pick a peach essence

Chapter 60 Doubt

"You...don't talk nonsense."

Tao Tao no longer knew how to face the world.

Just today, she heard something that shocked her so much.

She was bewildered.

Who should she trust?

Tao Tao sat on the chair without saying a word.

And Xiao Qiong seemed to have expected such a situation long ago.

At this time, he was leisurely leaning on the chair and drinking coffee.

But on Tao Tao's side, there was already a bloody storm in her heart.

All the things that happened between the two of them surged in Tao Tao's mind in an instant.

Her whole body is almost shaky in the memory.

She shouldn't doubt Jiang Jinchen, but...

Tao Tao wondered whether she should trust her intuition.

Because for so long, she has always believed that she and Jiang Jinchen have a kind of fate in the dark, pulling each other.

It is because of this feeling that they are full of tacit understanding with each other like two people who seem to have known each other for a long time.

but now……

Tao Tao suddenly wanted to know what happened to the three of them.

She had always wanted to hear Jiang Jinchen tell herself about this matter before, but after hearing Jiang Jinchen's words at that time, she decided to let it go.

However this time.


Tao Tao struggled for a long time, and finally raised her head as if making up her mind.

Xiao Qiong put down the coffee cup after hearing this, and looked at her leisurely.

"what happened?"

"You, can you tell me..."

Tao Tao took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

What came to mind was Jiang Jinchen's gentle face.

"Those things about the three of us before."


Xiao Qiong raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

He succeeded.

"it is good."

Xiao Qiong nodded and looked at the girl in front of her with a smile.

"I met you when I was 12 years old."

Xiao Qiong exhaled lightly, and began to recall the past.

"At that time, I met you and Jiang Jinchen for the first time. I don't know why, but you can know him, the young master of the Jiang family."

"Maybe it was accidental, but at that time I could see you chasing after him every day. But he didn't seem to like you very much. You ran far away every day to buy all kinds of delicious things to please him , but he drops it every time you leave."

Xiao Qiong looked at Tao Tao's gradually widening eyes and smiled.

Ran to a far away place... to buy food for Jiang Jinchen.

Tao Tao suddenly remembered that Jiang Jinchen told her that he had really traveled far to give him...

Tao Tao suddenly felt a pain in her heart.

"Later when you found out, you were very sad. You secretly hid in a corner and cried alone. That's when I met you."

"I saw that you were crying pitifully, so I ran over to accompany you and comfort you. Because I was alone at that time."

Xiao Qiong suddenly looked at Tao Tao with a very pitiful look.

"But you still didn't give up. At that time, Jiang Jinchen and I were studying in the best school in the city, so you started to come to our school every day to wait for him."

Xiao Qiong sighed.

"You know, every time I see your back following him, I feel so distressed."

Tao Tao opened her empty eyes, listening to these words in a daze.

"Later...he fell in love with a girl who was the monitor of their class. So from then on, there was that girl by his side."

"You were very sad when you found out. I advised you to give up at that time, but you didn't."

"You still follow behind him every day, but wherever you look, there is Jiang Jinchen's generous smile at that girl."

When Xiao Qiong said this, he shook his head lightly.

"Your mother soon found out about this, and she wanted to talk to you, but you still insisted that one day Jiang Jinchen would take a look at you."

"Your mother was helpless, so she decided to go to Jiang Jinchen. I was worried about your mother's safety, so I deliberately followed her."

Only then did Tao Tao realize that her mother never seemed to mention the memory of her disappearance.

Is the mother deliberately avoiding it?
"Do you know what Jiang Jinchen said?"

Xiao Qiong suddenly asked Tao Tao such a question at this time.

Tao Tao shook her head.

She... doesn't seem to want to know much.

But Xiao Qiong still said it.

"Oh, he actually said that everything is your daughter's self-indulgence and has nothing to do with us. He also told your mother to leave this city quickly and don't bother him any more. "

Tao Tao shook her head in disbelief when she heard it.

"No, it's impossible, you're lying to me!"

How could he say this?
Jiang Jinchen said to himself that she saved his life!

"He won't, he said I saved his life!"

Xiao Qiong couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing this sentence.

"Hehehe, saved his life? This is the most ridiculous thing."

"You did save his life, but..."

Xiao Qiong gave Tao Tao an enigmatic look.

"It's just that you saved the life of his most important person."

Tao Tao leaned on the sofa as if she was exhausted.

"That girl is his most important person. He told you this sentence himself, but you forgot?"

"No, it's impossible..."

Tao Tao kept shaking her head gently, and kept saying these words.

"At that time, the Jiang family was plotted against by others, Jiang Jinchen's father disappeared, and those people also sent killers to kill Jiang Jinchen."

"Sure enough, they found Jiang Jinchen, but that girl was with Jiang Jinchen at the time."

Xiao Qiong gave Tao Tao a sympathetic look.

"Do you want to guess what happened next?"

Xiao Qiong smiled and said the most ruthless sentence.

Tao Tao finally shed tears.

"The girl was willing to be a bait for Jiang Jinchen, and was captured by those villains. Jiang Jinchen was very excited at the time and wanted to save her, but you stopped her."

"I looked at you who kept begging him to give up, and felt so humble."

"I tried to pull you away, but you didn't listen to me at all."

Tao Tao fell into complete chaos.

"I still didn't watch you after that, you ran out secretly by yourself."

"You know you can't stop Jiang Jinchen, so you secretly followed him, trying to protect him at the critical moment."

Xiao Qiong suddenly sneered.

"It turned out that you did protect someone, but that person wasn't Jiang Jinchen."

"It's the girl."

Xiao Qiong looked at Tao Tao who was already in tears, and sighed imperceptibly.

He picked up the napkin on the table and gently lifted her to wipe the tears off her face.

But on the other side, he told her the so-called truth very cruelly.

"You ran to that barren mountain, and I followed you secretly."

"Jiang Jinchen saw those villains holding knives on the girl's neck, and he panicked all of a sudden. He rushed up without thinking."

"But you stopped him."

"You were very clear-headed at the time, and you thought of calling the police. But Jiang Jinchen, who was in a panic, didn't listen to you. That was the only time he yelled at you."

"I really hate you, what right do you have to stop me from saving my most important person?"

Tao Tao's crying voice gradually weakened, as if she had accepted the reality.

"Then he rushed out, but you, why are you so stupid?"

Xiao Qiong bowed her head at this point, seeming to be in pain.

"You actually rushed out too."

"Jiang Jinchen ran in front of the girl, trying to block that fatal knife for her. But you..."

"Yet you stood in front of Jiang Jinchen all of a sudden... You took the knife firmly."

The faith in Tao Tao's heart finally began to collapse.

"Everyone present was stunned. At this moment, the sound of police cars sounded around, and I called the police."

"Jiang Jinchen looked at the blood all over the ground, he immediately picked up the unconscious girl, and ran out without looking back."

"I saw that the corner of the white skirt that girl was wearing was stained with the color of your blood."

"I hugged you tightly and rushed out of the barren mountain."

Xiao Qiong gently rubbed Tao Tao's hair and sighed.

"Your mother was very angry when she found out, but she was so gentle that she didn't blame anyone."

"After you recovered, she took you out of the city."

"From then on, you disappeared from my world."

Tao Tao slowly turned her head and looked into Xiao Qiong's eyes.

"Where's the girl?"

"do not know."

Xiao Qiong shook his head.

"But...he seemed to have made a deal with Li Huan at that time, and I don't know the details."

"It's really amazing, he actually knew Li Huan at that time."


After hearing these two words, Tao Tao suddenly became more confused.

"Then what happened to my memory?"

Tao Tao asked the key point.

"This one……"

Xiao Qiong hesitated.

"Actually, I don't know very well. I only know that at that time the doctor was wondering why you suddenly lost your memory, and only part of it was lost, as if it was deliberately erased by someone..."

When Xiao Qiong said this, he stopped decisively.

He wanted to leave a little suspense for the story, so that it would be wonderful.

Xiao Qiong smiled, and glanced at Tao Tao who was trembling slightly.

The deal with Li Huan...

Who deliberately erased it...

These little fragments finally pieced together a complete territory.

Tao Tao once saw a glimmer of light in the darkness, but...

She was once again plunged into darkness.

"You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Tao Tao looked at Xiao Qiong in despair.


Xiao Qiong met Tao Tao's sight.

"it is good."

After hearing this, Tao Tao nodded mechanically, and saw the coffee on the table that she didn't drink at all.

It has completely cooled down.

Trembling, she picked up the cup and took a sip.

What a pain.

Tao Tao finally put down her coffee, turned around and left without looking back.

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