Husband agreed to cultivate immortals together

Chapter 87: The Princess of the Ghost Clan Was Rescued by the Monks to the Wood and Stone Mountain

The ghost princess thought that she had successfully tricked the two monks, and she had a smug smile on her face. She wanted to lean on the blue-robed Taoist priest to pretend that she could not walk and was injured.

Before she got close, the blue-robed Taoist priest's legs trembled so much that he couldn't walk anymore, "I'll go and make it easier for you." He said and ran away.

It's too boring to go at this time!When the cultivator in Tsing Yi saw the female ghost in front of him, it was clearly written on his body that I am a female ghost, and I came to kill you, which is too obvious!
Even if a ghost pretends to be a human being, he has to learn a little bit of popularity. Now his whole body is full of ghost aura. Where there is a princess of the ghost clan, the wind is particularly strong, and it is impossible to treat her as a human being.

The two of them have been in Yuncheng for half a year, and they haven't seen any kind of evil spirits, and even the scene of being injured and meeting a beautiful woman is happening every day.

Cultivator in Tsing Yi: "In such a strong wind, it's better for the girl to go to the side of the big rock on the side of the road to hide from the wind."

Seeing the appearance of the two human monks, the ghost princess was really shocked by her beauty. She originally wanted to report Lingyu's name, but when she killed the two people, what she saw in her eyes They all look like spirit rain.

In this way, in their memory, it was Lingyu who killed them, and when the time comes, ghosts must remember to seek revenge from Lingyu.

When Mo Chen was slaying demons and demons, he met unjust dead ghosts, and when he sent them to reincarnation, he saw the frightened eyes in their eyes at the moment of death. It was Lingyu who killed them, and everyone was killed by Lingyu. ?
The princess of the ghost family felt very proud when she thought of this. As soon as she turned to the big rock on the roadside, the Taoist sword in Tsing Yi stabbed towards the princess in an instant. The monk took out his magic weapon for catching ghosts and put it on the princess' head. Immediately, the prototype appeared, the black mist dissipated, and the magic weapon of the monk in Tsing Yi illuminated the surroundings.

The ghost princess was thinking about how to kill the two human monks, but she didn't expect them to dare to attack her.

The blue-robed Taoist priest who said to relieve his hand just now hit the princess on the head with a whisk, and the ghost image hit by the monk in blue couldn't hold on anymore.

"You two go to hell!" The princess was so angry that one person slapped the two of them away. With this little trick, I am afraid of Mo Chen, but I am not afraid of you two.

The princess of the ghost clan was really going to be pissed off by the human monks. She was chased and killed by Mo Chen everywhere, but now she was attacked by these two monks who didn't have any immortal skills.

"Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell, go to die, go to die!" Black energy spread all over the body,
With a word to die, a ghost image hit the monk in blue, and the Taoist priest in blue was slapped with a huge slap, slap after slap.

Angering a female evil ghost will end badly, if I knew it earlier, I should have run away earlier!
The two monks in the world couldn't die, and before they died, they lamented how scary the female evil ghost was!
The ghost princess didn't take their souls, so let their ghosts float here!The worse the death, the more they hate the person who killed them.

After the princess killed the two monks, she felt much happier. She never thought about how she was exposed?All of this was done by Lingyu, and all of this was done by Lingyu.

The ghost princess didn't care how she was exposed, as long as the person the two of them saw before they died was Lingyu, she insisted on pushing everything to Lingyu.

Lingyu kidnapped the Ghost King to Xiancheng and handed it over to Jinglong, and immediately rushed over to Yuncheng. Why did he hand it over to Jinglong?She obviously kidnapped the ghost king back to Xiancheng with Jing Yun.

Because Ling Yu felt that Jing Long was more reliable than Jing Yun, and now he was in charge of guarding the Immortal City. Many evil spirits and demons were imprisoned by Jing Long in the prison of Immortal City.

Jing Yun took the ghost king directly to the place where the evil spirits were held, and the dungeon was full of ghosts.

"It's useless for you to lock us up here. We are all ghosts. We will break the formation here sooner or later."

"Hahaha! That's it."

"Hurry up and let us go out, when this is a world of evil spirits, they can walk around you and not die."

Just when many evil spirits were screaming crazily, they stopped suddenly.

The ghost king stood outside the prison and looked at the struggling ghosts inside. The ghost king waved his hand lightly, and the ghosts who were shouting just now disappeared.

Jing Yun: Is it so easy to take back the underworld?

The King of Ghosts did take back all the evil spirits Jing Yun caught, but Ling Yu always felt that it was unreliable, so he called Mrs. Qin and Jing Long over.

Because she thinks Jing Yun is too stupid, it's not that she thinks Jing Yun is stupid, but the fact proves that if Ling Yu didn't follow the evil ghost's footsteps to find Jing Yun, he might have been imprisoned by the ghost king as a coolie for the ghost king.

In Lingyu’s view, it’s just a coolie. The ghost king asked Jing Yun to do things he didn’t want to do. As a result, Jing Yun couldn’t resist, so he could only be pitted by the ghost king. Asking Jing Long to come over and watch Jing Yun shouldn’t be so easy. The ghost king entrapped him.

It’s not that Lingyu cares much about Jingyun, it’s just that she wants to clean up all the evil spirits in Xiancheng as soon as possible. Yuncheng must need the ghost king the most. In fact, Lingyu went to the dungeon to find Ling Heng this time, but it’s a pity If you can't find it, if you can find a way to ask Ling Heng to go to Yuncheng.

The demonic energy in Yuncheng will definitely be exorcised by Ling Heng. In the past, many aristocratic families would not allow the existence of dungeon masters at all. Now the underground Chen's demon cultivators have become the favorites of the aristocratic family.

Because they can not only exorcise demons, but also exorcise evil spirits. Nowadays, people everywhere are invited out of the city to cast down demons and exterminate demons.

Lingyu went to the dungeon and couldn't even find the high-level demon cultivator who usually fought with him. The dungeon was basically empty. Speaking of which, except for those demon cultivators who were invited by the immortal family, other demons and monsters might be given to him by the immortal soldiers. Caught up.

She still doesn't know that when she comes to Yuncheng, she will see Ling Heng immediately, and an evil ghost who looks very similar to her. Lingyu is walking along the grass left by Mo Chen along the way.

The invasion of demon energy caused many plants to wither. Where Mo Chen walked, plants grew again. As long as the growth of plants can be restored, a lot of fairy energy will gather immediately, and plants with spirituality will grow.

When the magic energy came to the world, it caused great damage to people, animals and plants. Everything in the world withered and turned black. The sky and the earth were dark, and the sun could not be seen during the day, and the moon and stars could not be seen at night.

When Lingyu came to Yuncheng for the second time, she found that there are monsters and demon cultivators everywhere, and there are evil ghosts eating people everywhere. This is not the home Lingyu thought of in Xiancheng. She used to think that living in Xiancheng was not good. Well, you can still go back to Mushi Mountain and Yuncheng.

Where the mountains and rivers will always be as Lingyu imagined, and the abundance of spiritual energy is the most suitable place for cultivating immortals. Now the place is full of dark devilish energy, magnifying people's malice and unlimited desires, and turning everyone into a mortal world. Human monster.

Looking at the situation here, Lingyu is really sadder than when she lost the fairy fate ten years ago. What she lost in ten years was only the fairy fate, but now what she lost is the whole world!Who turned Yuncheng into what it is now?Lingyu will definitely not let these monsters go.

There are souls floating in the sky, not the souls of ordinary people, these souls are the souls of monks, and there are still ordinary people living in Yuncheng, and wherever there are people, they are immortals and Taoists, who come to Yuncheng to eliminate demons.

Now a monk who can come to Yuncheng to eliminate demons and catch ghosts without fear of evil spirits and demon cultivators is worthy of admiration.

Mo Chen chased the ghost princess all the way to Yuncheng. On the way, he met the souls of many monks. The people they saw before they died were all spirit rains. How could they see the spirit rain?
Before he died, what he saw in his eyes was the spirit rain that was full of black energy all over his body. Now that the spirit rain is in the fairy city, his whole body would not be full of black energy.

Mo Chen is very familiar with Lingyu, he can tell at a glance that the person he saw when the monk died was not Lingyu, but an evil ghost pretending to be Lingyu. In this world, there is that evil ghost pretending to be Lingyu to kill monks .

It must be the ghost princess who has been running around for the past few days. The last time Mo Chen discovered the ghost house where the princess was practicing, after the princess ran away for her life, Mo Chen unraveled the illusion and sent all the trapped ghosts to the underworld to reincarnate.

It's just that I didn't expect that the ghost princess didn't run away, but killed monks in a different way, or the way Mo Chen hated the most!
The Mushi Mountain is a good natural barrier. The pine trees that Shangguan Yu planted on the mountain were not attacked by the evil energy. Even the evil spirits dare not approach, so they became a refuge for the monks.

Back then, many monks and demons in the world knew Mushishan. When Zhou Zhihai became a hellish ghost, they successfully escaped here. Later, the monks who felt that they had powerful mana and came to Yuncheng to slay demons and catch ghosts were also chased by evil ghosts. Some hid in Wood and Stone Mountain.

The pine forest on Mushi Mountain became a temporary refuge. The princess of the ghost tribe came here after searching for a long time in the city but could not find a single monk. That's good, many evil spirits have taken shape when they came to the world.

"Help! Help! Don't immortal cultivators in the world like to save people the most? These days, she has been pretending to be a mortal to call for help. The method is old-fashioned and easy to use, and there is no need to change it.

A woman in white was chased by several evil spirits, and she was about to run into the pine forest of Mushi Mountain, but was caught by the evil spirits behind her. The figure of the woman lit up the whole forest. The clothes are in the dark, and the target can be seen from a long distance, like a ray of light.

The monks in the distance saw the girl's pitiful appearance, if caught by the evil spirits behind, she would surely die a miserable death, a white light flashed, and the two immortal swords cut off the evil spirits at the same time, and several evil spirits chasing the girl fought the monks behind her. up.

The ghost princess stood behind and watched in fear. She specially wore white clothes today, which is very conspicuous in the dark and can be seen at a glance. Recently, she has been pretending to be Lingyu. Lingyu's appearance really attracts immortal cultivators .

Find a chance to kill Ling Yu, and she will become Ling Yu. It would be a pity not to make good use of such beauty. Mo Chen must also be fascinated by beauty. If Mo Chen likes Ling Yu's beauty, She turned into Ling Yu's appearance, maybe Mo Chen would still do things for her.

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