was worried about getting my dress dirty, so I temporarily put the bag outside, but I didn’t expect someone to do such a thing.”

"And, Nuan Nuan, you don't need to look at me with hatred, right? Didn't you have any embarrassment that day?"

Jiang Xueyao's complexion was also not very good, and she felt that Xiao Jing seemed to have changed, which was not the case before.

"Xiaojing, I know you have opinions on me, but I hope you will be honest in front of sister Xueyao today, otherwise I will not forgive you easily." Su Nuannuan kept a straight face, very serious.

In her heart, she still had the girl who warmly received her back then, hoping to get her out of a paranoid state of mind and become active again.

Xiao Jing's heart skipped a beat, she grabbed the hem of her clothes nervously, and then comforted herself that nothing would happen, no one was there at the time, and the camera was broken!

Thinking of this, Xiao Jing gained confidence, and shook her head with an aggrieved face, "Nuan Nuan, I don't know what you're talking about, I really didn't do it on purpose, do you really want me to take the blame?"

Well, totally disappointed.

Su Nuannuan sighed softly, then took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Bo Lingqing, asking him to send her the surveillance video.

Bo Lingqing, who was in the meeting, saw the message and immediately sent the video and asked. 'What's wrong? '

'Go home and tell you. '

After replying to Bo Lingqing, Su Nuannuan showed the video to Jiang Xueyao, turned to Xiaojing, her eyes were very disappointed, "At first, I didn't believe that you edited it yourself, until I saw the video."

After watching the video, Jiang Xueyao was furious and slapped the table to stand up. She hated others to lie to her the most in her life, but this time Xiaojing not only lied to her, but also wanted to use her to get Su Nuannuan's forgiveness.

"What else do you have to say? This clearly captures your ferocious face. How can you be so jealous? Why on earth did you become like this?"

When Xiaojing saw the video, her first reaction was to not believe it. She clearly saw that the red dot of the camera was not on!
"This kind of camera doesn't show the red dot at work." Su Nuannuan said indifferently, because Xiao Jing looked at the camera at the beginning of the video, so she knew what she was thinking at that time, so she dared to cut the dress under the camera .

This time, Xiao Jing was completely defeated, and lowered her head in frustration.

"Apologize to Nuan Nuan." Jiang Xueyao glared at Xiao Jing. After all, she has been together for more than five years, and she still wants to give Xiao Jing a chance.

But Xiaojing still let her down.

Staring at Su Nuannuan with a sneer, "Apologize? Is she worthy? She is a woman with two legs, and she doesn't deserve anyone to apologize to her, and I will never apologize to her!"

"Okay, since you don't apologize, then go to the finance department, pay this month's salary, and then go, I POP can't have people like you." The scenery still hurts.

A person who has been cultivated by himself!

"If you don't stay here, you have your own place, and sister Xueyao, you let me down, because the person who should leave is not me, but Su Nuannuan." After leaving these words, Xiaojing rushed out of the door .

Su Nuannuan didn't expect things to turn out like this. After all, Xiao Jing usually has a quiet personality, but she is actually so extreme.

After comforting Jiang Xueyao a few words, Su Nuannuan went out to finish the work.

Xiao Jing, who was packing up her things, was still pointing and cursing loudly, which aroused many people's speculations, and they all looked at Su Nuan Nuan, their gazes were full of contempt and disdain.

However, none of these affected Su Nuannuan, she still worked hard, shielding all disharmony from the outside.

Seeing that Su Nuannuan didn't react at all, Xiao Jing couldn't help but walked over deliberately, "Hmph, you just have a thick skin, yes, otherwise, how can you still have the face to stay?"

"So, you are thin-skinned, so you are willing to go?"

Suddenly Su Nuannuan said such a sentence, Xiao Jing was stunned for a moment, and then her face was full of anger, "What do you mean?"

Someone nearby immediately helped Xiao Jing, "Those who have done wrong things should be honest and shut up."

Su Nuannuan turned to that person and smiled, "You are quite right...Xiao Jing, if you pack up your things and leave dishonestly, and disturb your colleagues at work, then I will publish the video , let everyone know what the truth is."

In an instant, Xiao Jing didn't dare to speak anymore, hurried back to get her things and left.

Seeing Xiaojing fleeing in a hurry, many people came to their senses and quickly apologized to Su Nuannuan.

"It's okay, let's all work." After saying this, Su Nuannuan returned to work.

Xiaojing left outside angrily, but met Duan Xueqing.

She didn't want to talk to Duan Xueqing, but Duan Xueqing came over to talk to her, gloating, "Why, didn't you wag your tail behind Jiang Xueyao? Why, if you wag your tail badly, you will be fired?"

Thinking that she had already been expelled and didn't have so many worries, Xiao Jing directly cursed at Duan Xueqing, venting all her unhappiness on Duan Xueqing.

All bad things were said.

Duan Xueqing was stunned for a moment, and anger surged up in her heart, she directly slapped her hard, and then she slapped her right hand again, five consecutive slaps before Duan Xueqing stopped.

"What are you, you dare to scold me? You don't want to live anymore, do you?"

Xiao Jing who was slapped was a little dizzy, and her whole sense of reason was also beaten. She dropped the small box she was holding, and rushed towards Duan Xueqing like crazy, "I'll kill you!"

But in the next second, Xiao Jing was stopped by Duan Xueqing's bodyguards and subdued on the ground, unable to move the barrage, but still opened her teeth and claws to hit Duan Xueqing.

The corner of Duan Xueqing's mouth twitched, "Hmph, you, a pariah, still want to beat Miss Ben? Take her away."

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