Who would not be jealous of such a genius, Shangguan Yu was born in a noble family, the immortal root is very good, and she is also the object of worship in the world, now they have a very powerful daughter, and their son is about to be born. A genius even better than Lingyu Xianyuan.

Those who are jealous or those who have always wanted to stand alone in Yuncheng have started to act. It is impossible for the father not to know: it's just that both Lingyu and his mother were seriously injured, and the younger brother didn't know where he was taken by the white-bearded grandfather?Shangguanyu had no choice but to go back to Xiandu to let Lingyu and his mother recover from their injuries.

When Shangguan Yu broke into the delivery room back then, he saw a white light. A fairy-like grandfather was holding his younger brother. He was surrounded by the white light and was surrounded by fairy spirit.

Daoist Beiming, that's right, Daoist Beiming took away his younger brother. Lingyu was sure that it was Daoist Beiming at this time, but he didn't know where Daoist Beiming took his brother?
Shangguan Yu said that the first time she saw Ling Yu, it was Zhou Zhihai who brought back the seriously injured Ling Yu. Ling Yu's celestial fate was dug up by evil spirits, and Zhou Zhihai rescued Ling Yu with all his might. At that time, the people in the city were also rescued by Zhou Zhihai, and Shangguan Yu was relieved to hand over Yuncheng to Zhou Zhihai. Shangguan Yu was really grateful to Zhou Zhihai for saving Lingyu and the people in the city.

Lingyu sent the people to the formation and met two evil spirits, one black and one white. After fighting monsters for so long, I met two evil spirits who could talk. Killing, at least Fang Fang has no IQ.

The levels of the two evil spirits are very high at first glance. There are also many ghosts in Yuncheng, and the levels are not very high. Lingyu is obviously a little afraid of them. As soon as they came, they gave Lingyu a lot of pressure, and the surroundings became darker. , eerie.

The wind was blowing, and countless pairs of eyes stared at Lingyu in the dark. Lingyu sacrificed the fairy sword and shone with golden light, but it could only illuminate the sky around her. It was dark all around, and the sky seemed to never light up.

"It's a pity that such a beautiful little girl died?"

"If you feel sorry for me, just do it!" The voices were a man and a woman, their voices were piercing and piercing, and their figures were completely hidden in the darkness.

"You two evil spirits are the masterminds of this siege?" Ling Yu estimated whether he could defeat these two evil spirits.

In the past, no matter how many people there were in Lingyu's fights, whether he was the opponent's opponent or not, he would never talk nonsense when he went up: this was the first time to estimate the opponent's strength.

"Little girl, if you die, go to the Palace of the King of Hades and ask who is the mastermind!"

The female ghost spoke like Ling Yu was attacking, Ling Yu didn't take the attack but took out her magic weapon, you know how Ling Yu fights!He has had many magic weapons since he was a child, and Ling Yu usually uses magic weapons to block such violent attacks first.

What's more, I just fought with monsters all night in Yuncheng, and now my body is recovering my immortal power, so I have a magic weapon first.When the fairy energy in her body recovers, she will let these evil spirits be buried with the people of Yuncheng.

When Shangguan Yu went to Mushi Mountain, he left all the good magic weapons around him for Ling Yu and Mrs. Qin. Ling Yu thought that his mother also had magic weapons, so it should be no problem to protect them. Moxiu is now in the General's Mansion.

The other party also has a magic weapon which is obviously more powerful than Lingyu's, so she smashed Lingyu's magic weapon in the air, but it doesn't matter, Lingyu has a lot of weapons on her body, she knows what can't be beaten and runs away at a young age, she used to fight with others Sometimes Lingyu ran away when she couldn't beat her, but she knew she couldn't run today.

All the people in the city, if the rain of spirits can't beat these two evil spirits, and the soldiers guarding the city are no match for these two evil spirits, what will happen to the people in the city, their mothers and younger brothers?Lingyu couldn't run away this time, so he could only resist by himself.

Lingyu took out her weapon and started fighting with two evil ghosts. At first, the evil ghosts only saw Lingyu's fairy fate, but didn't see clearly how advanced her martial arts were. Can tie the two of them.

The two evil spirits wanted Lingyu to die from the beginning, but they showed no mercy to Lingyu. The soldiers guarding the city around Lingyu were surrounded by monsters. Feng Kang had to take care of the formation and escape into the formation. For a while, the common people didn't see clearly that there were two particularly powerful evil spirits coming beside Lingyu.

Lingyu has a lot of experience in fighting evil spirits. Her immortal skills are strong, and she uses her immortal skills and the magic weapon in her hand to specialize in attacking one evil spirit. It can be heard that this female ghost wants to kill her, so she can't keep the female ghost.

While fighting, Lingyu took out her own magic weapon and launched a special attack on the female ghost. The female ghost just smashed Lingyu's magic weapon. Lingyu didn't even have a surprised expression and continued to attack the weapons around her like a female ghost. Lingyu's moves and attacks don't distract Lingyu from thinking too much, Lingyu accumulates spiritual energy while throwing the magic weapon, and activates the fairy sword.

The male ghost saw that Lingyu and the female ghost were fighting desperately, but didn't make a move. She wanted to wait for the female ghost and Lingyu to lose both, and then she did it herself. Even if Lingyu was a child, she was good at immortality. What's the use of waiting for the two of them? After exhausting all his mana, he could easily bring Lingyu's immortal root over.

While fighting the female ghost inextricably, Lingyu was stared at by a male ghost and surrounded by two ghosts. Lingyu felt that her back was full of yin energy, and the evil ghost in front couldn't beat her by herself. A tremendous strength.

She remembered the sword array Shangguan Yu gave her. Lingyu sacrificed the sword array and threw it out like a male ghost. She didn't see the male ghost take out the magical weapon just now. Try using the sword array first, and trap him by the way .

The male ghost had been observing the fight between Lingyu and the female ghost, but he didn't pay attention to Lingyu's movements. Lingyu shot at the female ghost, fast and ruthless, but he didn't expect to be covered by Lingyu's sword array.

The male ghost originally thought that he came to Yuncheng to snatch the resources here. Yuncheng has a lot of fairy spirit, and the most important fairy fate is on Lingyu. In addition, Yuncheng is rich in products, and he came here to snatch treasures. He and the female ghost are now waiting to snatch Lingyu's fairy root.

Yuncheng's immortal energy has been very heavy these days, and the immortal energy of Lingyu has been released. There is also a fairy who is about to be born. If they are obtained by their boss, they will be able to come out of the abyss of hell.

Facing all the murderous intent of the female ghost, the entire sky was like a dark stone pressing down on Ling Yu's head. For the first time, Ling Yu felt a master's move, the move was to kill Ling Yu, and wanted to get out of Ling Yu's body. Absorbing the fairy fate inside, at first the dark stone in the sky pressed down on Lingyu's head, and now it wants to suck Lingyu's soul away.

When Lingyu threw out the array of swords, she forced out the female ghost's magic weapon. The female ghost couldn't keep hitting her, especially since there was a stone hanging from her head, which could fall down and crush her to death at any time.

Lingyu is the daughter of the city lord, so there must be many good things on her body, even if these little ghosts can't get Lingyu's fairy fate, it's good if they can get the magic weapon on her.

The male ghost was watching a good show, waiting for both Lingyu and the female ghost to suffer, thinking about how to snatch Lingyu's celestial fate and magic weapon, but he was trapped inside by Lingyu's sword formation unpreparedly.

The three fell into a stalemate, and Feng Kang finally came to help Lingyu. He saw Lingyu using formations to control evil spirits and immediately understood Lingyu's intentions.Bind the male evil spirit and kill the female evil spirit first.

When Feng Kang joined the battle, the pressure on Lingyu's side suddenly decreased. Feng Kang was the second most powerful person in Lingyu's heart. When Feng Kang came over, the female ghost was no longer an opponent. After a few rounds, the female ghost was injured. up.

The male ghost is still entangled with the formation. This formation was given by an outsider when Shangguan Yu was stationed in Yuncheng. It is very important to defend the city. Generally, powerful ghosts and monsters may not be able to come out after entering.

There was a sound of angry holes in the dark sky!
"You two subordinates are really idiots. You can get things done by asking them to attack Yuncheng, but now they can't even deal with a little girl."

If they failed to attack Yuncheng, they had failed in everything. If they had known that the other party was so untrustworthy, they shouldn't have blocked everything.

There was a person standing on the dark boulder all the time watching the war below, watching monsters, demon cultivators, and evil spirits killing people below, and now watching the dark boulder trap Lingyu firmly in the center.

"It's not too late for you to regret it now. If you let your good brother know that you did all these things, he won't let you go."

The big dark stone made the sound of angry holes, carrying evil spirits from hell.

The man in black was standing on the dark boulder. The evil spirits of hell attacked Yuncheng just to pull this self-righteous guy down. As long as he walked this way, he had to go on forever and couldn't turn back.What the devil of hell wants is to drag Zhou Zhihai into the water, and the fairy fate of the little girl below.

If he can snatch it, he can add 1000 years of fairy fate, and he can completely come out of the abyss of hell. After doing so much, he is waiting for the day he comes out of the abyss of hell.

At that time, he will be free. The demon world, the fairy world, the ghost world, and the world of cultivating immortals will all listen to him, and whoever disobeys will be destroyed. Let's see who in the cultivating world now has the ability to push him under the big dark rock.

The ghost who pressed him under the big dark rock in the ghost world has disappeared in the four realms. As long as he comes out of hell, he will be invincible in the world.

During the fight with the female ghost, he always felt that the big stone on his head was going to suck his brain out, and he had a terrible headache. Feng Kang took over the female ghost's fierce moves and saw Lingyu's strangeness.

Feng Kang wanted to get close to Lingyu to check her situation, but the dark palm of the devil from hell seemed to be slapped by two people, and he stretched out his hand to untie the sword array on the male ghost's body.

The male ghost was injured by Ling Yu's sword array, and when he came out, he attacked like Ling Yu frantically, and Ling Yu suffered such a fierce attack all of a sudden, and his headache became even worse.
Fortunately, she has been paying attention to the male ghost. Lingyu noticed it when the male ghost untied the sword formation for the first time. At this time, the male ghost attacked madly, and Lingyu was already prepared.

Helpless, her head hurts so much, she wants to break the stone on her head, the whole top of her head is hurting, her head is about to explode.

Now there are Feng Kang and Ling Yu on the battlefield, their side is completely controlled by the opponent, and they can take Ling Yu and his life at any time.

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