Tao Tao frowned.

She actually knew that if Li Huan really wanted to investigate them, it would be really easy.

"Eh? Why does this look so familiar to me?"

Li Huan suddenly said something to Su Mosheng.

Tao Tao clearly saw that Su Mosheng's whole body stiffened, and then he returned to normal.

"how is this possible."

Su Mosheng pulled up the corner of his mouth and smiled, then he didn't look at Li Huan.

"Oh, really?"

Li Huan looked at him inquiringly, then nodded.

"That may be because I remembered wrongly. I have a bad memory when I am old."

Everyone at the table was very embarrassed by her arrival.

Tao Tao rolled her eyes helplessly in her heart, can't you see that we don't welcome you very much?
She glanced at the time, then wondered in her heart when this woman would leave, and don't delay Meng Yuqian's date with classmate Su any longer.

"In that case, I'll go first and make an appointment."

Li Huan looked at the silent crowd and suddenly smiled.

Then she got up gracefully, stepped on her high heels and walked out.

It's just that before she left, she leaned down and whispered something in Tao Tao's ear.

"We will meet again in a few days."

Tao Tao was shocked by the cold air on her body, and then watched Li Huan disappear around the corner of the restaurant.

"This this……"

Meng Yuqian relaxed the moment Li Huan disappeared.

"This woman is too scary."

Tao Tao stroked her hair, then sighed.

"It's okay, ignore her, let's continue."

Tao Tao looked at the two while talking, signaling them not to care.

However, she once again keenly noticed something wrong with Su Mosheng.

I saw him staring at the direction where Li Huan left, wondering what he was thinking.

"what happened to you?"

Tao Tao stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Su Mosheng's eyes, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Ah, it's alright."

It was only then that Su Mosheng came to his senses. He immediately returned to normal, and then beckoned to the two girls to continue eating.

So the three of them ended the meal in silence.

"Then I'm leaving, be careful on the road."

After eating, they separated as agreed.

Tao Tao waved at the two of them.

"You too, remember to send me a message when you see Jiang Jinchen."

Meng Yuqian gritted her teeth and looked at Tao Tao.

"Cough cough."

Tao Tao coughed twice in embarrassment.

"I know, I know, remember to come back early."

Meng Yuqian nodded to her, and then they dispersed.

Tao Tao looked at the backs of the two leaving, and sighed.

She actually really likes classmate Su, and thinks he and Meng Yuqian are a good match.


In a flash just now, she unexpectedly discovered that this Su Mosheng was not that simple.

Then she silently made a decision in her heart, she would observe Su Mosheng for a period of time, and then decide whether to entrust Meng Yuqian to him.

Tao Tao thought for a while, then turned around and went back.

She looked up at the sky and found that it was still early, and the restaurant was not very far from the school, so she decided to walk back and treat it as a walk.

Tao Tao walked slowly along the street, feeling the surrounding wind gently blowing on her face.

Looking at the street in the distance, she suddenly felt that her future was really unknown.

However, when she was looking around, suddenly, she saw a familiar figure.

Xiao Qiong?

She frowned and looked at the man sitting in the cafe.

At this time, Xiao Qiong was sitting leisurely on a chair, holding a coffee cup in his hand, and his mouth was opening and closing, not knowing what to say.

Tao Tao saw that his gold-rimmed mirror frame was slightly reflected by the sunlight.

Who is he talking to?

Tao Tao took a few more steps forward, and only then did she see the woman opposite Xiao Qiong.

It turned out to be... Li Huan who just left from them?
I don't know if it was Tao Tao's illusion, but she seemed to see Li Huan smiling at her.

But when she looked carefully, she realized that she was really wrong.

so weird...

Tao Tao hurriedly left here without thinking.

And the other side.

"What are you looking at?"

Xiao Qiong gracefully picked up the coffee and took a sip.

"Your Taotao."


Xiao Qiong frowned.

"Hehe, how are you doing with her recently?"

Li Huan smiled and looked at the man across from him in leisure.

"that's it."

Xiao Qiong took another sip of coffee.

"You have to work hard, the relationship between her and Jiang Jinchen is getting better and better now."

Xiao Qiong was silent for a moment after hearing this.

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are like this again."

"My sister just wants to care about you."

Li Huan clicked his tongue twice, then propped his chin and looked at Xiao Qiong's expressionless face.

"I see you just want to care about yourself."

Xiao Qiong suddenly sneered, then glanced at Li Huan, and found that her expression froze for a moment.

But she soon returned to normal.

"It doesn't look like you're stupid."

Li Huan covered his mouth and laughed a few times, then continued.

"When will our plan be carried out."

Xiao Qiong thought for a moment, then raised his eyebrows.

"Are you sure it's that person?"

"It's true."

Li Huan smiled confidently.

"But I also said that I can't control him for too long, so you have to hurry up."

"I know."

Xiao Qiong frowned, seemingly hesitating.

"What, can't bear it?"

Li Huan sneered.

"Don't forget that you are a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve your goal."

"You can't hesitate."

Xiao Qiong pursed her lips tightly and glanced at the scenery outside.

Opposite is a flower shop, this scene is always somewhat familiar.

He looked at the people coming in and out of the flower shop, holding all kinds of flowers in their hands.

Xiao Qiong seemed to smell the fragrance of flowers coming through the glass.

"I see."

In the end, he picked up the coffee and drank it down, then got up and left here.

However, the moment he opened the door, he suddenly laughed mockingly.

The fragrance of flowers is just my own illusion.

Li Huan looked at Xiao Qiong's receding back, her eyes suddenly dimmed.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to an unknown number that had not been noted.

"Start executing the plan."

"What's wrong?"

Su Mosheng's cell phone rang for a while, and then he stopped.

Meng Yuqian looked suspiciously at Su Mosheng who was holding his mobile phone and fell silent.

At this time, the two of them were planning to go to the cinema to watch a movie.

"Ah, really."

Su Mosheng suddenly pursed his lips and raised his head to look at Meng Yuqian, then raised the phone in front of her.

"The teacher we hate, even leaves us tasks on weekends."

Meng Yuqian saw a group message from his teacher on the phone screen, telling them to submit a social practice report every weekend from next week.

"Oh my god, you guys are too miserable..."

Meng Yuqian glanced at Su Mosheng distressedly.

"Hey, it's okay, let's talk about next week next week, let's have a good time today."

Su Mosheng smiled brightly at Meng Yuqian, and then dragged her into the cinema.

"Let's put the phone on silent."

Su Mosheng shook his mobile phone at Meng Yuqian in the waiting room, and then said.


Meng Yuqian nodded, and the two of them turned their phones to silent.


Li Huan glanced at the person's reply, then curled up his mouth and smiled, got up and walked out of the cafe.

Tao Tao lay on the bed in the dormitory, constantly brainwashing herself.

"It's normal for two siblings to drink coffee together."


Her mind once again recalled Li Huan's weird smile and the last words she said to herself.

"We will meet again in a few days."

There is absolutely a problem.

Thinking of this, she jumped up from the bed.

Then she plopped down again.

Forget it, even if there is a real problem, what can she do?

Tao Tao looked up at the time, and then wanted to go to the library to read a book.

Tao Tao left as soon as she said, she immediately picked up the coat on the bed, packed up her things and went to the library.

However, she did not notice the sudden change in the sky outside.

After she arrived at the library, she borrowed a few professional books and read them carefully.

The more she looked at it, the more serious she was, and in the end she didn't even notice that it was raining.

Tao Tao just felt that the people around her walked out one by one, and she didn't care.

What really woke her up was the sudden thunder.

Tao Tao was startled by the loud voice.

Then she looked up and saw the pouring rain outside the window.

"It's over, what to do."

She stood in front of the window blankly, raised her head and glanced at the sky, and then sadly found that she didn't even have any intention of clearing up.

She sighed, thinking that she should go to the door to check the situation first.

So she packed her things immediately and went downstairs to the door.

Sure enough, she saw the people blocked in front of the library by the sudden heavy rain.

She was shivered by a gust of cold wind, and then sadly found that Meng Yuqian was not in the dormitory at this time, and no one brought her an umbrella.

and so……

You don't want to spend the night here, do you?
Tao Tao wants to cry but has no tears.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a commotion in the crowd.

Tao Tao followed everyone's line of sight suspiciously, and found a person suddenly appeared in the pouring rain.

She squinted her eyes, always feeling that this person looked more and more familiar.

wait wait wait.

Tao Tao suddenly opened her eyes wide, looking at the man who was getting closer and closer to her.

Until his face appeared in front of him completely through the layers of rain curtains.

"Jiang Jinchen..."

Jiang Jinchen smiled softly, then hummed.

Everyone looked in shock at the man in a suit standing in the rain with a pale pink umbrella in his hand.

It seemed out of place with his whole person.

But they couldn't laugh, because at this moment everyone was attracted by the gentleness on the man's face.

Jiang Jinchen picked up the coat that he had been hanging on his arm all the time, then put away the umbrella and came under the eaves where Tao Tao was sheltering from the rain.

He gently put the clothes on her body, and wiped away the rain that was accidentally splashed on her face.

"Come on, Miss Peach."

After Jiang Jinchen finished speaking, he took Tao Tao's shoulders and walked the surprised girl into the heavy rain.

Tao Tao was well protected by him, Jiang Jinchen hugged her tightly, and then lifted most of the umbrellas on the two of them on the girl's head.

And most of his shoulders were drenched by rain.

"What do you think?"

Jiang Jinchen glanced at Tao Tao who was in a daze.

"You, why are you here?"

"I heard that my princess is in trouble, so I came to pick you up."

Jiang Jinchen's gentle voice was hidden in the sound of dripping rain, and it was also buried in Tao Tao's heart.

The two walked together in the rain, and the rain fell on the ground, stirring up layers of fog, and even the scenery in front of them couldn't be seen clearly.

But in this haze, she tightly grasped the man's hand.

All of a sudden, it was as if he had the whole world.

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