Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 148 She came to look for her, didn't you know?

"Warm, warm!!"

Qin Cheng kept brushing away the bangs that blocked his sight, and there was rain all over his face. He only vaguely saw a figure approaching, so he thought it was Su Nuannuan.

He just called to ask Zhao Zhenzhen who was staying in Yuanzhu, and when he learned that Su Nuannuan hadn't returned, he came here because he knew that if Su Nuannuan failed to take the child away from Bo's house, he would definitely not leave.

It turned out to be Qin Cheng? !

It was only when Bo Lingqing got closer that he could see clearly, his handsome face darkened in an instant.

He didn't look for it, but he came to the door by himself.

"Nuan...Bo Lingqing!" Qin Cheng tried his best to open his eyes wide, only to see clearly that the person not far away was Bo Lingqing, "Wuan Nuan, why didn't you let her answer the phone, how is she, is she still uncomfortable? She might The mental state is not good!"

Although the doctor refused to tell him, he had a friend who was a psychiatrist and told him about it, so he had such a guess.

But what exactly it was, he wasn't sure.

Although he is a rival in love, Su Nuannuan's body is more important to him.

Because of the heavy rain, Bo Lingqing didn't hear what Qin Cheng said clearly, he could only understand it roughly, and he came to find Su Nuannuan.

"She's not here."

"What!?" Qin Cheng turned his face to listen hard, but there was a thunderstorm and he didn't hear anything, "What did you say?!"

Bo Lingqing actually didn't want to talk to Qin Cheng anymore, but now it seemed that something happened to Su Nuannuan, so he repeated it over and over again, and even walked out of the rain-proof corridor, "Su Nuannuan is not here, didn't you take her away just now!"

Only now did Qin Cheng hear clearly, shook his head again and again, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Nuan Nuan is here to pick up the child, if you don't receive it, you can't leave!"

"Don't you know she came to look for her?"

Bao Lingqing knew how important a child was to Su Nuannuan, so he believed that Su Nuannuan had been here, but why didn't anyone tell him?
Could it be that his mother stopped him?
If it weren't for the urgent need to find Su Nuannuan first, he would definitely question his mother, even though she had already fallen asleep.

So the two hurried out to look for it under the heavy rain.

Bo Lingqing has another level of worry, it is still thundering now, Su Nuannuan is afraid of thunder!

"Nuan Nuan, Nuan Nuan, where are you, respond to what you hear!" Qin Cheng shouted while searching.

"She can't hear it."

Casting a cold glance at Qin Cheng, Bo Lingqing took the flashlight and looked for places on the side of the road that might be sheltered from the rain.

"Why can't you hear it? The thunder is too loud?" Qin Cheng followed quickly, but didn't understand what Bo Lingqing meant.

Bao Lingqing turned around in disbelief, "Don't you know that she is afraid of thunder?"

When Qin Cheng was questioned, he really didn't know that Su Nuannuan was afraid of thunder. When he realized it, he didn't have time to think carefully. Finding Su Nuannuan now is the most important thing!
In the end, the two separated and searched nearby.

Fortunately, the rain gradually became lighter and the sight became clearer. Qin Cheng stood there for a while, and found that there seemed to be a gazebo near Bo's house!
And the fence is not high!

A picture flashed in his mind, and Qin Cheng hurriedly ran towards the gazebo.

Bo Lingqing, who was in the opposite direction, saw Qin Cheng like this, so he hurried over too.


Sure enough, Qin Cheng found Su Nuannuan who had passed out under the fence, and he quickly hugged her up.

Bo Lingqing stopped slowly, he was still a step slower, but seeing Su Nuannuan in such a mess, his heart couldn't help throbbing.

Just as he was about to make way, he heard Su Nuannuan's small mouth overflowing with whispers, "Ah Qing..."

In an instant, the two men froze in place.

It's just one ecstasy, and the other is being knocked down to the eighteenth level of hell.

"Take good care of her, don't make her sad again." Qin Cheng's eyes were extremely reluctant, and he tried his best to imprint Su Nuannuan in his arms at the moment, so as to suppress the feeling of his heart being torn apart, and put his beloved woman hands up.

Bo Lingqing frowned dangerously, and was very displeased with the way Qin Cheng looked at Su Nuannuan.

But in terms of movements, he took Su Nuannuan very gently, and held her firmly in his arms.

Although Su Nuannuan was in a coma, but smelling the familiar light body fragrance, she naturally relied on her, and her frowns were also relaxed, as if she had found her own home in the precarious weather.

This warm scene directly broke Qin Cheng's already broken heart even more thoroughly, and he could never put it back together again.

"If you dare to make Su Nuannuan sad, I will definitely snatch her back."

Looking at the leaving tall figure, as if the prince had saved the princess, Qin Cheng stood where he was, clenched his fists, and warned Bo Lingqing.

Bo Lingqing, who was holding Su Nuannuan, just paused, without even turning his head, and continued to walk forward.

For him, he doesn't need to promise anything to anyone, he just needs to promise Su Nuannuan alone.

Because of the loud thunder, Mrs. Bo couldn't fall asleep, and she was a little restless, so she got up and planned to go out to ask Mama Zhang to make her a cup of hot milk.

Walking into the living room, I saw my son coming in with his whole body dripping wet holding Su Nuannuan? !

Her eyes followed them in astonishment.

Until the two disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

"This, how is this..."

She felt like she was about to carry it back in anger, and tried every means to fight and break up, but they had a way to get back together again!
After changing Su Nuannuan into clean clothes, Bo Lingqing stood by her side, touched her forehead, and found that it was very hot and her cheeks were red!
He was about to get up to get her a thermometer and something to reduce the fever, but he was grabbed tightly by the corner of his clothes.


He thought she was awake, but only when he got closer did he realize that it was her subconscious reaction.

Somewhere in the heart suddenly softened.

He still couldn't be cruel to her!
Sigh lightly.

"Good, I'll be back soon."

He stretched out his hand to separate her tender fingers one by one, but she held on tightly, so he could only use a little strength, and then she woke up.

Su Nuannuan struggled to open her eyes, feeling her head was dizzy. Through her somewhat blurred vision, she could clearly see that the person beside her was Bo Lingqing. After the shock, only indifference remained.

The hand he held was also taken back.

"Do not touch me……"

Looking at Su Nuannuan like this, Bao Lingqing felt a trace of helplessness in his dark eyes, "Nuannuan, lie down first, I'll bring you something to reduce your fever, now is not the time to be childish."

"Go away, leave me alone..." Su Nuannuan, who was full of grievances and had nowhere to vent, struggled to sit up, thinking about the child all the time, and gritted her teeth, "Where are Nannan and Beibei... I want to take them away, who, no one can take them away..."

Holding her troublesome little hand, Bo Lingqing wrapped her tightly with a quilt, not allowing her to move any more.

"If you are disobedient again, I will not let you see the child again."

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